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Chapter 707 What happened in Liao Kingdom

The battleship Tarzan sailed south along the African continent.

Su and Shu can often see slave traders from Europe transporting large numbers of black slaves across the Atlantic to the east coast of the United States.

Western countries developed the Americas entirely relying on a large number of black slaves.

This is the gap between the two civilizations of the East and the West.

The Han people can use their strong cultural foundation to assimilate the local indigenous people and obtain a large number of lower-class populations.

Westerners do not have the ability to assimilate, and the risk of using local indigenous people is extremely high, so they choose to obtain a large number of cheap people from Africa.

The main executor of this strategy is England.

Their colonies on the east coast of America developed extremely rapidly because they had a large number of black slaves, and the scale of the colonies expanded rapidly.

Spanish colonies in the Americas did not choose to transport large numbers of black slaves, and they did not have the ability to assimilate the local indigenous people.

They can only possess indigenous women and control this place by giving birth to mixed-race children.

This method is extremely slow. Even after a long period of operation, the scale of Spain's colonies in America will not be large.

If it were just a competition between England and Spain, with Spain's slow development speed, it would definitely not be able to compete with England.

Su Shu observed the situation on the west coast of Africa.

This area is very busy, with a large number of European forces active in this area.

The two biggest ones are England and France, the two major European countries.

English slave traders were active in this area, but England only had a few colonies on the west coast of Africa.

France is different, they obviously run this place as a colony.

After Su Shu made simple speculations, he analyzed the thoughts of the two countries.

The main purpose of the British was black slaves. They owned the Americas, which had more abundant products, and had no more energy to develop Africa.

Because France's navigation industry was underdeveloped, it went to America to open up colonies, but could not compete with other countries.

He could only settle for the next best thing and open up a large number of colonies on the west coast of Africa, not far from Europe.


Su Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked at the sea area and the merchant ships from Europe became orderly.

Every merchant ship behaves in a well-behaved manner, and no longer may it turn into a pirate at any time and plunder the treasures of other merchant ships.

Su Shu knew that when this situation occurred, there must be a powerful country nearby that established and maintained order, and everyone must abide by it.

He soon saw several clipper boats with paddle wheels patrolling the waters.

The clipper ship is equipped with cannons on its bow and stern.

On the mast of the clipper ship, an eye-catching flag of the Liao Kingdom fluttered.

The fleet has entered the waters of Liao Kingdom.

Su Shu was not very familiar with Li Qingmu, King of Liao.

But when he saw most of the admirals, they all looked at him with memories and admiration.

The Imperial Army of Great China was created by his father Su He and many famous imperial generals.

The Imperial Navy of Great China was almost created by Li Qingmu, King of Liao Dynasty.

Most of the naval generals of the Great China Empire, except for those like the Zheng family who defected halfway, were trained by the King of Liao, Li Qingmu.

Su Shu saw that Liao King Li Qingmu had left the navy for many years, but the navy officers still worshiped him.

He admired his father's actions very much.

The disciples of this famous founding general are all over the empire, and no one can clearly explain the hidden power.

They continue to stay in the empire and can be easily suppressed by relying on their father's ability.

How can these juniors suppress these veterans when they come to power?

When these people form a coalition of interests through marriage and other means, they will become a cancer for the country.

The father's method was simple and swift, allowing these powerful kings of the opposite sex to go overseas to establish their country.

When these people leave the empire, the power they leave behind will fall apart.

These people will also be happy and go overseas to build their country.

These people are all outstanding people, and they all understand that the treatment given by their father is unprecedented since ancient times.

If they don't drink the toast, they will drink wine as a penalty.

These outstanding people do not want to live under others for a long time. They have the opportunity to become superiors and leave a country to future generations.

No one wants to give up this opportunity.

Su Shu saw the clipper ship responsible for maintaining order not far from the sea ahead.

They saw a huge fleet of ironclad ships.

A clipper ship quickly broke away from the team. It lowered its suspended paddle wheel and its steam engine ran at full power, returning to the Liao Kingdom at an extremely fast speed.

The other clipper ships only hesitated for a moment, and they immediately approached the fleet.

After the two parties confirmed their identities, the Liao navy looked shocked.

They led the way on the sea ahead, leading the Imperial Royal Navy fleet to the port of Daliao City.

At the same time, a clipper ship was sent to Daliao City to report the news.

Su Shu observed the situation along the way.

This sea area is already controlled by the Liao Kingdom.

