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Chapter 844 Unexpected test questions

Zhao Shiheng looked at the math test paper in a daze. He finally shook his head. The last big question in the test paper could only be left blank.

He had no idea at all regarding the volume of the ball and was completely incapable of solving the problem.

In the field of mathematics, if you don't know how to do it, you just don't know how. The test papers will be made public after the scientific examination, so you can't write blindly on the test paper.

After Zhao Shiheng checked that there were no errors or omissions in the previous questions, he handed the test paper with an empty question to the examiner.

After he relaxed, he realized that the sound of crying and the scolding of officials could be heard from time to time in the examination room.

There are really candidates who cry because of the math test paper.

They only wrote a few simple questions and handed in the test papers crying.

As expected, these people will fail the exam and have no chance at all.

Zhao Shiheng judged the difficulty of this test paper based on Tong Yan's level.

Easy questions account for 10%, common questions account for 50%, and difficult questions account for 30%.

Of the remaining 10%, 90% are extremely difficult questions, and 10% are questions without answers.

Even if you have never studied mathematics, if you have some common sense in life, you can get points on 10% of the simple questions.

Each of the empire's imperial examinations has about 10% simple questions that can be answered correctly without using your brain.

Jing Shi Ke is a well-known sentence in the classics.

Mathematics is a simple question of mixed operations.

The policy theory section also has several scoring questions with standard answers.

The empire's imperial examinations did not allow candidates to hand in blank papers. If they failed to answer a question or wrote irrelevant content on the test paper, they would be deemed to have abandoned the exam.

Candidates who abandon the exam will have all their merit and honors cancelled.

If they want to qualify for the general examination again, they need to take the exam again starting from childhood.

For a person who has gained both fame and fortune, the price paid is too high, and it is difficult to make this decision.

Even if they cry because of the math test paper, they will never give up.

At the very least, you need to be confused about the multiple-choice questions. There are sixteen multiple-choice questions. If you choose A for the first eight questions and B for the last eight questions, you can get five questions correct.

Before he was in Luzon, he couldn't judge his own level. Even after entering the Dengke ship, there were many scholars around him who were waiting to take the exam, and he couldn't figure out his own level.

After Zhao Shiheng finished these two exams, he saw the other candidates looking frustrated.

He finally realized that even if he was compared with all the candidates in this class of the empire, he would not fall behind.

When Zhao Shiheng walked out of the Gongyuan, he saw many candidates leaning against the wall and crying.

Their eyes were red and swollen, looking desperate.

When Zhao Shiheng saw the appearance of these candidates, he thought that Tong Yan would not be in a good mood after going through the math test, so he chose to wait at the gate for Tong Yan to come out.

He found that among those who submitted their papers in advance, except for a few confident candidates, most of them had red and swollen eyes and looked desperate.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang for the end of the exam.

Zhao Shiheng quickly waited until Tong Yan came out with red eyes.

Tong Yan was still a little shy. When she saw the large number of candidates at the gate of Gongyuan, she tried not to cry.

They got in the car back to the inn, and Tong Yan burst into tears in the car.

Tong Yan cried for a while. When she saw Zhao Shiheng sitting next to her, she said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Zhao, it's over. This imperial examination is completely over.

I don't know many of the math questions on the test paper.

As for the difficulty level of the proficiency test, it is much more difficult than the provincial examination."

Zhao Shiheng immediately comforted him: "Xiaoyan, you don't have to be too hasty.

For economics and history subjects, if you have a flexible mind, you can still get it right.

If you don't know a math problem, you just don't know it. If you don't know it, others won't know it either.

The math paper this time was too difficult, I was not sure about one question, and I had no idea how to start with the last big question."

Zhao Shiheng said that the question this time was difficult. Tong Yan's eyes were red, but she immediately cried again.

"I knew this math question was too difficult.

Our Nanyang area is still a place that attaches great importance to mathematics.

There are very few scholarly families in Nanyang, and most of them are merchants.

Learning to read ledgers is a basic ability that needs to be learned from an early age.

If you don't pass the imperial examination, you can at least do business with the support of your family.

I thought my math ability was pretty good, but after seeing this paper, I was completely confused.

I can only answer more than half of it, and I am completely unsure about the remaining half.

If you have reached this level in the math test, how can you get a spot on the gold medal list?"

Zhao Shiheng saw Tong Yan's extremely anxious look.

He comforted: "Xiaoyan, did you observe the situation of other candidates in the examination room?"

Tong Yan said with a tearful voice: "Many candidates cried, the math test paper is really difficult.

The few people who didn't cry also had sad faces and looked depressed."

