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Chapter 911 Joint Operation

A huge army is moving south.

Most of them walk on foot, and only important military branches ride in cars.

Commander Bai Yuangui congratulated me in the car while he looked at the newly received telegram.

"Wei Jing from the Third Army performed very well.

They have already begun to rescue the people affected by the disaster, using a work-for-relief method to renovate local water canals and build roads going south.

This is a very good situation. These Poles have been pacified and they will not rebel again.

If there is no problem in our rear, we can concentrate on attacking the German Federation in the front."

Sitting aside, Chief of Staff Lu Guanghua said happily: "This way we don't have to worry about anything happening later. We only need to leave a reserve team, and the main force can attack Germany.

Now only the German Federation and the Kingdom of France are left, which have not been captured by the Royal Army.

The goal of Lu Chenyang's tribe is the Kingdom of France. We are too far away from the Kingdom of France and cannot reach it.

This war will definitely not be able to keep up. The combat capabilities of the First Army, the Second Army, and the Seventh Army are obvious to all.

Their three armies joined forces to attack. I really can't imagine what the Kingdom of France has the ability to withstand the fierce attack of these three armies.

Even if they did what the Kingdom of Poland did, they blew up river embankments and caused flooding.

Doing so will only cause the Kingdom of France to perish at a faster rate.

Unless a volcanic eruption changes the landscape, or a meteorite falls from the sky and kills hundreds of thousands of troops.

Otherwise, I can't think of any other ways to block the attack of the three ace armies of the Royal Army."

Supervisor Wang Shiqi said with emotion: "We don't have to have any illusions about the military exploits on the French battlefield.

I just hope that the Wu Ming Department will not move too fast. They are closer to the German Federation. I am afraid that Germany will directly choose to surrender, and our army will not have any military merits."

Chief of Staff Lu Guanghua shook his head and said: "Judging from the intelligence I have collected, the German Federation will never surrender easily.

The German Confederation was two different factions, forcibly kneaded together by the Holy Roman Empire and France.

Neither faction can control absolute power.

The German Federation is still dominated by local powerful factions.

In such a German federation, the Royal Army cannot win quickly, and these local forces must be dealt with one by one."

They discussed the possible next direction of the German battlefield.

At this time, the wireless telegraph machine made a ticking sound.

This telegram was quickly delivered to Commander Bai Yuangui.

He carefully read the telegram, marked the key points, and conveyed the telegram to Chief of Staff Lu Guanghua and Supervisor Wang Shiqi.

Commander Bai Yuangui saw the two of them reading the telegram together. He tapped his fingers on the table and said, "This is a telegram from Commander Lu Chenyang.

He was going to agree with me and Commander Wu Ming on a time for us to conduct a joint operation and launch an attack together at the same time.

Not giving the German Confederation and the Kingdom of France a chance to breathe.

Prevent the two countries from borrowing troops from each other or sharing resources such as artillery.

If the entire battlefield starts fighting at the same time, it will also give the French and German nobles a strong sense of oppression, prompting them to give up resistance.

What’s your opinion?”

Chief of Staff Lu Guanghua pounded the table excitedly and said: "This is completely a good thing for our army.

Just now, Wang Jianjun was worried that Commander Wu Ming was progressing too fast and quickly captured the German region.

The chance of this happening is very small, but it has to be guarded against.

Our three armies have agreed to attack at the same time, so each of us will strive for military glory based on his own ability. Even if he loses, it is because he is not strong in ability and there will be no complaints."

Supervisor Wang Shiqi then said: "I think joint operations are a better option.

Our army is in short supply of large-caliber artillery shells because such artillery shells are too heavy and difficult to transport.

But the other two armies transported by sea did not lack such large-caliber artillery shells for attacking fortresses.

Since it is a joint operation, they should also share some of the supplies our army is short of."

Commander Bai Yuangui also hoped for a joint operation.

In this way, the post-war benefits will be easier to distribute.

He only needs to deal with the enemy, and does not need to guard against the black hands from friendly forces.

This is by no means an unfounded worry. This military exploit may involve quotas for overseas nation-building.

No one will be indifferent to such a huge benefit, and they will definitely want to use all means to get this quota.

Commander Bai Yuangui smiled and said: "Okay, we agree, I will call Commander Lu Chenyang back right now.

We have reached an agreement on this matter, but it is of little use.

It also needs to be reported to His Majesty and the court, who will decide the matter.

