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Chapter 790 Diesel engine, start!

4351 (1654 AD), May 28th.

This was just an ordinary day at first, and it was an ordinary day after that, but something extremely extraordinary happened today.

Professor Jiang Qing of Huaxia University conducted a project experiment today.

Emperor Su He, Prince Su Shu, Prime Minister Qian Mingyi, Cabinet Ministers Lin Wenjing, Han Cuibai, Honeysuckle, and Minister of Industry Fang Yizhi.

From the emperor and the prince to ministers from the six cabinet departments, everyone came to the scene.

There were countless dignitaries and nobles present. The place was full of people wearing silk and silk, and only a few of them were clothed.

Xu Qinqing, president of Huaxia University, personally accompanied Emperor Su He and Prince Su Shu into the laboratory building.

She reported in high spirits: "Teacher, Professor Jiang Qing is well prepared. I listen to his words. The probability of success this time is very high."

Xu Qinqing could only say this. She asked Professor Jiang Qing privately whether the diesel engine could start normally.

This test battle is so big that once the diesel engine fails to start normally, Huaxia University will be famous as an empire.

This dark history will be written down heavily by historians and will never be cleared away.

Other universities in the empire that are suppressed by Huaxia University will also step on Huaxia University and rise to the top.

Xu Qinqing is a sinner in the history of Huaxia University.

Professor Jiang Qing patted his chest and assured that the diesel engine would definitely start normally.

Only when the project is mature will he show it off.

Xu Qinqing thought that Professor Jiang Qing also knew the problems after the diesel engine interview.

Nowadays, steam engines are very popular, and the interest groups bound to them are extremely powerful.

After the diesel engine appeared, if it did not perform extremely well, it would attract the attention of the empire's top brass.

Professor Jiang Qing and Diesel Engine are likely to be suppressed and remain unknown for decades.

Diesel engines can only develop slowly until they meet their master.

Xu Qinqing fell into memories. He was awakened by the voice of Emperor Su He, just like he was caught by the teacher when he was distracted in class.

Her panicked expression disappeared for a moment, and then she looked like she was listening carefully.

Emperor Su He praised: "Shaoyao, as the president of Huaxia University, you have done a great job.

Qin Yun and Liu Dongliang, who are younger than you, are now famous all over the world.

Guo Zhenshan, who is in the same class as you, has already shown his talents.

It's just that you worked very hard at that time, but your progress was very slow. That's because you didn't find the right direction back then.

You are not an excellent scientific research talent, but an excellent management talent.

The right person should be in the right position."

When Xu Qinqing heard the teacher's praise, she couldn't help but lie down with tears of excitement.

She looked at the couple, Qin Yun and Liu Dongliang, who achieved important results one after another and were often visited by the teacher. She must be jealous in her heart and had the idea of ​​replacing them.

She saw that her classmates had become successful and famous, either flourishing in the Academy of Sciences, or founding a sect and becoming an academic leader.

Only in the academic field, her performance has always been mediocre. After becoming the president of Huaxia University, she did more outstandingly.

She always thought that she was the one least favored by the teacher among her classmates.

Now she knows that the teacher also recognizes her achievements.

Xu Qinqing said excitedly: "Teacher, students must continue their efforts and lead Huaxia University to create more brilliance."

Prince Su Shu saw that his father's few words could make Sister Shaoyao full of energy.

He was thoughtful, knowing that he still had much to learn.

When will he be able to influence others like a spring breeze, then he will be considered to be as powerful as his father.

They quickly headed to the third floor of the laboratory building, near the window.

There is bulletproof glass with barbed wire in front, which can effectively protect the safety of important people.

Emperor Su He knew this, but he didn't see the situation clearly on the playground.

But he knew this was the best position.

From the moment he sat on the throne, he was far away from the noisy life of ordinary people.

Xu Qinqing, the president of Huaxia University, bowed to Emperor Su He and asked for instructions: "Teacher, the experiment is about to begin, and I will be responsible for presiding over this experiment."

Emperor Su He said: "Shaoyao, go down and do your work! This experiment is the most important."

Xu Qinqing left the room where Emperor Su He was, and she immediately ran to the playground.

It was already very close to ten o'clock in the morning, the time when the experiment officially started.

President Xu Qinqing met with Professor Jiang Qing. They had their own jobs.

But a moment of eye contact contains a lot of information.

[Professor Jiang Qing, you must succeed, my career is all on you.]

[Principal Xu, please rest assured, I, Mr. Jiang, am very good at handling affairs.]

