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Chapter 825 Blitzing Persia (3)

The moment they saw the enemy, Wei Xiaoyong, the commander of the chariot regiment, and Saili, the Persian cavalry general, were both surprised.

Wei Xiaoyong led the chariot regiment and had already completed the tasks assigned by his superiors.

He led the tank regiment and successfully penetrated the enemy's defense line.

Chariots are several times more efficient than heavy cavalry. Chariots surrounded by armor are not afraid of enemy attacks at all.

Not to mention that the Persians did not have powerful artillery, even the imperial artillery regiment, unless it was hit directly by a cannonball, the shrapnel splattered by the cannonball would not be able to penetrate the armor of the tank.

The chariot directly ran over the enemy, causing a shock far greater than that of a heavy cavalry charge.

The tank regiment only carried out one charge and completely defeated the enemy's will to resist.

When Wei Xiaoyong was excited, he saw the Persian cavalry coming to support him.

He glanced again at the photographer who was not afraid of life and death and even shot war scenes behind the chariot.

Wei Xiaoyong immediately recalled what the army commander had said. The performance of the chariot regiment on the battlefield this time would be reported directly to the emperor.

Their tank regiment should take advantage of this opportunity to express themselves more on the battlefield.

The cavalry chariots of the new era are equipped with the cavalry of the old era. This war will definitely prove the value of the chariots.

Saili was riding on a tall war horse, and he looked at the monster-like chariot.

His eyes were wide open, and his voice was trembling out of extreme shock.

"Monster, what kind of monster is this?

This monster is so powerful that it penetrated the army's defense line in such a short time."

General Saili quickly calmed down and shouted loudly: "This monster cannot be defeated, retreat.

We are going to defend Isfahan and defend His Majesty the King."

Saili could already tell that the running monster was wearing iron armor.

He saw that even the flintlock guns in the hands of the army could not break through the iron armor.

The bows, arrows and machetes in the hands of their cavalry could not penetrate the iron armor at all.

The only option is to evacuate the battlefield before being entangled by the enemy.

This kind of armored monster can only be dealt with by relying on the city's heavy artillery.

Looking at the size of the enemy army, Seri did not think Trobaz City could be defended, so he had no choice but to flee to Isfahan.

Wei Xiaoyong stared at the enemy army in front of him, eager to defeat the enemy army.

He found the Persian cavalry preparing to flee from normal.

Wei Xiaoyang yelled bravely: "Cowards, the Persian cavalry are all incompetent cowards, they don't even have the courage to start a war."

He couldn't just watch the fat in his mouth escape.

Wei Xiaoyong yelled at the chariot driver: "Speed ​​up, give me the maximum speed, and you must not let the cavalry on the opposite side run away."

At the same time, he took out the spare flare pistol, adjusted the installation sequence of the flares, and checked it again and again.

He opened the top cover of the tank, leaned half out of the tank, held up the flare pistol in his right hand, and fired three shots in a row.

Wei Xiaoyong shouted loudly: "Charge, the chariot regiment charges."

After he finished shouting, he quickly got into the chariot. The chariot had already begun to accelerate. If he leaned out of the chariot again, he would easily be thrown out of the chariot.

Wei Xiaoyong looked back through the window of the chariot. He found that the other chariots in the chariot regiment had noticed the signal flares he had triggered and followed closely to direct the chariots to move.

Not seeing the chariot with the flare, the chariot commander leaned out and asked the nearby chariots.

When Wei Xiaoyong saw this situation, he was not surprised at all.

This is why once a tank launches an attack, it is difficult to stop.

Delivering commands this way is too slow.

Once on the battlefield where the situation is ever-changing, it is impossible to deliver accurate orders.

We can only clarify the goals that need to be achieved before the war begins, and allow grassroots officers to perform freely.

This is a special situation. They are chasing the fleeing cavalry who have no will to resist.

Only in this way can military orders be slowly conveyed through this primitive means.

The engine of the tank group's tank roared louder, and the driver of the tank had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Even so, the speed of the chariot is about the same as that of the war horse.

The chariot regiment could only follow closely behind the Persian cavalry.

Because the distance was quite far, the range of the machine gun on the tank could not hit the Persian cavalry.

The gunner could only choose to fire at the Persian cavalry in front when the chariot was moving at high speed.

Since the chariots were moving at high speed, the accuracy of the artillery shells was worrying, but the Persian cavalry was in dense formation.

You don't need accuracy at all to hit the enemy's formation.

The shelling of the chariot regiment hindered the efficiency of the Persian cavalry's escape.

Because the diesel engine of the tank is running at high speed, faults that are usually hidden break out. Some tanks with malfunctions have no choice but to leave the battlefield.

But most tanks can still cope with the load caused by short-range bursts.

