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Chapter 98 Yanhuang Faith Ancestral Temple

"Don't be nervous, there is nothing taboo in it."

Su He said with a smile that what he wrote was indeed considered deviant by those who received Confucian education.

Song Kangnian picked up the pamphlet again and read the contents again.

Commander Su is preparing to establish a new faith called Yanhuang Faith.

This is not a religious belief similar to Buddhism and Taoism.

But very ancient ancestor worship.

Believe in your ancestors, the sages headed by the two emperors of Yan and Huang.

Song Kangnian did not think that Commander Su was suppressing Buddhism and Taoism.

They are too weak and have no ability to resist rights.

Song Kangnian could see that the Yanhuang faith was already very complete, and Commander Su should think about it for a long time.

The expansion of Yanhuang beliefs will definitely lead to the collapse of the clan.

After wiping out the gentry and big landowners, Commander Su was preparing to disintegrate the clans.

This directly sounded the clarion call for a general attack on Confucianism.

The basis for the existence of a clan is the distinction between direct descendants and common people.

Only the legitimate son can become the head of the family and take charge of all the family's property.

Rely on family laws and rules to control the lives of other tribesmen.

The distinction between direct descendants and concubines disappears, and only powerful families emerge one after another.

They no longer have the unity of the clan.

Commander Su led this Yan-Huang belief and believed that all Chinese people were of Yan-Huang blood.

There is no distinction among all Yanhuang bloodlines. Everyone is equal and should respect each other.

Song Kangnian could tell so much just by looking at the first page.

Looking at the thick booklet in his hand, I don't know what other shocking content is at the back.

Song Kangnian continued to read the booklet in his hand, sweat dripping from his temples.

He sighed in his heart: "Preparing the ancestral temple to promote Yan and Huang beliefs, I will either be famous forever, or it will be shattered and ashes."

Song Kangnian put down the pamphlet in his hand and looked up at Su He.

"Commander Su, the ancestral temple has been built and the statue of the Yellow Emperor has been carved. Do I need to perfect the teachings of the Yan-Huang faith?"

Su He said with a smile: "We are not a religion, we have no doctrine.

Yanhuang beliefs have long been integrated into our blood.

You need to follow my requirements, perfect the corresponding etiquette, and strengthen Yanhuang beliefs.

The ancestral temple has been established, you need to operate Taichang Temple and manage the ancestral temple well.

Let’s decorate the ancestral temple first.

Later, small ancestral temples were built in various townships to strengthen local Yanhuang beliefs.

You only have eight days, can you do this well?

If there is not enough time, I will postpone it for another month."

Song Kangnian read the booklet carefully and turned to the page about the ancestral temple.

He made his request: "Commander Su, I don't think the statues of other sages have been completed yet.

Is it okay to use images?

What you wrote about establishing Yanhuang beliefs and etiquette is too complicated.

There are too many sages worshiping.

I think we only need to worship the stone statue of the Yellow Emperor in the Ancestral Temple Square.

I try to simplify all etiquette as much as possible, so that everyone can feel the existence of Yanhuang faith."

Su He agreed to Song Kangnian's request.

People who had great influence on China built separate pavilions, set up statues and bronze tripods to receive incense.

Other characters use portraits and scrolls to tell their stories.

Song Kangnian is indeed the person he likes, and he can directly detect the core of the problem.

What he values ​​​​is the spread of Yanhuang beliefs, not the ritual form.

Song Kangnian took over the task and immediately took office to check what he had to do.

He found that Commander Su had already prepared most of the things.

What he needs to solve is basic etiquette and the decoration of the ancestral temple.

Taichang Temple officials are also recruiting for this time.

Commander Su also assigned him a group of men who were originally from Leji to assist him in managing the ancestral temple.

Song Kangnian brought a group of new officials who didn't understand anything.

Started to put Taichang Temple into operation and decorate the ancestral temple.

During the day, he discussed wooden statues and drawings with many craftsmen and painters.

Time is so tight that there is no time to paint a concrete building like the ancestral temple.

Song Kangnian left the exterior walls as they were and chose stickers for the interiors.

