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Chapter 705 Knocking on the door of the country

The battleship Tarzan led the fleet to leave France and continue southward.

Admiral Zhan Tie and Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan, after experiencing in three countries, they are more confident.

In particular, France's compromise brought a much higher sense of achievement than the Dutch compromise.

Wei Yuansheng saw that the fleet's senior officials were complacent. During the meeting, he said bluntly: "

We still have many countries that we have not visited, but there are some small countries that there is no need to visit.

For example, the German region is now divided into dozens of small countries. The land area of ​​some countries is not as large as a county.

These small countries have unique survival wisdom, and they act completely based on the faces of the big countries.

As long as we deal with several major European countries, even if they do not sign corresponding agreements, these small countries will abide by the contents of the agreements.

Their survival wisdom is that they dare not offend any force.

The only countries that still need to be dealt with next are Spain, which has a deep gap with us, and the Holy Roman Empire, which has declined.

Portugal has not become independent from Spain. It is now just a relatively independent local vassal town without the ability to sign treaties.

The full name of Spain is the Spanish Habsburg Kingdom, and the Holy Roman Empire is also called the Habsburg Dynasty.

As the names suggest, the rulers of these two countries are members of the Habsburg family.

The rule of the Habsburg family was already shaky.

The Thirty Years' War in Europe evolved from the war between the Holy Roman Empire and local princes.

This shows that the Habsburg family is no longer able to rule the Holy Roman Empire.

The empire captured Gibraltar, and Spanish local nobles began to question the capabilities of the royal family.

This phenomenon shows that the Habsburg family can no longer give in.

The strength of the Habsburg family is questioned, and they will encounter opposition from the local nobles."

After Su Shu listened to Mr. Wei Yuansheng's words, the first thing he thought of was that the rule of the Habsburg family was extremely fragile.

As long as a large number of local nobles oppose it, the Habsburg family will collapse.

This method of governance was too fragile. He had also learned before that the Habsburg family maintained its rule through marriages with local powerful factions.

Admiral Zhan Tie slapped the table and said angrily: "We are not civil servants who only know how to talk."

He pointed to the huge-caliber naval gun outside the window and said: "The naval gun on the battleship Taishan is not a decoration.

The Spanish Habsburg Kingdom knows its interests, so I will give him face.

The mission of the fleet coming to Europe this time is to carry out deterrence.

This kind of formality of deterrence is just a false threat, and European countries will not remember it long at all.

Only when local conflicts occur and the true power of the battleship Taishan is demonstrated, European countries will know that the Great China Empire is not something to be trifled with."

As the main war faction, Admiral Zhan Tie hopes that in a region with fierce conflicts such as Europe, there will be at least a local war to demonstrate the power of the battleship Taishan.

The navy must next build battleships on a large scale.

The cost of building battleships is high, and not only the civil servants and other forces will oppose it, but the Army will also oppose the Navy's large-scale shipbuilding due to the allocation of military expenditures.

The only way to defeat opposition is to have an ironclad record.

The battleship Tarzan fought a brilliant war, which was more effective than the navy producing dozens of newspaper headlines.

The other reasons used as supporting reasons for shipbuilding are still a bit far-fetched.

The battleship Taishan can help the navy win the war. This reason is impeccable.

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan also supported Admiral Zhan Tie's opinion.

He slapped his hand directly on the map of Spain on the desktop.

"Spain understands practical matters, and we will still sign an agreement with Spain in accordance with the agreement between the three countries.

Spain is ignorant of current affairs, so we will cede territory and pay compensation this time, so that it can have a long memory.

England, France, and the Netherlands have agreed to the agreement and they will stay out of this incident.

With Spain in decline, he proposed forming an alliance, which would only bring in the decadent Holy Roman Empire.

This will lead to the phenomenon of the Habsburg family uniting with its younger brothers to form the same alliance.

Once this happens, England and France will simply not be able to sit still.

Europe once again has a situation where two alliances are confronting each other, a situation that is more favorable to the Empire."

The fleet's senior leadership quickly reached an agreement and notified the fleet to begin preparations for war.

Li Pinglang, the captain of the battleship Taishan, was extremely excited when he got the news.

It has been more than a year since he boarded the battleship Tarzan.

The battleship Taishan has been training at sea, but training is always just training.

As a naval general with actual combat experience, he deeply understands that only actual combat can train the army.