As time went by, the Persian horses ran slower and slower.

The horse's charging speed is very fast, but its endurance is not strong.

The endurance of a horse cannot be compared to that of a human being, let alone a chariot burning diesel.

When Wei Xiaoyong saw this situation, a smile appeared on his face.

"That's great. As long as our tank doesn't break down and the diesel in the tank doesn't run out, it can always maintain its top speed.

War horses are completely different. It is impossible to maintain the original high speed when tired from running.

The Persian war horses are of good breed, and they slowed down half an hour later than I expected.”

Wei Xiaoyong gave the order to the gunner: "At such a close distance, the artillery is not effective. Change the machine gun to attack the Persian cavalry."

As soon as his order was given, the chariots had already caught up to the rear of the Persian cavalry.

The rattling sound of machine guns rang out, and the flesh and blood bodies of the Persian cavalry were unable to withstand the bullets fired by the machine guns. They fell one after another.

Wei Xiaoyong looked at this scene. This was the massacre of backward civilization by advanced civilization.

The tank's machine gun faced the enemy's cavalry's swords and spears. In this war, the enemy did not even have a chance to resist.

The Persian cavalry quickly collapsed. They had been surrounded by the chariot group and had no ability to fight back, so they had no choice but to surrender to the chariot group.


Lu Chenyang saw that the city of Postrobaz was besieged by a large army.

Before they could launch an artillery attack, someone was flying a white flag and the imperial dragon flag on top of the city.

A businessman wearing silk and satin, with a myopic look similar to that of the common people of the empire, was waving the imperial dragon flag in his hand.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! As he approached the imperial military camp, he shouted loudly: "I am Junichi Matsushita, an imperial businessman, and I come to discuss surrender with the imperial army on behalf of Postrobez City.


Lu Chenyang listened to his subordinates conveying this situation to him.

He asked in surprise: "Before we attacked, we didn't ask the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau to evacuate the empire in advance.

Prevent these people from being used as hostages by Persia, should this happen.

For the sake of the empire's strategy, even hostages cannot stop the army.

Our army will inevitably be reprimanded by some rotten literati."

Chief of Staff He Guangzhi rubbed his nose and said: "I expected it to be true. This businessman should be a naturalized citizen. He is very popular among businessmen.

During the evacuation, he was ostracized and did not understand the importance of the matter."

Lu Chenyang said angrily: "Nonsense, this is complete nonsense. They are not causing trouble to our First Army by doing this."

He Guangzhi asked: "Commander Lu, how are you going to handle this matter?

I am inclined to agree to the surrender of the Persians, which can reduce a lot of resistance for our army's next actions."

Lu Chenyang nodded and said: "We must accept surrender, but it must be unconditional surrender.

Our army implements the blitzkrieg strategy. The shorter the war, the better. There is no need to continue fighting a useless war.

I am not a war madman. It would be best if Trobaz City chose to surrender.

But let’s not be too optimistic. If Trobatz City fakes surrender and wants to engage in street fighting with us, the Imperial Royal Army will let them know how powerful they are.”

After a simple discussion between the two of them, Lu Chenyang was responsible for leading most of the troops to evacuate the Trobas area and head to the Isfahan area.

Chief of Staff He Guangzhi is responsible for staying here.

He needs to lead the army to completely occupy Trobaz, clean up the surrounding enemy forces, and at the same time control the captured prisoners and protect the army's logistical supply lines.

Trobatz was handed over to the rear militia management, so that He Guangzhi could continue to move south.

Lu Chenyang led the army to move south. He received two telegrams reporting victory.

The city of Trobaz is indeed a real surrender. This kind of commercial city has a large number of merchants and small citizens doing business.

The will of the residents of this kind of city to resist is very weak.

They were intimidated by the empire's powerful strength and did not dare to resist.

The second good news is that they pursued the Persian cavalry chariot regiment and achieved a great victory.

The Chariot Regiment has a large number of prisoners in its hands, and I don’t know what to do next?

Lu Chenyang issued an order to let the chariot regiment control and screen the prisoners.

The army will soon rendezvous with the chariot regiment, and the prisoners will be sent to Trobatz City for custody.

The tank regiment continued to take the bus to Isfahan, the capital of Iran.


4351 (1654 AD), May 5th.

The main force of the First Army arrived at the gates of Isfahan.

The city guards of Isfahan looked at a loss. They had no idea that the army of the Chinese Empire had already reached the city.

The mechanized march of the First Army was too fast, and the Persian messengers riding fast horses to report the news were not as fast as the First Army.

Persia had only received the letter of belligerency before, but other than that, they knew nothing about the situation of this war.

Wei Xiaoyong has two first-class merit medals hanging on his chest. He now walks with wind. The performance of the Chariot Regiment is too brilliant.

