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Chapter 633 The Power of Special Bullets

Marquis Oleg Ivanov looked puzzled.

"The cannonball is leaking air? How can there still be gas in the cannonball?"

Whether it is the black gunpowder widely used in Europe or the yellow gunpowder developed by the Great China Empire.

The gunpowder in cannonballs are all small particles.

The cannonball was filled with gas, something Marquis Oleg Ivanov had never seen before.

He didn't understand what the purpose of this kind of non-exploding cannonball was?

The artillery shells he encountered now were solid artillery shells and blooming shells.

This kind of shell will not explode and is obviously not a shell.

This cannonball looks nothing like a cannonball, more like a shrunken iron barrel.

It is simply impossible to expect this shell to kill people.

While Marquis Oleg Ivanov was thinking, the yellow-green gas around him became thicker and thicker.

He realized that this was not a good thing and immediately ran away.

As he fled into the city, he saw several airships from the Great China Empire in the sky.

They seemed to be hoisting huge steel bottles to the sky above the Ural Fortress. These airships dropped huge steel bottles into the interior of the fortress.

After the cylinder landed, it leaked a large amount of yellow-green gas just like the cannonball.

But the gas concentration in the cylinder is higher and the reserves are larger.

Not far from where Marquis Oleg Ivanov was, there was a cylinder leaking yellow-green gas.

A massive amount of yellow-green gas immediately spread around.

He smelled a very pungent smell, and soon felt a burning pain in his throat and eyes, as if they were being burned by fire.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov began to cough violently, and his eyes continued to shed a lot of tears.

He whined and screamed because of the severe burning pain.

His nose and throat hurt so much that he wanted to speak, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence and could only make intermittent roars.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov soon felt pain and swelling in his throat. He rubbed his throat with his hands, but it had no effect at all.

He soon collapsed on the ground weakly, his eyes unable to see clearly due to the burning pain.

Because he couldn't breathe, his face turned red and soon turned purple.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov's body gradually lost consciousness.

With his last bit of vision, he saw yellow-green gas spreading in the fortress.

Count Corbin Rodevsky was standing on the city wall, looking at the heavy artillery above the fortress, constantly attacking the artillery regiment of the Dahua army.

"The Dahua army is so stupid, your artillery is really advanced.

But our fortress is stronger.

I would rather suffer some losses today than destroy most of your artillery."

He felt that the reaction of the Dahua army was strange.

The artillery of the Dahua Army usually concentrates its firepower on the fort's forts, mainly to destroy their artillery.

This time the artillery attack of the Dahua Army was mainly concentrated inside the city.

Count Corbin Rodevsky didn't care at all about some of the losses in the city.

Many people died in the fortress, but as long as the fortress was not lost, he would not bear responsibility.

Count Korbin Rodevsky saw this war clearly.

The biggest threat to the fortress is the artillery of the Dahua army.

As long as we find a way to destroy the artillery of the Dahua army.

He can survive the most dangerous situation in his life.

With the Ural Fortress in the hands of the Russian army, the empire can ensure that the Ural Mountains are not lost, and the empire's security is guaranteed.

Count Corbin Rodevsky has done a great job.

Not only did he have no faults, he actually made meritorious deeds.

He is wiping the failure of Oleg Ivanov and others.

Count Corbin Rodevsky looked at the artillery on top of the city with wisdom and kept attacking the artillery of the Chinese army.

He was thinking about how to report the war to the Tsar.

The losses in this war were quite high, and they had to be beautified to highlight his abilities.

Count Corbin Rodevsky suddenly heard a pitiful call from behind him.

This sound was like the indistinct sound made after someone drank boiling water and burned their throat.

Count Corbin Rodevsky looked back, and he almost couldn't recognize his confidant Ossig.

He carefully observed Osig's image, which was very different from what he saw some time ago.

If you can't tell the general appearance from the clothes and outline.

He couldn't believe that this person was Osig himself.

Ohigg's eyes were red now, and he shed tears involuntarily.

My originally big nose became even bigger.

The lips are a little purple and there are large and small blisters on them.

While he was speaking, he kept panting with his mouth wide open, and his face was still purple, as if he was suffocated.

When Count Korbin Rodevsky saw Ossig like this, he knew that something major had happened in the city.

At this moment, the artillery of the Dahua Army fired a second wave of artillery shells.

A large number of artillery shells still fell in the fortress, but some fell on the Russian position at the top of the city.

Ossig saw the falling shells releasing yellow-green gas.

