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Chapter 653 Liquid Gold Mine

The king of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, was so happy that he didn't even care to keep his appearance.

The opening of the Suez Canal can smoothly mobilize military power and resources from the north and south of Fujian, and can also introduce the Imperial Navy of Great China to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Suez Canal is also a huge gold mine, which can solve Fujian's current lack of financial resources.

Li Pinglang saw that the Fujian King Zhang Yuliang was losing his temper, but he understood that the value of the Suez Canal was too great.

Along the way, he kept observing the hydrological information of the Suez Canal.

Ironclad cruisers can pass through the Suez Canal smoothly. Now any ship of the Imperial Navy of China can reach Europe through the Suez Canal.

Even if it is an iron-clad battleship still under planning, the current depth of the Suez Canal may affect the propulsion of the propellers, but there is no problem at all in towing it with a tugboat.

This means that no matter now or in the future, there will be a shortcut for the Imperial Navy of Great China to travel to and from Europe.

The Third Fleet of the Imperial Navy of Great China is stationed on the Island of Ceylon. The distance to the Mediterranean Sea is about the same as the distance to the Bohai Sea.

In addition, steam-powered warships do not rely on wind direction and can sail very fast.

The Imperial Navy of China can take advantage of the opening of the Suez Canal to control the situation in the Mediterranean.

This is what the Great China Empire must do. Only European regions with more developed civilizations can digest a large number of industrial products.

The indigenous people in Africa have no ability to consume industrial products. The most purchased goods are grain and salt.

The European market is extremely important to the Chinese Empire, and the loss of the European market must not be tolerated.

This requires investing enough troops in the local area to ensure the strong deterrence of the Dahua Empire in the local area.

Li Pinglang led his troops here to explore the road with the help of the opening of the Suez Canal.

Prince Zhang Yuliang of Fujian turned to look at Li Pinglang and said: "Admiral Li, the Suez Canal is now open to navigation.

Precisely because of your arrival, our country is now confident and wants to take the initiative to attack Europe.

The main force used this time is the navy, which will not affect our war with the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The Commander-in-Chief Niu Xiuqing is fully responsible for this war, and Admiral Li can discuss the details of this battle with Niu Xiuqing."

Li Pinglang heard the gentle request from Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian.

He led troops to Fujian this time. If the Suez Canal is successfully opened to navigation, one of his tasks will be to help the Fujian navy fight.

Li Pinglang said politely: "Please rest assured, King Fujian, the glory of the Imperial Navy will never be lost in my hands.

The fleet only had a few supply ships carrying limited ammunition.

I will send a letter to the country immediately to inform the country of the situation of the Suez Canal, and at the same time, let the country transport a batch of ammunition to provide logistical support for subsequent operations."

After discussing with Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang, Li Pinglang.

Gu Zhonghuang returned to the Red Sea port, commanded the remaining warships to pass through the Suez Canal, and headed to Cairo Port to assemble.

He finished the report in concise language and sent a communication ship to the island of Ceylon to ask for help.

Once the Suez Canal is officially opened to navigation, the empire will definitely dispatch the Navy’s Third Fleet to extend its power deep into the Mediterranean Sea.

Reinforcements supported by the Empire will carry supply ships.

Li Pinglang did not tell this matter because he was afraid that the Fujian king Zhang Yuliang wanted to control the Mediterranean and refused the empire's assistance.

The Navy's Third Fleet sent troops through the Suez Canal to cook the rice.

The Min Kingdom was now surrounded by enemies on all sides, and they did not dare to intercept the Imperial Navy.

By the time the established facts were reached, the Imperial Navy had a foothold in the Mediterranean.

If Fujian wants to go back on its word, it will be impossible.

Li Pinglang finished writing the report in code and handed it to the captain of the communication ship, ordering him to return to the empire immediately to report the situation here.

After handling these trivial matters, Li Pinglang met with Niu Xiuqing, the governor of Fujian, to discuss the relevant situation of this battle.


Fujian Prime Minister Hu Qiwen has been waiting for news at the Red Sea Port.

He is not worried about the navigation situation of the Suez Canal, but he is also afraid of unexpected situations.

An official came to Hu Qiwen holding a telegram.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, Your Majesty sent a telegram that the Suez Canal is open to navigation smoothly and there are no problems.

The King agrees to officially open the Suez Canal to the outside world."

Hu Qiwen took the telegram and read all its contents.

He clenched his fists and said excitedly: "The Suez Canal has been officially opened. The next step is to see whether the Suez Canal can reach the height I expected."

Hu Qiwen had already anticipated whether the Suez Canal could be opened to normal navigation.

After the Suez Canal was built, they verified the navigation status of the Suez Canal more than once.

