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Chapter 837 Impeachment of the Governor-General

In the mansion of Cabinet Minister Honeysuckle.

He looked at the newspaper reports and found that the people's focus was not at all in the direction he wanted to guide.

The purpose of honeysuckle is to lead the people to think that it is difficult for the prince Su Shu to make a fortune.

He took advantage of the empire's overseas military operations and made a profit of up to 30 million taels of silver coins.

In this way, Honeysuckle not only undermined the prestige of Prince Su Shu, but also forced the prince's palace to spit out 30 million taels of silver coins.

With thirty million taels of silver coins in the treasury, the court can do many important things.

Honeysuckle can also use this money to bribe a large number of civil servants and make them favor their side.

He knew very well that he was the whetstone arranged by Emperor Su He for Prince Su Shu.

Let him test Prince Su Shu's performance under various pressures.

For the sake of his current status, Honeysuckle would definitely not stay with Prince Su Shu.

He was previously worried about whether his children and grandchildren would be affected a hundred years from now.

But when his three sons took the imperial examination five times, they still fell behind Sun Shan.

He knew that his son was definitely not qualified to be an official.

Honeysuckle has since become more open-minded. He is now targeting Prince Su Shu. As long as his son does not enter the officialdom, it will not have any impact on them.

Prince Su Shu is not a tyrannical person, even for the sake of the reputation of a holy king.

After his death, Prince Su Shu will not target his family too much.

Honeysuckle recovered from his random thoughts and continued to read the contents of the newspaper.

Under his strong guidance, some writers began to criticize the Prince's Palace.

In the taverns in the capital, the tone of the discussion about the Prince's Mansion was not very friendly.

But as Crown Princess Li Xiyue announced in the newspaper the details of how the Crown Prince's Mansion made money.

Public opinion suddenly reversed, and everyone shifted from discussing how the Prince's Palace embezzled public funds to what finance was.

The channels through which the Prince's Mansion makes money are the three financial markets: futures market, bond market, and stock market.

The Financial Street, which was originally only known to some businessmen, was directly promoted to the whole country by newspapers.

When people learned about finance, they immediately went crazy.

These people simply cannot imagine that just by buying low and selling high, they can make wealth in just one day that they could not have imagined in their entire lives.

People who buy newspapers every day are definitely not the lowest class of people.

They all have little assets and cannot enter the futures market, but they can still play in the stock market and bond market, which have low barriers to entry.

Suddenly, how to buy stocks and bonds became the hottest topic in newspapers.

Whichever company performs well on this topic will sell the newspaper very well.

Without the help of public opinion, just the anger of some people would not have any impact on Prince Su Shu at all.

Honeysuckle put down the newspaper. During this fight with the prince, he missed a move.

The common people's desire to make money far exceeds the matters in the court.

Honeysuckle put on his official uniform and took a car to the cabinet.

With the discovery of the large oil fields in Persia, there will be a sufficient supply of diesel oil two months after the battle.

The imperial court hoarded diesel fuel and began to sell diesel fuel to other parties when the market price was high.

Ride in a comfortable car and no longer have to leave it in the yard to bask in the sun.

Honeysuckle took a car ride for a while, and then let him ride a slow horse-drawn carriage. This experience was not good.

When he came to the cabinet, he heard cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang say with envy: "The benefits of the Prince's Palace during this period have been too great.

Who would have imagined that the war cost millions of taels of silver coins, and the Prince's Palace alone earned 30 million taels of silver coins.

The world is changing so fast that I feel like I am old and can no longer keep up with the times.

Previously I wanted to make profits from territorial expansion.

We must rely on local governance, which requires input first and then output.

Just because of industrialization, the output of the empire far exceeded its previous investment.

It is this kind of continuous positive feedback that can support the continuous expansion of the empire.

Now that financial means have emerged, the war has just ended, and the court's investment has been earned back by relying solely on taxation."

Many officials in the cabinet heard Qu Xiangyang say that the empire had made back its investment through taxation alone.

Their eyes widened, and some of them were breathing heavily, shocked by the news.

Qu Xiangyang is the cabinet minister in charge of finance and finance. He will definitely not talk nonsense on this topic.

They had anticipated the power of finance before, but they did not expect that the benefits that finance could bring were far beyond their imagination.

After Cabinet Prime Minister Qian Mingming was shocked, he smiled and said: "The three financial institutions are the futures exchange, the stock exchange, and the bond exchange.

They are nominally managed by the cabinet.

The better the financial development, the better it will be for the cabinet.

