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Chapter 725 Open your eyes and see the world (4)

Chu Tiankuo was walking by the lotus pond of Huaxia University with a backpack on his back.

Huaxia University has just had its winter vacation, and the teachers and students staying at the school like to walk by the quiet lotus pond.

The boiler water is discharged upstream, and even in winter, the lotus pond does not freeze.

Many of Chu Tiankuo's classmates chose to stay in school. He had to go home during the holidays because he had something to do at home.

There were many people watching on the west side of the lotus pond. Chu Tiankuo heard intermittent sounds. It was two teachers quarreling.

This situation was very rare, so Chu Tiankuo approached curiously.

He is a student in the Department of Chemistry. These two teachers are not teachers in the Department of Chemistry, and he does not know any of them.

Chu Tiankuo didn't need to know these two teachers. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully to what the two teachers were arguing about.

"The constitutional monarchy adopted by England, a major European country, is the system that truly brings long-term stability to the country.

The experience of various dynasties in history shows that when a fatuous emperor ascends the throne, this is an important node in the country's decline.

If the emperor wants to have a wise emperor, the probability is really low.

Usually the first generation is a saint, the second generation is a wise person, the third and fourth generations are idiots, and the following generations are as stupid as pigs.

Xujun’s reality, this is the future.”

"Yuan Datou, you fart.

The emperor must have supreme power so that the country can be stable and not allow careerists to take advantage of it.

England may sound like a constitutional monarchy, but in reality it is a matter of careerists seizing power. The power held by the Prime Minister of England, Oliver Cromwell, far exceeds that of the previous kings of England.

Have you forgotten the lessons of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms?

If we learn from England's constitutional monarchy, the royal family will decline and only powerful ministers will appear.

A powerful minister became the new emperor, and was captured by a new powerful minister.

By then the country will be in chaos and war will continue.

What kind of country is England? It is a country where the church and the nobility are in power, and the feudal system is still maintained.

The local nobles had their own fiefs and could appoint their own knights.

China has been strengthening the centralization of monarchical power since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In a country with a centralized monarchy, it is sheer nonsense to try to establish a false monarchy."

After Chu Tiankuo listened for a while, he understood what the two teachers were arguing about!

The eldest prince Su Shu showed the globe to the civil and military officials in the court hall and introduced the situation of overseas countries.

After that, the newspapers, which had not talked much about the detailed situation overseas, suddenly changed their direction and began to introduce the situation overseas in large lengths.

The most popular ones are the major vassal states of the empire and those countries in Western Europe.

As the only country with a virtual monarch among many monarchy countries, England performed most prominently.

England was also the first European country in the empire to establish diplomatic relations, and exchanges between the two countries were relatively close.

The Great China Empire has a more detailed understanding of emergency response forces than other European countries.

The imperial university is also an ivory tower. Some things that are difficult to talk about in society can be discussed openly in the university.

Chu Tiankuo speculated that His Majesty the Emperor did this to show the tolerance of the royal family and to prove that the court was open to speech and would not use speech to establish crimes.

He shook his head and walked towards the school gate.

This kind of question is not like science questions. There is no standard answer at all. No one will accept it, it just depends on who has the loudest voice.

Chu Tiankuo took a public carriage to the train station and bought a train ticket to his hometown of Ganzhou, Jiangxi.

He would like to thank Guangdong Province for its development. The local industry is too strong and requires a large number of raw materials and workers.

In order to transport supplies to Guangdong, the imperial court built a railway starting from Jinan Prefecture, running through Anhui and Jiangxi, and reaching Guangzhou.

Chu Tiankuo is now taking this railway to return home, and it only takes more than ten days to reach home.

Before the railway was established, his uncles had to take the waterway to Nanjing Prefecture and enter Beijing through the canal, which would take more than half a year on the road.

Students buy train tickets at half price. Even though it is so cheap, Chu Tiankuo only bought the cheapest hard seat.

The imperial train was on time. After careful inspection, Chu Tiankuo boarded the train back home.

He carried dry food in his bag and provided free hot water on the train.

Chu Tiankuo sat quietly in his seat, reading a book and reading a newspaper. A few days passed by, and the train soon stopped at Ganzhou Prefecture.

Jiangxi used to have a lot of mountains and was a relatively poor area.

Even during the period of great industrial development, because there was less flat land and inconvenient transportation, industry did not develop and agriculture was still the mainstay.

Chu Tiankuo got off the car and went to the market to buy some food and gifts.

He went to the bank and took out ten taels of banknotes.

He went to a car rental agency and rented a bicycle.

He rode a bicycle and had to walk more than a hundred miles of mountain roads to reach a small mountain village deep in the mountains.

