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Chapter 799: Fighting for Funds

Emperor Su He watched the infighting between Prime Minister Qian Mingyi and Shaofu Ling Qi Zizhang.

He could clearly see the little thoughts of these two people, but he did not reveal them.

Financial power is an important right. If the prime minister does not control financial power, he will not be able to sit firmly as the prime minister.

If the Shaofu loses its financial rights and all profits are turned over, the state-owned enterprises under the Shaofu will definitely complain.

Because of their own interests, both of them will not give in.

Emperor Su He was happy to see disputes between the cabinet and the Shaofu, with the two forces attacking each other and reporting each other's wrongdoings.

In this way, Emperor Su He could sit firmly on Diaoyutai.

He has been emperor for so many years and has seen all kinds of officials.

There are many smart people and even more stupid people.

Emperor Su He understood that the two rights of official appointment and distribution of money could never be out of control.

He can promote a commoner to the temple and distribute huge amounts of silver coins to various places.

Not only can the government and money be given out, but it can also be recovered.

This division and collection is the embodiment of the supreme imperial power.

When Emperor Su He saw that the ministers were talking about this matter, they did not speak, but looked at him.

They all know who can decide where the money goes.

Emperor Su He coughed slightly and said: "I am very satisfied with the profit of the young master this year.

The sustainable development of Shaofu cannot be separated from the continuous investment of large amounts of funds.

The funds allocated to the Shaofu this year include new technologies such as telegraphs and telephones. These new technologies are all specially allocated, and the total amount is only 20 million taels of silver coins.

I also directly mentioned 20 million taels of silver coins to the young master's allocation for next year.

This is the money for the Shaofu's normal research and development of technology and the normal expansion of his company.

About the diesel locomotive and railway speed-increasing projects that the country is focusing on.

Seven million taels of silver coins were allocated in the first year, specifically for the preliminary preparation of this project.

In order to ensure safety, new train locomotives need to be tested on the road for a long time.

If the railway rails are replaced, exploration and site selection will need to be carried out again.

Both of these preparations take a very long time, and the special fund of 7 million taels is enough to complete the preliminary preparations.

I will adjust the amount of funding as appropriate based on the situation prepared by the railway company."

Emperor Su He made a golden statement and directly set a total profit of 40 million taels of silver coins to be handed over by the young master.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi's face immediately showed joy. Counting these 40 million taels of silver coins, the total amount of silver coins that the Ministry of Finance can receive will be a terrifying 140 million taels of silver coins.

This is an extremely huge expense, and it is even more frightening to think about. If nothing happens, according to the growth rate of the empire's economy, the funds at its disposal will exceed 100 million taels every year in the future.

As Prime Minister, he has never fought such a rich battle.

Now I don’t have to worry about lack of money, it feels very refreshing.

He also has a worry now: where will so much money be spent?

Grand Governor Qi Gang stood up excitedly, with a hint of pleading in his plaintive tone: "Your Majesty, in order to develop the empire, we stopped expanding outwards and continued to recuperate in the country after successive wars.

Judging from the tax revenue exceeding 100 million, the strategy of recuperation and recuperation has been successful.

But in a country that is rich but not strong, if a child holds gold in a busy city, he will be eaten by the bandits around him.

The empire must strengthen its military force. Only a strong army can protect the security of the empire.

Since the launch of the Taishan-class ironclads, only twenty-three ironclads have been launched, completely unable to defend the empire's maritime borders.

Chen believes that the current ironclad ship technology has been accumulated and mature, coupled with the recently popular diesel engine technology.

Ironclad ship technology should continue to develop, moving in the direction of larger tonnage and stronger firepower."

The naval general of the Governor's Office was very surprised. Governor Qi Gangyi gave people the clearest stance, that is, he opposed the expansion of the navy.

The navy general showed a delighted expression. Could it be that Governor Qi Gangyi had realized that he alone could not stop the development of the navy, and he wanted to show goodwill to the navy.

The army generals were even more surprised. Some were even indignant and kept gasping for air.

The Army has been suppressed by the Navy to the point that its military expenditure is less than one-tenth of that of the Navy.

Commander Qi Gangyi is one of the last remaining veterans of the army. How could he betray his original position and move closer to the navy?

Is the corruption of power really so powerful?

The commander-in-chief moved closer to the navy, and he thought that the army was weak.

Although the navy accounts for 90% of the empire's military expenditure, the total number of people in the navy is less than 100,000, which cannot be compared with the millions of troops.

Prince Su Shu was also very confused. His friendly relationship with the navy was well known to the world.

