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Chapter 813 Naval Live Fire Exercise

When Prince Su Shu brought people to the dock, there were also two film crews here.

They photographed the interior of the battleship Qin Shihuang and the installation of the turret on the battleship Qin Shihuang respectively.

The turret, which weighs dozens of tons, is moved to the designated position using a gantry crane.

The holes left in advance on the turret base correspond to the holes on the warship.

The thick screw rod of the arm is inserted through the hole, and one end of it is immediately put on the two matching nuts.

The installation worker put a huge wrench on the nut, held the wrench in place, and slowly tightened the nut by pulling it hard with the diesel engine.

Li Jia said with emotion: "The Emperor-class battleship uses many new technologies.

Although this screw is inconspicuous, its purpose is extremely important.

They are screws with a self-tightening function. As long as they are not manually unscrewed by machines, the bumps during the battleship's journey will not cause the screws to fall off at all.

In the past, riveting technology was used to connect the turrets, which required an extremely difficult process to install the turret.

The riveting process requires hard knocking, which may damage the structure inside the turret and cause mechanical failure of the turret.

The protruding rivets left by riveting will also affect the rotation of the turret.

This is also the previous battleship, and the artillery can only move at a small angle.

The turrets of the Imperial-class battleships no longer use rivets, and the guns can move up and down 90 degrees and left and right 180 degrees.

This large-angle movement allows the turret to freely attack enemies around the warship."

Prince Su Shu had never paid attention to the small part of the mule before, but he saw circles of threads on the outside of the screws.

Although this kind of thread is inconspicuous, it requires extremely high processing precision. Only after the emergence of higher-precision electric machine tools can such screws be industrially produced in large quantities.

Prince Su Shu watches the installation process of the turret of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

The originally extremely majestic battleship Qin Shihuang was equipped with sharp-edged turrets, which made it even more majestic and domineering.

Prince Su Shu looked at the ferocious muzzle, which would spread the empire's kindness and justice.


Prince Su Shu often boarded the battleship Qin Shihuang. He recalled the prosperous years he lived on the battleship Taishan.

He looked at Zhao Hongyue, the director of the publicity department who was busy directing the filming team.

Prince Su Shu walked over and asked, "Mr. Zhao, how is the work of the film crew going?"

He was also looking forward to the Qin Shihuang battleship's main gun launching an attack.

Prince Su Shu wanted to enjoy the experience and immediately returned to the capital.

However, the filming crew was too slow and the documentary was not completed.

He will continue to wait at Mawei Shipyard, and the remaining time will be very painful.

Zhao Hongyue didn't know what Prince Su Shu was thinking, so she answered truthfully: "Your Highness, the installation team has completed filming the outfitting process of the Emperor-class battleship. Now we only have to complete the artillery demonstration and the documentary will be filmed."

After hearing what Zhao Hongyue said, Prince Su Shu showed a happy smile.

"Mr. Zhao, what you are shooting is a documentary, which is basically based on the actual situation.

The camera should also be able to capture the fake plot being performed.

When it is screened, you feel like you are actually there, and its propaganda power is much stronger than that of newspapers."

Zhao Hongyue responded with a smile: "His Royal Highness is a great talent, when you see the camera, your thoughts are the same as His Majesty's.

His Majesty had this idea and named it a movie.

Right now, in our Publicity Department, there are already five movies being shot as soon as possible.

"The Yanhuang Tribes", "The First Emperor of Qin", "Emperor Chongzhen", "The Great Uprising in the Late Ming Dynasty", "The Demise of Smallpox"."

Prince Su Shu knew his father's intentions just by hearing the names of these five movies.

"Yanhuang Tribe" tells the story of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang. The empire has always claimed that the two emperors, Yan and Huang, are the common ancestors of the Han people.

Of course, filming a movie for promotion is inseparable from telling the stories of your ancestors.

"Qin Shi Huang" tells the story of Qin Shi Huang's victory in unifying the six kingdoms.

The idea of ​​great unification was established starting from Qin Shihuang.

Whether it is the unification of territory or the unification of written weights and measures, they are extremely important to Chinese civilization.

The idea of ​​great unification has been integrated into the blood of every Han Chinese.

Any small court that is partial to one another will not be given a good evaluation in the evaluations of future generations and in history books.

"Emperor Chongzhen" tells the story of Chongzhen, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Specifically telling the story of this subjugated king, my father probably wanted to use this movie to make the entire court reflect on the underlying reasons for the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

After the new dynasty is established, it must learn from the lessons of the previous dynasty's demise.

