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Chapter 969: reaping the benefits (1)

Bai Yuangui, the king of Yue, only recognized Mi Youde's strategy.

But as the king of a country, he would not order an attack rashly.

King Bai Yuangui of Yue immediately summoned officials from the cabinet and the governor's office to discuss the occupation of Danji Port.

For the first time, Mi Youde participated in the imperial meeting where national policy was decided.

As a non-voting member, he watched the discussion between King Bai Yuangui and other ministers about Vietnam's occupation of Danji Port.

The King of Yue, Bai Yuangui, first asked Mi Youde to introduce to everyone the daily income of the three golden waterways.

At the same time, we infer the possible future benefits of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Let the civil and military officials of Vietnam know that the Strait of Gibraltar has only one percent of the flow of the Suez Canal.

The country of Yue has quite an inexhaustible gold mine.

When Yue Prime Minister Hong Xian heard what Mi Youde said, he could tell that Yue King Bai Yuangui wanted to occupy Danji Port.

King Bai Yuangui of Yue did not have this intention, so this imperial meeting could not be held at all.

Prime Minister Hong Xian said worriedly: "Your Majesty, if the Yue Kingdom starts war lightly, will it affect the current development of the Yue Kingdom?

The foundation of our country of Yue has not been laid yet. Once a national war breaks out with the country of Fujian, the final result is likely to be a loss-lose situation for both sides.

The national treasury currently has limited funds and can only provide one million taels of silver coins. How can we start a war that will last for an unknown amount of time with this small amount of money?"

Prime Minister Hong Xian's words immediately made Grand Governor Cui Wenwu sitting aside unable to sit still.

The Vietnamese navy and army had just suffered a disastrous defeat, and the Vietnamese king Bai Yuangui wanted to publicly apologize in the newspaper.

Every apology from the King of Yue was like a silent slap on the face of Governor Cui Wenwu.

Everyone in the Vietnamese army wanted to prove that they were not incompetent.

How do soldiers prove themselves? The only way is to win the war.

The King of Yue wanted to capture Danji Port. This was a combat goal that could only be achieved by the cooperation of the navy and land forces.

As long as this battle is successful, the Vietnamese army will surely wash away the humiliation they have suffered.

When Governor Cui Wenwu was in the imperial army, he knew that the greatest enemies of military commanders were the civilian officials.

A strong army is usually defeated not by foreign enemies, but by these useless scholars.

Governor Cui Wenwu immediately stood up and said in a sonorous voice: "Your Majesty, our imaginary enemy has always been the State of Chu.

Why not treat Fujian as an imaginary enemy? Fujian is now in dire straits, and its young people suffered a huge loss during the European War.

The major vassal states recruited many young men from Fujian at high prices.

The current situation in Fujian is that the outside is strong but the inside is weak. Even if he is bullied, he must endure it now. He has no ability to start a national war.

The heroic army of Fujian suffered a disastrous defeat, which was an important reason why Fujian requested the empire to intervene in the European war.

Why did the Min Kingdom do this? They could not have known that once the empire intervened, the development of the current situation would not be controlled by the Min Kingdom.

Fujian is likely to become meat on the chopping board.

This is because the brave army of Fujian was defeated miserably, and Fujian lost a lot of young men.

If Fujian continues to fight, all the people in the country will be wiped out, and the country of Fujian will be destroyed in an instant.

Before the generation of people in Fujian grew up, no matter what grievances they suffered, they had to endure it.

If the war in Fujian continues, there will be no young people left in the country, only the elderly, children and widows will be left.

The war between our country and Fujian will only be a local war and will never be a comprehensive war.

Even if King Zhang Wan of Fujian cannot bear this tone, the civil and military officials of Fujian will stop him from going crazy."

When King Bai Yuangui of Yue heard the analysis of Grand Governor Cui Wenwu, the expression on his face did not change, but he agreed with the analysis in his heart.

It is already a consensus that Fujian is a weak country.

The beginning of the weakening of the King of Fujian was the unrest in the harem. Because of the dispute between the crown prince, Bian Yuhe left with his brave army.

The strong army of Fujian that was personally organized by Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, was completely lost during the expansion of Fujian.

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang failed to restore the strength of the Fujian army, so he died early.

As a small country, Fujian competed against the Ottoman Turks and the Holy Roman Empire.

Fujian has the advantage of weapons, but its own casualties will not be too low.

Bai Yuangui, the king of Yue, had not considered the issue of young people in Fujian before.

He now understands that the country of Fujian does not have a large young population. Even if the country of Fujian wants to launch a full-scale war, he is unable to do so.

Governor Cui Wenwu saw that the expression of Yue King Bai Yuangui did not change, and he could not deduce what Yue King Bai Yuangui was thinking.

But he knew that if this opportunity was missed, he would definitely not be able to continue to serve as the governor.

