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Chapter 917 The final madness of the nobles (2)

After King Louis XIV of France fainted, the Palace of Versailles immediately became chaotic.

The court doctors rushed to treat Louis XIV.

The ministers outside the palace rushed to the Palace of Versailles immediately after hearing that something had happened to King Louis XIV.

After King Louis XIV was supported by the Bourbon royal family and nobles, he came to power.

France's old aristocracy has regained its power.

They prevented the emergence of another prime minister with power comparable to that of a king, and directly abolished the prime minister system, instead assigning various ministers to take charge of different things.

Henri Bourbon, Minister of War of the Kingdom of France, rushed to the Palace of Versailles in a carriage.

"His Majesty the King must not let anything happen. France has reached a moment of life and death.

Once something happens to King Louis XIV, the Kingdom of France will now have no popular first-in-line heir.

The Kingdom of France was in civil strife over the selection of a new king.

But now France can no longer afford the price of civil strife."

When Secretary of War Henry Bourbon walked to the gate of the Palace of Versailles, he saw several exquisite carriages parked here, and luxury carriages were arriving at the Palace of Versailles one after another.

He had no intention of greeting his colleagues now and entered the Palace of Versailles immediately.

Only by understanding Louis XIV's physical condition can we think about the next plan.

As a member of the Bourbon royal family and Minister of War, he controlled the army near Paris.

No matter what the situation, Henry Bourbon can be invincible.

When Henri Bourbon entered the Palace of Versailles, he heard several ministers arguing.

Finance Minister Clarion's face turned red and he shouted excitedly.

“His Majesty the King’s situation has not improved even though he used conventional means.

I think we should follow the methods of the palace doctors and use bloodletting therapy.

The palace doctor said that as long as the blood poison is released, His Majesty the King may get better."

Interior Minister Kerelstedt said angrily: "This is fart, the mortality rate of bloodletting is too high.

How could bloodletting be used when more patients died than were cured?

The Dahua Empire has more advanced treatment methods.

Court doctors are a bunch of rubbish. They don't know how to treat illnesses. We should ask Dr. Lande from Paris.

He went to the Great China Empire for further study and learned a superb method of treating diseases.

The number of patients Dr. Land has saved is far greater than that of the palace doctor who only knows how to bleed."

When Henri Bourbon listened to the quarrel between the two, he knew that King Louis XIV had not yet awakened.

He supported the views of Home Secretary Keryl Seder.

King Louis XIV can't stand the trouble now, and the bloodletting therapy may cause accidents.

He had also heard about the medical skills from the Great China Empire, which were basically injections and medicines.

Henry Bourbon knew that he had to make a choice at this time.

"I think we can ask Dr. Lande to try it. His method will cause less trauma to His Majesty the King.

Dr. Land cannot make His Majesty the King conscious, so he will try the bloodletting method of the court doctor."

Henri Bourbon stood up and expressed his support, which gave the two people who were in a stalemate a step forward.

The reason why they are quarreling is because there is no one who can clearly make the decision.

Because when you make a decision, you have to take responsibility.

The Palace of Versailles acted very quickly and immediately invited Dr. Lande.

Dr. Lande is about forty years old. He wears a white coat and a pair of thick glasses.

Accompanied by everyone, he came to the bedside of King Louis XIV.

Dr. Lande took out his stethoscope and explored King Louis XIV's chest and abdomen.

He felt relieved when he heard some scattered heartbeats and weak breathing.

Before Dr. Land came, the thing he was most worried about was treating the corpse.

He had experienced this kind of thing before, and it was an eye-opener at that time.

He quickly checked His Majesty the King's symptoms without checking his pulse or conducting any further tests.

He took out a glass syringe and some small medicine bottles from his backpack, and injected a medicine directly into His Majesty the King.

He had studied in the Dahua Empire, but he could only follow the textbook.

Seeing similar symptoms, Dr. Lande will prescribe medicine according to the probability of disease he infers.

If he knows the disease correctly, he may be able to cure the patient.

If the medicine does not work, it means that the patient has reached the end of his life and no medicine can save him.

After Dr. Land finished using the medicine, he felt very uneasy and hoped that he was right.