"The Great Uprising in the Late Ming Dynasty" should not surprisingly tell the story of many peasant rebel armies in the late Ming Dynasty, including the rebel army of the emperor.

The film shows the tragic situation of the late Ming Dynasty, and it is impossible to live without rebellion.

"The Demise of Smallpox" must be about the story of Queen Wang Wenjun developing the cowpox vaccine and eradicating smallpox.

Smallpox is the only plague that humans have controlled.

After the cowpox vaccine became popular, there was no local case of smallpox in the empire for five years.

Prince Su Shu is most interested in this movie.

After the movie became widely circulated, the queen mother's status became more stable.

Only when his mother's position is stable can his position as the prince be as stable as Mount Tai.

Prince Su Shu said happily: "I hope I can see these movies when I return to the capital."

He exchanged a few words with Zhao Hongyue and found Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang who was busy.

He waited aside for a while until Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang finished his work, then stepped forward and asked: "Chief of Staff Wang, how long will it take for the battleship Qin Shihuang to conduct artillery drills?"

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang replied: "The artillery of the battleship Qin Shihuang has been installed in place.

This gunfire exercise will comprehensively test the performance of the Qin Shihuang battleship.

The shipyard is working hard to produce the target ship for the exercise, and when the target ship arrives in the exercise waters, the gunfire exercise of the battleship Qin Shihuang will officially begin."

After Prince Su Shu asked about the specific time of the exercise, he left here and stopped disturbing Chief of Staff Wang's work.

Two days passed very quickly, and Prince Su Shu boarded the battleship Qin Shihuang again.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The warship's boiler emits black smoke, the steam turbine rotates slowly, and the warship heads to the shooting range located deep in the ocean.

The shooting range was located far away from the shipping route, and Prince Su Shu saw Navy destroyers patrolling near the shooting range.

Drive away approaching merchant ships and fishing boats to prevent them from being accidentally damaged by artillery fire.

There were several small boats surrounding the battleship Qin Shihuang. This was the performance of the battleship Qin Shihuang captured by the film crew from multiple angles, striving to create a perfect documentary.

The battleship Qin Shihuang came to the exercise sea area, and Prince Su Shu saw the target ship with a telescope.

This is an old cargo ship, and the ship's power must have been completely damaged.

The tugboat towed the target ship with a steel rope hundreds of meters long.

But it is different from ordinary cargo ships. It carries at least 500 millimeters of armor.

Prince Su Shu said in surprise: "Chief of Staff Wang, the navy has such thick armor for the target ship.

If the battleship Qin Shihuang cannot penetrate it, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing?”

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang said resolutely: "Spears and shields are improving each other. If artillery cannot penetrate armor, it is because of the incompetence of the artillery research institute and has nothing to do with our navy.

The target ship's armor is so thick to train generals on how to deal with such sudden situations."

After he finished speaking, he had not waited for Qin Shihuang's battleship to enter the designated position.

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang immediately issued an order, and the battleship Qin Shihuang opened fire on the target ship.

When Niu Lu, the captain of the battleship Qin Shihuang, heard this sudden order, he was not panicked at all.

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang has never acted according to the predetermined plan. When working under him, everything must be prepared as if there is a real war.

Captain Niulu immediately gave the order to the artillery staff to open fire.

The artillery staff observed the distance and moving speed of the target ship.

He skillfully used the fire control sight, which is a sight composed of multiple sets of lenses that can directly give the artillery shooting parameters.

The most important function of a fire control scope is to correct ballistic deviations caused by factors such as wind and waves.

When the artillery staff locked the target ship, the gunner had already started the diesel engine next to it.

The diesel engine provides enough power to the turret to facilitate automatic ammunition supply and direction adjustment of the turret.

Huge artillery shells, nearly six to seven meters long and three and a half meters in diameter, were transported to the base of the artillery through a conveyor belt.

After the hydraulic device grips the cannonball, it then rises and sends the cannonball into the barrel.

At this time, the artillery staff had completed aiming and stated the parameters of the target location.

The artilleryman began to adjust the position and elevation of the artillery, confirmed that the artillery was adjusted in place, and immediately fired the artillery shells.

Prince Su Shu only heard a roar, and his ears were a little painful from the shock.

He saw a huge fire coming from the direction of the target ship ahead.

Then there was an even louder explosion, followed by a strong plume of gunpowder smoke.

Prince Su Shu used a telescope to observe the target ship. He found that the target ship had begun to capsize after being bombarded.

The external armor on the target ship was blown into pieces.

Prince Su Shu said in shock: "The Qin Shihuang battleship's artillery is too powerful.