No matter how hard you train, you can't show the tension and complexity of actual combat.

Only soldiers who have been tested in actual combat are qualified veterans in his eyes.

Captain Li Pinglang felt that Europe was his blessed place.

He was able to stand out among hundreds of naval generals and became the captain of the Great China Empire's first ironclad battleship.

This is why his outstanding performance in the Battle of Gibraltar made Su He, the Emperor of the Chinese Empire, remember his name.

The first real battle of the battleship Tarzan was still commanded by him here in Europe.

As the fleet gradually moves south, the distance between it and Spain continues to shrink, and the atmosphere on the deck becomes increasingly thicker, with the smell of an imminent war in ancient times.

Su Shu looked at the map of Europe and asked a question that he had never thought clearly about.

He could only ask Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan for advice.

"Chief of Staff Cao, I saw on the map that in addition to small countries like Switzerland, there is also a very powerful Russia in northern Europe.

Russia has a harsh climate and its ports are relatively remote.

But considering the situation of the battleship Tarzan, entering and exiting the Russian coast will not be a big problem."

When Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan heard this question from Su Shu, he thought for a long time and replied: "It is not appropriate for the navy to contact Russia."

Of course Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan knew that they were in contact with Russia. Even if Russia hated the Great China Empire in its heart, it would still welcome their arrival.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Russia has been seeking to sign a peace treaty with the Great China Empire.

The Royal Army of the Great China Empire has established a foothold in the Ural Mountains and along the Ural River. They continue to send small groups of troops to Russia for reconnaissance and harassment.

In the Imperial Royal Army's mouth, this is called special operations.

Russia is a country with a rigid command system and no telegraph to quickly communicate to local areas.

They are confident that they can defend against large armies, but they have no way to deal with small armies.

When a small group of elite troops encounter an enemy that is weaker than themselves, they choose to eat the enemy.

When a small group of elite troops were encircled and suppressed by a large army, they relied on their greater flexibility to break into pieces and escape from the encirclement.

Before the enemy really encircled us, we had already fled to a safe area.

When Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan saw this special method of warfare, he was very familiar with it.

As a staff officer, he needs to study armies around the world and their classic battles.

The core of the military of this European country is the retired knights.

They turned themselves into mercenaries and slowly formed a full-time army.

This kind of army, which was born out of born knights, is best at fighting with small drums, but they are not very familiar with fighting with large corps.

European countries dispatched tens of thousands of troops and constantly engaged in small-scale wars to divert the enemy's energy.

When they encounter a country with a bloated troop deployment system and poor individual combat capabilities, they will be completely crushed.

In the opinion of Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan, the empire's special warfare is an elite army composed of professional soldiers. They should refer to the situation of professional soldiers in the West.

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan has something difficult to say.

That is, Russia is already within the army's sphere of influence.

Everyone in the army regards Russia as a large military medal.

If their navy dares to contact Russia, it will stoke a huge hornet's nest.

When Su Shu saw Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan, his expression was very complicated.

He knew that the inside story of this matter was not simple and not suitable for public discussion.

"Chief of Staff Cao, we will discuss this matter later."

Su Shu nodded to express his understanding. He continued to walk to the deck and used a sextant to measure the fleet's position.

When he has time in private, he will learn more about it from Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan.


Admiral Zhan Tie said excitedly: "Mr. Wei Yuansheng is indeed a European expert, and what he predicted was indeed right.

The Habsburg Kingdom of Spain not only did not welcome us, they also sent warships to expel us.

These old sailing ships, even if the battleship Tarzan doesn't fire, they can be smashed into pieces by a direct collision."

The opportunity that Admiral Zhan Tie had been waiting for finally arrived.

The naval warships of the Spanish Habsburg Kingdom forced their fleet.

In order to ensure the safety of the fleet, he could only fire back.

As for Spanish warship artillery, its range is short and its power is relatively weak.

It was impossible to hit the battleship Taishan at all. Even if the shells could hit the battleship, they would not be able to leave a hole in the battleship Taishan.

This reason was directly ignored by Admiral Zhan Tie.

The main war faction of the fleet has compromised before and will not take the initiative to start a war here in Europe.

Now the Spanish warships took the initiative to show an attacking attitude, and the Dahua Empire warships passively counterattacked.

When this happens, the Lord Peace Party will not be able to persuade them anymore.

