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Chapter 650

Wu Zhengxi still couldn't stand the nausea caused by the waves at sea.

He asked Zheng Sen, the captain of the Changbaishan warship who was inspecting, for advice.

"Brother Zheng, doesn't your military have a good way for people to adapt quickly and stop being seasick?

I heard that when the navy selects soldiers, those who are afraid of water are thrown into the sea and they learn to swim after just a few splashes."

Zheng Sen looked at Wu Zhengxi's fair face, which looked like an aristocratic gentleman, and it seemed that he had never endured hardship.

"There is no good way, but there is a stupid way. I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it."

Wu Zhengxi was exhausted from being tortured by seasickness. When he heard that there was a stupid method, he quickly asked what method it was.

Zheng Sen briefly introduced: "According to research from the Naval General Hospital, seasickness is mainly caused by the body being unsuitable for the bumps on the ship.

To reduce the person's jolting feeling, the stupid method we used was to tie him to the bed.

After our verification, it is best to wear eye masks, as the dizziness can be reduced a lot.

This method does not provide a very good experience.”

When Wu Zhengxi heard this method, he thanked Zheng Sen and returned to his room.

He felt very uncomfortable in his stomach and had an extremely strong feeling of vomiting.

He took the spittoon and vomited violently for a while, then immediately decided to adopt Zheng Sen's method.

If he continues to vomit like this, what will happen to his body after he logs in again?

When the time comes, his brothers will be the first to get there and compete for his father's favor.

He asked someone to use a belt to fasten him to the bed to reduce the shaking of his body.

Wu Zhengxi put on a blindfold and did not observe everything around him.

This method really works, and his bumps feel much more relaxed.

Wu Zhengxi then found that he was very bored, and immediately notified his guards and asked him to invite some eloquent soldiers to chat with him.

During his break, he learned about the customs and customs of many places.

He had a clear understanding of the situation in and around the Arabian Peninsula.

It may be that stupid methods work, or it may be that after several months of sailing, Wu Zhengxi's body has adapted to wandering at sea.

It is more likely that the fleet was about to arrive in the Arabian Peninsula, and Wu Zhengxi was in high spirits, offsetting his physical discomfort.

After his body returned to normal, he immediately went to find his father.

He saw his father discussing things with Uncle Zhang. They frowned and kept drawing circles on the map.

Wu Zhengxi glanced at the map out of the corner of his eye. This was the map of the Arabian Peninsula. The circled areas were all the coastline.

He stepped forward and said hello: "Dad, Uncle Zhang, what are you discussing.

Is it about immigration?

During this time, I learned that immigrants here in India firmly believe in the caste system.

They are an extremely dominant species. As long as they pay a small price and win over a small number of high-caste natives, they can manage a large number of low-caste people.

During the Yuan Dynasty, because the northern Han people were under the rule of the Liao and Jin aliens for hundreds of years, they did not have strong resistance to the alien rule.

The Han people in the south have always been under the rule of the Song Dynasty and extremely resisted the rule of foreigners.

The Mongols of the Yuan Dynasty gave privileges to Confucian scholars in the north and suppressed Confucian scholars in the south.

This is also one of the reasons why the uprising in the late Yuan Dynasty was so powerful in the south.

After Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang drove away the Mongols, Confucian scholars in the north called themselves Yuan Confucian scholars and did not recognize the legitimacy of the Ming Dynasty.

The struggle between the North and the South at the founding of the Ming Dynasty was actually the struggle between Yuan Confucianism and Ming Confucianism.

We just need to grasp the right to share the cake and let all domestic forces compete for the cake.

They are like monkeys who cannot escape from the hands of Tathagata Buddha, and they are obediently controlled by us."

King Wu Jie of Cai was extremely satisfied when he heard his eldest son Wu Zhengxi talking freely.

It doesn't matter whether what the eldest son says is right or wrong. As long as he can speak, dares to speak and is open-minded to learn, he can train his eldest son to become a talent.

King Wu Jie of Cai originally thought that his eldest son was being raised as a playboy by his wife, and he rarely communicated with his eldest son along the way.

Now it seems that Wu Jie's son is also quite outstanding.

"Brother Daoyuan, how is my dog ​​doing?

I wanted to ask you to be his teacher before, but I never had the nerve to ask, for fear that he would be a piece of rotten wood that no one could carve out.

Today I see that the dog's abilities are not as good as those in heaven, but they are not rotten wood either.

That’s why he had the nerve to let Brother Daoyuan teach him.”

King Cai Wu Jie valued Zhang Daoyuan very much. He was a great talent and he was also a direct descendant of the Taoist sect.

If the Great China Empire wants to serve as an official, it is only allowed to believe in the Chinese ancestors and no other beliefs are allowed.

Zhang Daoyuan did not want to give up his Taoist beliefs and never became an official, but he also had a great reputation among the people.