If he couldn't win this task, his personal prestige would be ruined, and no one would cooperate with the orders he issued.

Governor Cui Wenwu straightened his body, saluted the Yue King Bai Yuangui with a military salute, and said: "Your Majesty, just now Prime Minister Hong said that the national treasury only has one million taels of silver coins.

I dare to issue a military order and use one million taels of silver coins to resolve this war."

Governor Cui Wenwu knew that the only way the cabinet could restrict the Governor's Office was through military spending.

He directly issued a military order and assured the King of Yue that the Vietnamese army could achieve its strategic goals without increasing military expenditures.

When King Bai Yuangui of Yue heard this assurance from Governor Cui Wenwu, he smiled.

After the military's defeat, he was very satisfied with his attitude of knowing his shame and then being brave.

When King Bai Yuangui of Yue heard about Mi Youde's strategy, he made up his mind to fight this war.

As a veteran on the battlefield, he knew better than any other general in the Yue Kingdom that a brilliant victory was necessary to re-establish the Vietnamese army's self-confidence.

Otherwise, the Vietnamese army would remain in the shadow of failure and would definitely not be able to become a strong army.

The King of Yue, Bai Yuangui, learned from Cui Wenwu about the reality of the Fujian state and the Yue army's desire to win.

He cannot dampen the enthusiasm of the military.

King Bai Yuangui of Yue looked at the ministers and said: "Cui Aiqing is very confident. It seems that from a military perspective, this war will not be difficult for our country.

Fujian also has no ability to retaliate against our country.

But we must consider the intervention of external forces.

To exclude the influence of the empire, Mi Hanlin had a strategy. He believed that Danji Port did not belong to the territory of Fujian.

What do you think of this situation?"

Miao Dafang, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, heard the Yue King Bai Yuangui talk about their diplomatic fields.

Miao Dafang immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the land that Emperor Suhe entrusted to Fujian was only Egypt.

The empire’s mandatory requirement for the recognition of its territory is that more than half of it should be Han Chinese.

Even if the territory of the empire fails to meet this requirement, it is still an overseas governor-general and cannot be classified as a province.

In the newly occupied Russian territory of the empire, two governor-general districts, the Gufeng Governor-General and the Jinsui Governor-General were established.

Legally, they are not considered part of the empire.

The governor-general can formulate relevant laws on its own, and can also selectively implement the "Dahua Law".

Everyone knows that these governor-general areas are the territory of the empire, and no one dares to provoke them.

But legally, they do not belong to the territory of the empire.

According to the consensus established by the empire, Danji Port is not legally part of the territory of Fujian.

This is also the African region, even Zheng, Jin, and Liao claim a large amount of territory, which belongs to these three countries.

But no one will admit that we are free to fight for it.

The legal status of Tangi Port is similar to that of ownerless land in Africa.

As long as we notify the Imperial Mediterranean Fleet before the war begins.

The empire's navy will never break the rules set by the empire itself.

The rules can only ensure that the empire abides by them. I cannot judge whether other countries recognize them or not."

Miao Dafang's minister made it clear that the empire would not intervene in this war.

His speech restored the nervousness of many people in Vietnam to their original state.

They have confidence in the strength of the Yue Kingdom. If a war breaks out near Danji Port, as long as the Imperial Royal Navy does not participate, the Yue Kingdom will definitely win.

Danji Port is too close to the mainland of Vietnam, and the army can pour out firepower without any scruples, without worrying about insufficient ammunition.

Cheng Lie, chief of general staff of the Yue State, stood up and analyzed: "We only need to guard against the Chu State. As for other countries, they do not have time to intervene in this war.

If our country takes over Danji Port, the war will definitely not last more than half a month.

In such a short period of time, other countries had no time to prepare, and the war was already over.

Only Chu State can attack our country from land at the first opportunity.

As long as our country is on guard against Chu's intervention, other countries will not intervene in this war until the war subsides."

The King of Yue, Bai Yuangui, and other military attachés in the Governor's Office had already explained the war in a very comprehensive manner.

He finally said with finality: "I believe that Danji Port should be captured.

This port will allow our country, Vietnam, to gain long-term benefits and cause foreseeable consequences, which our country, Vietnam, can also bear.

The Metropolitan Governor's Office must make corresponding war plans as soon as possible.

The cabinet must make logistical preparations before the war, and do not underestimate the enemy too much even if the war is at home."

Governor Cui Wenwu and Prime Minister Hong Xian immediately took the order.

Prime Minister Hong Xian opposed Vietnam's expansion when its foothold was not stable.

But once the Yue King Bai Yuangui issues an order, he will lead the Yue cabinet to fully support this war.

The country of Vietnam began to prepare for war, and its actions were extremely obvious, involving too many people, and it was impossible to hide them.

