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Chapter 959 Businessman’s Perspective (2)

Wang Sen entered the Chu Palace, and Xu Haifeng went to report. He was waiting outside for the summons of Chu King Lu Chenyang.

He never figured it out all the way. He was just a businessman. Why was he summoned by the King of Chu?

Wang Sen has been doing business for decades. He has seen many big scenes and even accepted the summons of Emperor Su He as a business representative.

He can still maintain his composure when facing something like this that concerns his own destiny.

He deduced in his mind the questions that Chu King Lu Chenyang might ask so that he could perform better later.

Xu Haifeng walked to Wang Sen and said: "The King of Chu has time to summon you.

You must pay attention to etiquette in front of the King of Chu, and never lose your etiquette before the king."

Xu Haifeng just reminded him and led Wang Sen to the palace where King Chu was.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu saw Wang Sen being brought in.

The businessman was obviously at a loss for the current situation.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was usually too busy with work. He had to determine the development framework of Chu State and deal with various difficult problems at the beginning of the founding of the country.

He accidentally saw Wang Sen's name.

Then I remembered the shrewd businessman I met on the Mediterranean before going to Chu State.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu learned about this businessman named Wang Sen, who traveled to almost every country in Europe.

He finally confirmed his investment in Chu, a choice that interested Chu King Lu Chenyang.

He also wanted to learn from this businessman his views on other countries.

The King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, said in a gentle tone: "Congressman Wang, I am summoning you this time mainly because I want to understand your views on Chu from a businessman's perspective."

Wang Sen heard the name of Chu King Lu Chenyang and what he wanted to know.

Only then did his expression relax a little, and he didn't have to worry that something bad had happened during King Chu's summons.

What the King of Chu wanted to know was macroscopic, and he could speak freely.

If the matter involves himself or a certain family, the matter will become extremely troublesome.

Wang Sen bowed respectfully first, then stood up and replied: "What questions does the King of Chu want to ask? I will tell you the truth."

"You don't need to be called a commoner. You are also a member of the parliament and can be called a minister."

When Wang Sen heard the words of Chu King Lu Chenyang, he took a step forward and immediately bowed: "I thank you."

Lu Chenyang, the king of Chu, said with a little helplessness: "When I first read "Zou Ji satirized King Qi for accepting remonstrance", I was still a little confused.

Is it true that the noble princes and kings never hear a word of truth?

After practicing, I found that this is indeed the case.

It’s not that the truth can’t be heard, it’s that there are too many falsehoods.”

Wang Sen heard Chu King Lu Chenyang say that if he didn't know what to do, he would have lived in vain for so many years.

He immediately bent ninety degrees, bowed to the end, and at the same time showed a sincere look and said: "I am scared, but in front of the King of Chu, I must tell the truth."

Wang Sen has decided that he will tell the truth in front of King Lu Chenyang of Chu.

One lie requires hundreds of lies to complete.

As long as Lu Chenyang, the king of Chu, understood even a small part of the matter, the lie would be exposed.

A lie came out of his mouth, and even if the rest were the truth, King Lu Chenyang of Chu would not believe that these words were the truth.

Wang Sen had no friends at all in the officialdom of Chu State. As long as he was valued by the King of Chu, he was not afraid of offending anyone.

He told the truth without any pressure at all.

When King Lu Chenyang of Chu saw Wang Sen's fearful look, he knew that he had used his imperial power very well.

These businessmen have a sense of insecurity in their hearts.

As the king of Chu, Lu Chenyang showed some willingness to accept them, and these people would definitely shed tears of gratitude.

"Congressman Wang, please get back on your feet!"

"I know that you have traveled to several countries in Europe, and I would like to know why you chose Chu.

I would like to know how you businessmen view the new countries including Chu."

Wang Sen stood up straight, listening to the culture of Chu King Lu Chenyang.

When he heard Chu King Lu Chenyang asking this question, most of his worries disappeared.

The question asked by King Lu Chenyang of Chu was also the result of his practice in the past few months.

Wang Sen said in a relaxed tone: "The reason why I chose Chu State is that after considering all aspects, I think Chu State is the most suitable for us businessmen."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, patiently listening to what he said.

"I have always believed that what is suitable is the best.

Farmers value the price and quality of land in each country, as well as the collection of land taxes.

It is precisely because of this that the immigrants from Shu and Qing have a large number of farmers.

Literati attach great importance to the status of imperial examinations and official promotions in various countries.

