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Chapter 851 Cost of Rule

Zhao Shiheng puffed up his chest confidently and walked to the world map hanging on the wall of Qianqing Palace.

He raised his right hand and struck hard in the Arab region and the European region.

Two crisp sounds of bang and bang attracted the attention of everyone in Qianqing Palace.

Zhao Shiheng said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, gentlemen.

The empire continued to expand, and it was extremely difficult to maintain stability in these two places.

The overall cost of governance is completely worth the loss.

If these two local empires want to rule, extremely troublesome things will happen.

There will be rebellions here one after another. As long as all the locals are not killed, the rebellion will never end.

Chen's judgment is based on two points.

The Arab region and the European region have unified beliefs, and their beliefs are monotheistic beliefs.

Monotheistic beliefs are completely different from Chinese beliefs.

In addition to ancestor worship, China believes in many gods and Buddhas, which are mainly practical.

No god has emerged to rule over everything.

The beliefs of these two places are completely different. They are monotheistic beliefs.

I have briefly studied monotheistic beliefs. This kind of belief is extremely cohesive, and monotheistic beliefs are also extremely exclusive.

After thousands of years of development, people in these two areas have had faith since birth.

Unbelievers are very rare in these two areas.

They are completely different from the Empire and its surrounding areas.

In our and surrounding areas, unbelievers dominate.

It is precisely because of the existence of monotheistic beliefs that the cost of governance in these two areas is extremely high.

Unless all the indigenous people in these two areas are slaughtered.

Otherwise, even if they can be suppressed for a while, when the empire declines slightly, these two places will inevitably rebel.

The empire's rule over these two regions will continue to consume various costs.

It is just a belief in one god. After hundreds of years of subtle influence, coupled with the dilution of the Han people, it is possible to solve it.

But there is a new situation here in Europe, in order to resist the empire.

Led by Russia, England, and France, they are engaged in national awakening.

They believe that people living in a certain area and sharing common living habits are of the same ethnic group.

There were signs of national awakening in Europe before.

During the period of rapid development, Russia was defeated in the war and the army suffered heavy losses.

If Russia wants to rebuild its army, the lowest serfs can capture hundreds of thousands or even millions with just one order.

But officers who have received military education and have the ability to command are basically the legitimate sons of small nobles or the concubines of big nobles.

The Russian emperor's prestige has been greatly reduced due to continuous defeats.

He certainly couldn't force these people to obey.

It can only be done in the name of defending the Slavic nation.

Inspire the national sentiments and patriotic sentiments of these noble descendants.

This method was extremely effective, and the Russian army quickly recovered and rebuilt.

England and France saw this low-cost method that could unite people, and they followed suit.

This method has achieved excellent results, and Germany has just become independent.

They were originally a state of the Holy Roman Empire, and they were all the same people.

The citizens of Germany now consider themselves Germans, and they no longer consider the Austrians to be their kin.

If this trend develops, the countries in the European region will never have the opportunity to unify.

National awakening has both advantages and disadvantages for the empire.

One aspect that is beneficial to the empire is that Europe will not become a thorn in the side of the empire.

The disadvantage is that it is not conducive to imperial rule and it is almost impossible to assimilate ethnic groups with the same beliefs and national identity."

Zhao Shiheng's speech made most people in the Qianqing Palace become silent.

They are all thinking about the upcoming impact of monotheistic unified beliefs and national awakening in Europe and Arabia.

Prince Su Shu thought for a moment and said in surprise: "The idea proposed by Mr. Zhao feels very fresh.

But there is one thing I don't agree with.

Mr. Zhao said that the national awakening in Europe began in Russia.

I rather think that the national awakening in Europe is imitating the policies of my father.

My father has been using the Han policy to assimilate the chieftains within the territory and the indigenous people in the newly occupied areas.

Especially the indigenous people within the radiation circle of Chinese civilization and the indigenous people who do not have their own culture.

They were simply unable to resist the empire's various assimilation policies.

After the Sino-Russian War, the empire captured a large number of soldiers.

Some grassroots soldiers serve as labor to atone for their sins.

But for officers with status, Russia almost always pays ransom.

These knowledgeable officers had experienced the empire's assimilation policy in prisoner camps.

Does the national awakening that Mr. Zhao talks about look like the assimilation policy of the empire?

It's just that the empire was huge, and Chinese civilization had been passed down for thousands of years.

We hardly need to strengthen our self-identity, we only need to assimilate other races through our rich heritage.