Merchant ships all sailed according to planned routes, and official ships appeared on the sea from time to time to inspect the passing merchant ships.

They should check whether these merchant ships have paid taxes.

From time to time there are large-scale fishing boats fishing nearby.

Su Shu saw a large fishing boat. Two boats were dragging a huge trawl net to catch fish.

The fishing industry in the Liao Kingdom must have been very developed, and the people had no shortage of fish.

The fleet soon approached the core area of ​​Liao Kingdom.

Su Shu observed that the cities of Liao Kingdom all had a clear position.

Some cities are specifically responsible for drying salt, and salt-drying ponds made of cement are built along the coast.

Large amounts of sea salt are piled on top of the salt pans.

Some cities are specifically responsible for agriculture, and are surrounded by a large amount of farmland.

Some cities were specifically responsible for industry, and the thick black smoke caused by boilers shrouded the entire city.

The Liao Kingdom gave people a sense of strict order, but this sense of deep order was completely different from that of the Cao Kingdom.

Cao Guo was very strict with everyone. The entire country was like a huge machine, and everyone was just a part.

The feeling of Liao Kingdom to Su and Shu was more like a big prison.

Everyone is doing their own thing in accordance with the order, and no one dares to step beyond the bounds.

Su Shu was a little confused about his feelings. This feeling was too strange.

But he knew that when he arrived in Liao, he could figure out everything with his eyes closed.


At the port of Daliao City, the capital of the Liao Kingdom, the Royal Navy Fleet of the Great China Empire arrived here and was warmly welcomed by the Liao Kingdom.

King Li Qingmu of Liao personally boarded the battleship Taishan to welcome the arrival of the Imperial Navy.

Su Shu had already changed into formal clothes in advance. After he was established, he presented a personal letter from his father Su He.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, took the letter and looked at Su Shu who looked familiar.

He was obviously lost in memories, and then said with emotion: "The little guys back then have grown up so much, and our generation is getting older, indeed."

Admiral Zhan Tie and Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan came over to pay their respects.

They were not direct subordinates of Liao Wang Li Qingmu, but they also admired Liao Wang Li Qingmu's contribution to the Imperial Royal Navy.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, accepted the courtesy from everyone. He gave a few words of encouragement and looked at the huge battleship Taishan.

He couldn't help but sigh: "When I was ordered to establish a navy, there were only a dozen small fishing boats.

When the Royal Navy of Great China was first established, there were only a few dilapidated ships captured from the Ming Dynasty navy.

I leave the Royal Navy of China in the hands of younger generations. It is already one of the strongest navies in the world.

The Royal Navy of Great China defeated established naval powers such as Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

I still remember when we attacked the Dutch navy entrenched in Penghu.

At that time, the whole navy was prepared to annihilate the entire army and defeated the enemy with a desperate mentality.

The current development speed of the Royal Navy of China is beyond my comprehension.

At that time, many people thought that Emperor Suhe's idea was a fantasy, but you have really realized it.

The year before last, I heard the news about the victory in the Battle of Gibraltar, and I was so proud of you. You really have great successors!

Now that I have seen a powerful armored ship like the battleship Tarzan, I feel that I have no regrets in this life."

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, held on to the railing and fell into memories as he spoke.

When he established the navy, who would have thought that a weak navy would develop into a world-beating one.

No matter how great the achievements of this navy, it was born in his own hands.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, has created a country and will surely go down in history.

He cares most about his posthumous reputation. Whether it is the Royal Navy of China or the Liao Dynasty, he will definitely be respected by future generations.

After Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, sighed, he led the guests from afar to visit Daliao City.

Su Shu was walking on the streets of Daliao City, and he immediately understood why he felt a little strange when he saw the towns of Liao Kingdom.

The people of Daliao City are divided into two distinct groups.

One type is Han Chinese who wear exquisite Hanfu and whose living habits are no different from those of Han people, except for the occasional dialect accent.

The other type wears coarse linen clothes, talks babblingly, and gestures with their fingers. There are only a few local dark-skinned indigenous people who can speak Chinese.

Between these two groups of people, except for those who obviously speak Chinese and look like small officials, they are responsible for communication.

There is absolutely no intersection between the two groups of people.

It seems that they are separated by artificial systems.

Su Shu whispered to the Liao officials in the team, what was going on?

When Liao Prime Minister Shen Boqun saw Su Shu's curiosity, he immediately approached Su Shu and briefly introduced: "Your Highness Su may not understand the situation in Africa.