In the early preparations, all problems encountered in the navigation of the Suez Canal have been solved.

The only thing Hu Qiwen is worried about is whether the ships passing by can afford the fees to pass through the Suez Canal.

If those businessmen are unwilling to give up even a little profit.

They would rather take the dangerous and long route around the Cape of Good Hope than choose the Suez Canal.

If this happens, it will become a joke if Fujian spends a lot of resources to build the Suez Canal.

He, the prime minister who promoted the construction of the Suez Canal, must pay a price for it.

His fate has been tightly tied to the Suez Canal.

Hu Qiwen ordered that the military warships be allowed to pass through the Suez Canal and head to Cairo Port to prepare for war.

The war is about to break out. No matter how short of money the Fujian country is, it will still make way for the war.

But Hu Qiwen also ordered the Suez Canal to officially collect tolls from the outside world.


Wang Sen led the Yang family fleet to dock at the Red Sea port. With his status, he no longer had to personally lead people to trade in Europe.

Through these years of trading, the shopkeeper of Yang's firm has become proficient in all the problems encountered on this route.

But today is different from the past. As a businessman who purchased a large number of Suez Canal bonds, he has priority in the Suez Canal.

This authority only allows him to be present in person to register the relevant ship number.

He also wanted to witness the birth of this canal in person.

The emergence of the Suez Canal will promote more prosperous trade between the East and the West.

Before the opening of the Suez Canal, it would have taken them more than half a year to travel to Europe. If the round-trip time was included, they could only make two trips in three years.

After the opening of the Suez Canal, the distance was greatly shortened, especially when it opened the route to France, allowing direct trade in the Mediterranean.

If you go once a year, you will have time left.

Taking into account the cost savings and benefits, the emergence of the Suez Canal can double their benefits.

While Wang Sen was waiting, he saw the ironclad ship entering the port.

He was surprised at first, the Fujian Kingdom was developing so fast, and it seemed that the navy's strength had surpassed that of the Imperial Navy.

He took a closer look and discovered that the armored ship belonged to the Imperial Navy of Great China.

Wang Sen was relieved after seeing this situation. The Imperial Navy had such powerful warships, which was in line with his knowledge.

When he saw the arrival of the Imperial Navy warship, he immediately thought of the reason why the Suez Canal had not been opened for a long time.

Wang Sen smiled and told others that the Suez Canal would be open to navigation within three or two days.

His prediction was so accurate that the King of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, personally came to experience the opening of the Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal was officially opened to navigation. They thought they would be able to pass through the Suez Canal soon and experience the feeling of quickly reaching Europe.

Wang Sen discovered that the Suez Canal had been opened, but they could not pass through it.

They, the merchants, have to make way for the warships.

As a businessman, Wang Sen can accept this condition.

But when he saw the surrounding businessmen ready to move, he immediately understood that these people wanted to be one step ahead of others and pass through the Suez Canal as soon as possible.

"It's useless for these short-sighted people to worry. I have the right of way."

The Fujian officials did not keep him waiting. They, the businessmen with priority, were all invited by the Fujian officials.

Wang Sen also saw many familiar people, including Ding Debao, Li Xingge and others.

When Ding Debao saw Wang Sen, he came over to say hello and whispered: "Brother Wang, did you know? The price of canal bonds has increased.

The canal bond of one thousand taels of silver coins has increased to one thousand five hundred taels."

When Wang Sen heard this increase, he opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief: "Impossible!

The face value of one thousand taels of silver coins, plus the annual interest of 5%, cannot possibly rise to one thousand five hundred taels of silver coins. This is too crazy."

Ding Debao also showed an expression of amazement and said: "I was shocked when I learned this information.

Fortunately, my family is not short of money, and my brother-in-law is the head of the Zheng Kingdom.

We only need to do ordinary monopoly business to make a lot of money.

I later learned that there was something fishy about the right of way in Fujian.

A bond limit of 10,000 silver coins can only grant priority to one ship.

No matter how busy the Suez Canal is, as long as the ship wants to pass through the Suez Canal, it can jump in the queue immediately.

If multiple people with the right of way jump in line, they will be sorted according to their status.

The most important point is that the right of way can reduce the toll by 10%.

There are not many tolls that are reduced or reduced, but for people like us on the sea, toll reductions are very important.

This means our costs are lower than others.”

When Wang Sen heard what Ding Debao said, he immediately understood that this was a means by the Fujian King Zhang Yuliang to win over people's hearts.

When Fujian issued bonds, except for wealthy businessmen, they could withstand failure and prevent Fujian from developing and growing.

Other businessmen were afraid to buy Suez Canal bonds.

After all, the country of Fujian may not even exist, and ordinary businessmen would not dare to take the risk.