Zhao Shiheng said loudly: "That's right, mathematics test papers are inherently difficult.

Everyone can get the points they deserve, and most people can't do the questions they can't do either.

Xiaoyan, you don't want to compete for the top three, you just want to get on the Jinshi list and get the points you deserve.

This is in the middle and upper reaches of many candidates, and it is very promising to obtain the title of Jinshi.

The most important task now is to adjust your mentality in time.

Policy theory department for tomorrow.

Policy theory is a subject that is difficult to score, but very easy to lose.”

When Tong Yan heard Zhao Shiheng's comfort, she cheered up and nodded: "Brother Zhao, don't worry, I will definitely adjust my condition and use my strongest strength to cope with tomorrow's imperial examination.

Never let today's failure affect tomorrow's imperial examination.

Policy theory is my strong point, and I rely on this subject to differentiate myself from other candidates."

Zhao Shiheng was completely relieved when he saw that Tong Yan had recovered.

They returned to Qingyun Inn. The candidates in the inn all looked like eggplants beaten by frost, and they were all sighing.

There are several candidates who are recalling math questions and reviewing the answers to the test paper.

Two candidates even started arguing over whether to choose A or C for the fifth multiple-choice question?

Zhao Shiheng couldn't help but remind: "You are all wrong. This question discusses the impact point of the cannonball. It is not about trigonometric functions, but about parabolas. The correct answer is D."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two candidates wailed at the same time.

There were several candidates sitting next to me, and they were constantly slapping my thighs.

Yuan Zhixu said excitedly: "I answered this question correctly.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! I have been to the shooting range to shoot guns, and the previous options are obviously inconsistent with the facts.

The heavy artillery does not want to adjust the elevation, so it can adjust the elevation."

When Zhao Shiheng saw Yuan Zhixu's confident look, he shook his head. This was completely wrong.

They were having dinner, and the news had reached the inn.

Some candidates couldn't bear the difficulty of the economics, history and mathematics subjects. They went to Wang Linjiang's mansion and threw rotten eggs at the door.

These people dispersed before the police arrived.

Zhao Shiheng smiled and shook his head, these naive candidates.

As the chief examiner, Wang Linjiang was responsible for preparing for the imperial examination and managing the order in the examination room.

Regarding the difficulty level of the scientific examination questions, Wang Linjiang only has the right to make suggestions and not to decide.

The difficulty of the imperial examination has increased so much this time. It is obvious that His Majesty the Emperor is not satisfied with the officials selected in the previous imperial examinations.

When Zhao Shiheng thought of this, he was extremely excited.

He has great hope to stand out from this imperial examination.

Once his performance comes into the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor, his official career will be smooth.

Even if they are not the top three, but are Jinshi of this generation, as long as their standards show what His Majesty the Emperor expects, their careers will be much smoother than those of other officials.

He fell asleep with excitement and recharged his energy to prepare for tomorrow's policy examination.


Zhao Shiheng sat in the small room and looked at the camera that was already running.

After he wrote his name, he briefly scanned the policy topic.

The first few questions are all for free points.

Qin Shihuang's contributions to the unification of weights and measures were his writings were written in the same text, and his carriages were on the same track.

Why did the Ming Dynasty fail?

These two topics have been discussed repeatedly in newspapers and a consensus has been reached.

He has passed the test paper on policy theory more than once, and the candidates know the perfect answers very well.

After Zhao Shiheng finished answering these two partial questions, he continued to answer questions and finished two common questions and three difficult questions.

He looked at the last three final questions and realized that this imperial examination was not simple either.

[Ask candidates to briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization.]

[Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism are ideas from thousands of years ago. Are they suitable for the new era? 】

[Since Qin Shihuang unified the world, he has gone through many dynasties, but there is no dynasty that has a three-hundred-year national destiny. This is the three-hundred-year cycle rate.

Candidates are asked to write a policy paper based on the dynastic periodic law.]

Zhao Shiheng looked at the three final questions of the policy theory section.

The sweat on his face immediately lay down.

The previous questions were quite satisfactory, but these three big questions contained hidden murderous intent.

If one is not careful, not to mention not being able to obtain the title of Jinshi, he is likely to be relegated to another roll by the royal family and will be unable to stand out for the rest of his life.

These three policy questions are extremely bold and can really test the candidates' level.

Zhao Shiheng believed that these three policy topics were definitely written by Emperor Su He. Even Wang Linjiang, the Minister, would not dare to come up with such topics.

He kept weighing the pros and cons in his mind, writing and drawing on the manuscript paper.

