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Chapter 937 The power of capital (1)

Emperor Su He did not directly tell the princes the solution.

He asked a question again.

"Do you know about the Dutch East India Company?"

Prince Su Shu immediately replied: "Father, I know the Dutch East India Company.

It was the former ruler of the Nanyang region.

When Erchen saw the news, he was a little surprised.

The power that rules Nanyang is not a country, but a company composed of businessmen.

This should be what my father just said, the power of capital."

Emperor Su He nodded and said: "Yes, the Nanyang region is ruled by the Dutch East India Company.

They have their own armed forces and can even hire official Dutch troops.

The highest interest of the Dutch East India Company was not to rule the local area, but to pursue high profits.

Ordinary people in the Netherlands can support the Dutch East India Company in developing Southeast Asia by purchasing shares of the Dutch East India Company.

This method of raising funds gave the Dutch East India Company a steady stream of funds.

Successfully developed Nanyang from thousands of miles away.

Why were ordinary people in the Netherlands willing to give money to the Dutch East India Company?

Because they believed that the Dutch East India Company's shares would be worth more in the future.

This is the most critical point of capital, which must make people believe in higher returns in the future."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, he took out a plan from the desk and showed it to several princes.

Prince Su Shu respectfully took the plan from his father.

He first looked through the contents of the plan. This was the plan for establishing the Kingdom Development Company.

Detailed planning of a series of operations from the establishment of the company, raising funds by issuing company shares, subsequent operations of the company, exchanging the value of the shares and canceling the company.

After Prince Su Shu read the plan, he passed it on to the other princes.

This plan was based on the Dutch East India Company, with certain modifications based on the local conditions of the Great China Empire.

Based on Prince Su Shu's knowledge, the people of the empire would be willing to buy shares of this company if they had spare money.

These younger brothers of his can build the country without much support from their father.

This has both advantages and disadvantages for Prince Su Shu.

I still can’t tell which direction is more preferred?

When the second prince Su Lei saw the plan, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

According to the plan given by his father, if it really succeeds, he can raise a large amount of funds in a short period of time.

There is no need for him to sell his official title, lead the way to aristocratic families, and let himself be controlled by others.

He only needs to protect the rights of domestic businessmen, and it is too easy to achieve this step.

Emperor Su He looked at the princes with joy on his face.

He knew that when capital reaches its peak, it will inevitably want to obtain more rights, and there will be a fierce conflict between capital and imperial power.

Emperor Su He even knew that the progress achieved in a thousand years of development of agricultural society was not as good as that of a hundred years of development of capital society.

The life of farmers in the Qin Dynasty was not much different from that of farmers in the Ming Dynasty.

But with the advent of the steam engine, farmers in the empire have begun to use steam engine tractors, which are far more efficient than farmers in the Ming Dynasty who used oxen for farming.

The GDP produced by the Ming Dynasty in one hundred years was not as good as the GDP produced by the Great China Empire in one year.

With the further development of industrialization, the GDP of the Great China Empire will increase by dozens to hundreds of times.

The Great China Empire needs to embrace capital and further accelerate the process of industry.

If these vassal states refuse capital, they will be eliminated quickly. They will either be annexed by a powerful country or become a small country with no sense of existence.

If vassal states embrace the foundation, they will develop more rapidly and have the hope of becoming a regional power.

Emperor Su He certainly hoped that the country owned by his son would become a regional power.

Instead of it being annexed by other countries decades or hundreds of years later.

The plan given by Emperor Su He to the prince is that like the Great China Empire, the royal family will become the country's largest capital.

In this way, even if there is a violent conflict between capital and imperial power, the status of the royal family will not be affected.

Imperial power is imperial power, and the royal family is the royal family. They are different subjects.

For example, in the Ming Dynasty, during the periods of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, imperial power and the royal family were basically equated.

However, with the establishment of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, the emperor was lazy and established the Secretary of Ceremonies to compete.

The cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies already control a large part of the imperial power.

If the emperor of the Ming Dynasty could balance the cabinet and the ceremonial supervisor, he could use all the imperial power.

During the Chongzhen Dynasty, the power of the Supervisor of Ceremonies was abolished, and the civil power represented by the cabinet could not be checked and balanced.

At this time, the real people in power in the Ming Dynasty had become a civil servant group.

