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Chapter 950 Golden Route (4)

King Lu Chenyang of Chu put down the telegram in his hand and sighed: "It's a troubled time. I hope Xu Minghan can handle the local affairs well."

When Fangfang heard the emotion of King Chu, he said from the side: "Your Majesty, I believe Brother Minghan can handle the preparations before the founding of the country.

The official responsible for the military affairs of the Kingdom of France, he was still the king's former subordinate.

Our two forces have this relationship, and I believe Brother Minghan will definitely use this relationship to deal with local affairs."

When King Lu Chenyang of Chu heard the explanation, he worriedly said: "I believe that Xu Minghan can handle these matters well. This is why I sent Xu Minghan to handle local affairs.

Xu Minghan is a humble gentleman who fights openly and honestly, and he will not be at a disadvantage.

But our enemies will never give up using secret jabs.

Xu Minghan just sent a telegram saying that something happened while he was arranging to vaccinate the local aborigines with cowpox vaccine.

Smallpox actually occurred there, and some people claimed that the cowpox vaccine caused smallpox.

We Han people will use this method to eliminate these aborigines.

Ridiculous as hell, a cowpox vaccine is worth three hundred and fifty coins.

A bullet is only worth twenty cents.

Directly cut off the food supply and starve them to death without spending a penny."

Seeing that King Lu Chenyang of Chu was really angry, Fifugong quickly comforted him and said: "Your Majesty, these stupid people will riot as long as they are incited by someone who has the right to do so.

I still believe that Brother Minghan can handle this matter well."

King Chu Lu Chenyang's face softened slightly and he said: "In this situation, we can only believe in Xu Minghan's ability.

The situation is out of control and I really want to cut off the food supply.

I would rather spend a lot of money to immigrate from other places than accept these mobs."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu stood on the deck of the battleship, looking at the endless sea.

The battleship broke away from the fleet and quickly sailed towards the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was still able to understand the situation of the fleet behind him through wireless telegraphy.


Navy Commander Hu Weiwei walked up to Chu King Lu Chenyang and reminded: "Your Majesty, the battleship Chenyang is about to arrive in Cai Guo.

We also received a reply from Cai Guo, saying that King Wu Jie of Cai will receive us at Luyuan Port, the largest port in the southern tip of Cai Guo."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu ordered: "Follow the corresponding etiquette when visiting the State of Cai, and you must not lose the momentum of our State of Chu."

Navy Commander Hu Weiwei paid a standard military salute and loudly assured: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Chu Navy will definitely perform at its best."

The battleship Chenyang, guided by Cai Guo's iron-hulled warship, headed for Luyuan Port at the southern tip of Thailand.

Cai Guo's Luyuan Port and Zheng Guo's Taoyuan Port guarded the important waterway into the Red Sea.

All commercial ships preparing to go to the Suez Canal must pass through these two ports.

Cai and Jin owned these two ports, and they made a lot of money by servicing the caravans.

King Wu Jie of Cai brought his eldest son Wu Zhengxi to Luyuan Port in person to greet King Lu Chenyang of Chu who was visiting.

Even if he and Jin Wang Li Fengming formed a family, they would jointly defend the safety of the Red Sea.

Jin Wang Li Fengming also had no idea of ​​going to other vassal states.

During the Warring States Period, King Zhaoxiang of Qin placed King Huai of Chu under house arrest, making all monarchs aware of the consequences of traveling to other countries without permission.

King Wu Jie of Cai believed that the reason why King Lu Chenyang of Chu came to their country of Cai.

The first is that King Lu Chenyang of Chu has not yet formally established the country.

He is a barefoot man. If King Cai Wu Jie dares to risk the disapproval of the world, he will be attacked by all the kings of the world.

The second reason is the battleship he rides on.

This is the empire's third-generation iron-clad battleship, second only to the Sovereign-class battleship.

The Sovereign-class battleship using steam turbines is a huge sea monster.

The Tarzan-class battleship is very weak compared to the Sovereign-class battleship, but compared with other warships, it is still a powerful warship.

One such battleship can destroy all Cai Guo's naval ships.

If he chooses to attack the city on the shore, it will also bring huge casualties to Luyuan City.

King Cai and Wu Jie may have been hit by stray bullets.

Wu Zhengxi looked at the Cai Guo warship walking in front of the Taishan-class battleship.

It's like a huge warship and a small fishing boat. They are completely different.

Wu Zhengxi said enviously: "Our Cai State will also have such warships in the future."

As the battleship Chenyang entered the port, Cai Guo fired a gun salute and held a grand welcome ceremony.

King of Chu Lu Chenyang walked down from the deck of the battleship with his confidants.