Others are acting strangely, that is, they are envious and jealous of the Chariot Corps.

Wei Xiaoyong came to Lu Chenyang and said excitedly: "Isfahan's suspension bridge has just been pulled up, and its moat is not fast.

As long as the artillery suppresses the cannons on top of the city, our tanks can rush directly into the city.

When chariots attack the city, the enemy's fortifications, except for artillery, are almost useless.

Even if this kind of solid front-loaded bullet hits the tank directly, without hitting the weak tracks, the tank will be hit with a small crater at most.

The artillery on the city wall was located high up, making it difficult to hit the tracks of the chariot.

Commander, don't hesitate any longer, the city's defenses will continue to be strengthened."

Lu Chenyang holds the most powerful army in the empire. If he encounters this kind of situation, he will definitely not choose to sacrifice his life.

Doing so would be embarrassing and damage his reputation in the empire.

With thousands of artillery shells fired at the speed of light, as long as the war is won, at most the logistics department will complain a few times, and nothing else will happen at all.

However, if the army suffered too many casualties and still attacked a small and poor country like Persia, it would be an extremely serious accident.

Lu Chenyang's initial idea was to have the artillery regiment blow up the city wall.

But what material is the city wall of Isfahan made of? How strong is it?

They knew nothing about these conditions. If it were made entirely of stone and was thick and strong, it would take the artillery regiment several days to completely collapse the city wall.

Now the chariot regiment has taken the initiative to volunteer, and the soldiers are in the chariot again, without fear of most of the enemy's means of defending the city.

He immediately agreed to Wei Xiaoyong's request.

When the chariot regiment was preparing to set off, the artillery began to suppress the old artillery fire on the city head.

Specially armored trucks began to throw sandbags into the enemy's moat.

Wei Xiaoyong selected the attacking chariots. The entrance to the moat on the side of the chariot regiment was already filled with sandbags.

Wei Xiaoyong saw the artillery regiment continuing to suppress the Persian artillery.

He got into the chariot and immediately made the chariot rush towards the city gate at a very high speed.

While the chariot accelerated, the artillery aimed at the city gate and began bombarding it.

The artillery regiment's artillery suppressed the enemy easily, and they also chose to assist the chariots and blow up the local city gates.

The Isfahan City Gate is the strongest city gate in Persia, but it cannot withstand cannon bombardment.

Wei Xiaoyong's chariot had arrived at the moat, and he saw that the city gate in front had been blown open by artillery shells.

This is a very thick iron door, and you usually need tools to raise it.

Wei Xiaoyong shouted excitedly: "Speed ​​up and rush over."

While the chariot accelerated, the artillery fired continuously to attack the enemy troops behind the city gate to prevent them from blocking the city gate with things.

The chariot passed through the moat, its tracks rolling over the sandbags that had just been laid.

Wei Xiaoyong could feel that the sandbags could not bear the weight of the chariot and were sinking downwards.

When the chariot reached the end of the moat, the sandbags had collapsed a foot deep.

The front of the chariot was raised high, and the tracks were leaning against the shore. The chariot accelerated slowly and drove directly to the shore.

The chariot made a huge roar and rushed towards the city gate.

On the top of the city, others braved the rain of bullets, and the stones, wood, and hot gold juice thrown down hit the chariot, but they had no effect on the chariot at all.

Wei Xiaoyong heard a bang from the front.

The Persians set up cannon behind the city gate and launched an attack on the chariots.

The shell hit the armor of the tank, causing the tank to tremble violently and the front armor to dent.

Wei Xiaoyong only felt violent shaking, and he almost vomited out bile.

He shouted loudly: "Victory is right in front of us. If we rush in, we will win."

The tank's artillery and machine guns fired simultaneously, and it rushed into the city gate at extremely high speeds.

The tracks of the chariot ran over the broken iron door fragments, causing violent sparks and a creaking sound.

Wei Xiaoyong's chariot rushed directly into the city gate and immediately cleared the enemy troops around the city gate.

Following the chariot behind Wei Xiaoyong, they rushed through the city gate one after another.

With their powerful firepower and excellent defensive capabilities, the chariots withstood the enemy's attack and completely occupied the city gate.

Lu Chenyang immediately ordered the army to enter the city and follow the open road of the chariot to completely control the city.

He saw the imperial dragon flag rising above the city.

Lu Chenyang shed tears excitedly. The army finally got through the most difficult moment.

They acquired epoch-making weapons just like the navy acquired ironclads.

The mechanized army is too powerful, and the blitzkrieg is too powerful.

Persia can be considered a medium-sized country. In less than ten days, the first army has taken control of the capital of this country. It is only time for this country to be destroyed.

The battle of the First Army's blitzkrieg into Persia was enough to prove the power of the mechanized army.

This chapter has been completed!
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