But after several trials, he wanted to put his power in the navy.

He does not seek to control a certain fleet, but only seeks for his confidants to go to the navy for training.

Just this subtle action caused Qi Gangyi to cut him off without mercy, and he also reported it to the entire army as a model.

This is equivalent to a big mouth slapped directly on his face.

If Prince Su Shu hadn't thought of his mother's advice, Wang Wenjun, he would definitely show some shame.

Just because he was close to the navy, the chief governor hated him and opposed him at all costs.

Prince Su Shu clearly felt that Governor Qi Gangyi had a great opinion of him.

This is definitely not what he told his mother, Queen Wang Wenjun, that he was his father's chess piece, used to check and balance himself.

Even if Qi Gangyi is a chess piece, he definitely has his own ideas.

Such a stubborn person has now made a 180-degree turn in his position. This is really shocking.

Emperor Su He was surprised by Qi Gangyi's transformation, and he promoted Qi Gangyi to the rank of Grand Governor.

The main reason is that this person is quite stubborn. In popular parlance, he is stubborn, and even nine oxen cannot pull him back if he is determined to do something.

Qi Gangyi is in his fifties. He should be more stubborn as he gets older. Why is he suddenly enlightened?

Emperor Su He was just surprised for a moment. Governor Qi Gangyi asked about the direction of the development of the navy. Of course, he had to answer carefully.

“It is very difficult to develop technology for large marine diesel engines.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! I am prepared to wait until diesel engine technology matures before developing towards large marine diesel engines.

When steam engine technology is very mature, it will develop into large steam engines for ships."

Emperor Su He turned his attention to Navy Commander Zhou You.

Previously, the Metropolitan Government had jurisdiction over the Admiralty and War Departments.

Emperor Su He found that the Navy Department and the Army Department tended to be independent, and the antagonism between the Navy and the Army intensified.

He directly abolished the Admiralty and War Departments, and placed both armies under the unified management of the Metropolitan Governor.

However, in order to facilitate the management of various major armies, people who are familiar with relevant military matters are still promoted to serve as military commanders and are responsible for controlling the development of the military services.

The military commander has no personnel or financial power, so he cannot form an independent pole.

Governor Zhou You immediately showed up with a red face, and he said excitedly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that our navy's technical strength is very strong.

The research and development process of diesel engines will definitely not be delayed."

Emperor Su He nodded and said: "Since the navy has ambitions, I will not dampen your enthusiasm.

Allocate an additional 10 million taels of silver coins to research 10,000-ton ironclad ships and marine diesel engine technology."

Governor Qi Gangyi had a happy smile on his face.

He knew that Emperor Su He was very concerned about the technological development of the navy.

The navy in Emperor Su He's heart is that big means strong and big means beautiful.

His requirements for the navy have always been large tonnage, large muzzle, and high speed.

The navy has already been allocated 10 million taels of silver coins, and the military expenditure they can allocate in the future will become very small.

You must know that the total military expenditure last year was less than 10 million taels of silver coins.

Qi Gangyi was most afraid that the navy would use the excuse of insufficient main ironclads to continue building ironclads.

This will seriously embezzle the military expenditures originally belonging to the Army.

He attracted the attention of Emperor Su He and the naval generals to the new warship.

The Army can take this opportunity to continue to grow and let the Navy see who is the big brother.

Governor Qi Gangyi continued: "If the navy wants to develop, your majesty cannot favor one thing over the other. The army also needs to develop.

I saw cars running all over the street, especially cars and horses competing in a tug-of-war.

A hundred horses are tied together, and they can't pull a car.

The army's ace unit, the cavalry, has entered the age of firearms, especially the emergence of machine guns.

Infantry can also move through trenches and crawl forward to avoid machine gun fire.

The cavalry is used to provide results for machine guns, and now it has become an auxiliary unit.

I think of the armor of the warship, even if it is fired by an army cannon, it cannot be penetrated.

We replace the steel outside the car with warship armor, use tractor tracks, and install army guns. Isn't this a new heavy cavalry?

Change the tires of the car and install a heavy machine gun, and you will become a fast light cavalry.

The emergence of arms similar to cavalry has filled the gap in the army's arms.

In this way, whether the army is attacking fortresses or quickly supporting friendly forces, it will have a high-speed and mobile army."

Governor Qi Gangyi only said that he and his staff had discussed the plan with each other for many days.

He did not claim any military expenses on behalf of the Army.

But he just used the navy to set an example, and said that the navy and the army should not favor one over the other.