They nodded to each other and left, heading to their respective destinations.

Principal Xu Qinqing came to the center of the playground. She glanced around and saw that many of the people watching looked very familiar.

Most of them are high-ranking officials or nobles above the rank of viscount.

Many people also brought their favored sons to let them experience this different occasion.

Xu Qinqing looked at these people. Many people used this place as a social occasion or a place to educate their children.

They have no idea what exactly an internal combustion engine means?

I only participated in this occasion because I was following the crowd.

Xu Qinqing went to the teacher in charge of coordinating the experiment and asked, "Is everything ready? Professor Jiang Qing, do you need me to delay a little longer?"

"Principal Xu, everything is ready and the experiment can be carried out on time.

Professor Jiang Qing does not need additional help."

Principal Xu Qinqing nodded and walked to the microphone in the center of the playground.

She patted the microphone with her hand, and there was a banging sound from the iron speakers around her.

Principal Xu Qinqing knew that there was no problem with the broadcast.

Her voice passed through more than a dozen iron speakers and spread throughout the playground and surrounding laboratory buildings.

"Thank you to the emperor, the prince and all the ministers for coming to Huaxia University for guidance.

Today is the day when the important result of the internal combustion engine project developed by Professor Jiang Qing, the diesel engine, will be tested publicly for the first time.

I believe that everyone’s trip will be worthwhile and everyone will gain something important.

It's already ten o'clock in the morning, I announce - diesel engine, start!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After Principal Xu Qinqing said this, everyone’s eyes were focused on the center of the playground.

Here is a slightly smaller, but rather special machine.

Many of the mechanical structures of this machine are more like a steam engine without the boiler.

In particular, the very special crankshaft connecting rod device on the steam engine is also found on this machine.

Everyone who runs a factory or engages in machinery knows that a steam engine relies on the mechanical device of the crankshaft and connecting rod to output power.

All mechanical devices on the market that require power rely on this device.

After seeing the mechanical device of the crankshaft and connecting rod, many people were relieved of their worries.

They had learned about this formation before, and the imperial court would definitely make great efforts to promote this new machine.

Now they saw a familiar device, which meant that even if the court tried its best to promote this device, they only needed to perform a simple trial fitting to replace the power of the steam engine with this new power.

Professor Jiang Qing's students carried a microphone with a long wire as a humanoid microphone stand.

Professor Jiang Qing looked at the machine in front of him and introduced: "This is the diesel engine I developed. It is an internal combustion engine.

As the name suggests, it is an external boiler that is different from a steam engine.

The diesel engine does not have a large and cumbersome boiler, and its thermal efficiency is higher.

When a steam engine burns coal, its thermal efficiency is only about 10%.

Even the empire's most advanced steam engine has a thermal efficiency that has not exceeded 20%.

The thermal efficiency of the diesel engine I developed starts at over 20%, and I expect the thermal efficiency to reach over 50%.

What's more, diesel is liquid, easy to use and carry, and it contains more energy than coal.

This results in the diesel engine working much more efficiently than the steam engine.

What you hear is false, what you see is belief, I will demonstrate it to you personally.”

After Professor Jiang Qing finished speaking, he personally directed the students to bring over two small iron buckets.

As he spoke, he injected liquid into the machine.

"This clear and transparent liquid that everyone is familiar with is water.

The temperature of the diesel engine is very high when it is working, and it must be cooled with water.

There are two iron boxes above the diesel engine, which are filled with water and diesel.

The next liquid I got was diesel.

There is a type of oil-fired boiler on the market, which is commonly seen on seagoing ships.

It is because in some places, fuel oil is cheaper than coal and the energy contained in fuel oil is higher, so salt oil is used to burn boilers and drive steam engines.

In my opinion, this is a complete waste.

Crude oil is just a substance obtained by preliminary refining of petroleum.

If the fuel is further distilled, many products including diesel gasoline will be obtained.

You should have heard of gasoline, which is the main component of military incendiary bombs.

Gasoline engines are also the target of my next research."

After Professor Jiang Qing poured the water and diesel, he tightened the lids of the fuel tank and water tank, and took out a zigzag-shaped tool from the side, which looked like some kind of operational tool.

He held one end of the tool in his hand and inserted the other end into the center of the diesel engine flywheel.

Professor Jiang Qing shook the tool vigorously, driving the diesel engine flywheel from slow to fast, and began to rotate.

Only the diesel engine slowly made a dull sound.

Professor Jiang Qing shouted: "Diesel engine, start!"