These European countries are completely incapable of assimilating other ethnic groups.

They don't even have self-identity as their own ethnic group.

The Russian officers who returned will definitely reflect on why their side was defeated.

The weapons and equipment are not as good as those of the Empire, and the cohesion of the army is not as good as that of the Empire.

These people are not idiots, they will definitely transform themselves according to the template of the Imperial Royal Army.

Russia's subsequent performance turned into what Mr. Zhao calls a national awakening.

As long as a nation has formed a self-identity, it is indeed extremely difficult for foreigners to rule.

Even if we Han people are ruled by foreigners for a short period of time, after the aliens decline, heroes will surely stand up."

When Zhao Shiheng heard what Prince Su Shu said, he immediately admitted his mistake.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is right. I only skimmed the information and did not understand it in depth, which is why I made some mistakes. Fortunately, His Highness the Crown Prince corrected me."

Zhao Shiheng immediately admitted his mistake. It was an inconsequential mistake and did not affect his argument.

There was no need for him to argue with Prince Su Shu because of this mistake.

Grand Governor Qi Gangyi sighed: "What Mr. Zhao said makes sense.

If an alien race comes to rule us Han people, the alien race must be suppressed with bloody massacres.

Even if this is the case, it can only be suppressed for a while.

When we capture the European and Arab regions, it is best to gain something.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The harvest is greater than the cost of sending troops, so that the imperial army can continue to expand externally.

Otherwise, given the empire’s foundation and spending tens of millions of taels of silver coins in each war, it would not be able to last for long.”

Prime Minister Qian Mingyi thought for a long time before he said: "I don't think it will be difficult to occupy this area as long as the Royal Army can make up its mind.

Mr. Zhao is right, the term "ruling cost" is very accurate.

The most difficult thing about these areas is to manage them, other than to completely eliminate them.

This kind of area that has already formed a national identity must pay a very high cost to govern it.

This is just a small problem.

The empire now only has a unified ethnic group, the Han people, and a foreign race that cannot be assimilated has joined the empire.

Over a long period of time, it will inevitably tear the empire apart and increase the cost of ruling the court.

It is rare for a powerful country to die from foreigners.

Most of the reasons are internal problems.

There are only Han people in the empire, so some conflicts are internal conflicts and are easier to deal with.

Even if it is handled improperly, it will not cause serious consequences.

Once there are external conflicts involved, people will worry not about scarcity but about inequality, which can easily lead to ethnic divisions."

Emperor Su He also fell into deep thought as he listened to the words of the ministers.

Ethnic conflicts are definitely one of the most troublesome conflicts, and there is absolutely no perfect way to deal with them.

The empire wants to forcibly annex these two regions, but with the current strength of the empire, there are some difficulties.

But as long as you are willing to invest and pay millions of casualties, you can definitely win it.

But in this case, the empire is not far away from falling apart.

The troops that were wiped out were all the troops most loyal to the empire.

Losing these people would be equivalent to taking away the backbone of the empire.

The empire has lost all its enemies and will definitely no longer be able to maintain its vitality. It will surely slowly decay.

This is by no means what Emperor Su He wants to see.

Emperor Su He looked at the ministers with solemn expressions.

But he couldn't help but laugh: "The cost of governance mentioned by Zhao Aiqing is indeed one of the important considerations for empire expansion.

In addition to the surrounding areas that were deeply influenced by Chinese civilization, the empire.

There are also regions in India and Australia where governance costs are extremely low.

There is a caste system in India. As long as the empire does not adopt the caste system and respects the customs of the local people.

The cost of ruling the Indian region is lower than that of the chieftains in the original mountainous areas of the empire.

The Australian region is completely vast and sparse, and the local indigenous people are still in the primitive tribal stage.

Some were too far away from the empire, such as America and Africa.

I always enfeoff vassal states and let them rule this area.

The monarchs of some vassal states have outstanding abilities and their achievements astound me.

Some vassal states had incompetent monarchs and the country was on the verge of extinction.

No matter how the vassal country changes, as long as there are no major problems, neither I nor the empire will interfere.

Even if there is radio, the cost of ruling an area too far away from the empire is extremely high.

The local power will continue to grow and become a prince that cannot be lost.

The empire really wants to attack Europe and Arabia.

I have two options for these areas."

When Emperor Su He was about to tell the results, his tone became longer while observing the performance of the ministers.

They all concentrated on waiting for Emperor Su He to tell the final result.

"I can divide the vassal states again."

