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Chapter 801 Oil shortage

You Wenpei, the magistrate of Mengjin County, Henan, is accompanying officials sent by the Water Conservancy Department of the Ministry of Industry to inspect the Yellow River channel.

He asked with some anxiety: "Mr. Zhao, what is the geographical location of our Mengjin County? Is it suitable for building a reservoir?"

The imperial court plans to build a large number of reservoirs, and this news has already been spread throughout the world through many authoritative newspapers.

Juventus knows that no matter where this large reservoir falls, it will be like pie in the sky.

Building large reservoirs does not require local expenditures, but the place that benefits the most is the location of the reservoir.

The implementation of a large-scale reservoir project requires a large amount of raw materials and labor during the project preparation stage.

This is obvious to all as a boost to the local economy and can lift many people out of poverty.

After the completion of the Daxing Reservoir, the reservoir needs to be subject to overall regulation by the Ministry of Water Resources.

But the local resistance to floods and droughts is far beyond ordinary.

The most critical point is that this project will also become a booster for Juventus' career.

He will stand out from many magistrates and have the possibility of further advancement.

Juventus is very concerned about large-scale reservoir projects, and this is the main reason.

If this project cannot have an impact on his career, he will ignore it.

Zhao Youlin heard Ju Wenpei ask this. He often dealt with local officials and could hear the subconscious minds of these people.

He said with a smile: "Youzhi County, the situation here is more suitable for building a large reservoir, and if nothing else, the site should be chosen here.

This place is some distance from the old channel of the Yellow River, and the sediment content in the river is not high.

Building a large reservoir here will prevent a large amount of sediment from the Yellow River from being deposited in the reservoir.

Sediment and gravel accumulated in the new channel of the Yellow River, and large amounts of water were released from the reservoir, impacting the sediment in the river channel and entering the sea.

The location of the reservoir can basically be determined. Our Ministry of Industry will take advantage of the dry season of the Yellow River to build the framework of the reservoir as soon as possible.

There is still a lot of work that requires the cooperation of Youzhi County."

When Juventus heard this satisfying news, he was very excited, but he suppressed his excitement.

He immediately held Zhao Youlin's hand and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhao, please rest assured that we in Mengjin County will fully cooperate with the Ministry of Works to build the reservoir.

Anyone who dares to be careless about this matter and affect the construction of the reservoir will be informed by Mr. Zhao and I will handle it personally."

What Ju Wenpei said is sincere. As long as he is from Mengjin County, whoever dares to influence the construction of the reservoir will affect his promotion.

No matter who it is, Juventus will never show any mercy.

Even if he is a dragon crossing the river, he will let this person see why the county magistrate is called Bailihou.

Zhao Youlin sensed Juvenpei's determination. He knew that these local officials wanted the reservoir to be completed as soon as possible than they did.

These people all know that the important figures in the court, from His Majesty the Emperor to the Cabinet, are all focused on the construction of the reservoir.

As long as there is a slight disturbance, the news can be passed to the ears of these adults.

If they are not working hard to express themselves at this time, then they really are not worthy of becoming a county magistrate.


Juventus immediately summoned the main officials on the front line and the heads of each township.

He informed the court that a large reservoir would be built in the county.

Everyone must protect the next reservoir construction work.

Wherever something goes wrong, the local officials will be responsible.

Juventus used his official hat as a means of pressure to mobilize all officials in the county to escort the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects.

They only need to wait for the imperial court to confirm the project, allocate project funds, and the construction of the reservoir will officially begin.


Juventus was wearing a down jacket, and there were tiny bits of duck down on the clothes, constantly coming out of it.

The down jacket is made of silk, and the high-count fabric still cannot stop the tiny duck down from getting out.

Most people wear cotton coats in winter and silk down jackets that shed constantly. Such people are either rich or noble.

There was also a group of people behind Juventus. They were also wearing down jackets and got into a car painted with silver paint.

He said with emotion: "A Lu car only costs 6,000 taels of silver. Once this small car comes out, who will buy a Longchang car with more than 100,000 taels of silver?"

Juventus just said the grapes were sour when he couldn't eat them.

Emperor Su He, Prince Su Shu, and Prime Minister Qian Mingyi would ride Longchang Bus.

Longchang Automobile focuses on safety and fashion, and the car shell uses high-priced special steel.

I heard that even a rifle shot at close range cannot penetrate the shell of a car.

The price is very expensive. If you want to ride in this kind of car, the lowest official you have to be is the governor.

