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Chapter 872 Steel Torrent

The first day of the First Army of the Royal Army of the Great China Empire arrived at the Rock Fortress.

Commander Lu Chenyang, wearing a steel helmet, came to the camp of the chariot regiment which was about to set off.

The tank has been filled with oil, and the artilleryman has already checked the condition of the smoothbore cannon and the number of shells.

The commander is carefully checking the condition of the track of the tank to prevent an attack soon, because the track problem will cause the tank to break down.

Wei Xiaoyong, leader of the chariot regiment, saw Commander Lu Chenyang arriving.

He immediately stepped forward to greet us, first saluted with a military salute, and then patted his chest and promised: "Sir, although this is a hilly area, the chariot's performance cannot be fully utilized.

But the European Allied forces on the opposite side have not withdrawn. After the tank regiment launches an attack, it will definitely crush the European Allied forces."

Commander Lu Chenyang patted Wei Xiaoyong on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Perform well this time and build the reputation of the Royal Army."

He looked at the time on his watch. It was already 6:40 a.m. local time.

According to the previously determined action plan, at seven o'clock in the morning, the tank regiment and the self-propelled artillery regiment will be the vanguard to tear open the European Allied Forces' defense line.

The troops of the four regiments of the First Army followed the chariot regiment into the battlefield.

Lu Chenyang continued to walk deeper into the camp. He saw Chen Zhongwen, the former deputy commander of the First Army and now acting commander, giving instructions to the soldiers.

His Majesty the Emperor did not transfer generals from other places, but promoted the generals of the First Army in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the First Army.

Lu Chenyang walked over and asked with a smile: "Brother Zhongwen, how are you preparing?"

When Chen Zhongwen saw it was Lu Chenyang, he saluted with a military salute, stood upright, and replied: "Sir Lu, our First Army is ready.

The first regiment of the first brigade is responsible for coordinating the actions of the tank regiment and the self-propelled artillery regiment.

The remaining three regiments will split the European Allied Forces from different directions.

The European Allied Forces are a hodgepodge, and after they are divided and surrounded, the next battle will be very easy to handle."

Commander Lu Chenyang saw that the Imperial Army was full of energy and the soldiers had full confidence in this war.

In less than ten minutes, it is time for the army to launch a general offensive.

He encouraged: "Brother Zhongwen, you will be responsible for the rest of the time.

Don't worry too much, as long as we fight this war well and get off to a good start, we will complete the mission."

After Commander Lu Chenyang finished speaking, he left the frontline camp.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, his main task is to formulate combat plans and coordinate the actions of various armies.

How the army fights on the front line is the responsibility of the specific commander.

Lu Chenyang was also a general in charge of the army. He knew what these generals were most worried about and annoyed about, which was the indiscriminate interference of superiors in his command.

Every famous general has his own unique fighting methods.

After being interfered by others, their status will definitely decline.

Lu Chenyang has decided that as long as the frontline generals do not make obvious mistakes, he will not interfere with the command of these generals.

"Sir Lu, the time has come."

Lu Chenyang heard the reminder from the guard beside him. He glanced at the time on his watch and saw that it was already seven in the morning.

He immediately issued an order: "Beat the drums and go to war."

In the camp, more than thirty strong men took off their shirts, with red ropes tied on their heads, and their arms were very thick, revealing muscles.

They stood in front of tall war drums and after hearing the order.

These people all moved in unison, picking up drum hammers and banging on the drum surface hard.

The sound of drums sounded throughout the camp.

When the soldiers in the trench heard the sound of drums, they immediately evacuated from the trench.

When Captain Wei Xiaoyong heard the drum beat, he immediately issued an order: "Brothers, the order to dispatch troops has come, let's charge quickly."

The other members of the tank immediately quickly got into the tank.

The commander took out the crank, shouted the slogan "121", and started the diesel engine of the tank.

The tank emitted black smoke and the diesel engine started.

The commander got into the tank, closed the top cover of the tank, and understood the situation outside the tank through the observation window.

The command chariot that Wei Xiaoyong was riding in accelerated out first, and the other chariot followed closely behind Wei Xiaoyong's chariot.

There is a trench more than one meter wide in front. The front of the tank is slightly raised, and it is easy to cross the trench without any effort at all.

And at great speed, they attacked the European Allied Forces camp.

Following the tank regiment was the self-propelled artillery regiment, which did not have the cross-country capabilities of the tank.