The target ship was blown so far away from its original location that all the armor on it flew off.

The most critical point is that the Qin Shihuang battleship's artillery can attack moving targets with such high accuracy.

Today's storm is not small. The artillery does not need to be tested and can hit the target directly. This is hard power.

No matter how powerful the artillery is, if it cannot hit the target, it will not have the desired effect."

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang watched the test firing of the artillery. The performance of the artillery has met the requirements of the navy.

Hearing the compliment from Prince Su Shu, he said in a calm tone: "The power of the artillery is still a bit weak. His Highness the Prince probably didn't observe carefully.

The steel plates on the target ship were blown off, mainly because the connecting steel plates were not firm.

I saw the steel plate flashing past, but the artillery failed to penetrate the steel plate.

It seems that artillery shells that can penetrate armor are now on the agenda.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for our army to achieve results when facing an enemy of the same size."

Prince Su Shu looked at the turret of the battleship Qin Shihuang, but he did not answer.

In his opinion, the power of the battleship Qin Shihuang's artillery was already very powerful, and the armor of the battleship Taishan would never be able to block this cannon.

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang then issued the order for the exercise.

Just now we were testing the power of the main gun, and next we will be testing the Qin Shihuang battleship's ability to deliver gunfire.

Not only does the main gun fire, but the secondary gun also fires at the target.

Only the rapid-fire cannon with a shorter range did not fire.

The main purpose of the rapid-fire cannon is to drive away small warships such as fireships and prevent elephants from being killed by ants.

The scene of dozens of large-caliber artillery firing together is very spectacular.

Prince Su Shu covered his ears and looked at this magnificent scene.

He knew the navy very well and saw that even when the warships were slightly tilted due to the salvo of artillery, most of the artillery could still hit the target accurately.

Prince Su Shu was shocked again: "The technological progress of the imperial warships has exceeded my imagination.

The Shomen artillery fired a salvo, and the recoil was so powerful that the warship still had no problems.

When the warship is so bumpy, the shells can still hit the target accurately."

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang saw the performance of the battleship Qin Shihuang and he was extremely satisfied.

This is the battleship in his heart. As the first generation of iron-clad battleships, the Taishan-class battleship is still not very popular.

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang said: "Your Highness, this is the result of the joint progress of technology and soldier experience.

Any instrument is an auxiliary, but the most important thing is people.

These artillerymen need to consume nearly a hundred rounds of artillery shells every day. He does not have this ability, which is completely trained with a lot of silver coins.

Nothing but familiarity with your hands."

Prince Su Shu nodded seriously and said: "It is true that no matter how advanced the weapon is, illiterate people will not be able to exert its full strength.

My father's plan to popularize primary schools in the empire is a far-sighted policy."

After the Qin Shihuang battleship exercise ended, Prince Su Shu found Zhao Hongyue and asked: "How was the filming by the film crew? Do you need to let the Qin Shihuang battleship conduct another exercise?"

Zhao Hongyue said nervously: "Your Highness, the camera crew has not returned. I still don't know how they filmed?

I can't make a decision until I see the specific samples.

There are only a few missing shots, which can be processed through editing. Most of the content has not been filmed well, so we can only ask the navy to conduct another rehearsal. ********* While Su Shu was waiting for Zhao Hongyue to check the samples.

He came to Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang and asked: "Chief of Staff Wang, I would like to ask some questions that have nothing to do with warships.

When Zhao Guo was attacking the British colony, he discovered a special submersible.

Cheap submersibles can perish together with ironclads.

This is still black powder installed by the English. If they had more powerful gunpowder, the ironclad would be more dangerous."

Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang also had a solemn expression.

"Our Navy has also discussed this news.

Submersibles are likely to be a new naval service in the future, but the technology is immature now, unless they die together like England.

It is precisely this kind of submersible that poses a threat to warships, so we have thickened the warship's underwater armor this time.

To deal with these submersibles, the Weapons Research Institute has specially studied depth charges.

I heard that they also turned the submersible into an unmanned weapon, and the name of the project was called a torpedo.

It is also claimed that torpedoes can sink all ironclads, we will wait and see."

Prince Su Shu felt relieved when he heard that the navy was already prepared for this new situation.

After Zhao Hongyue watched the sample, she immediately found Prince Su Shu and said excitedly: "Your Highness, the documentary was shot perfectly. We don't need to trouble the navy anymore."

Prince Su Shu was very happy that the documentary was finally finished.

He immediately ordered Zhao Hongyue to lead everyone to prepare to return to the capital.

This chapter has been completed!
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