At night, he would go to the governor's office to ask Su He for instructions and study the etiquette of Yan and Huang beliefs.

Song Kangnian slept only three hours a day, and after seven consecutive days, he finally arranged everything.

After reporting to Su He, he stood in the corridor of the palace and fell asleep.

Su He heard the guard's report and asked someone to carry Song Kangnian to the guest room to rest.

He informed the civil and military officials of Hanzhong City to gather at the ancestral temple at dawn on July 1st.

July 1st.

The sky was pitch black and the sun hadn't come out yet.

Dense candles inside the ancestral temple illuminate the surrounding area.

All civil and military officials in Hanzhong City were notified and came to the ancestral temple in the center of Hanzhong City.

They were standing in the square in the center of the ancestral temple. In the center of the square, there was a bust of the Yellow Emperor carved in stone.

The Yellow Emperor statue is five meters high.

People stood below and looked up at the statue of the Yellow Emperor.

Su He led the civil and military officials and stood in front of the Yellow Emperor's statue.

This bust of the Yellow Emperor took craftsmen two months to complete.

The workmanship is very rough and only a rough outline can be seen.

Su He turned to the civil and military officials and said loudly: "A few months ago, I dealt with a group of monks, and some officials complained to me.

Buddhism and Taoism are their beliefs.

We, a group of people without faith, cannot stop them from believing in gods and Buddhas.

For such officials, the government does not welcome them.

No one can say that we have no faith.

We just don’t believe in illusory gods and Buddhas.”

Su He looked at the civil and military officials. Under the candlelight, their faces showed solemn expressions.

"We believe in Shennong.

When food is insufficient, we cultivate hundreds of herbs for food.

Diseases are rampant, try hundreds of herbs to cure them.

We believe in the Suiren clan, the Chao clan, and the Leizu clan.

If there is no fire source, drill wood to make fire.

There was no place to live, so they cut down trees to build houses.

With no clothes to wear, he raised silkworms and weaved cloth.

We believe in Dayu.

When the flood comes, man conquers the sky, digs channels, dredges the river channel, and guides the flood into the sea.

What is our faith, this is our faith.

Do we need to believe in those illusory gods and Buddhas? No.

Our ancestors include the ancestors of Yan and Huang, Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han, and Li Er and Confucius.

These ancestors are worthy of our faith."

After Su He finished speaking, looking at the officials with different expressions on their faces, he continued:

“We worship the deeds of our ancestors and want to fulfill their legacy.

This is the Yanhuang belief.

I declare that officials in the commanding office are only allowed to have Yan and Huang beliefs.

Anyone who believes in other gods or religions will be expelled."

Su He knew that the army had faith, was extremely powerful in combat, and could withstand extremely high battle losses.

When officials have faith, they are less likely to be corrupted and work more efficiently.

After careful consideration, Su He did not create a religion out of thin air.

Instead, they disguised Chinese civilization as faith.

Every Chinese citizen naturally has a sense of belonging to Chinese civilization.

Through various rituals, Su He continuously strengthens this sense of belonging and turns it into belief.

The Yanhuang faith can resist the invasion of other sects.

It contains the powerful assimilation ability of Chinese civilization.

Through Yanhuang beliefs, some ethnic minorities can be assimilated.

Song Kangnian saw that the red sun had risen on the horizon.

He walked to Su He and whispered: "Commander Su, the ceremony can begin."


Su He turned around and stood at the front of the team of civil and military officials.

Song Kangnian retreated to the rear, avoiding the entire team.

He stood at the front left of the team and shouted:

"Worship the Yellow Emperor.

Inherit the bloodline, and the Yanhuang bloodline will be passed down forever.

Inherit civilization and Chinese civilization will never end.

From today on, I believe in Yanhuang."

Su He led the civil and military officials and bowed to the Yellow Emperor statue.

Song Kangnian said loudly again: "Offer incense to the Yellow Emperor."

Su He took three sticks of incense from the officials of Taichang Temple.

After he lit the three sticks of incense, he inserted them into the huge bronze incense burner in front of the Yellow Emperor's statue.

"Believing in Yanhuang, we are all brothers and sisters, and there is no distinction between high and low bloodline.