They, the grassroots officials, can only ride in cheap new brand cars.

In order to compete for the market, these cars are sold at extremely low prices, generally less than 10,000 taels of silver coins.

Juventus got into the car and was quite satisfied with his current way of traveling.

The comfort of riding in a car is much better than that of a bumpy carriage.

The car was driving very fast on the road, and before it left the county town, its speed slowly slowed down.

The driver said helplessly: "Sir, the car seems to be out of gas. We must go to the gas station to fill it up."

How much fuel is left in the current car's fuel tank? This all depends on the driver's experience and judgment.

Or open the hood and use a ruler to measure how much diesel is left?

Juventus waved his hand and said: "Go to the gas station to refuel immediately, don't waste time."

The driver immediately turned and drove towards the gas station.

There is a gas station beside every major road out of the county town, and they belong to different owners.

They came to this gas station in the north of the city, which was owned by Fang's Trading Company.

Juventus saw the driver get out of the car and didn't know what was going on. He quarreled with the gas station manager.

"Xiao Wang is really impetuous and doesn't pay attention to the occasion at all."

While Juventus spoke, he opened the car door.

He went to the reservoir construction site today to express condolences to the people building the reservoir, wearing an official uniform.

The gas station manager saw the county magistrate getting out of his car.

Nowadays, only ordinary people can afford to drive a car.

But being able to open a gas station means the relationship behind it is even more profound.

An ordinary person in Mengjin County is not afraid of offending even if he can afford to drive a car.

But there are only a few people who, with his profound background, are unwilling to offend, and the county magistrate is on the list.

If the people do not fight with the officials, the county officials are not as good as taking charge now.

Even if there are people behind the gas station who really offend the county magistrate, it will be difficult for them to continue to gain a foothold here.

The shopkeeper immediately came over and apologized: "Master Magistrate, we are really out of gas here.

It’s not just our gas station. If you go to other gas stations, they won’t have gas either.

I see that you are in a hurry now, and I still have a full tank of gas in my car, so I will give you some as a gift."

In Juventus' impression, diesel is not something in urgent need.

The empire really lacks diesel, and the price of diesel cannot be just five cents.

This price is because the empire should provide certain subsidies for diesel in order to promote diesel engines.

When steam engines were promoted, the empire also subsidized coal for industry.

The price of coal purchased by factories is cheaper than the coal used by private households for heating.

But the initial pricing is extremely cheap. Even if the diesel price increases after subsidies end, the overall price of diesel will not be too expensive.

Juventus asked in surprise: "All the gas stations in the county are out of gas. How is this possible?

Are you businessmen hoarding?"

When the shopkeeper heard this sentence, his face changed drastically, and he quickly explained: "Diesel production has been very stable before, and the market is very narrow.

Suddenly, the emergence of diesel engines caused a sharp increase in the demand for diesel.

We, the businesses that sell diesel, did not expect that there would be such a huge demand for diesel.

Even if it is an emergency production, not much diesel can be produced in a short while.

And because the empire built many large-scale projects, including water conservancy and roads, this required a lot of diesel.

A large amount of diesel is given priority to various bases, and the diesel allocated to our small town is very limited."

After hearing this, Juventus temporarily agreed with the shopkeeper's statement.

When he went to the construction site of the reservoir, the details became clear.

The vehicle was quickly filled with fuel, and the driver accelerated to catch up with the slow-moving convoy ahead.

The car came to the front of the convoy again, and they were not far from the reservoir construction site.

They could see many three-wheeled trucks on the road, pulling dirt from the construction site.

And hauling sand, gravel and cement to the construction site.

Three-wheeled trucks came one after another, blocking the wide road.

Juventus's convoy waited for a long time before entering the construction site.

He saw more roaring sounds inside the construction site.

Huge excavators, wielding huge buckets, have dug large deep pits in place.

As soon as the excavator bucket goes down, almost one cubic meter of earth is dug up.

What an excavator can do in a few minutes will take a strong worker at least half a day to dig.

Juventus also saw a huge machine, which was a device similar to an iron bucket, rotating slowly.

There are a large amount of cement, sand and other construction materials piled around this machine.

Workers are using steel bars to build a steel wall with gaps.

There are several large holes in the wall, which should be channels for water to flow in and out.

Juventus can see that this is the most important dam gate location of the reservoir.

There is a problem with the quality of the dam gates, and water stored in large reservoirs will pour down, causing floods downstream.