They obediently laid a makeshift steel bridge over the trench, quickly passed through the trench, and followed closely behind.

In the rear army, they either rode in armed cars or carried packages on their backs and headed to the battlefield on foot.

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei looked down from the wall of Panshi Fortress.

It was like a torrent of steel rushing towards the camp of the European Allied Forces.

This is the first time that tanks have appeared in Europe. Chief of Staff Zhang Lei believes that the European Allied Forces have no way to stop the tanks.


The Holy Roman Empire general Amiri was responsible for attacking the Rock Fortress defense line.

He was arranging his army because he had deliberately delayed and had not left the Confederate camp.

Yesterday, the Russian army's Kareshev led his troops to attack the Rock Fortress, and they suffered extremely heavy casualties.

The firepower density of the Rock Fortress and the morale of the defenders were far beyond the Rock Fortress they had imagined.

The only credible explanation is that Han reinforcements have arrived at Panshi Fortress.

This does not require the support of intelligence at all. As long as the generals on the battlefield can think of this reason.

General Amiri is aware of this situation. Even if he goes to die, he must make it worthwhile.

His death was worthless, and his value as cannon fodder was not even used. He was extremely unwilling to do so.

General Amiri is thinking of ways to use any excuse to continue delaying the army's actions.

He sighed sadly, and it was hard to find a reasonable reason.

If you can't find a perfect reason, you will be prosecuted by military law if you can delay it, and become a pawn to scare others.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! General Amiri suddenly heard the rhythmic drumming from the Han army camp in front of him.

He didn't understand what the sudden sound of drums meant?

But he knew that this was an abnormal situation, and it was the first time that this kind of drum sound had appeared.

General Amiri was wondering about the meaning of the drum sound. When he saw what was ahead, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"The fort, the fort can also run on its own."

He saw a cannon of large caliber placed on an iron box.

This iron box rushed towards the Allied camp at a speed faster than horses.

Emily still hasn't figured out why the fort can run?

He knew that emergencies like this must be dealt with in a timely manner.

He reacted very quickly. This was a perfect excuse to get rid of being cannon fodder. He immediately issued an order: "Fight me, there is no need to save ammunition.

The enemy must not be allowed to storm the camp."

After his army exchanged fire with this unknown enemy, the army suffered serious casualties and many weapons were damaged.

With this perfect excuse, he doesn't have to continue to be cannon fodder.

General Amiri's order was issued, and the army responded immediately.

The artillery is aiming its artillery, and moving targets are difficult to hit.

The infantry in the front have begun to target this mobile fort.

When General Amiri saw this situation, he immediately cursed: "The artillery is so stupid.

The enemy's formation is so dense, why are you aiming?

There is no need to aim at all, as long as the cannonball lands in a similar area, it will definitely hit the enemy."

The artillerymen reacted immediately. They no longer aimed, but adjusted the distance and fired.

They couldn't predict exactly where the cannonball would fly.


Wei Xiaoyong rushed to the front, and he could already vaguely see the camp of the European Allied Forces.

The reaction speed of these European allies was too slow, and this performance has already doomed their defeat.

As long as the chariot approaches the camp of the European Allies, their probability of victory is infinitely close to zero.

Wei Xiaoyong saw a small group of thousands of troops at the gate of the European Allied Forces camp ahead.

This small force, their artillery has opened fire on the tank regiment.

Wei Xiaoyong roared angrily: "Fire back and let these barbarians see the power of the chariot."

The gunner of the tank immediately adjusted the turret, locked the target, and pressed the fire button.

The electric spark flashed away, the shell in the barrel was fired, and the gunner then took the hot shell shell.

With quick hands and feet, he loaded another cannonball and continued to attack the enemy's position.

Commander Wei Xiaoyong saw that the tank regiment only had two rounds of artillery fire, so he defeated the enemy on the opposite side.

A large number of broken troops wanted to run back to the camp, and they attacked the camp of the European Allied Forces.

When Captain Wei Xiaoyong saw this situation, he couldn't help but become happy.

The camp of the European Allied Forces was obviously in chaos due to the rout, and they lost the chance to stop the tank regiment.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong opened the top cover of the tank. His vision inside the tank was limited, so he leaned his upper body out of the tank to observe the situation of the tank regiment.

Five tanks were stationary, either due to mechanical failure or their tracks being blown off. They could only attack the European Allied forces' camps with artillery shells.

Wei Xiaoyong heard the scream of artillery shells from above the tank regiment.