Zhao Shiheng made up his mind and began to answer the third to last policy question.

This policy question has a deep trap. It asks about the pros and cons of industrialization.

Candidates must clearly understand the benefits that industrialization brought to the empire and write meaningfully in order to obtain high scores.

The most critical point is not only to talk about the benefits of industrialization, but also to point out the disadvantages of industrialization.

This question cannot be written blindly. The relevant content must be written based on the actual situation.

Zhao Shiheng was sweating profusely after answering this policy question.

If he wants to get high marks, he must criticize the shortcomings of the current situation, briefly explain the benefits of industrialization, and mainly point out the disadvantages of industrialization.

If you get an average score, as long as you read newspapers regularly, you will definitely not worry about this policy question.

Even if you copy what's in the newspaper, you can get some points.

But in this case, it will disappear from everyone and have no characteristics at all.

What Zhao Shiheng is doing now is dancing on the wire rope. This policy was written with trepidation.

The penultimate policy topic requires not only familiarity with the topic, but also an understanding of the situation in the empire.

Emperor Su He originally thought that all scholars, hundreds of schools of thought, and hundreds of flowers would bloom. Even if he could not return to the grand occasion of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it would still allow old and new ideas to burst out.

The current situation is that this family is encircling the territory and attacking each other.

These people were still living in the farming era and seemed unable to see the roar of machines outside.

Zhao Shiheng made up his mind and began to answer the questions.

His ideological theme is to take the essence and discard the dross.

Thoughts such as Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism have been passed down for thousands of years, and their connotations are bound to be extremely dynamic.

But over the past thousands of years, there has been a lot of dross attached to these ideas.

A dynamic school of thought, even if it is left alone by the court, will surely develop well with the support of the common people.

Zhao Shiheng suggested that the imperial court take back all the preferential treatment given to various schools of thought and allow them to truly become popular schools of thought.

After decades of development, this school of thought that is suitable for the current industrial era and represents progress will inevitably continue to be active.

Only schools of thought that have lost their vitality will find it difficult to survive without the support of the imperial court.

But there is no need for these schools of thought to continue to spread. They only need to be recorded in books for people to admire.

Zhao Shiheng completed this policy review by combining ancient and modern cases.

He knew that after his policy was made public, he would be attacked by a large number of people, but he didn't care at all.

The harder these people scold him, the faster he will rise.

When Zhao Shiheng saw the last policy question, he was very worried.

If this question is not written well, then it is just a question.

It is not easy at all to write this question well.

When he saw the word dynastic periodicity, he thought of the historical situation and the word summed it up very accurately.

If Zhao Shiheng wants to achieve high scores, he must connect the dynasty cycle rate with the Dahua Empire.

In this way, the purpose of the policy will become very high, but it is inevitable to point out the shortcomings that still occur in the empire.

Most of the empire's policies were decided by the urban emperor Su He.

Now I want to point out the mistakes made by Emperor Su He on the scientific examination papers.

If Zhao Shiheng wants to write such a policy, he must have great courage. Most people would not dare to choose a topic like this.

After he finished writing the last question of the policy theory subject, his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Zhao Shiheng was just gambling.

He bet on Emperor Su He's capacity to accommodate people, and he bet that what he observed was true.

Zhao Shiheng saw the prosperity of the capital, and he did not want to return to the countryside of Luzon.

A person like him who has no identity and background cannot move forward step by step and steadily like Tong Yan.

Zhao Shiheng must bet his own destiny.

If his bet succeeds, he will win the favor of Emperor Su He.

Even if the bet fails, excluding these three questions in the policy theory section, his score will still be in the middle or upper reaches of Jinshi.

It just offended Emperor Su He and made it difficult for him to move forward in officialdom.

Zhao Shiheng carefully weighed what he got and the price he paid, and finally he chose to bet his fate.

He wrote all the policy questions and checked that the test paper was not stained.

Zhao Shiheng stood up and signaled to the examiner that he chose to hand in the paper.

The examiner took away the test papers, and Zhao Shiheng walked out of Gongyuan with heavy steps.

It took three days to complete all three subjects of the imperial examination, and he was even more nervous now than before the exam.

All the questions have been answered. Except for mathematics, which have standard answers, there are no standard answers for other questions.

You can only rely on the examiner to give marks. Once the examiner is displeased, it will be useless no matter how good your answer is.

Only the imperial examination papers must be made public.

When examiners mark papers, they don’t dare to deliberately give low marks.

Zhao Shiheng looked at Tong Yan, who was walking towards him with a happy face.

He only hoped that he would have a good result after studying hard for more than ten years.

This chapter has been completed!
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