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Chapter 869 Allied Forces’ Actions

In Cairo, Fujian, the Royal Army and Royal Navy of the Great China Empire were resting and preparing for war.

Gou Shanquan, Chief of the General Staff of Fujian, constantly tried to improve morale. He resisted wave after wave of offensives from the European Allied Forces.

He looked at the disappointed eyes of the generals and felt very anxious in his heart. It was obvious that the support from the sovereign country had arrived in Cairo, so why didn't he go to the front line?

Gou Shanquan sent one urgent telegram after another, urging the king and the governor's office to coordinate with the sovereign's reinforcements as soon as possible. They could no longer hold on.

The European Allied Forces camp opposite the Rock Fortress.

The Allied Army Commander, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé in France, looked at the military map and smoked smuggled cigarettes one after another. The room was soon filled with smoke.

Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire, said anxiously: "The rock fortress in front has blocked us for three months.

Even if you attack at all costs, large-caliber artillery combined with machine guns, even if you organize a charge of tens of thousands of people, will not be able to take down the enemy's defense line.

The enemy's army is not as large as ours, and they use tactics such as alienation to prevent most of their troops from going to the battlefield, and they still have to keep their troops to suppress the internal forces.

We originally wanted to fight a war of attrition and use up the troops in Rock Fortress.

We were almost successful, but who would have thought that the Great China Empire would suddenly take action.

This puts us now between a rock and a hard place."

The Holy Roman Empire was most worried about the Great China Empire sending troops and the Han army to counterattack.

The Holy Roman Empire was on the front line at that time, and not only Austria but also Hungary would be occupied.

Russian Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Ivanovich shook his head and said: "It's too late to say anything now.

Before forming the coalition, we discussed whether the Great China Empire would take action.

Everyone agreed that the probability of the Dahua Empire taking action was low.

In order to prevent the Great China Empire from intervening in this war, we just expelled most of the Han people from other places.

Only for the Han people in Fujian, a Han country, should we adopt measures against hostile countries.

Now the Great China Empire is not only involved in the European battlefield.

They also aggressively attacked our country and Ottoman Türkiye.

They not only attack by sea and land, but also want to invade Europe directly from Ottoman Turkey and our country.

If we attack from the upper, middle and lower routes, as long as we cannot defend one of them, our situation will be very dangerous.

Relying on the severe cold geographical environment, our country can still hold back the Great China Empire for a while.

But in order to hold back the Great China Empire, the troops that had originally promised to support the European battlefield would definitely not be able to join the battlefield.

We must concentrate all our strength to deal with the attack from the east.

After many wars with the Han people, the Ottoman Turks' national strength has been weakened a lot, and they don't know whether they can stop the Han people's attack."

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich is not too worried about the bottom battlefield.

There are at least one million troops here, and relying on the depth of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of France, there is no problem in delaying it for a while.

On the country's road battlefield, relying on the severe cold weather environment and the local combat advantages, it is not difficult to delay for a period of time.

What he was most worried about was the old enemy of Ottoman Türkiye.

Ottoman Turkey was as powerful as Russia, had many domestic problems, and had no geographical advantage.

It is unlikely that they can stop the Great China Empire.

Once the Royal Army of the Chinese Empire in the middle and the lower lane join forces, even if they have millions of people, they may not be able to withstand the Royal Army of the Chinese Empire, which is full of martial virtue.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Federation, slammed the table. He did not really fight against the Royal Army of the Great China Empire.

I feel that before the war, these people were intimidated by others, which is the behavior of surrenderers.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, said angrily: "Soldiers should not think about politics, which is nothing to do with combat.

The most important thing for us is to fight the war in front of us well.

The war was fought brilliantly and all problems were solved.

This war is so rubbish, no matter how much we think about it, it will have no effect at all."

The commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, was smoking a cigarette as he listened to the quarrels between the commanders of various countries.

Because each country has different interests, what they want to do is also different.

But they all have the same goal, which is to win this battle, or at least not lose too badly.

He looked at the spies they had instigated the rebellion and the latest information they had obtained.

This is also thanks to the fact that the Han people have a machine called a radio, which can instantly transmit information thousands of miles away.

