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Chapter 935 Teaching and Solving Doubts

Emperor Su He looked at these future kings of vassal states who were full of curiosity.

He did not sit on the dragon throne and look down at everyone.

Instead, he taught them earnestly as an elder brother and father.

Emperor Su He looked at everyone and taught: "From today on, your status has completely changed. You are no longer a minister, a general, or a prince.

Rather, it is a monarch who rules millions, even tens of millions of people.

When you look at things and deal with things, you need to put yourself into a new identity.

Don't think this matter is simple. It will take a long time for you to adapt before you can change your mind.

No matter how much I say here today, you will never understand it.

As long as you remember this sentence and think more about daily affairs in the future, you will understand this truth."

Emperor Su He knew that no matter how much experience he taught, it would be useless.

As a country leader with absolute power, they must have their own ideas, and their power does not want to be restricted by anything.

They will only remember it when they encounter difficulties and setbacks later.

When the second prince Su Lei heard what Emperor Su He had said, he immediately said sincerely: "My father will definitely remember the principles taught by my father."

The other three princes saw the second prince Su Lei trying his best to express himself.

They immediately followed the second prince Su Lei to express their stance.

Emperor Su He saw that the others were digesting what he said. Only these princes were paying attention to who was speaking.

He pointed at the princes and laughed and cursed: "I saw that you didn't listen carefully. I told you that you want to change your identity.

Now you are the most obvious, and your identities have not been changed yet.

From now on, you are the king of a country, and you must adapt to your new identity."

When the princes heard what Emperor Su He said, they all lowered their heads in shame.

Emperor Su He looked at these monarchs who were preparing to found a country.

Combining his own experience and knowledge, he said to them: "I have a few simple ideas, let me share them here.

The country you people are going to build will have a huge gap in resources and people in the territory.

If you want to develop your country as quickly as possible, you must make your country unique.

If you want to pursue large-scale and comprehensive development and be like the empire, it will be very difficult and you will miss many opportunities.

The development of the provinces within the empire was also uneven. Some provinces had developed industries and the governor's office was very wealthy.

The development of some provinces was slow, and the operation of the local governor's office still required regular funding from the court to maintain it.

The Kingdom of Shu is located in the Great Plains of Western Europe, which is more suitable for farming and breeding, and has relatively few mineral resources.

In particular, there is a lack of coal mines and iron ores important for industrialization.

It is much easier for Shu to develop agriculture than other countries.

But if you want to develop industry, you need to purchase coal and iron resources from outside, which is very costly.

This kind of industry can only satisfy itself and does not have much competitiveness."

When King Qian Mingyi of Shu heard the example given by Emperor Su He, he felt that the future of his country was not good.

In terms of grain output, how could it possibly compare with the empire's Nanyang, as well as the Zhao and Wei states in the Americas.

King Qian Mingyi of Shu must find a pillar to develop the country sufficiently.

Otherwise, this country will not have much competitiveness compared to surrounding countries.

Now, all European countries are basically on the same starting line.

Once you fall behind at the beginning, it becomes very difficult to catch up in the future.

When King Qian Mingyi of Shu was thinking hard, he heard Emperor Su He continue to talk about the methods of governing the country, and he immediately concentrated his attention.

These are the successful experiences of Emperor Su He and must not be missed.

“If a man has no faith, he cannot stand, and if a country has no faith, it will perish.

When making friends, everyone usually prefers to associate with gentlemen, rather than with villains.

If citizens have a choice, they would rather stay in a stable country than in a country that changes orders day by day.

I think the secret to my success is to be rewarded for your merits, and to reward them as soon as possible.

If I wasn't willing to give up the reward, could I still have come this far? I think it's impossible.

There was a time when I was very poor and could not afford the rewards, but the soldiers all believed that I would definitely reward them.

This is the power of trust.

As long as good faith is established, consensus can be built.

The collapse of integrity can only happen in an instant.

Only by doing your best to maintain integrity can you gain the trust of others.

This is personal integrity.

