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Chapter 733 Visiting Huaxia University

Su Shu returned to the mansion and was just about to take off his official robe and have dinner.

He saw a familiar figure walking in the corridor of the courtyard.

Su Shu and his three wives went out to greet him.

"Sister, why are you here?"

The eldest princess Su Rong saw Su Shu wearing official uniform, and she said happily: "Brother, you are so elegant in what you are wearing. You look very much like your father when he was young."

Su Shu invited his sister into the room for dinner. He said with a smile: "There is a huge gap between me and my father, and I have been chasing him.

If I can have one percent of my father's abilities, then I will be satisfied."

Su Shu knew from the moment his sister opened her mouth that his sister Su Rong would definitely want something from him.

They grew up together, and Su Shu knew her sister's personality very well.

My elder sister was disciplined by her father and mother, and was not as unruly and willful as the princesses of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

But my sister has a very arrogant character, and she always behaves like the eldest sister when communicating with him.

Only when you ask for something from him will you be complimented like others.

They ate rice and drank tea, and Su Shu occasionally talked about his work in the Ministry of Science and Technology during the dinner.

When Su Shu really entered the officialdom, he discovered that the real officialdom was completely different from the officialdom he imagined.

In real officialdom, one cannot tell who is a loyal minister and who is a traitor.

Some people claim to be honest officials, but no one publicly calls themselves corrupt officials.

It is difficult to see pure good people in official circles, and there are not many pure bad people. Most of them are a mixture of good and bad people.

An honest official is not a capable minister in governing the world, and a corrupt official is not a traitor who brings harm to the country.

Su Shu usually also reads some private tabloids. These tabloids often label certain officials as honest or corrupt officials in the officialdom.

He usually chatted with officials and learned from them that honest officials had a good reputation, but he was a waste in the officialdom and could not accomplish anything.

The imperial court allocated 20,000 taels of silver to build a reservoir, but due to improper site selection, the reservoir collapsed and flooded tens of thousands of acres of farmland along the coast.

People who are considered by the public to be corrupt officials spent less money to clean up the mess and actually build this reservoir.

Su Shu was a little naive before, thinking that as long as the officialdom was filled with upright officials, the world would be peaceful.

After he entered officialdom, he matured a lot and no longer had such delusions.

Su Rong quickly put down her bowls and chopsticks and listened to her younger brother talking about official matters.

When Li Xiyue saw that Su Rong stopped eating, she asked doubtfully: "Sister, is our food bad?

This is a well-known chef that my father found for us, and the level of the chef should be very different from that of the imperial chef."

Su Rong waved her hand and said: "As a doctor, I know the dangers of obesity.

If you want to live longer, you must not be greedy.

I have seen too many wealthy, fat people in the hospital with edema all over their bodies, an extremely difficult-to-treat thirst syndrome, and it is very painful to walk."

As soon as Su Rong finished speaking, the three women stopped their chopsticks.

Su Shu then spoke up and said: "Don't worry! There are recipes customized by the imperial doctor in the mansion. If we eat too much, the imperial doctor will remind us."

Su Shu said this, and the three girls were relieved, but they were not in the mood to eat anymore.

The maid in the mansion quickly cleared away the dishes and brought tea.

Su Rong looked at her brother's three newlyweds and asked, "Xiyue, Caiwei, Qingxue, what do you usually do?"

Li Xiyue was the first to answer: "Your Majesty has given me a lot of property for my husband's wedding. I am responsible for taking care of the property in the house so that my husband no longer has to worry about money."

Li Xiyue comes from a business family. What she is best at is managing the assets of the government. This is what she has learned since she was a child.

Huang Caiwei then said: "I usually take care of the affairs of the government.

Occasionally communicate with the wife of her husband’s colleague.”

Huang Caiwei comes from a family of poets and writers. He has been influenced by his mother and sister-in-law since he was a child, and he knows that there are some things that men are not suitable for publicly speaking out about.

These wives communicate in private and talk to each other. This is a process that people in the officialdom often go through when they are strangers to familiarity.

Zhao Qingxue was a little shy. She finally replied: "I am still studying at Huaxia University and at the same time working at the Royal Academy of Sciences as the editor of Science."

Under normal circumstances, those who pass the Huaxia University examination and those who pass the Jinshi examination will give up their Huaxia University student status and stay at the central or local level for experience.

As the wife of the eldest prince Su Shu, Zhao Qingxue can be assigned an official position that does not affect her studies while studying at Huaxia University.

At the same time, because of her special status, she will not be able to reach local grassroots positions in this life.

Su Rong finally waited for Zhao Qingxue's answer. The purpose of her coming to her brother's home was related to this.