Chu Tiankuo wanted to thank the court for eliminating the banditry and building the road.

Only then can he ride on the road and rush back to his hometown.

Otherwise, he would not dare to go on the road alone.

He looked at the many cyclists on the bumpy road.

Occasionally, someone would ride a horse or a carriage and pass him on a bicycle.

Horses are too expensive and most people can't afford them. Bicycles are cheaper.

Chu Tiankuo walked on the road for a day and a night, and walked on the small road for half a day. He finally returned to his hometown where he was born and raised.

"The boys from the Chu family are back, and the college students are back."

"The boy from the Chu family dresses really smartly, and he even rides a bicycle."

When Chu Tiankuo saw acquaintances, he greeted them one by one.

He walked towards his home and saw his shirtless fifth uncle chopping wood outside on the side of the road.

Chu Tiankuo said hello: "Hello, Fifth Uncle, in this winter, it's not as cold here as in the north, but we can't go shirtless to avoid getting cold.

When I was a kid, everyone was poor. We really had no money and couldn't afford to wear clothes, so we could only go shirtless.

Today is different from the past. Cotton clothes may be a little more expensive, but linen clothes are not expensive at all, and everyone can afford them."

Uncle Wu said with his leaky mouth: "Er boy, I'm used to it.

I only get dressed when I go out, what should I wear at home?"

Chu Tiankuo left quickly. He knew that the fifth uncle was not used to it, but was afraid of poverty.

The piece of clothing at home was already the most precious thing in the family, and the fifth uncle could not bear to wear it for fear of it getting torn.

Chu Tiankuo soon arrived in front of the three-room earthen house, which was his home.

He saw a little girl dressed in simple clothes, standing on tiptoe in front of the courtyard gate.

After seeing him, the little girl ran over in surprise and said happily: "Brother, I finally waited for you to come back."

Chu Tiankuo touched his sister Chu Muyu's head. His mother gave birth to five children, but only he and his sister survived tenaciously.

He walked into the yard and saw his father raising ducks in the yard and his mother making marinade in the house.

Their family used to farm, but the food yield in the mountains was so low that they could barely make ends meet every year.

Chu Tiankuo worked in a restaurant in Beijing. He learned the art of braised duck, and through his own knowledge, he cracked the formula of braised sauce and handed it to his father when he came back.

Now Chujia braised food has become quite famous in Gannan Prefecture.

Chu Tiankuo greeted his parents, and he couldn't wait to take out a large bag of white crystals from his backpack.

"Dad, this is the work of my master. This thing is called monosodium glutamate. It is now a tribute and is specially supplied to the royal kitchen of the palace.

Just a little bit can make the food taste extremely fresh.

With this thing, we have an exclusive secret recipe to expand our family business."

Chu Tiankuo carefully explained to his father the excellent effects of MSG.

Chu's father was so excited that he sent his son to college, which really changed the fate of the whole family.

"Son, if our family is rich, we can buy a house in the city and become a true city citizen, and we will never be looked down upon by others again."

Chu's father tried adding MSG to the dishes at night.

The smell wafting out made the dog next door bark.

Father Chu was eating the vegetables and said excitedly: "It's so fresh.

With this thing, our braised duck will definitely sell well."

The family was having a meal happily when there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Chu Tiankuo stood up and opened the door and saw that it was cousin Chu Jin from the fifth uncle's family.

"Brother Jin, please come inside."

Chu Jin looked inside the room and said sheepishly: "Tiankuo, I have something to ask you.

You are the only college student in our village who knows Chinese characters.

Three years ago, my aunt's family went bankrupt due to flash floods, and under the organization of the government, the family immigrated to Zao country.

Now my aunt's family has sent a letter to my family. This is a letter from the country of Zao.

We don't recognize the letter or the content in it.

Tiankuo is a college student, so he should know what is in the letter.

My aunt's family is still waiting for our reply, so we can only cause trouble."

When Chu Tiankuo was in school, he went to school free of charge because of his good grades, but his family couldn't even afford food.

It was only with the help of people in the village that he was able to complete his education.

Chu Tiankuo became a college student, and he has been giving back to the village.

After his family became rich, they also started to encourage people in the village to raise ducks.

He managed the duck breeding and sales through his connections with his classmates.

Chu Tiankuo came to his fifth uncle's house, and his cousin Chu Jin carefully took out a letter from the locked box.

He opened the envelope and found two pieces of letter paper and a remittance slip inside.

Chu Tiankuo first picked up the remittance order. This was from Zhao Guo Bank in North America, through cross-border remittance business, and was designated to Fifth Uncle Gong to remit twenty taels of silver.