He saw King Wu Jie of Cai leading all the civil and military officials of Cai and went to the dock to greet him in person.

As a junior, Chu King Lu Chenyang politely took the initiative to say hello.

"King Cai, I have taken the liberty to visit and cause you trouble."

King Cai Wu Jie said politely: "I haven't had anyone come here for a long time.

I am very happy that the King of Chu is willing to come as a guest."

Both of them were born as military generals in the city, and their conversation was not as sharp as that of literati.

After saying a few words, they went to the reception room prepared by King Cai Wu Jie.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu sat down to drink a cup of tea, and he directly explained his intention.

"King Cai, you are so lucky that you can discover a large amount of oil minerals in your territory.

You are now the only force besides the Empire that can supply oil.

Nowadays, whether it is industry or transportation, it is inseparable from the internal combustion engine.

I want to sign a long-term oil supply contract with Cai Guo."

King Cai Wu Jie said modestly: "My territory was originally a vast desert, and I was very desperate at that time.

If it weren't for my lack of strength, I would have been prepared to imitate the Fujian king Zhang Yuliang and seize the leadership of the Ottoman Turks.

At that time, I discovered that these things in the desert were easier to dig out than water.

The water in the desert is very precious, these things are not valuable at all.

I would also like to thank the invention of the internal combustion engine, otherwise who would know that these waste-like things are so valuable.

The King of Chu is willing to sign a long-term oil supply contract, and Cai Guo has no objection."

King Cai and Wu Jie used oil in exchange for benefits, and he was already very happy.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Cai Guo wants to monopolize the oil business, which is simply impossible.

There are several huge oil fields within the empire.

Just after the founding of the country of Hunan, a large amount of oil was discovered in the country.

At present, the domestic oil in Hunan has not been exploited, but the loan from Hunan has been received, and the oil wells will be exploited very quickly.

Cai Guo and Wu Jie knew that Chu King Lu Chenyang wanted to make a deal with him, that is, trading oil between the two countries would be more convenient and flexible.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu came to Cai State and reached the most important agreement.

He accepted the banquet hosted by King Cai Wu Jie, and at the banquet, he asked King Cai Wu Jie for advice on issues related to national governance with the attitude of a junior.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu felt that he had gained a lot.

He declined Cai Wang Wu Jie's offer to stay, and left Cai after achieving his goal.

The battleship Chenyang heads to Taoyuan Port across the sea from Luyuan Port.

Taoyuan Port is the place where the Three Kings landed in East Africa.

In order to commemorate this place, they also planted many plants brought by the empire here.

Among them, peach trees and bamboo grow most luxuriantly.

The story of the three sworn friendships in Taoyuan in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and this place is gradually called Taoyuan Port among the people.

The battleship Chenyang also received a warm welcome in Zheng Guo.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu, King Zheng Wang Zhongce, their attitude was very respectful.

This is Prince Su Shu's biological uncle, and his relationship with the empire is unusual.

Once the day comes when the crown prince ascends the throne, Zheng will surely usher in great development.

The two exchanged a few words at the pier. At the warm invitation of King Zheng and Wang Zhongce, they went to the palace to discuss matters.

Wang Zhongce, the king of Zheng, asked the waiter to bring him tea. He looked at the worried expression of Lu Chenyang, the king of Chu, and said: "At the beginning of the founding of the country, there will be many things involved, which will definitely make you upset.

I had the same feeling when I started to build our country.

The situation of the King of Chu should be due to something happening in the territory.

The King of Chu is anxious to return to his territory, so if anything happens, we will keep it short."

King Chu Lu Chenyang clasped his fists and thanked King Zheng Wang Zhongce for his understanding.

"King Zheng, as the old saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people.

The situation in our country of Chu is in ruins, and it will take time to recover especially agriculture.

Zheng is a major grain exporting province, and I would like to order a batch of grain."

Prince Zheng and Wang Zhongce smiled and said: "The only valuable things in East Africa are this land and the underground minerals.

We are open for business and any buyer is welcome.

When the King of Chu led his troops to conquer Europe in the west, in order to ensure the convenience and speed of food transportation, the empire directly purchased a large amount of food from our country of Zheng and the neighboring country of Jin to supply the needs of the army.

The grains all have the same taste, so the King of Chu does not have to worry about the taste of the grains."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu said with a smile: "Being able to have a full meal is the most beautiful thing in the world. Who can be picky about the taste of food?"

As a junior, after talking about the purchase of grain, he specifically asked King Zheng for advice on how to govern the country.

As far as he knew, there had not been a single local indigenous rebellion since the founding of the Zheng Kingdom.

This shows King Zheng’s ability to govern the country.

King Zheng and Wang Zhongce heard that King Lu Chenyang of Chu humbly asked for advice.