King Wu Jie of Cai promised that Taoism would become the state religion of Cai State, so he asked Zhang Daoyuan to serve as an official to assist him.

This is also related to the fact that he was crowned king too late. King Zhang Yuliang of Fujian and others went overseas to found a country. At that time, they were still able to poach the imperial civil servants.

With the improvement of the various systems of the Dahua Empire, it has become impossible for King Cai Wu Jie to poach the corners of the Dahua Empire.

He could only choose talents with good reputation among the people. After screening and inspection, he decided to choose Zhang Daoyuan.

Wu Jie, the king of Cai, was even willing to sell his official position and get a title. In order to support the founding of the country, he was willing to do anything.

Just by accepting the Taoist sect, you can get a lot of assistance from the Taoist sect. This is a very worthwhile thing to do.

He asked his son to worship under Zhang Daoyuan's sect, which was also deepening the relationship between them and stabilizing Dao sect's heart.

Zhang Daoyuan also understood what Cai Wang Wu Jie meant. As Wu Zhengxi's teacher, he was more suitable to show off his talents in Cai Guo.

He touched his beard and said: "His Royal Highness is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and the old Taoist admires him very much.

We are about to arrive in the Arabian Peninsula, and after the Cai Kingdom is officially established, the old Taoist will accept the prince as his disciple."

King Cai Wu Jie said happily: "I will give the dog son to Brother Daoyuan."

He looked at Wu Zhengxi who was standing aside blankly and ordered: "What are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you meet the teacher quickly?"

Wu Zhengxi bowed to Zhang Daoyuan and said, "Disciple Wu Zhengxi pays homage to the master."

After seeing the ceremony, he still asked curiously: "Dad, teacher, what are you discussing, please let me help you.

As the saying goes, after three days of separation between scholars, they should look at each other with admiration, and three stinkers will be as powerful as Zhuge Liang."

King Cai Wu Jie said simply: "Brother Daoyuan and I are discussing where to establish our country.

The Arabian Peninsula is surrounded by sea on three sides, and the side close to Persia is not considered because it is not on the mainstream route and cannot borrow the power of the imperial navy.

This side near the Red Sea is too close to Jin and Min.

The Red Sea is so wide that you don't even need a small sampan, you can just swim across it with a piece of wood.

We just arrived here, so we tried to keep a low profile and not conflict with Jin and Min.

Brother Dogen and I reached a consensus that we must choose a location close to the main route.

This can build up the power of the Imperial Navy. After building the port, it will be easier to import and export various materials.

The difference between me and Brother Dogen is where to land in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula.

None of us can convince the other, and our respective opinions are very reasonable."

Wu Zhengxi listened carefully to the opinions of his father and teacher.

His father hoped to log in from the east of the Arabian Peninsula.

This place has the largest indigenous tribe in the Arabian Peninsula.

After the imperial navy attacks, these indigenous tribes will definitely disperse like birds and beasts.

Landing in the east also helps keep a low profile.

Wait until Cai Guo becomes stronger before making his voice heard.

Zhang Daoyuan does have a different opinion. He thinks it is better to log in in the West.

There are better ports in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.

When Cai Guo founded the country, he had to rely on foreign trade to maintain domestic stability.

Establishing Cai Guo's core area at a good port will be more conducive to Cai Guo's development.

This is the core opinion of the two parties compiled by Wu Zhengxi himself.

Dad’s opinion is based on Cai Guo’s safety, and the teacher’s opinion is based on Cai Guo’s development.

This cannot directly explain who is right and who is wrong.

Security and development are extremely important to Cai Guodu.

Wu Zhengxi turned his eyes and said: "I can't judge which of these two options is better.

I have some ideas of my own, and I would like my dad and teacher to comment on them.

I think we must land near the Red Sea.

This place is a traffic artery for air routes.

Ships going back and forth, whether they are going around the Red Sea and the Suez Canal to Europe, or they are going to Europe through the Cape of Good Hope.

This place is a must-pass, and all ships taking this route cannot go around it.

This important location must be captured in our hands.

Otherwise, if the Jin State reacts and directly seizes this place, we will be very passive.

The Red Sea was really too narrow, and it was very easy for Fujian and Jin to occupy the Arabian Peninsula.

We must first set up boundary markers on the Red Sea.

The difficulty of dealing with the Min and Jin states is completely different from the difficulty of dealing with the indigenous tribes."

After hearing Wu Zhengxi's suggestion, King Cai Wu Jie burst into laughter.

"Brother Daoyuan, look, this is my Qilin'er.

Previously we only considered the factors of the Arabian Peninsula itself.

It is believed that under the auspices of the Great China Empire, the Fujian and Jin Kingdoms would not occupy the Arabian Peninsula.

We are still too naive to pin our national affairs on the kindness of our opponents.

Zhengxi is right, we must stop the possibility of Fujian and Jin reaching out to the Arabian Peninsula.