The country's integrity is more important. A country that loses its integrity cannot unite its citizens internally and cannot find allies externally."

Wu Wang Qi had followed Emperor Su He resolutely for the longest time, and his trust in Emperor Su He had never diminished even half a point.

He had never noticed before what method Emperor Su He used to make others trust him.

It seems now that these little things in life continue to strengthen the foundation of trust.

King Wu Qi is determined to follow Emperor Su He, which means he trusts Emperor Su He and will lead them to victory.

Trust this rope to connect most of the citizens together.

Emperor Su He said eloquently: "For a monarch, his name and weapons should not be used by others.

The country's most important power to appoint officials, finance and taxation, and military power must be in one's own hands.

If one of these three powers loses power, the monarch will gradually lose control of the direction of the country."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, he looked at the monarchs who were accepting this knowledge.

These principles are very simple to Emperor Su He.

But for the gate that has always been a courtier, they may not necessarily know this truth.

Emperor Su He saw many kings, and he was already deep in thought before he said these things.

He knew that some of the contents were still a bit profound for the monarch who suddenly changed his identity.

What Emperor Su He said was enough for them to understand. There are some things that can only be understood but not expressed.

He looked at everyone and asked: "I just talked about it from a macro perspective.

Each of your vassal states has different characteristics.

If you have any doubts that you can't solve on your own, you can ask questions now."

When the kings of the other vassal states were hesitating, the third prince Su Meng immediately stood up and said: "Father, my territory is the core territory of the original Ottoman Turkish Empire.

When the imperial army attacked the Ottoman Turkish Empire, it wanted to win over some local forces.

The empire promised these forces that they could establish a state.

Now that I am the lord of this territory, do I want to recognize the countries that have mushroomed in the territory?"

Emperor Su He was very satisfied with the question raised by King Su Meng of Liang and immediately gave the answer.

"The empire did promise at that time, and it is difficult for the empire to go back on this kind of thing.

But now this territory no longer belongs to the empire, and it is up to the new owner of this territory to confirm its ownership.

But in doing so, the technique is a bit rough, and the sequelae left behind are also serious.

When I was learning about European history, I discovered that Europe has a system, which is the federal system.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is a federation formed by the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania.

The federation is a subject, and the whole is a country to the outside world.

There is also the German Confederation, which is composed of multiple independent countries.

The Liang Kingdom allows these people to form a relatively independent kingdom locally and join the country dominated by the Liang Kingdom.

In this way, they are still an independent kingdom in name, and the empire has fulfilled its promise.

But in reality, all power is controlled by the Liang Kingdom. These nominally independent kingdoms have no influence on the development of the Liang Kingdom.

When the time is right, the power given to these kingdoms can be taken back bit by bit by eliminating vassals.

In doing so, their will to resist can be reduced to a minimum.

Some people are so oppressed that they only want a nominal independence.

In this way, local forces can be divided and disintegrated.

The more moderate ethnic groups are temporarily retained, and the ethnic groups who want to truly become an independent country are severely punished.

In this way, his opponents are transformed from these huge ethnic groups into one or two restless ethnic groups.

It doesn’t take much force to deal with them.”

When Liang Wang Su Meng heard his father's idea, he nodded repeatedly and said in surprise: "My father's method is really amazing. I will follow this method and it will definitely solve the complicated local situation."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu heard that Emperor Su He proposed the federal method.

In his country, these methods can also be tried.

He had been thinking about how the immigrant Han people and the local aborigines would get along with each other.

The indigenous people who dare to resist him will really be killed.

Now I heard that Emperor Su He proposed the federal method.

He can try to use federal methods to allow the most extreme indigenous people to continue to live on his territory.

These federations did not hold actual power. In the name of the king, he gradually weakened these federations until they were truly integrated into his country.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu did not have the confidence to integrate most of the aboriginal people into the new country in a short time.

But he still has full confidence in allowing these aborigines to integrate into the new country he established after three or four generations.

When the King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, thought of this, he couldn't help but praise: "Your Majesty is aware of it, but I never thought of using this method to solve domestic problems.