He handed the remittance slip to Chu Jin and briefly introduced: "Brother Jin, this is the twenty taels of silver coins your aunt remitted to your father.

Take your household registration book and go to any Imperial Bank to withdraw these twenty taels of silver coins."

After Chu Jin heard this, his hands were trembling.

This is twenty taels of silver coins, which is money that he will never be able to save in his lifetime.

He married his wife the year before last, and including gifts and other expenses, he only spent three taels of silver coins.

With these twenty taels of silver coins, you can only marry five or six wives.

Chu Jin then came to his senses and said excitedly: "My aunt's family must have gotten rich. With my aunt's usual stinginess, how could she possibly remit twenty taels of silver coins to my family if she didn't make a big fortune.

Tiankuo, what is written in the letter? Please tell me quickly.

It would be good if I could read."

Chu Tiankuo scanned the letter. This was a letter written by Aunt Chu Jin to Father Chu Jin, briefly introducing his situation, and inviting Uncle Wu and his family to reunite with the country of Zhao.

He briefly explained the contents of the letter to Chu Jin.

"Brother Jin, your aunt is in Zhao country in North America, not Zao country.

After he arrived in Zhao State, one family was allocated 500 acres of land and two cows.

Your cousin also serves as the village chief, responsible for teaching the local indigenous people how to Chinese and managing the local indigenous people.

The monthly salary is five taels of silver coins.

Your aunt said in the letter that as long as you go to Zhao State, each household will be allocated at least 500 acres of land and two cows.

If you choose a village with indigenous people, as long as you are Han Chinese, even if you are illiterate, your salary will be only five taels of silver coins.

If you are literate, you can at least become a small official with a salary of more than ten taels of silver coins."

When Chu Tiankuo saw the treatment of Zhao State, he couldn't help but want to go to Zhao State.

But he knew some of Zhao's situation, and his abilities could only be put to greater use if he stayed in the empire.

After Chu Jin heard the content of the letter, he immediately rushed out of the house, laughed wildly and shouted: "No Zaoguo, I'm here.

With five taels of silver coins per month, I can also become a person with five taels of silver coins per month.”

Chu Tiankuo knew the situation in the village. Before raising ducks, it was not easy to save five taels of silver coins every year.

Now the scale of duck farming has not yet increased, and the monthly income is slightly better than farming, and cannot reach five taels of silver coins.

Chu Tiankuo wanted to persuade him, but he knew that he couldn't do it because the treatment given by Zhao Guo was too generous.

With the simple knowledge of the villagers, even if the risks are explained clearly, they will ignore them.

The lives of poor people are worthless. As long as there is hope of recovery, these people will crush everything.

Chu Tiankuo also came from a poor family, and he knew very well what the people in the village thought.

When he returned home, he only told his parents his opinions and told them not to pay attention to the rumors in the village.

There are indeed gold mines overseas, but there are also murderous indigenous people.

Only big people with resources and power can gain more.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! These little people are just serving as cannon fodder.

He can bring hope to his family, so they don't have to go overseas to fight.

Early the next morning, Chu Tiankuo heard that many people in the village were talking about the wealth overseas.

As he expected, many people were tempted to go overseas to fight.

Chu Tiankuo was a little impressed now. The imperial court allowed the people to open their eyes to the world and tell all the situations overseas without whitewashing or belittling.

The current situation in the village is that we are completely blinded by the outside world.

If a village is like this, there is no problem at all.

If most people in a country are like this, the country will be ruined.

Chu Tiankuo stayed at home until the end of the New Year. There were already five families in the village who went to the immigration office in advance to report that they would immigrate to the American country of Zhao.

He packed his backpack, said goodbye to his parents, and embarked on the journey back to Beijing.

On the road, Chu Tiankuo kept hearing passers-by talk about immigration.

He has realized that the imperial court must be secretly promoting this.

He did not experience the first wave of immigration, but he experienced the second wave of immigration when he was a child.

Their family was almost ready to go to Jiaozhi.

His uncle's family and his third aunt's family were all immigrated to Jiaozhi.

This is why when he returned to the village, no childhood playmates came to see him, and no relatives came to his door.

Their village, a remote and remote area, was designated as a key immigration village and many people were immigrated.

Only those who are more attached to their hometown still stay in their hometown and do not leave.

But now that the villagers have heard about the benefits they can get from overseas, no matter how much they love their hometown, they can't resist the attraction of 500 acres of land and a monthly salary of 50 or 20 cents.

Chu Tiankuo guessed completely wrong. The imperial court guided the peasants to open their eyes to the world in their own way.

For reasons unknown to him, the imperial court promoted the third wave of immigration.

This time, millions, even tens of millions, of Han Chinese immigrated overseas.

This chapter has been completed!
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