Emperor Chongzhen no longer had the ability to mobilize the huge Ming Dynasty.

If each of the princes were sage kings like Emperor Qin and Han Wu, Emperor Su He would definitely not let them indulge their capital.

But among his princes, except for the prince Su Shu who performed well, the other princes were all average.

Their own capabilities are not enough to build a strong country from scratch.

Even if the princes have this ability, not all of their descendants will be saint kings.

Emperor Su He believed that it would be more beneficial for the royal family and the country to allow emperors with less outstanding abilities to embrace capital.

He saw the expressions of the princes eager to try.

"You first operate according to the plan, find problems and then correct them.

My father treats you all equally, and each of you has a gift package for the founding of the country."

When the four princes heard their father's words, they bowed and bowed before exiting Qianqing Palace.

They each look for the forces behind it and discuss what they should do?


The second prince Su Lei faced his mother and concubine Li Huixin, and he was even more nervous than facing his father.

His mother always hoped that his son would succeed.

However, he failed to live up to his mother's expectations. He always felt that the way her mother looked at him was helpless, as if she hated iron.

The second prince Su Lei stumbled and talked about what happened today.

He focused on the plan given by his father and asked his mother for her opinion.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When the concubine Li Huixin heard the second prince Su Lei finished speaking, she was thinking seriously.

The second prince, Su Lei, became the king of vassals and got the opportunity to build a country overseas.

After she found out, she was very happy, but she didn't show it.

The reason why Consort Li Huixin drove Su Lei to do those things was to let him compete with Su Shu.

This is all for the sake of the rest of their mother and son's lives.

Li Huixin, the concubine of Virtue, usually read history books. When he read about the fate of the royal family's children, he often put himself in his place, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Too few of the princes of the founding emperors died a good death.

In addition to refusing to admit defeat, Virtue Concubine Li Huixin also wanted her mother and son to live safely.

Now Su Lei has his own country, which has its own court and army.

It is by no means that the emperor can take the king's lock into Beijing with just a piece of imperial edict.

Su Lei became the king of princes, and their mother and son already had the most basic protection.

Concubine Li Huixin thought for a long time, and she analyzed: "The queen mother can't see any flaws in your father's plan.

If you implement your father's plan, the difficulty of founding a country will be reduced several times.

I will ask your uncle King Cao Li Dazhuang for his advice, and at the same time ask your uncle to support you with some materials and talents.

The country you are in is separated from Cao State by an ocean, so there is basically no conflict of interest."

King Su Lei of Rui nodded and agreed: "Mother, then I will discuss this plan with my close ministers, make modifications based on the basic situation of Rui, and put it into the market to see the situation."

King Rui Su Lei always had a sense of urgency in his heart.

He wants to get everything done, rush to his own territory as soon as possible, and create his own country.

He is the fastest among the four princes.

During the New Year's holiday of the first lunar month, the other princes visit relatives and friends and unite all forces.

Rui Wang Sulei has already brought his confidants to complete the specific details of the Ruiguo Development Company based on the specific conditions of the German Federation that they can collect.


4355 years (1658 AD), the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

The Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month has just passed. Young men and women took advantage of the opportunity of family reunion to go on a blind date during this festival.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is also the last day of the New Year holiday.

On the 16th day of the first lunar month, family members gathered together and took trains and ships to continue their journey to the place of work.

The Gold Coin Restaurant opposite the Stock Hall on Beijing Financial Street.

Many businessmen dressed in silk and satin were discussing the latest issue of the Hualian Associated Press.

Li Fangyuan, chairman of the board of directors of Nanyang Lee's Sugar Company, was reading the newspaper and discovered a huge opportunity.

Li Fangyuan is a collateral descendant of the Nanyang Li family. With the support given by his family, he founded the Nanyang Li's Sugar Company.

He collaborated with Nanyang University to develop a new sugar crystallization production process, which greatly improved the production efficiency of sugar.

Li Fangyuan then took advantage of the popularity of the stock market to list the company under his name.

With this one action, he made money that the sugar company had not been able to make in twenty years.

Part of the company's rights are shared with the public, and he can continue to control the company through the board of directors, the highest authority in the company.

Li Fangyuan relied on his company to go public, and he also learned about the situation of joint-stock companies.

He had just read in the newspaper that a new company was preparing to go public.