France also obtained several radio stations through various methods.

We only know what this kind of machine does, but no one knows how to use it.

The Han people protect the radio station very closely.

But the most closely guarded thing is the people who use the radio.

When Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, learned of this information, he knew that the Allied Forces' previous strategy of expelling the Han people from the European continent could no longer be realized.

He blew out a smoke ring, flicked the ashes with his fingers, and raised his hand to signal everyone to stop and be normal.

He pressed the flickering cigarette butt directly on top of a big city.

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich exclaimed: "His Majesty Prince Condé means that we will capture Constantinople."

As the holy city of the Orthodox Church, Constantinople has a different meaning to the Russians.

Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich led his troops to capture Constantinople.

His prestige will rise to the extreme and he will become a hero remembered in Russian history.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Federation, looked at the city, shook his head and said: "This city has experienced repeated battles between the Han and the Ottoman Turks.

It has been badly damaged by war, and the value of this city is not high.

We also need to form an alliance with the Ottoman Turks to fight against the arrogant and powerful Han people.

When our army captured Constantinople, we were in a dilemma.

If we don't hand over this city to the Ottoman Turks, there will eventually be a gap between the two of us.

This is not conducive to the overall situation of the two forces working closely together to fight against the Han people.

Giving this city to the Ottoman Turks was simply unacceptable to the people in the country.

If the country cannot bear the pressure, it will choose to change its generals at the last minute and push us out to quell the anger of the people."

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, could not understand why Prince Condé wanted to occupy the hot potato of Constantinople.

Before they attacked the Rock Fortress, they considered attacking Constantinople.

However, due to the complicated situation in Constantinople, they gave up attacking the city.

If the Allied forces really occupied the city, the follow-up processing would be very complicated, and it would not help in attacking the Greek area.

The commander of the Allied forces, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, patiently explained: "Our goal is different now.

The previous goal was to conquer the Greek region and drive the Han people out of Europe.

Now it is obviously difficult to achieve this goal, so it is necessary to change the goal.

Constantinople has a large Han Chinese population.

Everyone knows how the Han people behave. They attach great importance to their compatriots.

These Han people are the best hostages in our hands.

Once the war fails and we prepare Han Chinese prisoners, there will also be conditions for exchanging prisoners.

When the Han invade our territory, they will not massacre our people."

Prince Kong Dai said this, and all the commanders nodded in agreement.

Everyone has heard about what the Han people did in America and Africa.

Once the Han were allowed to invade Europe, it was obvious what they would do.

Having hostages in hand will definitely make the Han people think twice.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, continued: "There is another important circumstance.

I just received the latest information from an informant that there are Han factories in Constantinople.

Artillery and machine guns can be easily assembled and repaired there, as well as Han Chinese gunpowder factories.

Everyone is aware of the power of Han artillery and heavy machine guns.

Due to various reasons, our explosive technology is unstable, but its power is comparable to that of the Han people. This is also our confidence to launch a war.

But the propellant used in guns and cannons is very different from that of the Han people.

This is our chance to peek into Han technology.

Once our countries master these key technologies, we will definitely be able to withstand the attack of the Han people and avoid being destroyed."

When Prince Kong Dai told the news, the eyes of all the commanders brightened.

This is very good news for them.

The most important reason why the European Allied forces suffered so many casualties was that their weapons were inferior to those of the Han army.

Once they make up for this shortcoming, they also have powerful weapons such as heavy machine guns, which will surely be able to effectively curb the Han offensive.

Firearms solve the problem of short range, and the casualties of the army will also be reduced a lot.

Firearms will also become easier to use. They recruit a large number of peasants into the army. After simple training, these people will fight a war of attrition with the elite Han army.

The troops sent by the Great China Empire simply could not withstand the losses on the battlefield.

After Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, made his case, he won the support of many commanders.

The European Allied Forces left some troops to continue to maintain pressure on the Rock Fortress.

The main force has been secretly transferred to Constantinople.

Prince Kong Dai kept praying on the road that the army of the Great China Empire must not intervene in the war at this time.

The Allied forces chose to divide their forces. Once the retreat was blocked by the armies of the Great China Empire, the millions of troops would lose their logistical supplies, and the end would be very miserable.

