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Chapter 770 Development Order

Emperor Su Hefang looked at the policies that cabinet minister Han Cuibai had thought about hard.

This policy, which has been discussed and revised many times, is basically in line with most of Emperor Su He's ideas.

There is no perfect policy in the world. A policy that can be implemented stably is a good policy.

The only shortcoming of this policy is that it has little to do with ordinary people.

Xungui has the power and money to organize a large number of people and massive supplies to build a gathering place overseas.

Wealthy businessmen have money and brothers. They use money to open roads or bind them with faith to build gathering places overseas.

Even if ordinary people form a group to go overseas without being organized, they may not be able to stop the attack of the indigenous tribes.

There are currently only Emperor Su He and Prince Su Shu in the Qianqing Palace.

He handed the policy written by Han Cuibai to Prince Su Shu for viewing.

"Shu'er, what do you think about this matter?"

Emperor Su He took this opportunity to test Prince Su Shu's ability.

He knew that cabinet minister Han Cuibai had a good relationship with Prince Su Shu.

However, Prince Su Shu did not have the opportunity to contact the policies written by Han Cuibai in advance. His performance at this time was his true performance.

Prince Su Shu carefully read the memorial written by cabinet minister Han Cuibai.

The policies in this memorial are the detailed version summarized after a brief exchange between Cabinet Minister Han Cuibai and his father at the pre-meeting a few days ago.

The outline of the policy is to encourage powerful nobles and merchants to go overseas and establish their influence.

If the scale of their power is as large as a village or town, they can be granted the title of viscount; if they are of the size of a county, they can be granted the title of earl; if they are of the size of a prefecture or county, they can be granted the title of marquis; and if they have the size of a province, they can be granted the title of duke. .

This was tantamount to the imperial court recognizing the territories privately acquired overseas by the people of the empire.

After Prince Su Shu read it, he looked at his father in shock.

"I am reporting this to my father, my son and I were a little frightened after reading it.

Let’s not talk about the impact this policy will have at home and abroad after it is promulgated.

After the release of this policy, it will definitely enhance the ambitions of some people in the country.

Some people thought that they could gather a group of people and establish a state within a state in an unclaimed overseas land.

There are bound to be lawless elements who don't want to go to the trouble of going overseas to fight for their lives, but directly claim territory in areas where the empire's control is weak.

This policy will have a negative impact on the rule of the empire."

When Emperor Su He saw that Prince Su Shu had finished speaking, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Shu'er, you don't follow others' opinions, and you dare to think about problems from different perspectives. This is a very good quality.

Regarding this policy alone, my father's consideration is that the benefits of this policy outweigh the disadvantages.

It is true that some people think so, but they will measure the success rate of things.

Nobles and powerful people with sufficient strength, they understand the strength of the empire and the strength of overseas indigenous people.

When going overseas to fight against the indigenous people, their success rate is less than 20 to 30%, but the hope of becoming the founding monarch will make them continue to flock overseas.

Because they know that fighting against the empire will lead to death and no life.

There are only those little thieves who don't have the strength to go overseas and know nothing about the strength of the empire.

Even if these little thieves were not exposed due to this incident, they would very likely become a destabilizing factor for the empire in the future.

Through this policy, if they are exposed, even if it causes some chaos, it will not have much impact on the empire."

Prince Su Shu heard his father's story and understood his father's thoughts.

When he first saw this policy, he was worried about the damage it would bring to the empire.

My father didn't care about the damage, but only considered the pros and cons of this matter.

As long as it can benefit the empire and pay a small price, it is not something that the emperor cares about at all.

It's not just these petty thieves and the people they harm who are paying the price.

Most of the people who go overseas will pay the price.

Successful people are very rare, they are trampled on by the corpses of losers.

His father predicted that 20 to 30 percent of people would succeed, but Prince Su Shu thought that less than 10 percent would succeed.

He knew that not only the indigenous tribes would intervene, but also the surrounding powers would not allow unstable factors to arise in the surrounding areas.

After reading this policy, he couldn't figure out how to solve this problem no matter how hard he thought about it.

Prince Su Shu could only understand the doubts in his heart by asking his father.

He stared wide-eyed and asked in confusion: "Father, the main purpose of this policy is to guide domestic power to North America.

Their purpose was to take root in North America and contain Zhao.

Er Chen still couldn't figure out how Zhao could be afraid of these small gathering places because he had absolute military power.

As long as an army of thousands of people is sent out, they can be wiped out.

The imperial court did not completely let them die, and this would not have the intended strategic effect.