The name of this company is extraordinary.

Swiss Development Corporation.

This name is very simple and reminds Li Fangyuan of the former ruler of the Nanyang region, the Dutch East India Company.

He looked at the structure of this company and the purpose of raising funds, and the more he saw it, the more it looked like it was similar to the practices of the Dutch East India Company.

Li Fangyuan put down the newspaper and asked his friend Zhou Fushou: "Brother Zhou, what do you think of this news?"

Zhou Fushou said excitedly: "I will definitely invest in Longsheng Pharmaceutical.

His Majesty the Emperor enfeoffed twelve vassal states.

In these new vassal states, domestic hospitals were completely blank.

In the medical market of the empire and other vassal countries, we, the rising stars, can only survive.

But in these new vassal states, many markets were completely blank.

Once we enter, it will be easy for us to become an industry giant.

We are all businessmen, and everyone knows how much profit it will bring if we can become an industry giant.

A business like a hospital is inherently monopolistic, and the silver coins earned flow into our wallets like running water.

Brother Li, businessmen like us have limited strength. If we want to win the status of an industry giant, we can only invest in a vassal country.

If diversified investment is adopted, each vassal country will invest a little bit of resources.

Our business is still the same as it is now, and there is absolutely no need to work hard to develop new markets.

It is difficult for us, the collateral descendants, to borrow the power of the family when it comes to issues involving the life and death of the family.

We cannot communicate with the upper echelons of the vassal country through family power.

Based on our own abilities, we can easily become cannon fodder and be misappropriated by other opponents who have power and resources.

I am dissatisfied with Brother Li. I have been examining which princes and kings meet my wishes. If I invest funds in his country, my safety can be guaranteed.

King Rui’s approach of establishing Ruiguo Development Company really gave us people no worries.

I am determined now to make Longsheng Pharmaceutical fully enter the Swiss market.

Once the shares of Ruiguo Development Company are listed, I am going to raise funds and buy 100,000 shares."

When Li Fangyuan heard what his friend said, he asked in surprise: "Brother Zhou, you want to be qualified as a shareholder representative of the Swiss Development Company. You have decided to immigrate to Switzerland."

The newspaper clearly stated that Ruiguo Development Company issued five million shares in the first phase, priced at ten taels of silver coins per share.

The Ruiguo Development Company plans to raise 50 million taels of silver coins to pay for the purchase of Ruiguo's territory, establish a government with basic administrative capabilities, build primary schools and farms, and build an army of 30,000 people.

The shares of Swiss Development Company are jointly guaranteed by Swiss tax and territory.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! By purchasing 100,000 shares, you can become a shareholder representative of Ruiguo Development Company.

If the shareholder representatives of Swiss Development Company are willing to immigrate to Switzerland, they will become members of the Swiss Parliament.

The Swiss Parliament has the power to legislate and elect and remove cabinet members.

Zhou Fushou replied with a serious expression: "Among the merchants of the empire, I am just a little shrimp.

After I immigrate to Switzerland, I will become a member of parliament with the power to elect and remove the cabinet.

I suddenly became a noble superior person.

We businessmen are not afraid of competitors, but what we are most afraid of are those officials who extend their hands indiscriminately.

King Rui dared to give members of Parliament the right to elect and remove cabinet members.

We businessmen are willing to follow Switzerland."

Even Li Fangyuan could sense Zhou Fushou's unspoken words.

The parliamentarians of the empire also have this right to remove the current prime minister.

But after the establishment of Parliament, this right has never been exercised.

Why is this happening?

Because of the empire's parliament, the number of merchants was not dominant at all.

The empire has two giant forces: the Noble Group and the Civil Service Group.

As businessmen, they can only rely on these two groups.

The situation of Ruiguo is completely different, as a newly established vassal state.

The territory of this country comes from buying it with money, rather than relying on its own army built from scratch to conquer it bit by bit.

There are almost no nobility groups in Switzerland, the Swiss court has not yet been established, and the civil service group almost does not exist.

When these businessmen go to Switzerland, they will become the largest force in the parliament.

Legislative power is in their hands, and they no longer fear being deprived of their lives and money by bureaucrats.

When Li Fangyuan thought of this, he also had the urge to immigrate to Switzerland.

This chapter has been completed!
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