Prince Condé was betting that this was the only option for the Allied forces now.

Bet that the army of the Great China Empire will not intervene in the war at the critical moment.

Betting on Constantinople, there are technologies that are crucial to them.

Only if they win both of these bets can they have any hope of winning this war.

I don't know if the Han defense line was too exhausted or because they neglected the defense of Constantinople.

The European Allied forces successfully arrived near Constantinople.

Because there were a large number of night blinders in the army, the Confederates did not launch attacks at night.

At daybreak, they launched a fierce attack on Constantinople.

Constantinople has gone through several wars, and the city walls are somewhat damaged.

Even after the Fujian occupation, cement was used to repair it.

The ancient walls of Constantinople could not withstand the bombardment of large amounts of explosives.

In order to move quickly, the Allied forces did not carry large artillery that was difficult to transport.

The soldiers carried lightweight explosive bags and used local materials to build trebuchets.

They used trebuchets to throw explosive packets onto the city walls or the roots of the walls.

The general of the Fujian garrison had just sent out a telegram asking for help.

The ancient city wall of Constantinople could not withstand the bombardment of high explosives, and a small part of one wall had collapsed.

When the European Allied Forces saw this situation, a large number of troops immediately poured into the city.

The garrison generals only had time to send a farewell telegram.

He immediately blew up the radio station and a large amount of information.

Before the army could blow up the factory, it was already besieged by the European Allied Forces.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, wearing a steel helmet, entered Constantinople.

He smelled the smoke all over the city.

These Han people also want to fight with them in the street.

Prince Condé immediately ordered to use light artillery and explosive charges to bulldoze the enemy troops and end the war as soon as possible.

As long as you dare to stand in front of the Allied forces and directly blow down the houses in front of you, the enemy forces inside will definitely be eliminated.

As long as people's casualties are not taken into account, the problem of street fighting can be easily solved.

As for the few thousand hostages, this is just a trivial matter and he doesn't need to care at all.

Prince Condé came immediately to check on the situation at the Constantinople factory.

After checking it, he was extremely disappointed.

The arsenal here is just a large assembly plant.

The heavy machine guns and artillery shells produced here are all parts and raw materials shipped from other places and are simply assembled.

This kind of technology does not require too much, and ordinary people can complete the task after simple training.

The technology he wanted to acquire was completely unavailable here.

The only gains from this war were the captured Han hostages and the seized weapons and equipment.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, immediately ordered the Allied forces to retreat.


At Panshi Fortress, Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan received the telegram. He simply couldn't believe it.

"Constantinople is lost, how is this possible?

The main force of the European Allied Forces has always been in front of us.

The European Allied Forces are really determined to break through the rocky defense line at all costs."

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan stated that the situation was urgent. He immediately sent a telegram to the King of Fujian in an anxious tone, asking why the empire's reinforcements had not arrived on the battlefield yet.


Several generals of the Dahua Empire were chatting in the camp.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Royal Army, Lu Chenyang, stretched himself and said boredly: "Fujian can really endure it, our Royal Army has already rested and recuperated.

Brothers all want to go to the battlefield and make achievements, but the King of Fujian is stopping us."

He looked at Zhan Tie, who was playing chess leisurely, and asked: "Your Royal Navy is not in a hurry. I think your fleet has also been overhauled."

Zhan Tie said in a relaxed tone: "I am not in a hurry, as long as His Majesty the Emperor does not rush us through telegrams.

That shows that His Majesty the Emperor has approved our approach.

The suzerain country can help the vassal country, but it cannot help it for free.

Once this hole is opened, the empire's army will definitely be exhausted from now on, and will not be able to recover.

We are a suzerain country, not a son country, so we don’t need to support them as our fathers.

I heard that the fighting on the front line is very fierce, and it must not be us who should be anxious."

Royal Navy Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan picked up a chess piece and said in a relaxed tone: "General.

The country of Fujian cannot bear to play chess quietly for long."

As soon as he finished speaking, Niu Xiuqing, the governor of the King of Fujian, came personally to invite them to the banquet.

This chapter has been completed!
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