The Yue State was the first to hold the imperial examination, and only educated Han Chinese could sign up.

The State of Yue absorbed a large number of talents from other countries, causing other countries to announce the news of the imperial examination in advance.

We businessmen are most concerned about two things: whether there is safety guarantee and whether we can make money by investing in a certain industry.

Chu State is not the country with the lowest commercial tax. Qi State's commercial tax is very low, and textile and other industries were even exempted from commercial tax in the first three years.

Chu State is not a country where merchants have the highest status. Businessmen in Rui State can participate in the formulation of laws, directly impeach court officials, and influence the appointment of ministers of Dali Temple.

The most important point why I chose the State of Chu is that the State of Chu gave me a sense of security.

Members of the Chu State cannot be arrested directly by the Ministry of Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

He can only be arrested after a parliamentary discussion to find out that he has really committed a serious crime and will be disqualified as a member.

The most serious crime that businessmen and legislators are most likely to commit is evading large amounts of taxes.

As long as they pay taxes on time, merchants will feel very safe in Chu.

The industrial layout of Chu State is also relatively complete.

The industrial chain is not as complete as the empire, but it chooses to walk on two legs: light and heavy industry.

This road is full of difficulties, but it has the best chance of reaching the end.

Just focusing on developing a certain industry is completely a partial approach.

This approach deals with very low-risk situations, such as the steam engine, which was previously an absolutely essential machine for industry.

But with the emergence of electric motors and internal combustion engines, the status of steam engines has been challenged."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The king of Chu, Lu Chenyang, listened to Wang Sen's words and said with a smile: "Congressman Wang chose our Chu country because our country has good political connections and great development potential."

Wang Sen said with some fear on his face: "The King of Chu was only half right, the potential of Chu country is indeed great.

Chu State is preparing to develop its industry in an all-round way. Now that there are coal and iron mines that are rare in Europe, heavy industry will definitely develop smoothly.

Due to Chu's attitude towards merchants, light industry will also usher in development.

But the Chu State is by no means a country with a well-educated government and people, and the corruption of Chu State officials has been made clear."

When the King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, heard what Wang Sen said, his expression changed drastically, and he asked sharply: "Member Wang, are you talking about personal experience or hearsay?"

Wang Sen saw that Chu King Lu Chenyang was slightly uneasy, but he quickly accepted the matter.

"King Chu, of course this is my personal experience.

I cannot confirm the authenticity of things I hear from hearsay, and I will not make false claims.

When I traveled to Chu State before, I had already discovered that the grassroots officials were seriously corrupt.

Regarding the resources distributed by the imperial court to immigrants, grassroots officials concealed some of the facts, and while the immigrants did not understand them, they used some of the resources to enrich their own pockets.

They will also intimidate the indigenous people and squeeze some oil and water from these indigenous people.

During the process of establishing a chemical plant, I discovered that officials had a serious problem with cheating.

If you give me money, everything will go smoothly, but if you don't give me money, things will drag on slowly.

This situation is common in all countries, and it is not very serious in Chu State.

Wu Bin, the crown prince of the Wu Kingdom, forced merchants to donate eight million taels of silver coins.

This news that exploded in business circles did not cause much waves for him."

The King of Chu, Lu Chen, slapped the table angrily and said angrily: "It has only been a few months, but the officials of Chu have already begun to become corrupt.

If this situation continues for a while, the Chu State will be destroyed by these officials.

We must be prepared to scrape the bones and cure the poison, so as to completely cure this problem."

Wang Sen immediately bowed and said, "The King of Chu is wise."

When he chose Chu to invest, Chu King Lu Chenyang was the most important reference factor, but he couldn't say it out loud.

Wang Sen couldn't believe the three princes in Europe.

The three princes are too young, and they may suffer major setbacks at any time and have a drastic change in temperament.

Among the other princes and kings, the King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, was the most committed, and he generally would not change his orders in the morning or evening.

Another point is that King Lu Chenyang of Chu did better than other princes and kings.

That is, King Lu Chenyang of Chu was willing to admit his mistakes, and after realizing the mistakes, he could correct them in time.

This is an extremely rare trait among superiors.

If you have this characteristic, you will definitely become a wise king.

When Wang Sen invests in a certain country, he wants to develop together with that country.

In a centralized monarchy, the most unstable factor is the monarch himself.

Wang Sen bowed and said: "I am frightened, but the King of Chu calms down.