The Arabian Peninsula is full of desert, but it is also our territory and cannot be allowed to be interfered with by other forces."

After Cai Wang Wu Jie finalized the plan, he immediately found the fleet admiral Li Pinglang and asked the imperial navy to assist them in wiping out the indigenous forces entrenched near the port.

This was something specially ordered by Emperor Su He, and Li Pinglang happily agreed.

The fleet has sailed to the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, and they used telescopes to look at the scene of the Arabian Peninsula.

Zhang Daoyuan put down the telescope and said curiously: "According to rumors, the Arabian Peninsula is entirely a desert with only a few oases.

I saw lush vegetation on the shore, not the sky full of yellow sand he imagined."

He said with some surprise: "This is different from what I know. It does not mean that the entire Arabian Peninsula is a desert.

How come I still see tall trees? It’s so strange.”

During this time, Wu Zhengxi listened to the naval soldiers telling stories and learned a lot about things here.

He explained: "Teacher, a lot of the news we got before was spread among businessmen, and some of the news was too one-sided.

The Arabian Peninsula is indeed mostly covered by desert.

But places near the seaside are the only exception.

Our country’s seasides are all places with abundant rainfall, and I think the seaside here is no exception.

We experienced a lot of heavy rain along the way.

It rains very frequently at sea here, so it is difficult to form a desert near the ocean."

Zhang Daoyuan said in surprise: "This is really great. There is plenty of rainfall on the seaside, so we can grow food.

This will alleviate food pressure and eliminate the need to purchase all food from outside the country."

"This is really good news." King Cai Wu Jie came over and heard the two talking, and he interrupted.

"I have already discussed with Admiral Li Pinglang that the Imperial Navy will help us deal with enemies near the coastline.

I took a small boat to rendezvous with the army, and with the cooperation of the navy, directed the army to land.

You just stay on the warship and wait for the troops to land successfully before landing in a small boat."

After King Wu Jie of Cai finished speaking, he took a small boat to join the army.

Cai's army was very weak and could not compare with the Imperial Royal Army.

But they all have rifles in their hands and have undergone at least half a year of training. Their strength can be compared with the empire's new recruits.

King Wu Jie of Cai judged the strength of the army and found that there was no problem in fighting the wind and defending the city.

Wu Zhengxi watched his father go away, with a worried look on his face.

He heard at home that his father was constantly winning battles. At that time, he had no feelings at all and just enjoyed the joy of his father's success.

Now that he was on the battlefield in person, he had a different feeling.

King Cai and Wu Jie acted quickly. The cargo ship transporting soldiers immediately launched many small boats with mortars and machine guns mounted on them, preparing for a beach landing.

The indigenous people on the shore are also a relatively large indigenous tribe and have encountered enemies from the sea.

These native troops were arranged in a chaotic formation. They prepared oil-soaked bows and arrows and a large number of trebuchets, preparing to deal with the enemy coming from the sea.

When Wu Zhengxi saw his father preparing to land, he wondered why the Imperial Navy hadn't taken action yet.

When he wanted to go to Zheng Sen to ask about the situation, he saw the armored cruiser Changbaishan breaking away from the Imperial Navy's queue and approaching a simple small port on the Arabian Peninsula.

He widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "Is it possible that the Imperial Navy can suppress the enemy forces on the shore with just this one warship?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three huge cannon blasts immediately brought Wu Zhengxi back to his senses.

The cannonballs, with a huge whistling sound, fell into the chaotic formation of the natives.

The main gun of the armored cruiser weighs more than one hundred tons, and the shells are extremely powerful.

When the shell hit the ground, there was a crater with a diameter of twenty to thirty meters.

The enemy troops three to four hundred meters around are all within the effective killing range of the artillery shells.

After three shells, the native army suffered at least one third casualties.

Their morale completely collapsed and they were running around like headless flies.

King Cai Wu Jie commanded the army and took the opportunity to launch a landing to deal with the enemies on the beach.

He was very dissatisfied with the performance of the army ashore. This army was still too immature, but the enemy army had collapsed and there was no problem in fighting with the wind.

The soldiers were full of morale, roaring with their rifles, and rushed towards the chaotic enemy troops. They shot and killed the natives who dared to resist.

When Zheng Sen saw Wu Zhengxi's surprised look, he simply explained: "We are just acting as artillery.

It is difficult to have artillery support for landing operations, so I will help you.

The local indigenous people had never experienced artillery bombardment.

This time the effect was very good. After the shelling, the indigenous army immediately fell into chaos. In this state, the indigenous troops will definitely lose."

When Wu Zhengxi lamented the power of naval ships, he saw the flags on the shore.

His father has already taken care of the remaining soldiers on the shore, allowing non-combatants to come ashore one after another.

Wu Zhengxi couldn't wait to get ashore in a small boat.

He wants to go ashore as soon as possible and establish a strong country here. (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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