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Chapter 635

In Moscow in August, there was no warmth at all, and there was a chilling feeling in the air.

The vendors all stayed at home because they felt that the officials patrolling the streets had become more vicious.

The Russian nobles were extremely well-informed and knew what was going on.

These nobles shuttled through the city of Moscow in carriages. They called friends and formed an alliance of interests to prepare to survive this disaster.

In a secret box, two nobles with sad faces were talking about the current situation in Moscow.

"Who would have thought that the front line would collapse to this extent.

An army of more than 300,000 people, that’s an army of more than 300,000 people.

In less than a year, they were all buried in the East by Oleg Ivanov, this old guy.

We must not let go of the Ivanov family, we must make everyone in the Ivanov family atone for their sins."

"The Ivanov family should indeed atone for their sins, and the trash in the army should also bear responsibility.

The empire has reached its most dangerous moment, and we must prepare in advance.

Six days ago, the remaining soldiers of the Ural Mountain Defense Line brought news that the Great China Empire had basically taken control of the Ural Mountain Defense Line.

The Ural Mountains, the dividing line between east and west, and the vast territory to the east of the Ural Mountains were all seized by the Chinese army.

The empire's expansion in the past hundred years was all lost in this battle.

When the Tsar heard the news, he immediately dispatched heavy troops to guard against the Chinese army in the Ural Mountains and launch an attack into the hinterland of the empire.

Another bad news came yesterday. The Great Chinese Army has appeared in the Ural River Basin in the southeast.

The local army could only blow up bridges and burn ships.

Use the river to resist the Dahua army.

The East Asia region that we recently occupied was also occupied by the Dahua army.

The most critical point is that as long as the river freezes in winter.

The Ural River defense line will be ineffective, and the Chinese army can directly invade the hinterland of the empire and even reach Moscow."

Another person thought about this situation and slammed his hand on the table angrily.

"This must not happen when the Mongol Empire came over.

We Slavs were almost exterminated and we must never let this happen again.

I heard that the Empire's attack on Dahua was instigated by England and France.

These two countries just don't like us and want to push us into a pit of fire."

“Times are tough, times are tough!

The Russian army suffered a disastrous defeat, and the empire will pay a heavier price. I wonder how the Tsar will deal with it?"

"The Tsar! The Tsar can't be counted on.

I heard that last month, the Tsar was seriously ill and took medicine passed down from Dahua, which managed to stop the rapid deterioration of his condition.

But the Tsar was no longer able to govern, and everything was left to Prince Alexei to handle.

The Tsar may not even know about the defeat on the front line."

"Be careful, this is not something we can say.

The situation in Moscow will inevitably undergo huge changes during this period, and we must stop with silence."

They all know that Russia advocates strongman rule.

Only a strong tsar can overwhelm all forces in Russia.

In Russian history, every time there was a disastrous defeat in a foreign war, someone would inevitably challenge the authority of the Tsar.

The chaos in Moscow has just begun.


In the Russian Imperial Palace, Alexei Mikhailovich, who was in charge of state affairs, was lingering in front of the door of his father's imperial chamber.

Since the founding of the Romanov dynasty, the biggest crisis has occurred.

Russia was at war with the Chinese Empire, and suffered a disastrous defeat on the front line.

The more than 300,000 Russian troops sent to the front line were basically wiped out by the Chinese Empire.

All the ruled areas east of the Ural Mountains and the Ural River were lost.

Russia operates these areas as its own territory.

The main reason why Russia expanded to the east was that the direction of expansion to other places had been blocked.

The benefits generated by Russia's expansion to the east can resolve Russia's internal conflicts.

Once Russia loses its ability to expand, the accumulated internal contradictions will cause this newly founded country to collapse.

Expanding to the east is in Russia's interest. Only when England and France come to seek help will Russia readily agree to their conditions.

Alexei Mikhailovich already had in mind the ability to improve the Great China Empire.

The Great China Empire, which can be feared by the two countries of England and France, will never be too weak.

He has already reached the limit of Russia's mobilizable troops and is ready to test the strength of the Great China Empire.

The ideal situation in Alexey Mikhailovich's mind is for the two countries to win or lose each other.