The thorny problems in the country now can be alleviated through this method.

As long as the start doesn't collapse, I will have plenty of means to control these nominally federal countries in the future."

When King Lu Chenyang of Chu said this, the kings immediately reacted and discovered the wonderful effect of federalism.

In these newly occupied territories, the local indigenous people are extremely troublesome.

The Great China Empire could rely on its huge size to slowly digest the indigenous people of the conquered territories.

These newly built countries do not have such size and foundation at all. There will definitely be fierce conflicts between local aborigines and Han immigrants.

But through federal means, these indigenous peoples can retain their own nominal countries and integrate into them through federal means.

They will be very accepting of this situation.

But there are also some monarchs who sneer at this method.

Wu Wang Qi Gangyi believed that this method was specially thought up by Emperor Su He for the third prince Su Meng.

This method is not universal at all, and if it is forcibly moved to other areas, it will cause acclimatization.

King Wu Qi Gangyang believed that the empire had conquered the empire by sending troops so hard.

This method is to reverse the trend so that the conquered people do not have a clear understanding of their own status.

Countries that do this will definitely have fierce conflicts in the future.

Any country that chooses to do this believes that its capabilities are insufficient. In the early days of founding a country, they did not want the country to suffer major turmoil.

They are prepared to teach the future how to solve problems and believe in the abilities of future generations.

Wu Wangqi firmly believes that solving it at the early stage is the best opportunity to solve it.

If you miss this opportunity, it will cost dozens of times to solve the problem in the future, which is totally not worth it.

Emperor Su He answered questions raised by the monarchs one after another.

For example, the principles of national taxation, industrial development planning, management of merchant groups, and optimization of the imperial examination system.

Emperor Su He looked at the monarchs who were full of curiosity.

"I will answer these questions today, and I can't answer the other questions.

You have to solve these problems in practice, and I believe you will find the answers.

The sky has darkened, today is the New Year, it’s time to go back and celebrate with your loved ones.”

The eight princes and kings who were not princes bowed to Emperor Su He and exited the Qianqing Palace.

When they left Qianqing Palace, what happened today spread out at an extremely fast speed.

The empire has enfeoffed twelve more princes and kings. This news is so shocking.

This news spread throughout the empire via telegram, directly detonating public opinion in the empire.

Emperor Su He looked at the remaining prince Su Shu and the four princes.

He looked at the four princes and asked, "Do you know why my father wanted to enfeoff you all?"

The second prince, Su Lei, thought to himself: "We are not afraid that if we compete with the prince for the throne, the empire will be in a state of unrest and may even fall apart."

But he couldn't say that the funds he and his mother had to purchase the territory needed to establish the country were not enough?

It must rely on the support of my father and the loan from Hua Xia Bank.

After the second prince Su Lei experienced lessons, he had learned to be diplomatic.

"Father, I think you are ennobling our brothers to prevent these vassal states from being overrun.

After our brothers appear, we can check and balance these vassal countries to a certain extent."

After the second prince Su Lei finished speaking, the other three princes quickly agreed.

He didn't expect this to be the reason.

Emperor Su He sighed and said: "This is indeed one of the reasons, but there is also the most important reason.

The empire developed so fast because it respected science and technology and developed industrialization rapidly.

The place of scientific enlightenment is in Europe, and this place has such a profound foundation.

There is a possibility for this place to rise in the future, and the country I hope to rise is still my descendant, and I have high expectations for you."

When the second prince Su Lei heard his father say this, he immediately puffed up his chest and became more confident.

He must realize his father's words and he must pay attention to science and technology.

If he cannot complete it, he will leave his legacy and let future generations work hard to complete it.

Prince Su Shu heard what his father said.

He didn't know how much of his father's words were true.

But he had made up his mind to keep an eye on the vassal states in Europe.

The empire is in his hands, and he must never let the small vassal states accomplish the feat of swallowing the whale.

In the heart of Prince Su Shu, he believed that his father said this to encourage his younger brothers and also to indirectly beat him.

This chapter has been completed!
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