If we are tossing about this matter and end up increasing the power of the vassal states such as Zhao State in disguise, that is not the opposite."

When Emperor Su He heard Prince Su Shu ask this question, he chuckled.

Prince Su Shu is now an academic, and his mind is filled with knowledge learned from books.

He still lacks a lot of experience in governing the country.

Emperor Su He plans to ask Prince Su Shu to gradually start handling some simple and clear memorials in the near future and start to develop experience in governing the country.

He expressed his opinion: "Shu'er, what you said is also a possibility, but even if it is this possibility, the empire can also benefit.

The goal of these groups who go overseas is to establish their own country.

The leaders must be people who are unwilling to be inferior to others.

Even if Zhao Guo took action, he would not dare to risk the world and execute all the surrounding forces.

This not only allows surrounding forces to work together to deal with Zhao State.

Once this happens, it will provide the perfect excuse for the empire to intervene in the Zhao Kingdom.

If Zhao Guo swallows this group of people, they will also suffer from indigestion.

Wait until Zhao's strength declines or his control weakens.

As long as they are provoked a little bit, these ambitious people who are unwilling to be inferior to others will jump back.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If the timing is right, if someone instigates it, civil strife will break out in the Zhao Kingdom.

This is the worst case scenario. There is only one person who can live up to his expectations. He took advantage of the opportunity that Zhao had no time to care about and established a foothold in America.

The empire's strategy will be successful without us spending any energy or spending a penny.

However, forces appeared around Zhao that could interfere with him.

In this way, Zhao State and its forces will surely unite closely around the empire."

After hearing his father's explanation, Prince Su Shu suddenly realized.

No wonder my father smiled from ear to ear when he saw this memorial by Cabinet Minister Han Cuibai.

Cabinet Minister Han Cuibai proposed this policy, and even Honeysuckle, who had a grudge against him, did not object.

These people have long seen the potential of this policy. No matter how it is implemented, the country will be in an invincible position.

Prince Su Shu said with emotion: "Father, this is a conspiracy!

The conspiracy is not afraid of being made public. Even if we publicize it publicly, all parties will participate in this policy for their own benefit.

Zhao Guo knew about this conspiracy in advance, and they had nothing to do.

The best preparation they can make is the preparation I just mentioned."

Prince Su Shu felt the horror of conspiracy for the first time.

No wonder the second prince Su Lei often plays tricks.

Queen Mother Wang Wenjun commented that he was only capable of conspiracy and would probably seek his own death, so there was nothing to worry about.

The queen mother asked herself to learn more about conspiracy. Even if she doesn't know how to use conspiracy, she should not use conspiracy to engage in small tricks.

Prince Su Shu was ignorant before, but now he has truly witnessed the difference between conspiracy and conspiracy, and then he understands the words of his mother, Wang Wenjun.

Emperor Su He simply replied: "This is indeed a conspiracy.

I am not afraid to make it public and let the people decide whether to participate or not.

Shu'er, what do you think is an appropriate name for this policy?"

Prince Su Shu closed his eyes and thought carefully about the name of this policy. It must be both elegant and popular, and it must be catchy, so that the name can be spread.

He thought about dozens of names and finally decided on the one that best suited him.

"Father, I think the name "Kaifengling" is good.

The expansion of territory and search for feudal lords is etched in the blood of the Han nation.

No matter whether they are nobles who joined the army following their father or powerful men, they cannot resist the fame and fortune brought by opening up new territories."

Emperor Su He clapped his hands and laughed and said: "Not bad, very good, this is a good name.

I will now issue an imperial edict and publish the development order throughout the world."

Emperor Su He proofread the development order again and found that there were no typos or ambiguities.

He signed his name and stamped it with the imperial seal.

The General Administration Department quickly received the imperial edict and published it to the world through various channels such as newspapers and telegraphs.

The Order of Development will bring about earth-shaking changes to the empire.

In Shenyang City, Liaodong Province, Zu Siming wore a somewhat tattered cotton coat and walked into a tavern against the wind and snow.

"Waiter, give me half a bowl of sweet potato roast."

When the waiter saw it was Zu Siming, he immediately smiled bitterly and said: "Grandpa, you still owe the shop three taels of silver coins.

The shop is a small business. If I cook sweet potatoes for you, the shopkeeper will have to deduct my monthly salary."

The waiter's tone was respectful, but the wine jar beside him didn't move at all.

My ancestor's family was in Shenyang, and it was a big family.

During the Ming Dynasty, my ancestors were the leaders of the generals in Liaodong. Let alone a small shop like theirs, even if it was the largest shop in Shenyang City, you didn't have to pay for your meal.