He looked up and saw a large number of artillery shells falling like meteors towards the European Allied Forces camp.

This is the position that the self-propelled artillery regiment has set up. They are using a saturation attack to attack the European Allied Forces camp.

The self-propelled artillery regiment will only launch a salvo before the tank regiment breaks into the European Allied Forces camp.

Once the tank regiment rushes into the European Allied Forces camp, the self-propelled artillery regiment will immediately stop shelling in order to prevent accidental damage to friendly forces.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong immediately got back into the tank. He was afraid of stray bullets on the battlefield.

It only took the tank regiment ten seconds to run over the European Allied Forces position that they had just bombarded.

The tracks of the chariot rolled forward, throwing up some pieces of flesh and blood.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong saw the European Allied Forces camp, and they were suddenly covered by artillery regiment fire.

They seemed to be stunned. Many places in the camp were on fire, and some troops were running around. I didn't know what they were going to do next.

Commander Wei Xiaoyong saw this chaotic situation, which was very conducive to the tank regiment's attack.

He sensed scattered attacks hitting the chariot.

The rifles of the European Allies were not very powerful, and the lead bullets only produced a spark when they hit the armor of the tank.

Commander Wei Xiaoyong immediately ordered the tanks to use heavy machine guns to shoot at the enemy troops in front.

The tank's heavy machine gun is an air-cooled rotating heavy machine gun.

Its power cannot be compared with the water-cooled heavy machine gun, but it is still an efficient harvesting weapon against dense enemies.

The heavy machine gun opened fire, which also sent a signal to the soldiers of the tank regiment and the beginning of the official division of the tank regiment.

The tank regiment began to divide the European Allied Forces according to the previously agreed arrangements.

The tanks were organized into companies, and with the assistance of armed vehicles, they began to divide the European Allied forces into different small pieces.

The 1st Army of the Imperial Royal Army opened its formation following the tank regiment.

Soldiers threw grenades directly at Allied positions in Europe.

Holding a rifle, he began shooting at the panicked European Allied forces.

Commander Chen Zhongwen stood on the armed vehicle and observed the situation on the battlefield.

The European Allied forces were first bombarded by a large number of artillery, and then encountered a tank attack.

They had absolutely no advantage in resisting the First Army's steel torrent tactics.

A simple bunker built by the European Allied Forces based on the terrain.

It is difficult for infantry to clear such bunkers, but it is impossible to block the tank's artillery.

The tank's artillery is aimed at these bunkers, and one shot can directly destroy the bunkers.

Commander Chen Zhongwen calmly commanded the Imperial Army to launch the attack.

He told his soldiers to ignore the retreating European Allied forces in the distance.

The most important task now is to wipe out the besieged European Allied forces.

It is better to break one of his fingers than to cut off ten of his fingers.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The commander of the European Allied Forces, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, had just finished eating caviar and was thinking about how to deal with the reinforcements arriving from the Han people.

He heard his subordinate Dis approaching the camp with a cry.

"Your Majesty, let's run!

This is definitely the fate of the armies of the Dahua Empire. There is no doubt about their strength, and the rumors are not false.

We had 20,000 elite troops in the front army, but they did not hold out for ten minutes before the enemy broke through the defense line.

Out of 20,000 people, only over a thousand came out."

Prince Louis II de Bourbon of Condé's expression changed drastically.

He did not expect that the Han army would be so aggressive in its attack, directly defeating the European Allied Forces camp.

He understood Dis's personality, and he would not be frightened to a certain extent. The unruly Dis was definitely not like this.

He packed up the things in his tent, and under the protection of his guards, retreated toward the west on horseback.

He came to the top of a small hill and looked down with a telescope.

Prince Louis II de Bourbon of Condé, now he knows why Dis was frightened like this?

The Han people's weapon is very special, a movable steel fort.

This steel fort is immune to bullets and grenades, and is equipped with artillery and heavy machine guns.

When the Allied forces encountered such a formidable enemy, they had no chance to fight back.

Prince Condai saw not only the French army, but also the armies of other countries. They understood the great strength of the Han army.

They all made a unanimous choice to abandon the besieged army and flee to the hilly areas to the west.

This kind of iron mobile fort is definitely more suitable for plain areas. When it encounters hilly areas, its speed will inevitably slow down.

This was their opportunity for the allies to escape.

The main force of the armies of various countries fled, and they also unanimously arranged for the remaining armies to buy time for the main force.

This chapter has been completed!
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