The probability of passing is not low, but we don’t need to celebrate in advance, we can just wait and see what happens.”


Commander Wu Ming yawned, and Chief of Staff He Guangzhi was writing and drawing on the map.

Supervisor Mi Yu is not here, he went to inspect the grassroots level of the army.

As long as the 25th Army relaxes even a little bit, it will be reprimanded by Mi Yu Supervisor Army.

Commander Wu Ming knew why this happened.

That is, he transferred his direct troops to the west to attack the German Federation.

The 19th Army was transferred to the east to fight for the chicken ribs that no one wanted to grab.

These places were very close to Russia, but Commander Bai Yuangui paid no attention to them.

He just saw that attacking these places would not gain much military merit.

Miyu Supervisor Army has a close relationship with the 19th Army and originally wanted to go with the 19th Army.

He later changed his mind and followed the 25th Army to march westward because the west had more military successes.

It's just that when doing my own job, the inspection is more stringent.

Chief of Staff He Guangzhi marked the map. He stood up and said helplessly: "If the Royal Army had not withdrawn the Marine Corps from the Italian Peninsula and devoted it to the war against England.

With just the Mediterranean Fleet, it is possible to hold the port, but holding the Italian peninsula is really difficult.

Our army can only send part of its troops to station on the Italian Peninsula to prevent rebels from appearing on the Italian Peninsula.

Without this incident to divide our troops, we would have been fighting Germany long ago."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hearing what Chief of Staff He Guangzhi said, Commander Wu Ming said helplessly: "Our weakness is shipping.

The Italian peninsula really rebelled, affecting the supply of the army.

The army's supplies were affected, and there was a shortage of food and ammunition.

We people will become easy targets for the enemy.

Maritime safety is the life guarantee of our army.

In the final analysis, our army is still too weak.

If we had the strength to suppress the Italian peninsula and push forward the German Confederation, we wouldn’t have so many worries.”

Commander Wu Ming was also worried. He had more than 40,000 men under his command.

There is still a part to stay in the Holy Roman Empire, plus the Italian Peninsula.

The number of troops attacking the German Federal Army was repeatedly reduced.

Commander Wu Ming also had doubts about whether he could win.

He must be fully prepared before he can launch an attack on the German Federation.

Otherwise, if we launch an attack rashly, once the Royal Army is defeated, it will be an extremely embarrassing performance for everyone in the headquarters and the 25th Army.

Especially in the context of Bai Yuangui and Lu Chenyang, he is likely to be the only one defeated.

When thinking of this situation, Wu Ming warned himself in his heart, don't be anxious about anything, act when you are ready.

The army under his command was originally the weakest army entering the European battlefield.

They divided their forces again and became weaker.

The 25th Army is slower, which will not arouse doubts from others.

Commander Wu Ming must not be anxious. If he acts too eagerly, the generals below will become even more aggressive.

Supervisor Mi Yu pushed open the door and walked in, holding a telegram in his hand.

He put the telegram on the table and introduced: "This is a telegram from Commander Lu Chenyang. I hope we can join forces and launch an attack at the same time."

Commander Wu Ming immediately picked up the telegram and read its contents carefully.

After reading it, he said excitedly: "Okay, great.

Our three armies will act together at the same time, so that tens of thousands of our troops will not attack the German Federation.

Instead, the Royal Army had 250,000 troops to jointly attack the German Federation and the Kingdom of France.

The army will divide the two countries into different battlefields.

We only need to take charge of one of the battlefields and don't have to worry about the enemy being able to support us.

When fighting in this way, safety is greatly increased.

Each side is responsible for a war zone, so there is no need to worry that someone will rob us of the fruits of victory."

Commander Wu Ming is the weakest and he feels very insecure.

The three armies fight together and become a whole.

There will inevitably be internal rules and regulations regarding the distribution of military merit and the distribution of spoils of war, two extremely important rules and regulations.

Even the powerful Lu Chenyang, who led his army to destroy France, turned around and saw that Wu Ming had not yet destroyed Germany.

That will also be subject to the previous agreement, which will not send troops into this war zone to grab military glory.

After reading it, Chief of Staff He Guangzhi said: "I think joint operations are extremely beneficial to us.

This also shows to the outside world that our Royal Army has more than just military merit in our eyes.

We focus on the interests of the empire."

Mi Yujianjun suggested: "This is a good method. The Royal Army works together and risks are shared.

This incident will become a legend in the future."