Everyone waited anxiously until Dr. Land saw King Louis XIV open his eyes.

He spread his fingers and placed them in front of King Louis XIV.

"Your Majesty the King, what is the number?"

King Louis XIV was a little confused and didn't know what was going on.

He was stunned for a moment and then replied: "Five."

Dr. Land withdrew his thumb and little finger and asked again.

King Louis XIV said impatiently: "Three."

Dr. Lande took a step back and said to the ministers: "My medicine has taken effect and His Majesty the King has woken up and is conscious.

I will take my leave first and see His Majesty the King again after some time."

Dr. Lande can get along well in aristocratic circles, and his greatest advantage is that he knows how to advance and retreat.

This was Louis XIV's good fortune. The heart disease medicine nitroglycerin produced by the Dahua Empire could effectively solve Louis XIV's problem.

Dr. Land received permission. He carried the medicine box and followed the guards to a corner of the Palace of Versailles to rest.

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon asked with concern: "How is His Majesty the King's health?"

King Louis XIV had already figured out what had happened.

He sighed, his tone was sad, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"I received a telegram from the German Federation. Frankfurt, the last city in Germany, has been occupied by the Han army.

France has lost one of its most important allies.

Now we in France can only face the powerful Han army alone.

Our strength was originally inferior to that of the Han army, and now that the Han army has surrounded France, where will we go?"

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon patiently persuaded.

"Your Majesty, we in France must persevere to the end.

The nobles of France can surrender to the Han people, and the common people of France can surrender to the Han people.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But our Bourbon family will definitely not be able to surrender to the Han people.

Regardless of whether it surrenders or not, with the style of the Han people, if the Kingdom of France falls, the Bourbon family will definitely disappear from this world.

Now there are rumors outside that the Han people are trying to win the support of the poor people in the occupied areas.

They dragged local nobles out of their homes and shot them.

The family that suffered the most serious damage was the Habsburg family.

Besides, we in France are not fighting alone.

Our neighboring country, Spain, has not fallen yet.

Spain's military strength is very weak, but at this moment, if they are not stupid, they can also provide us with some help."

After Secretary of War Henry Bourbon said these words, he looked at the ministers next to him with sharp eyes.

The eyes of these ministers were somewhat evasive, and they did not dare to look at him.

After hearing what Henry Bourbon said, King Louis XIV's eyes lit up.

"Indeed, as Uncle Henry said, anyone in France can surrender, but we, the Bourbon family, cannot surrender.

If you don’t want to be executed in front of the untouchables, then you must survive this crisis with France.”

King Louis XIV's previous words were spoken to Henry Bourbon, Minister of War.

His last words were spoken while looking at the other ministers.

The room immediately fell into silence. In this case, saying nothing was the best answer.

King Louis XIV snorted coldly and said: "Words are not reliable, I still want to see your actual actions."

He supported his body with his hands, struggled to sit up, and leaned on the bed to look at the ministers.

King Louis XIV asked in a weak voice: "Ministers, you know something about the current situation in France.

What do you think France needs to do if it wants to survive this crisis?"

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon did his part and first said: "Your Majesty, I believe that everything is false, only strength is the most real.

If we want to survive this crisis, we must equip an army with powerful firepower.

Because strong men were previously recruited into the army and went through several months of recruit training.

These new recruits have been able to initially master the use of firearms.

Compared to the Han army, our French army has a larger number.

The only shortcoming now is that there are too few artillery to equip the army.

The only weapon our French army has now that can compete with the Han army is artillery.

As long as the army has sufficient artillery, we can use the built gun towers and forts on the city walls to inflict huge damage to the Han army.

The base camp of the Han army is very far away from Europe.

As long as the casualties of the Han army reach a certain level, they will inevitably choose to retreat.

As long as we allocate another 10,000 artillery pieces to the army, I have the confidence to defend the city of Paris and gradually drive the Han army out of our land."

King Louis XIV showed a bright smile. This was the best news he had heard since the war began.

He said excitedly: "Uncle Henry, don't worry, more than 10,000 artillery pieces will definitely be delivered to the army."