Now the five African countries, Liao, Fujian, Zheng, Jin and Cai, all implement isolation policies."

Shen Boqun saw Su Shu's more curious eyes, and he simply explained: "We consulted ancient books and the actual situation, but had no choice but to formulate this policy.

During the Yuan Dynasty, some Semu people, that is, Westerners, settled in China.

After they have mixed with Han people for many generations, the differences between their mixed offspring and normal Han people are minimal.

This difference is similar to the difference between northerners and southerners due to geographical reasons.

Even Westerners with blond hair and blue eyes, as long as they identify with Chinese civilization, after several generations of development, we have the confidence to assimilate this group of people.

The local indigenous people in Africa are completely different. We looked through the Egyptian information obtained from Fujian.

In Egypt, the descendants of the Roman Empire, some of them intermarried with the local Africans.

Even after several generations of intermarriage, the black color of the skin will only become lighter, but it will not disappear.

The local indigenous people of Africa have distinctive characteristics.

These people's IQs are not high and they are lazy.

The offspring of mixed blood have lower IQs.

Based on the ancient books and the actual situation, intermarriage between Han Chinese and local Africans is prohibited.

Even if it is for the sake of family inheritance, such unworthy descendants will not be allowed to appear.

Anyone who dares to do anything outrageous will be immediately expelled from the family tree."

Shen Boqun pointed to the side of the avenue, not knowing how to avoid the team and acting like a dull mixed race.

His dark skin, thick lips, and only his eyes are somewhat different from those of the local aborigines.

"Your Highness Su, do you regard this child as one of your own?"

Shen Boqun saw Su Shu hesitate for a moment and shook his head firmly.

He said with emotion: "We worked hard and took a large group of people to build our country overseas just to expand the sphere of influence of the Chinese nation and create more places for future generations to survive.

We don’t want the people of the empire to point at us and yell at us as barbarians in a few decades.”

After Shen Boqun finished speaking, he briefly introduced the Liao Kingdom's rule over the local indigenous people to Su Shu.

The Liao Kingdom did not treat these indigenous people as slaves, but just as inferior people.

The method of governance is similar to the chieftains in remote areas of the previous dynasty.

These indigenous people are ruled by tribal chiefs, and they only need to manage the chiefs of these tribes.

There is complete isolation between the local indigenous people and the Han people.

They all have their own living areas and even their own cities.

The Liao State planned city functions in order to distinguish simple tasks from complex tasks.

Technically complex tasks need to be handled by Han people.

Simple tasks such as farming are left to the local indigenous people.

Su Shu learned more details, and he also recognized the system commonly adopted by these vassal states in Africa.

He or his descendants may marry into the vassal royal family.

He didn't want himself and his descendants to marry a black girl and pollute the bloodline of the royal family of the Dahua Empire.

If this thing really happened, it would be a big joke and undermine the majesty of the royal family.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, warmly entertained the imperial guests in the palace.

During the banquet, they talked about some interesting things that happened in the Great China Empire and the Liao Kingdom.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, drank a glass of wine and said helplessly: "I really didn't expect that the opening of the Suez Canal would have such a big impact on our Liao country.

The Liao Kingdom could have made a lot of money by receiving traveling caravans.

Now that the Suez Canal is open, the number of caravans passing through the Liao Kingdom has been reduced by as much as 90%.

Only large cargo ships transporting ore and grain were left. It was inconvenient for them to pass through the Suez Canal, so they chose to continue taking the previous route.

The income of the Liao Kingdom now mainly depends on the mining of gold within the territory.

The Liao Kingdom's gold reserves are indeed high, but they rely entirely on gold mining. Sooner or later, they will all be mined out.

I worry every day and want to save a long-term foundation for the Liao Kingdom."

Su Shu listened and looked at Li Qingmu's words. He always felt that the King of Liao was bragging about his achievements.

The situation of Liao Kingdom is very good, there are no strong enemies around.

The territory contains abundant gold deposits, so there is no shortage of money.

Su Shu saw that Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan and others did not dare to answer the question, and the atmosphere at the banquet was a bit awkward.

He suggested: "Uncle Aoki, my nephew has a suggestion.

The Liao Kingdom was rich, and the materials here were relatively abundant.

The Liao Kingdom is close to the sea, and my nephew suggested that the Liao Kingdom develop its shipbuilding industry.

In the future, world ocean trade will inevitably become more frequent.

This chapter has been completed!
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