This incident did not only occur in Chu State, I traveled to many European countries, and this situation occurred in other countries.

I have some insights from my analysis of the reasons for this situation."

The king of Chu, Lu Chenyang, calmed down. He knew that venting his emotions would not help solve the problem.

"Congressman Wang, please speak quickly.

If you can analyze this issue thoroughly, I want you to join the parliamentary legislative group."

When Wang Sen heard the promise from King Chu Lu Chenyang, he was excited and trembling slightly.

Ordinary members only have the right to vote.

Noble members can propose proposals in parliament.

But they are not as good as the members of the real power group in the parliament.

The job of the legislative group is to discuss a certain matter. Should it be regulated by law?

The promulgation of a law involves huge interests.

For example, the chemical industry where he works has issued relevant laws to prohibit the emergence of small chemical factories in the name of safety.

Industry giants like them will definitely be able to monopolize the chemical industry.

Only the true confidants of King Chu can enter the members of these powerful groups.

What they do represents the will of King Chu.

Wang Sen can become one of them, which is equivalent to announcing to the outside world in disguise that he is the confidant of King Chu.

This action of Chu King Lu Chenyang directly elevated his status, making him completely different from ordinary parliamentarians.

This is the role of power, and it is what Wang Sen fears most.

Wang Sen expressed his opinions seriously.

“I think the most important reason is that people are not good enough.

Except for a small number of officials who really had great ambitions, the officials who went to Europe were all officials who could not survive in the imperial officialdom.

The minister even discovered that a subordinate official who was dismissed from the empire came to Chu State and became an eighth-rank official just because of some experience.

Most of these officials are trash among literati.

Officials with real potential in the empire cannot abandon their hard-earned foundations and travel across the ocean to go overseas.

These literati can't do it, and neither can the common people.

People who are willing to travel across the ocean to immigrate are also marginalized figures who cannot survive in the local area.

These people have various shortcomings, the biggest of which is cowardice and the habit of forbearing and evading.

Even if opportunities are placed in front of them, these people cannot seize them.

They are neither capable nor dare to deal with these things.

If the aboriginal people are still alive now, they must have had their edges smoothed out.

They can bear the suffering of the country's subjugation, not to mention the exploitation by officials.

They are used to being exploited and have no sense of resistance at all.

I believe that the most important thing now is not to investigate corrupt officials with great fanfare.

If these people find that the wind is going in the wrong direction, they will hide and only catch a few minions.

We should encourage the people to resist and let them realize that as long as they dare to resist, the Chu State will be on their side.

In this way, the grievances in the hearts of the people can be relieved, and a large number of giant rats can also be discovered.

The common people's ability to uncover the bad guys will definitely be more efficient than sending officials to investigate."

Wang Sen expressed his thoughts on this matter. He had been observing the expression of Chu King Lu Chenyang with the corner of his eyes.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He found that Chu King Lu Chenyang's expression did not change much, and he was completely relieved.

Wang Sen was very worried. His suggestion would definitely stir up a hornet's nest.

The newly stable situation in Chu State is likely to cause some turmoil.

But this is entirely a good thing. If the carrion is not removed, the country will not be able to develop healthily.

After hearing Wang Sen's words, Chu King Lu Chenyang slammed the table with excitement.

"This method is very good. As long as the people at the bottom can be mobilized, these rats will not be able to escape at all.

The popularity of Bao Qingtian is because the people are so eager to have a figure like Bao Qingtian to uphold justice for them.

I will be the Bao Qingtian of all the people of Chu State.

Let's see how many demons and monsters jump out this time and catch them all in one fell swoop so that Chu can go into battle with ease.

Real talents still need to be cultivated by yourself before you can use them with confidence."

The King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, originally wanted to understand some of Chu's shortcomings from the perspective of a businessman.

He really didn't expect that summoning Wang Sen this time would yield huge rewards.

Wang Sen's method solved the problem that Chu King Lu Chenyang had always wanted to solve.

When he was leading the army in the empire, he had a strong army, but due to corruption of their logistics supplies, they failed to stop enemies who were far weaker than them.

This has always been something that will always be engraved in his heart.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu had always hated corrupt officials.

He also knows that it is impossible to completely solve corruption.

But he must make these corrupt officials spend their entire lives as slaves, so that they will not dare to show their heads openly.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was concerned about the overall atmosphere of the officialdom. As long as the atmosphere of the officialdom was positive, even if there were a few giant rats, it would not have much impact.

This chapter has been completed!
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