The empire has strict quality control over large reservoirs.

Juventus saw that a joint supervision and law enforcement team composed of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Academy of Sciences was supervising the quality of the project.

The sound of workers' trumpets and the roar of machines continued to be heard throughout the construction site.

Even though a large number of new machines were involved, the place he was at was just a construction site in Dajing Reservoir, and at least 6,000 workers were busy.

When this project is completed, at least tens of thousands of families will be lifted out of poverty.

There are only so many households in a county, and many workers are still recruited from neighboring counties.

Juventus has such great achievements, it is very certain that he will continue to be promoted.

Zhao Youlin heard the report from his subordinates, and Ju Wenpei, the county magistrate, came to the construction site.

He immediately greeted me politely and said with a smile: "Welcome to Youzhi County, you are really a rare visitor."

Zhao Youlin was very satisfied with the cooperative local officials in Youzhi County.

This kind of official who can clearly understand the pros and cons and make people feel comfortable when doing things is by no means a thing in the pool. When given the opportunity, he will definitely soar into the sky.

When Juventus saw the progress of the reservoir project, he was no longer worried about whether the reservoir could be completed on time?

"Mr. Zhao, how is the progress of the reservoir project?

Can the reservoir be completed before the flood season comes?

I saw that the steel frame of the reservoir dam has been built very high, why not pour concrete."

Juventus inquired about the completion time of the reservoir project by making insinuations.

There are still two and a half years left in his term as county magistrate, and his official positions will be readjusted in accordance with the imperial system.

Generally, they are promoted or promoted, and as long as they don't make mistakes, they won't be demoted.

The reservoir project is too long, and the peach trees he plants will be picked away by others.

Just thinking about it made Juventus feel tight in his chest. If it happened, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Zhao Youlin didn't know that Juventus had these thoughts in his mind.

He simply introduced: "Youzhi County, building a reservoir is not afraid of the flood season.

If the reservoir is not well built, it will not be connected to the Yellow River.

The amount of water in the Yellow River does not affect the reservoir project.

According to the current progress of the project, I expect it will be almost completed by the end of next year.

As for why concrete is not poured, it is winter in the north and the temperature is very low. Pouring concrete at this time will affect the strength of the concrete.

We first build the frame, and when the temperature is right, the firewood is filled with concrete.

Those people on the investigation team know a lot.

If I really act recklessly, these people will lose my official position."

Ju Wenpei heard that Zhao Youlin was laughing at himself. He also understood that when the weather is too cold in winter, it will affect the progress of the project. Fortunately, the winter is not long.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He thought about the oil shortage in the county again. There are too many machines at the construction site. Once an oil shortage occurs on the construction site, it will definitely affect the progress of the project.

Ju Wenpei asked quickly: "Mr. Zhao, diesel is no longer available in the county.

I have seen that there are many machines using diesel at the construction site. Is the oil stored at the construction site guaranteed?

If there is a shortage of diesel at the construction site, I will do everything possible to help you obtain diesel."

Juventus still has some personal connections, so it is more difficult for him to get some diesel.

Zhao Youlin said helplessly: "Youzhi County is very well-informed.

I don’t know why, but it may be that diesel-burning machines have become popular too quickly and the production of diesel cannot keep up.

Now many parts of the empire are short of diesel.

In order to ensure the use of diesel in industry and agriculture, the state has specially allocated a batch of diesel, which will be transported to designated locations by tank trucks from the Military Logistics Department.

For construction sites and agricultural machinery, there is still a certain guarantee when using diesel for a short period of time.

I'm also worried about whether the empire's oil shortage will be serious.

It is really serious and cannot be solved in a short time.

It will definitely affect the progress of the project. I only hope that the domestic oil shortage can be solved as soon as possible.

What I can do now is to save as much diesel as possible to reduce the impact on the construction of reservoirs when there is a serious oil shortage."

Ju Wenpei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Zhao Youlin had made arrangements.

It would be nice if the progress of the reservoir construction project was not affected, otherwise he would have to make a wedding dress for other people after he had paid so much.

He quickly comforted him: "Mr. Zhao, I believe the oil shortage will not last long.

Petroleum oil has replaced coal as the most important energy source.

The empire’s usual style of doing things will definitely completely control the oil-related industrial chain.”

Regarding this matter, Juventus believes that the Empire will do better.

How could the big figures in the empire turn a blind eye to a problem that he, the county magistrate, could see.

This chapter has been completed!
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