He shook it vigorously twice, shook his hand after getting wet, and took the rocker off the diesel engine flywheel.

At this time, I heard the rhythmic banging sound of the diesel engine, and at the same time, a large amount of black smoke came out of the tail exhaust pipe.

Under everyone's gaze, I saw a machine called a diesel engine on the playground starting to run at high speed.

President Xu Qinqing was extremely excited, and Professor Jiang Qing was indeed sure that the diesel engine experiment was a success in the first attempt.

He stood in front of the microphone and announced loudly: "The diesel engine experiment was a complete success.

Next, Professor Jiang Qing will show you the performance of the diesel engine."

When Principal Xu Qinqing said this, her voice contained strong joy.

The diesel engine started successfully, and no matter what Professor Jiang Qing did next, there would be no problems.

Many people on the playground were stunned when they saw the scene of the diesel engine starting.

"What's going on? I'm not dazzled!

This diesel engine does not even need to be ignited. It can start successfully with just a few shakes.

Think about the boilers in our factory. They are really difficult to maintain.

The boiler needs to be preheated for more than an hour before the water in the water pipes boils and generates a large amount of high-pressure steam, which can drive the steam engine."

"Diesel engines are so convenient to use. Diesel is also cheap now. I heard it is cheaper than coal.

With the emergence of diesel engines, diesel will definitely become tighter, but the price will not be too much, and the factory should be able to afford it.

As long as the performance of diesel engines is similar to that of steam engines, I will replace all the machines in the factory with diesel engines.

I had been looking forward to the introduction of electric wires before and dared to use electric motors.

But except for a few big cities, there are no power plants anywhere else. If you want to use electric motors, there is no way."

"The diesel engine is so small. Even though its power is less than that of a steam engine, how much space can be saved by removing boilers and other burdens.

If the diesel engine is installed on our Longchang car.

The convenience and comfort of cars will be qualitatively improved."

While the audience was discussing diesel engines, Professor Jiang Qing was also busy.

"Hello dear guests and friends, if you can come here and visit the diesel engine test, you trust Mr. Jiang.

Next I will demonstrate the performance of the diesel engine."

Professor Jiang Qing tightened a few valves on the diesel engine. The speed of the diesel engine increased significantly, and the black smoke from the exhaust pipe became thicker.

"Everyone is familiar with steam engines. If a steam engine wants to operate, it must maintain the pressure of high-pressure steam.

The boiler cannot be adjusted. If you want to adjust the speed of the steam engine, you can only switch gears through different gear sets.

The diesel engine I developed retains the performance of shifting speed through a gear set.

But since the diesel used in the diesel engine is liquid, it is an internal combustion engine and does not require an external boiler.

You only need to adjust the amount of diesel entering to control the speed of the diesel engine.

By controlling the throttle and gearbox, machines using diesel engines can be made to run at very low speeds."

After Professor Jiang Qing finished speaking, he adjusted the diesel engine's throttle to the minimum.

Only the flywheel of the diesel engine was seen descending at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then dropped to a speed that was almost the same as the second hand.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the diesel engine that was humming and still running.

"The diesel engine is so beautiful. With such a low speed, workers don't have to worry about hurting themselves when changing transmissions and belts."

“Diesel engines look more and more suitable to be installed in cars.

The steam engine is installed in the car, and the boiler needs to be preheated before use, which is very troublesome.

It is precisely this troublesome use process that has led to the fact that cars have always been the playthings of nobles.

When a diesel engine is installed in a car, it is not only easier to start, but you don’t have to worry about the diesel engine stopping even if you stop the car for a while.”

Professor Jiang Qing was about to continue the demonstration. When he heard something was wrong with the diesel engine, he immediately closed the accelerator in advance.

"Dear friends, this machine is displayed here. Next, I will use a machine modified with a diesel engine to compare it with the same type of steam machinery, so that everyone can see the advancement of diesel engines."

Professor Jiang Qing responded very quickly. He must not let anyone discover that the diesel engine still has some defects.

The diesel engine can start normally, but often stalls.

Finding the cause of the flameout requires investing a lot of money.

The empire reviews and approves various scientific research projects, and after grading, funds are allocated based on phased results.

If he wants to get enough funding, he must produce phased results.

Fortunately, this was a diesel engine he carefully selected. It could last for such a long time before any subtle problems appeared, and he could cover them up in time.

The next machines only need to be demonstrated for a short period of time and there will be no major problems.

This chapter has been completed!
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