However, with the rise of Emperor Su, the status of the ancestral family plummeted.

Zu Dashou was the general of Guan Ning Army who wanted to kill Emperor Su in the early days.

Zu Dashou died on the battlefield, killing and injuring many nobles around Emperor Su. It was rumored that one of the top nobles had his leg broken by the hoofs of Guan Ning's army.

The ancestors then surrendered to the Manchu Tatars, who were completely unpopular with the new dynasty.

Zu Siming himself was also worried. After the collapse of his ancestral family, he had lost everything.

He could only organize some shabby households who also came from Liaodong military households to do some caravan business.

But with the construction of railways and cement roads, the caravan business has plummeted.

Winter has just entered, which is the busiest period for business, but they haven't received much business now.

Because the single-track railway has been transformed into a double-track railway and the railway transportation efficiency has improved, they simply cannot compete with the railway.

Zu Siming slammed the table angrily and said angrily: "You are a waiter in a shop, how dare you look down on me.

Don’t look at my grandfather’s current situation, but if I accept a big business, I can equal the amount of silver coins you earn in several lifetimes.”

When the waiter in the shop heard what Zu Siming said, he was also angry and replied angrily: "Other caravans all transport illegal goods, does your caravan dare to transport illegal goods?"

You are being targeted. If you dare to transport illegal goods, you will be caught by the officials.

You will not live in peace even if you live in the empire for even one day. This is the evil done by your ancestors."

When Zu Siming heard this, he was very angry and was about to take out the knife on his waist.

Caravans carrying goods are not safe and must carry weapons to ensure a smooth journey.

He knew that what the waiter said was true, and what happened over the past few years also confirmed what the waiter said.

As long as he dares to do anything that breaks the law, he will be caught immediately.

It is precisely because this sentence is true that it can cause huge damage to Zu Siming.

His companions immediately stopped the angry Zu Siming. If they really took action, they would be the ones who suffered the loss.

"Brother, calm down! You always say that you should never act impulsively.

This waiter is trying to provoke you with his words. He wants to get huge compensation, so he must not be fooled."

Zu Siming wanted to use this waiter to establish his prestige. If he lost face here today, he would lose prestige among the caravans and would not be able to convince the public at all.

It was at this time that different voices sounded outside the hotel.

"His Majesty has issued a development order, and as long as he is a citizen of the empire, he can go overseas to occupy territory and become the master of this territory.

Occupy a village and town and become a viscount; occupy a county and become an earl; occupy a county and become a marquis; occupy a province and become a duke."

Zu Siming didn't care much at first, but when he heard what the newsboy said, his eyes immediately started to shine.

The empire had emigrated overseas many times before, but he never had the chance to catch up with the immigrants.

This is because my mother is seriously ill and he cannot leave her and go on the road alone.

His new daughter-in-law has also just moved in. She is on her way alone, and her daughter-in-law will also remarry.

Zu Siming waited until his mother passed away and his children grew up, but he missed the best opportunity.

When he was drunk before, he often complained that he was born at the wrong time.

Regardless of whether he was born a few years earlier in the Ming Dynasty or not in his ancestral family, depending on his ability, he would have lived far better than he does now.

Now he has a better opportunity. Before he went overseas, he could only become a small landowner at most.

If you seize this opportunity now, the palace is not big, and there is no difficulty at all in becoming a marquis.

Zu Siming stopped drinking. He bought a newspaper and immediately returned to the caravan.

He came to the door of the caravan and immediately shouted with his loud voice: "Brothers, come out quickly, big business is coming."

"Big boss, there is really big business."

"Big business has come, my baby finally has meat to eat."

"Great, we've been resting for too long and finally big business is coming."

Zu Siming slapped the newspaper on the table. He knew that many of these people were illiterate.

He read the contents of the newspaper to everyone word for word.

"A man will take over the world immediately. We often say that we were born at the wrong time.

If we were born more than ten years earlier, whether we joined Ming Dynasty or Dahua, we would not have the ending we have now.

The reputation of military households in Liaodong has long been forgotten by the world.

The title of a man will be obtained immediately. Brothers whose blood is not yet cold, go with me to fight overseas.

We all have one head and two legs. If others can succeed, why can't we succeed?"

Zu Siming's prestige was so great that most of the lonely bachelors in the caravan were willing to fight with him.

This scene didn't just happen in a small caravan in Shenyang City, Liaodong, the Empire.

It was performed in various forms throughout the empire.

The Pioneering Order ignited the unquenched ambition in the hearts of careerists.

This chapter has been completed!
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