While Russia gained benefits from both England and France.

They can also test the depth of the Chinese Empire and decide whether Russia will continue to expand eastward in the future.

Alexey Mikhailovich really didn't expect that the Great China Empire would be stronger than expected.

The result of the war was obvious, Russia was defeated miserably.

Not only were the troops sent to the east completely annihilated, but all their previous areas of control were also seized by the Great China Empire.

Russia has suffered such huge losses, and someone must bear the responsibility.

Alexei Mikhailovich was the first to bear the brunt, and he was very worried that his throne would not be preserved.

As the first heir to the throne, he would not worry under normal circumstances.

But at this critical moment, he could not predict where the situation would continue to develop.

His father, Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, is now on his deathbed and may return to the embrace of God at any time.

Alexei Mikhailovich should not have disturbed his father's peace.

But now that something so important has happened in Russia, Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov, the tsar, must be informed.

As a prince, he could not handle the disastrous defeat of Russia, so the tsar could only bear the responsibility for this matter.

Alexey Mikhailovich made up his mind and opened the door.

The founder of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov, lies in bed.

Because he had difficulty eating, he was already as thin as a stick and his face was a little pale. Only his eyes were still sharp.

Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov's health was deteriorating, but he was not confused at all.

When he saw the look of Prince Alexei Mikhailovich, he knew that there were problems in Russia that the prince could not deal with.

He put his hands on the bed and tried to force himself to do it.

The accompanying palace doctor immediately supported the tsar and asked him to sit up slowly.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov looked at the prince and asked in a hoarse voice: "There are few things that you can't handle now. I guess something happened to the Eastward Army.

That guy Oleg Ivanov is not going well, you can remove him and replace him with other generals."

Alexey Mikhailovich looked at his father's state, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind and said:

"Father, the situation on the front line is much worse than you imagined.

Our army fought against the Chinese army in the East Asian battlefield and the Siberian battlefield.

Both battlefields suffered disastrous defeats.

The more than 300,000 Russian troops sent to the east were almost completely wiped out.

The Ural Mountain defense line has been completely lost, and our army and the Dahua Army are facing off at the Ural River defense line."

Alexei Mikhailovich briefly explained the current situation.

He admired his father very much, but he did not think that the situation had collapsed to such an extent that his father still had the strength to reverse the defeat.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov couldn't believe it when he heard that the Russian army on the front line was defeated.

He was able to agree to the requests of England and France because he had confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Russian army.

The worst-case scenario that he expected at that time was to lose some troops, and he didn't care at all.

The Chinese Han people he learned about only wanted to defend their core areas.

For the border areas, they were governed by restraints rather than direct rule.

The Chinese Han people do not pay much attention to the border territories.

If you encounter some threats, you may give up on your own initiative.

I didn't expect that the Dahua Empire was so powerful. Their practices were completely different from the Chinese Han people recorded in the book.

Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov miscalculated the Chinese Empire's response.

He also misjudged the strength of the Dahua Empire.

Who would have thought that the Dahua Empire was so powerful that they could easily annihilate the entire Russian army of similar numbers.

The Russian troops on the front line didn't even have a chance to escape.

Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov knew the situation was dangerous.

Whenever the Russian army suffered a disastrous defeat, the contemporary Tsar could not convince the public.

Many ministers and generals will support the new tsar to ascend to power.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov thought that the disastrous defeat of the Russian army on the front line would lead to a series of crises in Russia.

The Romanov dynasty he established is likely to collapse.

He, the founder of the country, will have stains on his body that cannot be washed away.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov's already seriously ill body could not accept this stimulation.

He felt pain like heart tearing.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov covered his heart and his face immediately turned purple.

The palace doctor immediately came to the rescue and gave the tsar precious medicines passed down from the Chinese Empire.

Treatment of Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov had no effect at all.

Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov's condition is getting worse and worse, and he has become as angry as silk.

He pointed at the prince Alexei Mikhailovich, his voice was low and hoarse, and he said intermittently: "You must remember that you cannot be soft internally, and externally, this war cannot continue.