She drank a cup of tea and then asked: "Science is the top journal in the empire.

But there is a disadvantage. The review process of journals is very cumbersome, especially the quality of journal reviewers needs to be improved.

A great invention, but it was rejected by the journal Science."

Su Shu saw that her sister was behaving abnormally. She was a doctor and knew nothing about scientific research. How could she know what a great invention was?

After detailed research, he learned that his sister Su Rong's crush had written a manuscript and it was directly rejected by the journal "Science", which made him feel depressed.

Su Shu immediately advised: "Sister, you don't have to worry about this matter.

Qingxue is now only an intern editor of the journal Science, and she cannot handle complex issues.

I am now a member of the Science Department, Wai Lang, responsible for guiding the empire's advanced scientific development.

It's really a great invention, and our Science Department will definitely get involved.

This is also good for me. I can produce significant results right after I join the job, and I will definitely be valued by my father."

Su Shu had one sentence that he didn't say. If his sister's sweetheart was a liar, he had been deceiving his sister with great inventions.

He let this person know the power of the royal family.

When Su Rong heard what her brother said, she drank the tea in the cup in surprise.

"My younger brother is now capable, so I entrust this to my older sister.

If Mei Lang hadn't insisted on not using my money, things wouldn't be so troublesome."


Su Shu wore official uniform and approached the Ministry of Science and Technology. He immediately called several subordinates to go out to work.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Huaxia University has reported several promising scientific research results, which have been reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and a huge sum of money will be allocated for in-depth research.

Su Shu reviewed the imperial court’s previous investments in scientific research.

Most investments are in vain, but as long as there is one success, you will get hundreds or even thousands of times in return.

The group of them could not go to Huaxia University.

The two places are really close. Huaxia University is diagonally opposite the Ministry of Science and Technology, and we only need to cross a road.

Su Shu saw people riding bicycles constantly on the road and entering Huaxia University.

Nowadays, bicycles have become the most important means of transportation for people in Beijing.

Many students admitted to Huaxia University can afford bicycles even if they rely on scholarships and state subsidies.

Teachers and ordinary lecturers at Huaxia University can afford bicycles, and professors can even afford cars.

Su Shu and others wore official uniforms and approached Huaxia University, which was very eye-catching.

However, it is rare and common for Huaxia University to receive people from official circles.

Not to mention ordinary officials, Emperor Su He often came to inspect Huaxia University.

Teachers and students of Huaxia University, even if they do not take the imperial examination, can enter the officialdom through the technical officer route.

They don't have the same inner fear of officials as ordinary people do.

Su Shu registered his identity at the guard and was immediately taken to the reception room respectfully by a guard. Someone else rode a bicycle and rushed to the principal's office anxiously.

They sighed and walked to the reception room. A middle-aged man who looked familiar to Su Shu quickly walked towards the reception room.

Su Shu rubbed his eyes and asked, "You are Sister Shaoyao. I can't even recognize you."

Xu Qinqing looked at the familiar figure and said with emotion: "We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, and His Highness still remembers me.

I am the teacher's most incompetent disciple, and I really have no shame in going to the palace to see the teacher."

Su Shu said comfortingly: "Sister Shaoyao, there is no need to feel sad. Actually, among my father's disciples, there are only a few who are truly successful.

If there are a few Qilin children among the geniuses in Hanzhong, it is the country's luck. Most of the people are ordinary people.

I didn't know that Principal Xu was Sister Shaoyao, but I also heard about Sister Shaoyao's achievements.

Sister Shaoyao is also the most outstanding student among my father’s students.”

Xu Qinqing knows the real situation, it is indeed like this.

Nearly a hundred of the teacher's disciples have truly embarked on the path of science and become academicians of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

There were only Lu Lingxiao, Niu Ben, Liu Dongliang, Qin Yun, Zhou Yunshu and a few others.

Lu Lingxiao was elected as an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences for developing the sextant, making outstanding contributions to astronomy, determining star positioning and other technologies.

Niu Ben was a genius in chemistry, and the development of a series of nitro explosives was enough to make him a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Liu Dongliang is the founder of electromagnetism. Just the technology of wired telegraphy is enough to be elected as an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

What's more, he has a lot of background in optics. Optical applications such as cameras and film technology have also changed the lives of many people.

Liu Dongliang's wife, her elementary school girl Qin Yun, has made outstanding achievements in the field of genetic breeding.

In the past, animal and plant breeding only involved the selection and breeding of superior varieties.

Through microscope observation and practice, Qin Yun discovered the laws of inheritance and provided theoretical guidance for animal and plant breeding.

Zhou Yunshu is a genius in electrochemistry. If a telegraph wants to transmit a stable signal, it cannot do without high precision.