As a senior, he was also willing to teach King Lu Chenyang of Chu some experience in governing the country.

The most critical point is that he is far away in East Africa, and the King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, is far away in Western Europe.

There is almost no conflict of interest between the two countries.

The situation in a vassal country affects the whole body. It is very difficult for a country to break the situation.

It's just that the vassal states cannot compete with the pressure exerted by the empire.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu drank a cup of tea and benefited a lot from the teachings of King Zheng Wang Zhongce.

"Prince Zheng, I, a junior like me, admire your knowledge for your knowledge. I really don't know what other problems can stump you."

Prince Zheng and Wang Zhongce smiled and said: "Thank you for your praise. There are things beyond my power.

For example, I have been promoting industrialization for several years, but the results are still very slow.

The immigrants back then were all farmers who were able to make peace with their small fortunes. They only wanted to be farmers, and they could only be farmers.

The local black indigenous people are not even qualified to be workers.

I can only hope to cultivate the next generation."

Lu Chenyang, King of Chu, agreed: "Industrialization requires a large number of talents, and the talent reserve is insufficient, so it is indeed difficult to advance industrialization."

He gained a lot from chatting with Prince Zheng and Wang Zhongce all night long.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu did not leave Zheng until the second day.

The Chenyang entered the Red Sea and headed to Jin to continue its visit.

The king of Chu, Lu Chenyang, was so excited that he handed over a large food order to Zheng Guo.

During his trip to Jin this time, he could only purchase some other commodities.

The battleship Chenyang heads to the Jin port.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu looked unhappy when he heard the salute.

The welcome salute is not the thirty-six shots used to welcome the monarch of a vassal country, but the thirty-six shots used to welcome ordinary princes.

From this detail, we can see Jin's attitude towards Chu.

Chu King Lu Chenyang frowned and stepped off the battleship.

In the two vassal states he visited before, the monarchs went to greet him out of courtesy and gave King Lu Chenyang of Chu enough face.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu saw the specific people who came to greet him, and as expected, they were just ordinary officials of Jin.

The official walked up to King Lu Chenyang of Chu. After bowing slightly, he said, "Your Majesty, King of Chu, your Majesty is waiting for your visit in Luoyang City."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu heard that he was going to Luoyang City, an inland city of Jin.

His brows furrowed deeply, something was not right about this situation.

If he really becomes the second king of Chu Huai, he will be laughed at by other princes and kings.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu waved his hand towards his confidants.

"I am busy with things, so I won't go to Luoyang City."

After King Lu Chenyang of Chu said these words, he left the Jin officials messy in the wind.

He turned and returned directly to the battleship Chenyang.

The battleship's smokestacks once again emitted black smoke, heading north toward the Suez Canal.

The King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, could not figure out how such a thing could happen since there was no conflict of interest between him and the King of Jin, Li Fengming.

When he continued to sort out the manuscript of the telegram, he saw him chatting with Xu Minghan in the telegram about developing West Africa.

Their telegram encryption method adopts the rules disclosed by the empire, mainly because they do not want to show the clear code to others.

Based on the current situation, Chu King Lu Chenyang could only infer that Jin King Li Fengming also had ambitions for this land in West Africa.

The State of Jin also intercepted the telegram he sent and deciphered its contents.

The Jin State had already regarded the Chu State as an imaginary enemy, so it overturned the process previously negotiated in the telegram.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu no longer thought about this matter.

He read the telegram he had just received. The fleet behind him had entered the Red Sea.

The battleship Chenyang broke away from the fleet and moved faster.

They delayed for some time and were about to complete the rendezvous with the fleet.

The battleship USS Morning Sun arrived south of the Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal is a man-made canal with a limited width.

The surge in the number of merchant ships has also caused congestion in the Suez Canal.

In particular, supplies were transported to the Persian Gulf via the imperial railway network.

It doesn't have to go through the Strait of Malacca, but it has to go through the Suez Canal

King Lu Chenyang of Chu heard the trumpets sounding continuously in the port.

Suez Canal in order to speed up traffic efficiency.

During this emergency period, they will no longer board the ship to inspect the cargo.

Instead, the fee that should be paid is estimated based on the size of the merchant ship.

The Suez Canal is very efficient.

The Chenyang, a huge battleship, still needs a lot of preparations if it wants to pass through the Suez Canal.

The Chenyang used the locks of the Suez Canal to adjust the water level of the canal and successfully passed through the Suez Canal.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu looked at the busy Suez Canal. No wonder it was the most important place on the golden route. The throughput was so amazing and the revenue it brought was so huge.

The empire couldn't help it and snatched the Suez Canal from the hands of Fujian.

This chapter has been completed!
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