The Minister of the Interior, Karel Seder, heard of this promise from King Louis XIV.

He immediately stood up and assured: "We in France are short of iron, but the material for casting cannons is mainly copper alloy.

France had already stockpiled a large amount of materials in advance before the war broke out.

There are more than enough materials to cast ten thousand cannons, and the workers who cast the cannons are also very skilled in their craftsmanship.

The only thing lacking is production funds. Without enough money, the factory cannot produce artillery."

King Louis XIV looked at Minister of Finance Clarion.

"Marquis Clarion, I believe you have a way to raise the funds to produce this batch of artillery.

This matter concerns the life and death of the Kingdom of France."

Finance Minister Clarion looked aggrieved and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I really can't think of a way.

Due to various tax increases in France, the common people have been complaining.

Nowadays, 90% of the income of ordinary people is used to pay taxes and 10% is used for living.

The kingdom continues to increase taxes, and the taxes collected are already higher than the income of ordinary people.

There is no way to increase taxes, and I can’t think of a way to solve this problem.”

Marquis Clarion has a bitter look on his face. He has no choice now.

The kingdom has raised taxes many times in a row, and the common people of the kingdom are like springs pressing down on them.

The Kingdom of France has never seen a large-scale peasant uprising similar to that in China.

But as the kingdom continues to oppress the civilians, they will also riot.

These civilians have always been obedient people before, but they cannot survive and will inevitably find their own way to survive.

Marquis Clarion just wanted to explain his opinion.

King Louis XIV snorted coldly and ordered: "Marquis Clarion, I don't care what method you use, you must raise enough money to produce artillery for the armed army.

Whether it is from civilians or businessmen.

If we can’t raise enough money, you nobles will make up for whatever is missing.”

The Marquis de Clarion heard King Louis XIV say this.

He knew he had to find a way to get money from civilians.

Businessmen can only choose small businessmen. Those big capitalists have backers behind them, which is very difficult to deal with.

The nobles had even less money.

If he really chooses to take money from the nobles, the position of finance minister will be taken down soon.

Their family will also be squeezed out by other families and eventually become impoverished.

Marquis Clarion also has a quick wit. It is not easy to do something well, but it is too easy to do it casually.

After bowing and saluting, he suggested: "Your Majesty the King, I have a simple way for us to raise more money.

There is no way to increase taxes in the kingdom now. After all, no matter how you increase taxes, they cannot be higher than the income.

But we can charge future taxes.

By asking the common people to pay taxes for ten years in advance, we will definitely be able to raise enough funds to cast ten thousand cannons."

After Marquis Clarion finished speaking, the nobles who did not want this money to be allocated to themselves all supported this policy.

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon did not care about this matter.

As long as the army can obtain enough artillery and there is no chaos in the Kingdom of France, he doesn't care about other things.

He neither supported nor opposed this matter.

King Louis XIV saw that his ministers supported this policy.

He ordered: "Then we will raise taxes in ten years and use the funds raised to produce a large number of artillery immediately.

Our French army must use powerful artillery to drive the Han army from the territory."

They finished discussing matters related to tax increases and artillery production.

King Louis XIV felt pain in his chest. He frowned in pain and sweat continued to drip from his forehead.

Many ministers saw that something was wrong, and they immediately called Dr. Lande to treat Louis XIV.

Many ministers walked outside and looked at each other.

Interior Minister Keryl Sid proposed: "His Majesty the King is not in good health. Except for important matters, I suggest that everyone handle some small matters by themselves and not disturb His Majesty the King's recovery."

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon supported: "We will discuss some matters in the kingdom first and then report them to His Majesty the King.

His Majesty the King cannot bear any more stimulation.

Once something goes wrong with His Majesty the King, France will be in chaos.

We could have won, but in this case we must lose."

After a brief discussion, they decided that King Louis XIV's recovery was the most important, and that they would handle national affairs first.

Secretary of War Henry Bourbon did this because he knew that the main force of the French army would come into contact with the Han army.

If the German Confederation is defeated, His Majesty the King will do the same.

The main force of the French army was defeated, and what happened to His Majesty the King was beyond his control.

This chapter has been completed!
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