Ordinary smelting methods cannot produce precise copper wire.

Zhou Yunshu developed electrolysis, a method that can produce metals with extremely high precision, as well as hydrogen, chlorine and other products.

In particular, the technology of electrolytic aluminum has directly brought down the price of expensive aluminum, making the price of aluminum only higher than that of steel.

The empire was short of copper, and aluminum wires replaced copper wires on a large scale. Only then did the cost of wires come down, and electric lights were able to enter major cities.

Compared with these people, the difference between Xu Qinqing and these people is simply the difference between a firefly and a bright moon.

Brother Guo Zhenshan who developed the train and Brother He Miao who developed the propeller.

Their contributions were mainly in the engineering field and they did not make major breakthroughs in the scientific field.

With your two achievements, you cannot become an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences. You can only become the director of a research institute under the Ministry of Science and Technology and become a top technical officer.

There is no comparison between Xu Qinqing and these senior brothers and sisters.

Her grades were never outstanding, and in the end she could only turn to education to pass on her knowledge to more geniuses.

She has some talent in the field of education. She has taught two academicians and is now appointed as the second-grade president of Huaxia University.

Xu Qinqing, nicknamed Shaoyao, was studying with his teacher when Su Shu was still young.

The teacher often led troops in battles abroad and rarely had time to return to Hanzhong. Su Shu stayed with the teacher at that time and could often see these special students.

Seeing Su Shu's gentle attitude, Xu Qinqing said with some apology: "Your Highness, I'm really sorry now.

The school reported it, but I didn't expect His Highness to act so quickly.

Professor Song Huaiming and Professor Jiang Qing's project is not ready yet, and now the laboratory is in a mess.

They are cleaning up the laboratory, otherwise there will be certain risks."

Xu Qinqing really didn't expect that the review by the Ministry of Science and Technology would be so fast.

Under normal circumstances, the review will take about half a month.

What's more, the Ministry of Science and Technology has just listed it. According to the previous situation, the wait will be longer.

Su Shu nodded to express his understanding. When he was a child, he had seen his father perform dangerous experiments.

He has a clearer understanding of the risks of experiments.

When it comes to professional matters, you should follow the instructions of professionals.

"Sister Shaoyao, if you have time, please accompany me to visit Huaxia University. I am very interested in the situation of Huaxia University."

When Xu Qinqing heard Su Shu say this, she was very happy. Huaxia University is where her hard work lies.

Su Shu is interested in Hua Xia University, which is something she wants.

They walked inside Huaxia University and looked at the antique buildings mixed with reinforced concrete.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Xu Qinqing began to introduce the specific situation of Huaxia University to Su Shu.

"Huaxia University currently has a total of 6,372 teachers and students. Huaxia University is a university focusing on science and engineering.

At the beginning of the empire, there was some chaos in running schools.

But after several years of accumulation, the schools sponsored by the imperial court were all comprehensive schools focusing on a certain direction.

Local schools, depending on the local industry, focus on a certain junior college.

Huaxia University is the highest institution of higher learning in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, and the Baijia College next door is the highest institution of higher education focusing on liberal arts.

The subjects established by our two colleges have almost no overlapping subjects.

Both of our schools are comprehensive institutions, fully supported by the empire, and the schools are large and sophisticated.

Jingcheng Medical College, Hanzhong Iron and Steel University, and Sunchon Mechanical College are all local universities that specialize in a certain discipline."

They walked to the library building, a large five-story building.

Students hurried in and out of the library with books under their arms.

Xu Qinqing said: “Hua Xia University is different from Baijia College in that it does not charge high tuition fees.

Tuition and miscellaneous fees at Huaxia University are free of charge. The school does not charge a penny and will also provide subsidies to students to relieve them of worries.

Huaxia University only recruits talented people, and everything is based on merit.

The top students who explore the path of science are considered academician candidates.

A few students studied cutting-edge technologies and contributed to the empire's industry.

For a mediocre person like me, the only way out is to teach or enter officialdom and become a technical officer."

Su Shu walked in Huaxia University, and he seemed to have cleared away the impetuousness in his heart.

The students of Huaxia University all work hard to improve the industrial strength of the empire.

As long as one of them is talented, the empire will not lose money by cultivating them.

Xu Qinqing quickly received a report from her subordinates. She smiled and said: "Your Highness, Professor Song Huaiming and Professor Jiang Qing are ready. We can go to the laboratory."


Su Shu nodded in agreement and went to the laboratory to review the two professors' projects.

He would take care of business first, and then he could take the opportunity to see if his sister had been deceived.

This chapter has been completed!
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