His expression immediately changed, and he stepped forward, dragging Corbin Rodevski, and quickly ran towards the city.

He originally thought it was safe on top of the city, but now it seemed that it was even more dangerous.

"My lord, this cannonball can release poisonous gas.

As long as you inhale a small amount of poisonous gas, you will suffocate and die quickly."

When Count Korbin Rodevsky heard that it was poison gas, he immediately shouted: "Everyone, tear off your clothes quickly, put water on your mouth and nose, and if there is no water, put urine on it."

After he finished speaking, he immediately tore off his clothes and took out the water bottle he brought with him to wet the clothes.

Count Corbin Rodevsky covered his mouth and nose with wet clothes and quickly came to the upwind port of the city wall.

The people around him reacted quickly and immediately followed the count's instructions. About three hundred people gathered around him.

A strong smell of urine spread among the crowd.

Count Corbin Rodevsky encountered a fire, and he used this method to escape from the fire.

He only hoped that the water could block part of the poisonous gas. This was his only way.

Count Corbin Rodevsky and others stood upwind, and only a small part of the yellow-green gas floated near them.

He suddenly felt a burning pain in his nose and throat, and a burning pain in his eyes.

There was very little poisonous gas around them, but their bodies were extremely painful.

Count Corbin Rodevsky couldn't even imagine what it would be like for these people to be in a place with a strong poison gas.

He soon saw someone banging his head against the wall in pain.

Some people pinched their necks repeatedly because of suffocation, even scratching their necks, but they still couldn't breathe.

"Devil, this is the devil's method."

"Everyone, run quickly. You must not come into contact with those yellow-green poisonous gases."

"I can't breathe!"

Count Corbin Rodevsky saw that most of the soldiers had lost the ability to fight.

He shouted in horror: "It's over, everything is over."


When Commander Ma Xianglin fired special bombs from the artillery regiment, he came to the camp of the assault regiment.

The soldiers of the assault regiment were dressed very strangely to me.

They donned no gaps at all, complete with rubber clothes and pants, and wore gas masks and protective glasses on their faces.

This set of anti-virus preparations is to prevent special bombs.

Special bombs contain highly concentrated chlorine gas.

This highly toxic substance, even if it is fired for a period of time, may cause harm to soldiers after spreading, so protection must be taken.

Commander Ma Xianglin shouted at the assault group: "As for the special ammunition situation, the experts from the weapons institute have already explained it clearly to you, so I won't go into details again.

Your mission this time is very important. You have to clear out the resisting Russian troops in the Ural Fortress.

At the same time, clean up the environment inside the Ural Fortress to ensure that the poisonous gas in the Ural Fortress dissipates and normal soldiers can enter."

The commander of the assault regiment, Shi Maiyong, said loudly: "Commander, please rest assured that our assault regiment will be able to complete this arduous task if it takes over it."

Commander Ma Xianglin waved his hand and issued the order: "The assault regiment sets off."

Commander Maiyong of the division led the soldiers of the assault group, who carried the necessary weapons and tools, to launch an attack on the Ural Fortress.

Commander Ma Xianglin watched the assault group leave. From now on, he will closely follow the assault group's movements.

Chief of Staff Su Cheng just came from the direction of the artillery regiment position.

He saw the assault regiment leaving its position and launching an attack on the Ural Fortress.

He looked at Commander Ma Xianglin and said in shock: "The special bombs are so powerful. We can't take down this solid fortress in two months using conventional methods.

After using special forces, the fortress can be taken down in one day depending on the situation.

The Russian troops in the fortress now have lost the ability to resist.

The artillery of the Russian army, which was very active before, is now all inactive."

Commander Ma Xianglin was happy, but at the same time he felt scared.

This powerful weapon is in the hands of the empire.

If he were controlled by other enemies, Ma Xianglin could not even imagine how miserable their 19th Army would be.

Commander Ma Xianglin lamented: “The emergence of special ammunition is like an army of firearms attacking an army of cold weapons.

This is the crushing force of the times, and the weak side is completely unable to resist it.

The Russian army doesn’t even know what chlorine is? How can it be effectively protected?

Chlorine gas is so toxic that even if it cannot kill the Russian troops in the fortress, it will quickly disintegrate the Russian troops' will to fight.

Even among the elite warriors, they don't have much fighting power when they are suffocated."

While the two of them were chatting, Shi Maiyong led the assault group and had already arrived at the gates of the Ural Fortress.

Commander Maiyong of the division saw the Russian fortress without any response.