When Emperor Su He said this choice, the eyes of the ministers in Qianqing Palace instantly lit up.

They watched Zhao Wang Su Xiong and others become kings, govern a huge country, and leave a legacy to future generations.

It is completely impossible for these people to say they are not envious.

Especially Qi Gangyi, he is a founding father of the same level as Su Xiong and others.

He watched his old friend transform from a minister to a king, how could he not be envious.

The ministers thought that they had no chance, missed the opportunity to expand the empire, and no longer had the opportunity to wait for the enfeoffment of the empire.

They are also the top nobles of the empire, and their status is no longer the same as before.

Let them show their support to Zu Siming, the leaders of the pioneering groups.

Some people gathered together and fought with the indigenous people with guns in order to occupy some territory.

To occupy the territory, the family must invest most of its manpower and resources, and they are reluctant to sacrifice their lives.

They can't let go of this reputation either.

In this way, even if a territory is successfully established, it will be laughed at by the other vassal kings.

The only opportunity they can wait for is when the empire once again chooses to enfeoff vassal states.

With the support of the empire, they will establish an army and a complete political power.

In the early stages of a country's establishment, the empire will also provide assistance.

The most critical point is that other vassal states will never dare to lead troops to attack them.

Only in this way can the whole family devote themselves to the founding of the country without any worries.

Emperor Su He looked at these excited faces and spoke out the second half of the story.

"Or support a puppet state.

For example, in the Arabian region, there are vast deserts with nothing but oil.

The empire only needs to support some puppet countries and obtain the oil there.

As for who rules this area, I don't care at all."

When the ministers heard what Emperor Su He said, they felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them.

In addition to the vassal state, Emperor Su He also had the option of a puppet state.

They are not the only choice. They must satisfy Emperor Su He before they can get the chance to enfeoff.

Zhao Shiheng looked at everything in front of him in shock.

He did have little knowledge, and he had never accompanied Emperor Su He to experience the process of conquering the world.

Zhao Shiheng had no idea about Emperor Su He's ambition.

Open up new territory and expand the territory, and have a reputation that will go down in history. If you don't want it, you don't want it.

Choose between vassal and puppet states to rule these two places.

Zhao Shiheng's approach to Emperor Su He was simply shocking.

He immediately bowed and saluted and said: "When I heard your Majesty's method, I immediately felt astonished.

As long as the empire does not directly rule this area.

Even monotheistic religions and national awakenings, which have extremely increased the cost of governance, have nothing to do with the empire.

As long as there is no rule, there is no cost of rule.

The empire can also indirectly obtain what it wants through vassal states and puppet states.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Whether it is the market for raw materials or industrial products.

Both vassal and puppet states can provide it.

Vassals and puppet states rebelled against imperial rule.

It would be much easier for the empire to deal with it than local rebellion."

Prince Su Shu heard that his father was preparing to enfeoff again.

The enfeoffed areas were still in the Arab and European regions which were relatively far away from the empire.

Prince Su Shu immediately thought of his younger brothers who were always trying to compete with him.

These younger brothers have grown up, and they are all eyeing the position of prince.

They were tested by the royal family, and none of them wanted to give up and express themselves positively.

These younger brothers were waiting for him to make a mistake, hoping to give him a fatal blow and take the throne themselves.

What method did Prince Su Shu consider?

Let his father send his younger brother who is a threat to him overseas to build a country.

These younger brothers left the empire, and it became extremely difficult for them to return.

Prince Su Shu had already prepared for the end of the imperial meeting at Qianqing Palace and went to the palace to discuss the matter with his mother, Queen Wang Wenjun.

Emperor Su He saw the performance of the ministers, which was basically what he expected.

This is also his imperial mentality. Managing a huge empire requires some skills.

Zhao Shiheng saw some silence in Qianqing Palace, as he had not finished what he just said.

An expression that was hesitant to speak.

Emperor Su He saw Zhao Shiheng with a complicated expression.

This new top pick not only has a long-term vision, he also has some novel insights.

His qualifications are too low. Even if he were to ennoble dozens of princes and go overseas to found a country, Zhao Shiheng would definitely not have a chance.

He knew that he had no chance and did not consider the establishment of the country overseas at all.

Emperor Su He asked: "What does Zhao Aiqing have to say?"

Zhao Shiheng made a surprising statement: "Your Majesty, I believe that after the European countries form an alliance, the Fujian Kingdom will undoubtedly be defeated."

This chapter has been completed!
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