Commander Wu Ming stood up and said excitedly: "We will call back in the name of the headquarters and agree to this request."


Commander Lu Chenyang put down his telescope. He just saw France building a large number of forts in front.

He said contemptuously: "With just these forts, you want to stop the Royal Army. France is looking down on you."

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei echoed: "To deal with a group of fortresses like France that are armed to the teeth, we can only choose to use human lives or attack with more powerful artillery.

I will never adopt this method of using human life to fill the gap.

Your Majesty has no time limit for the army to win. As long as we work hard slowly, we will win sooner or later.

If it takes longer, Your Majesty will not scold you.

However, the casualties of the army were too large and unnecessary, and His Majesty would definitely rebuke them.

We actually have only one option, which is to use stronger cannons to blast open the fortresses built by France.

The Royal Navy has agreed to our request and shipped over three cruiser main guns.

As long as the artillery arrives, this large-caliber naval gun will definitely tear apart the French defense."

Supervisor Liang Feng took two reply calls. He came over and said happily: "We need to wait for the naval guns that can knock open the French fortress group.

Commander Wu Ming was responsible for the security of the Holy Roman Empire and the Italian Peninsula. He also divided his forces to suppress the forces in the east belonging to Ottoman Turkey and Russia.

Now that we don't have enough troops, we are afraid of being trapped in the German battlefield and are waiting for the opportunity to fight.

Commander Bai Yuangui has basically solved the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and quickly moved south.

We are all anxious. In addition to wanting to end this war, we are also worried that friendly forces will take the credit.

Commander Lu proposed a joint operation, and the other two commanders were in a weak position. They had no reason to refuse.

Commander Bai Yuangui and Commander Wu Ming have agreed to matters related to joint operations."

When Commander Lu Chenyang heard the news, he smiled and said: "Immediately send a telegram to His Majesty the Emperor and the Governor's Office, requesting permission from the three armies for joint operations via telegram."

Military orders abroad are subject to certain restrictions. With the invention of the telegraph, this sentence has become blurred.

After the invention of wireless telegraphy, this sentence was completely thrown into the trash can.

His Majesty the Emperor can grasp the situation of the frontline troops in real time through telegrams.

His Majesty the Emperor can even send decrees to the grassroots and ask them to carry out the decrees.

Generals leading troops abroad should not make the decision on their own when encountering any problems. They must ask for instructions via telegram.

After Supervisor Liang Feng sent the telegram, he saw Lu Chenyang's solemn expression and said: "I think this request is very likely to be approved by His Majesty the Emperor.

Joint operations can fully mobilize the Royal Army and increase the winning rate of this war.

Just for this reason, His Majesty the Emperor will not prohibit this matter.

His Majesty the Emperor's requests for frontline generals have always been based on whether they are conducive to the victory of the war."

Commander Lu Chenyang knew that now was not the time to be anxious.

"We will first discuss the arrangements for this decisive battle based on joint operations.

If His Majesty does not agree to our request, then we will continue to use the original tactics."

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei took out a terrain map with the three war zones marked on it.

"It is precisely because of wireless telegraphy, this convenient means of communication, that we have the basis for joint operations.

If the various armies cannot cooperate effectively, there will be no effect if they are not united.

We have arrived at the border of the Kingdom of France, and our goal is of course the Kingdom of France.

As long as we break through the outer defenses of the Kingdom of France, we will not be far from victory.

The remaining German theater was divided into northern and southern areas.

Commander Bai Yuangui moved south from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and attacked northern Germany.

Commander Wu Ming attacked southern Germany from the Holy Roman Empire.

The Royal Army does not need to join forces, but only needs to act together, so that the German Federation can be divided into northern and southern parts.

The German Federation, which was already full of internal contradictions, was once divided into different battlefields.

The German Federation cannot form a joint force, and they will definitely lose.

There was war in the German Federation, and they had no spare power to support the Kingdom of France.

Our army can stop thinking about foreign aid and concentrate on dealing with the Kingdom of France."

Around the sand table, they have made two sets of plans for joint operations and attack problems.

When Supervisor Liang Feng heard the ticking of the telegraph machine, he immediately became energetic.

This telegraph machine was specifically responsible for contacting the capital.

After the telegraph machine received the telegram, he took the telegram and said excitedly: "His Majesty the Emperor agrees to our request.

We can strengthen contact through telegraph and conduct joint operations."

When Commander Lu Chenyang and Chief of Staff Zhang Lei heard the result, they both smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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