He felt a little happy, but also a little afraid of the special bombs.

He shouted loudly: "Everyone please check the equipment for me, and you must not open the sealed protective clothing because it affects breathing.

This is about your lives, there must be no omissions."

Commander Shi Maiyong began to command the assault group and set up ladders to prepare to climb the city wall.

Near the city wall, there are special-purpose cannonballs that are releasing chlorine gas.

He also directed the soldiers to dilute the chlorine gas with water.

Chlorine gas reacts with water to form hydrochloric acid, which is then diluted with water.

This chlorine will turn into corrosive dilute hydrochloric acid, but it will no longer evaporate through the air and cause damage to the human respiratory tract.

A large number of soldiers from the Assault Regiment, their main task is to climb the ladder and capture the fortress in front of them.

Commander Shi Maiyong felt very relaxed. This was the safest siege battle he felt.

The Russian army did not resist at all. They climbed all the way up the ladder and came directly to the fortress wall.

Shi Maiyong saw the tragic scene on the city wall through glass protective glasses.

A large number of Russian soldiers were directly poisoned to death by chlorine gas.

There were also some Russian soldiers who did not die immediately because of their higher physical fitness.

But the fate of these people was even more miserable. They endured the feeling of suffocation all the time and their respiratory tracts were burned.

These people all fell to the ground, completely losing their ability to fight.

Commander Shi Maiyong sent someone to open the gate of the Ural Fortress.

The soldiers of the 19th Army lingered at the door but did not dare to enter.

They waited for the assault group to clean up the remaining chlorine gas in the city.

It took the 19th Army less than a day to capture the Ural Fortress.

The assault regiment took five days to clean up the remaining poisonous gas in the Ural Fortress.

Commander Ma Xianglin waited until the poisonous gas in the fortress had basically dissipated.

Only then did he lead his troops into the Ural Fortress, an important military town where the Russian army guarded the Ural Pass.

He walked into the fortress and stretched out his arms as if embracing the world.

"The Empire has captured the Ural Mountains, and the Empire's cavalry can step into the Eastern European plains at any time. Europe is no longer safe to defend."

Seeing Commander Ma Xianglin's performance, Chief of Staff Su Cheng said with a smile: "His Majesty the Emperor has sent a commendation order to all our 19th Army.

It is normal for Commander Ma to be so happy.

But let’s not celebrate in a hurry. The most important strategic area in the Ural Mountains has been captured.

The entire Ural Mountains will be within the grasp of our 19th Army.

Due to logistical and other reasons, our 19th Army is no longer able to advance westward, so we must completely capture the Ural Mountains and completely control this area.

Our army controls the Ural Mountains, and the vast area east of the Ural Mountains is all empire territory."

Commander Ma Xianglin said with a smile: "Now is indeed not the time to celebrate."

He looked at the situation inside the Ural Fortress and couldn't see anything now.

This place has been cleared by the assault group and the soldiers who entered later.

The tragic scene of the Ural Fortress being attacked by special bombs still echoes in Ma Xianglin's mind.

Of the more than 36,000 Russian troops, more than 14,000 have died in the past five days due to attacks by special forces.

The remaining more than 20,000 Russian soldiers were all Russian soldiers who had not inhaled much chlorine gas and were in relatively mild condition.

The condition of these Russian troops was also very miserable. Most of them had their respiratory tracts and eyes burned.

These Russian prisoners are now being treated by military doctors.

According to the order of the Metropolitan Governor, military doctors should use this opportunity to explore the pathogenesis and treatment methods of chlorine gas.

The injured Russian soldiers are precious experimental subjects.

Commander Ma Xianglin also heard that most of the special bombs were chlorine gas, but some more powerful poisonous gases were mixed in to increase the power of the special bombs.

The ability of special bombs to directly destroy a military fortress not only shocked the 19th Army.

When the battle report was handed over, all the generals of the Great China Empire were shocked by the power of the special bombs.

Some generals believed that special bullets could harm Tianhe, but this voice was quickly suppressed by other voices.

The 19th Army entered the Ural Fortress, took over the city defense weapons left by the Russian army, and left more than half of the artillery regiment's artillery in the fortress.

The fortress that had just passed through the war immediately became more stable.

Commander Ma Xianglin ordered the remaining troops of the 19th Army to begin attacking the remaining Russian troops along the Ural Mountains.

The 19th Army must completely capture the strategic location in the Ural Mountains before winter begins.

(End of chapter)

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