We must do everything we can to preserve the Romanov dynasty. Our family is deeply bound to the Romanov dynasty."

Alexey Mikhailovich nodded with tears in his eyes and solemnly promised: "Father, I will definitely remember your instructions."

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov's hands gradually dropped, and soon he lost his breath.

The founder of the Romanov dynasty died of anger on his bed because the Russian army was defeated by the Great China Empire.

Alexei Mikhailovich is the first in line to the throne.

He must become the new tsar before all the forces react.

On special occasions, keep everything simple.

Alexei Mikhailovich immediately informed his closest ministers to hold a simple ceremony for the Tsar's coronation.

At the same time, in the name of the new tsar, he mobilized the troops under his control and immediately blockaded Moscow.

All Russian ministers must pay allegiance to the new tsar.

All Russian armies must obey the command of the new tsar.

People and forces that cannot do these two things are not worthy of continuing to exist in Russia.

At this time, the Tsar returned to the embrace of God, trusting the Tsar to take the throne immediately.

This incident shocked all forces in Moscow.

Many forces are working together to discuss the distribution of interests.

They have not yet reached an agreement on whether to force a palace or to mutiny.

The situation in Moscow has completely changed.

Alexei Mikhailovich became the new tsar very quickly.

The royalists, who had united around the tsar, immediately began to attack dissidents.

Alexey Mikhailovich also did not let the struggle get to his head.

He knew that Russia's biggest threat now was the Chinese army stationed in the Ural Mountains and the Ural River.

He immediately mobilized heavy troops and deployed defenses in these two directions layer by layer to try to block the attack of the Dahua army.

Russia's rule is relatively weak in the areas east of the Ural Mountains and the Ural River.

But here in Europe, their dominance is extremely strong.

Alexey Mikhailovich listened to the military's opinions.

If the Dahua army really attacks, they can trade space for time.

Even if the army is slightly weaker, it will use the people as its eyes and ears and continue to attack the logistics supply line of the Dahua army.

This will also slow down the attack speed of the Dahua Empire.

At that time, Russia used the slogan "The Yellow Peril is coming again" and called on all European countries to send troops to help Russia resist the attack of the Chinese Empire.

Alexey Mikhailovich learned that the Russian army was even in the most unfavorable circumstances.

They will never let the Chinese army march straight in and invade Moscow in a short time.

The security of the Romanov dynasty was guaranteed, and he immediately dealt with the forces that he considered to be the worms of the Romanov dynasty.

Alexei Mikhailovich mobilized his troops and began to deal harsh blows to his former rivals.

On his first night as the new tsar, the city of Moscow ushered in a bloody massacre.

A large number of nobles were found guilty and troops were sent directly into their mansions.

Some Russian nobles tried their best to escape from Moscow.

They knew they could not fight against the tsar who already had power in Russia.

These people choose to flee to other countries, most of which are European countries.

But there is also a group of people who choose to flee to the occupied areas of the Great China Empire.

These people are few, but they bring about the most cherished situation in Russia.


Cai Gong Wu Jie was busy in the palace. When the Sino-Russian war was going on, he was relatively free.

The strategic direction has been set, how to fight the war?

That depends on how the frontline generals direct operations.

Cai Gong and Wu Jie would not interfere with the decisions of frontline generals until they suffered major failures.

Only at the beginning and end of the war would he be so busy.

The Sino-Russian War has come to an end, and the amount of military supplies shipped from the mainland to the northwest has dropped sharply.

It can be seen from this detail that the imperial court no longer wants to continue to expand the results of the war.

With just one bite, they had become fat.

If you continue to eat, it will cause indigestion.

When Cai Gong Wu Jie was busy, he saw his subordinate walking in with a telegram and a smile on his face.

After reading the telegram, he said happily: "The old man, the Russian Czar, is too fragile.

It's really satisfying to be pissed to death by our army.

His fate will serve as a warning to other countries.

If they dare to take the initiative to invade the Dahua Empire, the Dahua soldiers will never let them have an easy time."

Cai Gong Wu Jie ordered: "The battle report from the front line and this telegram should be sent to the capital immediately.

We share this joy with His Majesty the Emperor." (End of Chapter)

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