This is our interest and everyone must protect it."

Cabinet officials heard Prime Minister Qian Mingyi's hint.

For thousands of years, the power of the prime minister and the power of the monarch have been fighting. Even if the forms of expression are different in different dynasties and generations, the essence is the same.

These three extremely profitable financial institutions are now under the true control of Emperor Su He.

But these civil servants kept poaching and controlling these three financial institutions, waiting for the opportunity to take full control of them.

Cabinet ministers were undoubtedly the strongest civil servants at that time, but not every emperor was wise or powerful.

As long as you encounter a mediocre emperor and let civilian officials control the key offices of the court, the status of monarchy and prime ministership will be reversed.

Isn't it because the civil servants in the early Ming Dynasty evaded the emperor and controlled the power of the government?

This is the loftiest ideal in the hearts of civil servants.

They will all assess the situation and restrain themselves when encountering a strong monarch, and push forward when encountering a weak monarch.

He did not expect that Emperor Su He was so powerful that he soon stopped paying attention to the struggle between kingship and prime ministership.

If you want to compete with the founding emperor for power, you are courting death.

They pay more attention to financial news.

These cabinet ministers are no less well-informed than Prince Su Shu.

The Prince's Mansion was able to earn thirty million taels of silver coins by relying on its well-informed information.

People like them can't earn 30 million taels of silver coins, and they can't even earn 300,000 taels of silver coins.

When everyone thought of this, they felt excited.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is a legal way to make money, it is not corruption or bribery, and there is no fear of investigation by the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi saw that everyone was in a state of disbelief, and he knew what these people were thinking now.

He tapped the table gently with his hand, and when he saw no response from the crowd, he coughed heavily, and then woke them up.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi banged his hand on the table and said: "In this Persian War, the army made extremely serious mistakes.

Ma Xianglin, the former commander of the 19th Army of the Royal Army, provoked border provocations without authorization, which led to a conflict between the Imperial 19th Army in the northwest and the Ottoman Turks.

The newly formed Fourth Fleet of the Royal Navy went to the Arabian region to assist the Royal Army in its operations.

But they occupied the land of the vassal country.

King Cai Wu Jie has sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You must never forget the tragic situation during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Once those warlords become powerful, they will bring devastation to China.

Your Majesty implements the separation of civil and military affairs, which means that civil servants cannot interfere in the affairs of the Governor's House at all.

If there are obvious errors and omissions in the Governor's Office, we civil servants must intervene.

We must not allow the Governor's Office to become domineering just because of a few small victories."

When the cabinet ministers heard these two things, they were immediately excited.

Seizing the mistakes and omissions of the Metropolitan Governor's office and pursuing them and hitting them hard is a common method used by civil servants to suppress military generals.

Compared with the civil and military status of the former Ming Dynasty, the status of imperial generals was too high, and many officials were not comfortable with it.

When Honeysuckle saw this situation, he immediately got angry.

"Damn it, we must not allow these generals to act recklessly.

They dare to provoke disputes with other countries today without taking any serious measures.

I will dare to lead troops to clear your side tomorrow."

Cabinet Minister Qu Xiangyang frowned and said: "The Governor's Office has obviously slacked off in its management of certain generals.

Under normal circumstances, a certain general can never stay in a certain army for too long.

In doing this, Ma Xianglin obviously regarded the 19th Army as his private army.

The servant system that is deeply ingrained in the hearts of these officials who surrendered from their previous names has not yet dissipated.

The governor-general must be urged to strictly implement the rotation system of generals.

The army belongs to the imperial court and must not belong to any general."

Qu Xiangyang was born in the military, and he did not want to cause too much trouble between the cabinet and the governor's office.

But this time, some generals' actions clearly crossed the line and must be severely punished.

Even among the cabinet members, Han Cuibai, whose attitude is unclear, must act in concert with the cabinet on this matter.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi smiled when he saw that the cabinet was basically united.

Today, Emperor Su He holds an imperial meeting.

What does he know not to do? With the help of the east wind of the Persian War, the Governor's Palace will surely soar into the sky.

Once this happens, the status of the cabinet will inevitably decline.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi made careful preparations before preparing to attack the Governor's Office today.

Today's imperial meeting has a special resolution.

They mainly discussed the distribution of benefits after the empire occupied Persia.

The arrogance of the military must be suppressed, otherwise most of Persia's interests will be controlled by the military.


Prince Su Shu was sitting next to the dragon chair. He looked at the civil servants who came in. His attitude was completely different from before. He seemed to be planning to do something big.