Captain Li Pinglang shouted: "Fire, hit me, hit me hard."

The main gun of the battleship Tarzan roared.

His target was not the Spanish Navy warships, which were sunk by the escorting cruisers the moment he ordered the attack.

The targets of the Taishan battleship's main guns are the port and important facilities such as the shipyard in the port.

The battleship's main gun with a huge caliber directly smashed the cement-made coastal defense gun fortress into pieces with one shot.

In the huge shipyard in the Spanish port, the battleship Tarzan fired its main gun, sawdust flew everywhere, and the shipyard burst into flames.

The port was soon obscured by smoke and smoke from burning wooden buildings.

The sound of cannons soon stopped, and the smoke in the port dissipated.

The situation in the port is unfolding before everyone's eyes.

After Su Shu saw it, he took a deep breath.

After experiencing the destruction of artillery fire by the battleship Taishan, the port has been reduced to a ruins.

There was not even a complete building to be found in the huge military port before.

Admiral Zhan Tie commanded the fleet and continued to the next target.

The tragic situation in the Spanish port was quickly learned by spies from various European countries, and the news spread to Europe at an extremely fast speed.

The battleship Tarzan opened fire again and destroyed another Spanish military port. Only then did Spanish representatives belatedly arrive and find the Imperial Royal Navy fleet to beg for peace.

Admiral Zhantie did not target densely populated civilian ports.

The main reason is that the value of civilian ports is low.

Once the civilian ports are destroyed, Spain will suffer too many casualties.

This caused Spain, which was already showing signs of falling apart, to become unified again because of hatred and powerful enemies.

The fleet only destroyed the naval port, which not only ensured the excellent deterrence effect, but also prevented this war from leading to the rebirth of the Kingdom of Spain.

More importantly, they must consider the reputation of the Great China Empire in Europe.

The Great China Empire spent so much effort just to sell its own country’s products to Europe.

Once the reputation collapses and is boycotted by most people in Europe, they cannot forcefully buy or sell.

Now the Imperial Royal Navy fleet has taught Spain a profound enough lesson.

The power of the battleship Taishan was also demonstrated through this local war.

Spain sent representatives, and the army also asked Wei Yuansheng to go out and take charge of negotiations.

The black muzzle of the battleship Tarzan was aimed at a complete military port in Spain.

Most of the personnel and warships here have fled.

However, the shipyard and various facilities in the military port cannot be escaped at all.

The battleship Tarzan threatened from the side, and the Spanish representatives worked extremely efficiently.

The two countries not only reached the same agreement as the previous three countries.

The Habsburg Kingdom of Spain bears primary responsibility for this war.

They wanted to compensate the Great China Empire for its military expenses of 5 million taels of silver and cede 100,000 square kilometers of land near the port of Gibraltar.

The Spanish Habsburg Kingdom ceded territory this time and paid compensation.

The Spanish representative looked at the ferocious appearance of the battleship Tarzan's artillery, and signed the treaty.

Admiral Zhan Tie signed the treaty happily.

With a wave of his hand, the warship left the Spanish port and headed south back to the port of Gibraltar.

Spain's compensation will be handed over to the Governor of Gibraltar, Niu Xiangshan.

Spain does not dare to go back on its word. The navy under Niu Xiangshan's command can make Spain restless.

When Su Shu left the Spanish port on the battleship Tarzan, he became somewhat silent.

He personally participated in this local war.

This war clearly told Su and Shu that this world is a world of the weak and the strong.

This world is not a reasonable world.

The truth can only be discussed between two countries of equal strength.

In countries with huge power disparities, reasoning will not work, but strength will.

The Royal Navy Fleet of the Great China Empire wants to use reason this time to knock on the door of Spain.

This event is extremely difficult and there is absolutely no hope of achieving it.

But the fleet chose to use cannon to knock on Spain's door.

This method is extremely efficient and the success rate is still 100%.

If a country falls behind, it will inevitably be beaten.

All countries tore off the mask of moderation and competed to share his interests.

Only the strong can dominate everything, and the weak have no chance to resist.

There is no tender friendship between countries, only clear interests.

If Su Shu becomes the emperor of the Great China Empire, he must ensure that the Great China Empire continues to be strong.

This will not lead to other countries knocking on the door of the Great China Empire one day.

He must not let anything happen that would bring shame to his ancestors.

This chapter has been completed!
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