The only thing that Vietnam can hide is its combat target.

Spies from various countries observed Vietnam's preparations for war, and they sent the news back to their respective forces via wireless telegraphy.

When other countries learned about this situation, they were made into a panic by Yue.


Luoyang City, Jin State.

Jin King Li Fengming looked at the Governor Gu Lingjun and said with a smile: "Yue King Bai Yuangui, this tiger, has really been fooled.

I really did not expect that the failure of the Jinhe Gold Mine would stimulate the Yue King Bai Yuangui to want to capture Danji Port.

Danji Port is really as good as imagined. How could the empire miss this port, and Fujian would not be indifferent.

The situation of Danji Port is similar to that of ports on the Red Sea in my country.

The Red Sea is also the only way to pass through the golden waterway of the Suez Canal.

But will we reap the benefits of the Suez Canal?

This is simply impossible, we can only eat some oil and water that the Suez Canal does not like."

Gu Lingjun, the governor of the Jin Kingdom, said happily: "The King of Jin's ability to strategize is getting more and more sophisticated.

We have only developed agriculture in these years, and these younger generations really regard us as obedient kittens, not man-eating tigers.

If the Yue Kingdom takes action to attract the attention of the Fujian Kingdom, we will be able to capture the oil deposits of the Fujian Kingdom.

The oil mines that make huge profits every day are much better than the useless ports.

The snipe and the clam are fighting each other, and our country is reaping the benefits.

We eat meat, but the country of Yue cannot even drink soup.

The King of Yue, Bai Yuangui, knows the ins and outs of the matter. Will he raise an army to attack our country in anger?"

Jin King Li Fengming said confidently: "The King of Yue is stupid himself, so he can't blame others.

He was blinded by greed and made the wrong choice.

If the Yue Kingdom and the Fujian Kingdom were at odds with each other, they would not be able to pass through the Suez Canal.

Even if the Yue Kingdom occupies North Africa, our territory is separated from the Yue Kingdom by a huge desert.

If King Bai Yuangui of Yue dares to send troops across the vast desert, then I admire him and personally toast him to apologize."

After Jin Wang Li Fengming finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

If he dares to use this strategy, he will not be afraid of revenge from the country of Yue.

The country of Yue could only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, seize the useless Danji Port, and attract the attention of the surrounding people.


Changping Chu Palace.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was puffing away smoke in his room.

He looked at the map and couldn't figure it out.

Why did Vietnam prepare for war?

The failure of the fight for the Jinhe gold mine would not irritate the Yue King Bai Yuangui.

The king of Yue, Bai Yuangui, was so easily provoked that he raised an army in anger.

It would be impossible for him to be selected by Emperor Su He as the commander-in-chief of the European battlefield.

As a former comrade-in-arms, Chu King Lu Chenyang knew that Yue King Bai Yuangui acted prudently.

He looked at Prime Minister Xu Minghan opposite and asked: "Old Xu, what do you think of this matter?

There is something wrong with this matter inside and out."

Prime Minister Xu Minghan shook his head and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I don't understand what King Bai Yuangui of Yue is doing.

He may want to use war to divert domestic conflicts.

Vietnam has two options. One is to send troops to develop West Africa.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! I think it is unlikely that Yue will do this, and the cost will be too high.

Another option is to build a strong nation and force everyone to unite to overcome difficulties.

Based on the terrain of Yue State, I judge that this country is probably our State of Chu, and we have to guard against this situation."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu said helplessly: "I can only inform the southern army to prepare for war to prevent the King of Yue from getting hot-headed.

The situation in Yue is becoming increasingly difficult to understand."


Athens, Fujian.

The king of Fujian, Zhang Wan, moved his capital here, and his nasal cavity would no longer be filled with loess when he breathed.

He is very satisfied with this place.

He considered himself a hard-working monarch, but the national power of Fujian was declining rapidly.

After many adjustments, he still could not restore Fujian to the scale of his father's heyday.

The King of Fujian Zhang Wan felt a deep sense of frustration.

When he was feeling depressed, he glanced at the information about Yue State and didn't take this matter to heart at all.


In the Port of Gibraltar, Governor Hyten of the Imperial Mediterranean Fleet is in a dilemma.

The Vietnamese State sent him a note that they were going to attack Tangi Port opposite the Port of Gibraltar.

The State of Yue did not believe that Danji Port was the territory of the State of Fujian, and gave sufficient reasons.

Governor Hyten had no reason to intervene in the war between the two vassal states to compete for the colonies.

He could only send a phone call to the capital and watch the Yue army begin to take action.

The empire has extremely strict regulations regarding fleets stationed overseas.

Haiteng is the governor of the fleet, but he can only command the fleet with the order of the court.

In the current situation, there is no reason for him to get involved in this war.

This chapter has been completed!
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