The Navy received 10 million taels of research funding, and even if the Army is slightly behind, it cannot be too different.

It would be very difficult for him to obtain tens of thousands of taels of silver coins if he directly stated the Army's plan without using roundabout methods.

The civil and military ministers who participated in the imperial meeting were all thoughtful people.

When they spoke before the Grand Governor Qi Gangyi, they had not yet understood what Qi Gangyi meant.

Now that he has finished everything he said, these people all understand why Qi Gangyi said that just now?

He was really bold and wanted to put pressure on Emperor Su He in this way.

It can also be seen from this situation that the army generals can no longer tolerate the current situation of the army.

The naval commander traveled around with a bitter look on his face.

Is he trying to figure out what Qi Gangyi said just now?

This is digging a hole for the navy, allowing the navy to obtain massive military expenditures by developing a new generation of capital ships.

If the Navy wants to compete for funds again, let alone the Army, which will refuse to give in.

When naval military spending exceeds a certain limit, the civilian officials who act like wolves and tigers around them will also strongly oppose it.

The naval commander Zhou You wanted to speak, but he had no choice but to close his mouth.

He was afraid that Qi Gangyi and other army generals would regret it. When Emperor Su He asked the question just now, he confidently agreed.

The Imperial Council is discussing important national affairs. Without sufficient reasons, what is promised must be done.

The admiral of the navy goes around looking at other people's performance with a bitter look on his face.

Emperor Su He glared at Qi Gangyi fiercely and scolded: "You old guy, you are still playing the art of war with me."

He looked at Qi Gangyi, these veterans who had fought through blood and fire, their perceptions were very keen.

Just because of the limitations of the times, some ideas have not been opened up.

Qi Gangyi just saw a car on the street and he could think of this kind of car that could revive the most important branch of the army.

What Qi Gangyi is talking about is the tanks and armored vehicles of later generations.

Apart from being afraid of aerial attacks, tanks have almost no opponents on the road.

Emperor Su He thought of cars running on the road. Because of the power of diesel engines, tanks might not be possible, but armored vehicles could definitely be built.

Qi Gangyi felt relieved when he heard Emperor Su He's scolding.

If Emperor Su He curses a few words, this matter will be over.

If he didn't curse, he just shook his head.

His official career will come to an end, and his end will be very miserable.

Emperor Su He said helplessly: "Your army wants military expenses, so there is no normal means.

This case is no exception.

The armored vehicles your Army wants to develop are not nearly as difficult as the Navy's warships.

I will give you five million taels of silver coins for military expenses, which includes the total military expenses of the army, not just research and development expenses."

When Qi Gangyi heard that the military expenditure was five million taels of silver coins, his face turned red with excitement.

Except when the army is fighting a war, it has never received such a large amount of military expenditure. When the war stopped, this was the first time that the military expenditure reached 5 million taels.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Excluding special research and development expenses, the navy's funds for normal operations are more than three million taels of silver coins.

This is equivalent to the army's military expenditure, almost 40% of the navy's, and the proportion of military expenditure has increased several times.

His Majesty the Emperor can provide so much military expenditure, and he is already very satisfied.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi saw that Governor Qi Gang was demanding military funds, but he did not compete with the military.

The empire is now in a period of peace, and military spending is limited.

Even if the court has money this year, the army will not get much money.

Things turned out just as he expected. The military allegedly took away 20 million taels of military expenses.

There are now 120 million taels of silver left, which will be distributed by the cabinet and the six ministries.

Fang Yizhi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, saw that other officials were gearing up to compete for funds.

As the official with the least qualifications, he had to take the lead.

Fang Yizhi didn't react immediately.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, our Ministry of Industry needs more budget.

The imperial court has plenty of silver coins this year, and the Ministry of Industry will launch major infrastructure projects.

In order to support above-ground cars, a road network connecting the major cities in the empire will be built.

Construction of reservoirs and diversion canals in the Central Plains region.

After years of verification, sufficient water source irrigation can ensure that the grain ears are large and delicious.

Many large rivers in China still use traditional ferries.

The Ministry of Works plans to build bridges at suitable places, on both sides of the river."

The minister of the Ministry of Industry took the lead, and the other ministers said they would not lag behind.

Even Lu Guanghan, the Minister of Education, who has a fixed budget share every year, asked the Ministry of Education to allocate more money to speed up the process of building caring primary schools.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi saw the chaotic situation in the imperial meeting.

He immediately reprimanded loudly: "Quiet, stop making noise, this is not a vegetable market."

This chapter has been completed!
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