When the civil servants entered the Qianqing Palace, no one greeted the officials of the Dudu Palace.

The cabinet and the Metropolitan Government often had tit-for-tat conflicts over certain matters, but on the surface they still maintained their dignity.

Nowadays, the civil servants in the cabinet don't even give face to the governor's office. It seems that they are planning to cause big troubles.

Prince Su Shu thought about today's issue, and he understood what these civil servants were thinking.

After the discovery of massive amounts of oil in Persia, many people in the court felt that it was inappropriate for the Persian Governor-General to have such huge wealth.

They decided to divide Persia into three provinces as they did with India, plus the already occupied Caucasus and Armenia.

In this way, there will be five governors and chief envoys and other local officials.

Originally, these governors and chief envoys were all civil servants.

The cabinet is selecting suitable officials.

The Grand Governor's Office decided to let some generals resign. They proposed that newly occupied lands like Persia would be more conducive to governance by governors with military backgrounds.

This approach of the Metropolitan Governor's Office directly stimulated the cabinet.

If Nege can't even retain the positions of governor and chief envoy, such second- and third-grade officials.

Now these cabinet ministers will definitely lose their reputation in the officialdom and their reputation will plummet.

Prince Su Shu anticipated that there would be a conflict between the cabinet and the governor's office, so he decided not to intervene in the conflict.

In his current situation, the fewer enemies there are, the less resistance there is.

Emperor Su He soon sat on the dragon chair. After everyone saluted, the imperial meeting officially began.

There has been no formal discussion on the selection of governors and chief envoys of the five provinces.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi immediately stood up and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I have just learned of important news, and I request that the discussion of the issue be temporarily suspended.

I am preparing to temporarily impeach a military general who has no regard for his superiors."

When Emperor Su He heard what Prime Minister Qian Mingyi said, he immediately knew what these civil servants wanted to do?

Ma Xianglin's incident made him extremely angry. It was not a big deal, but it was extremely bad in nature.

In ancient times, military orders were not given to generals when they were away. This was because the communication time was too long and the frontline generals and the emperor could not communicate in time.

Now all armies are equipped with wireless telegraph machines, so frontline generals can communicate with the emperor in a timely manner.

When communication is convenient, some people feel that they are very capable and can directly make the decision on emergencies that have no major impact.

If this situation continues to develop, generals will be able to use various means to turn the imperial army into their own private army.

Even if such signs appear in the army, it is absolutely unacceptable and must be cut off with strong means.

Emperor Su He said calmly: "Then tell me who looks down on me."

After Prime Minister Qian Mingyi heard Emperor Su He's answer, he held his breath before he could continue to breathe.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When Qian Mingyi takes this step, he is also taking a risk.

Once Emperor Su He reprimanded the Governor-General, this matter would not be able to proceed.

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi received the emperor's permission and immediately told the Qianqing Palace about Commander Ma Xianglin of the 19th Army and Admiral Lu Yuanqi of the Fourth Fleet.

He finally said with seriousness and sincerity: "Your Majesty, you must not continue to condone this.

These people have no interest in the imperial court at all, and they put their own interests above those of the imperial court.

Only then will he do things that are beneficial to himself but not beneficial to the court.

I want to impeach Commander Ma Xianglin and Admiral Lu Yuanqi. These people who are good at provoking border provocations must not be placed in border areas.

They must be brought back to Beijing for trial, they must be dealt with seriously, and the responsibility for the poor management of the Metropolitan Governor's Office must be held accountable."

After the impeachment of Prime Minister Qian Mingyi, he looked at Governor Qi Gangyi with provocation in his eyes.

When Qi Gangyi saw this situation, he wanted to defend Ma Xianglin and Lu Yuanqi, but he couldn't do so.

According to external reports, these two people had a sudden idea and wanted to do this temporarily.

Once I defend these two people, this is not a temporary act, but a premeditation.

The guilt of those two people will be very serious. Not only will they have to take off their military uniforms, but they will also be imprisoned.

Emperor Su He looked at the people in the Governor's Mansion and asked, "What do you have to say?

Is the news about Qian Aiqing’s impeachment true?”

When Qi Gangyi heard Emperor Su He ask this question, he knew that Emperor Su He wanted to kill the monkey and the chicken.

The matters involving Commander Ma Xianglin have already touched the taboos of Emperor Su He.

Even if Commander Ma Xianglin decides to take off his military uniform and retire to his hometown.

Emperor Su He would not let it go lightly and has been waiting for this matter to ferment.

This chapter has been completed!
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