Now is the time for them to reap the rewards. Priority of passage and fee reduction are the rewards for supporting Fujian in times of crisis.

Through this method, the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang conveyed to the outside world that his support for the country of Fujian would be rewarded generously.

This is the way to buy horse bones for a thousand gold.

The door of the Yamen opened quickly, and many businessmen filed in.

A fair-looking Fujian official was greeting them in the Yamen.

"You are all businessmen who supported Fujian during difficult times. Your Majesty is grateful for your contribution.

For every RMB 10,000 of bonds you purchase, you can designate a cargo ship with priority right of passage in the Suez Canal, and you will receive a 10% discount on tolls.

I am Guo Yuntu, director of the Suez Canal Municipal Shipping Department. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Wang Sen was most concerned about when the Suez Canal would be open to navigation, and he immediately asked this question.

Guo Yuntu smiled and replied: "The most important thing in the country is to sacrifice and fight.

Military vessels must be given priority to ensure passage.

Three days later, the Suez Canal was officially opened to the public.

You will be given priority and can pass through the Suez Canal as soon as possible."

Li Xingge then asked: "Mr. Guo, what are the toll standards for the Suez Canal."

When all the businessmen heard this question, they pricked up their ears and listened.

The issue of tolls is extremely critical, and every businessman will calculate the cost.

If the cost of passing the Suez Canal is more expensive than taking the Cape of Good Hope route, even if it saves time, few businessmen would choose to pass the Suez Canal.

Guo Yuntu smiled and replied: "We in Fujian only charge a small amount of tolls for the Suez Canal.

This is a toll, not a tariff.

In the past, tariffs were imposed on re-export trade to prevent large quantities of goods from impacting the domestic market.

Goods in the Suez Canal are completely isolated from our country's market, and we will no longer charge tariffs.

Tolls have different charging standards according to different ship types. Cargo ships and passenger ships are definitely not the same price.

But for cargo ships, we follow the ship's load capacity.

The tolls for a cargo ship of 3,000 tons are different from those of a cargo ship of 10,000 tons.

However, as long as the cargo ships hauling grain and the cargo ships hauling coal are of the same tonnage, the tolls we charge are basically the same.

A ten thousand-ton cargo ship costs about one thousand taels of silver coins."

When the merchants heard the toll, they were relieved.

Even if they use this toll to transport food, they can still make money.

Fujian's charging standards are not much at all for their high-value goods.

This charging standard also shows the attitude of Fujian. They will not fish in the lake.

Wang Sen, Ding Debao, Li Xingge and others looked at each other and they were all satisfied with the charging standard.

After learning the details of the Suez Canal, determining the priority ships, they returned to the ship and prepared to pass through the Suez Canal.

According to their status, everyone directed the fleet under their command and lined up in order on the Red Sea not far from the entrance of the Suez Canal.

Three days passed by in a flash, and Wang Sen discovered that more and more merchant ships were coming to the Red Sea.

After some simple inquiries, he learned that the news of the opening of the Suez Canal had spread rapidly.

All merchant ships that were previously planning to take the Cape of Good Hope route were turned around and diverted to the Suez Canal.

"Fortunately, I have the right of way, otherwise it would definitely affect the Chamber of Commerce's business."

The Yang family's fleet lined up and quickly sailed into the Suez Canal under Wang Sen's order.

Guo Yuntu respectfully reported to Hu Qiwen.

"Prime Minister, we have made a lot of money.

There are more than a thousand merchant ships lined up, even if each merchant ship charges 500 taels of silver coins.

This is also half a million taels of silver coins, which can charge tens of millions of taels of silver coins a month.

We only rely on the Suez Canal and there is no need to worry about the national treasury being unable to make ends meet."

Hu Qiwen said with a smile: "This is a fleet that has been accumulated for more than a month. Many merchant ships have not left in order to wait for the opening of the Suez Canal.

But the Suez Canal is indeed a mobile gold mine.

Since our country has the Suez Canal, we no longer have to worry about military expenditures.

You can purchase large-caliber artillery from the Dahua Empire to completely solve the problem of insufficient firepower encountered on the front line."

Guo Yuntu asked worriedly: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, the war is about to begin. Would it be too cruel to let these businessmen leave? They may become hostages."

Prime Minister Hu Qiwen sneered: "Only normal trade will prevent European countries from worrying that we will launch a war by surprise.

As for these businessmen, they are smart and nothing will happen to them.

The king will not give up our country's strategic planning for those greedy businessmen, they are just a negligible price."

Prime Minister Hu Qiwen doesn't care at all what happens to these people.

No one in Fujian would give up the upcoming war out of pity for these businessmen. (End of Chapter)

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