Blessing belt, ancestors’ blessing, everything will be safe.”

Su He took a bright yellow belt with the Tai Chi Bagua pattern printed on it and tied it around his waist.

He was thinking about what symbols to use for the Yanhuang faith, and spent a lot of thought on it.

Buddhism is the rosary, Taoism is the dust.

Yanhuang belief is a popular belief, and Suhe's goal is to cover every citizen.

The things you choose must be common things that will not be eliminated as the times evolve.

Su He thought about it for a long time and finally chose the belt.

In order to make the belt different from ordinary belts, he gave the belt a special color and pattern.

In this era, bright yellow was only allowed to be used by the royal family. It has a special meaning.

The Tai Chi Bagua diagram is the closest pattern to Chinese civilization and belief.

After Su He finished his demonstration, the civil and military officials stepped forward one after another to offer incense.

They all tied the blessing belts distributed around their waists.

There were more than a dozen of them marching together at a very fast pace.

When Su He saw everyone, they all finished worshiping the Yellow Emperor statue.

He took the civil and military officials into the ancestral temple to worship the Chinese sages.

Su He and the central civil and military officials of the Tongtang Mansion entered the Qian Hall of the Ancestral Temple first.

Other officials did not need to form a formation, they just spread out.

Acquaintances gather together to visit other halls of the ancestral temple.

Du Yuan looked at the huge building complex in front of him.

All the houses in the ancestral temple have a Bagua layout and are built around the stone statue of the emperor.

He sighed: "I heard that the construction of the ancestral temple only took two or three months.

Such a large-scale construction took such a short time and the construction speed was too fast."

Gu Pingan stood next to him and explained: "This is a reinforced concrete building, and he built it very quickly.

A large bungalow like this can be built in only two to three months.

I heard that craftsmen are now trying to build high-rise buildings. I guess we will see three- and four-story buildings in the future.

Today's cement is mainly used for road construction and water conservancy construction.

Of the reinforced concrete buildings in Hanzhong City, I have only heard of ancestral temples and department stores.”

When Du Yuan heard what Gu Ping'an said, he remembered going to the newly opened department store a few days ago.

There are no waiters selling goods inside. If you want to buy something, you can just pick it up from the shelf and go to the exit to check out.

The things inside are very complete, including pens, inks, paper, inkstones, grains and vegetables.

Everything you can think of is there.

"Brother Du, come to your senses. If we don't go in, the people behind will rush us."

Gu Pingan woke up Du Yuan who was in a daze, and they walked into the ancestral temple together.

The ancestral temple is very large, consisting of eight huge buildings.

There are many small side halls around.

Du Yuan looked at Commander Su and the civil and military officials as they entered the Qian Palace.

As a small official, he went directly to Dui Hall, which is adjacent to Qian Hall.

Inside the Dui Hall, there are statues of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang.

In front of the statue, there is a large square bronze tripod.

Du Yuan saw many musical instruments placed in the side hall.

He saw that the previous team had just gone upstairs, and the staff of the ancestral temple had sealed the stairs.

This is supposed to control the flow of people.

Du Yuan and Gu Ping'an were hanging out on the first floor.

"Hello, master."

Du Yuan saw a man dressed like a Taoist priest.

He came up to say hello.

"Don't call me master, we are the great blessings of the ancestral temple, you can also call us the blessing masters."

"Tai Zhu, is it a temple blessing?

May I ask what your main job is in normal times?"

Master Zhu smiled slightly and explained his work to Du Yuan.

They were originally music students. Unlike women, music music men mainly learned musical instruments and etiquette.

Commander Su saw that they were very suitable, so he asked them to serve as the masters of the ancestral temple.

The blessings of the large ancestral temples are Taizhu, the blessings of the medium-sized ancestral temples in the county are Dazhu, and the blessings of the small ancestral temples in the countryside are Xiaozhu. They are collectively called Zhushi.

Master Zhu usually receives guests in the ancestral temple, explains the history of the sages to the guests, and spreads Yan and Huang beliefs.

When there is a wedding or funeral, the Zhushi is responsible for presiding over the ceremony.

Gu Ping'an asked curiously: "Are you the temple blessings in the temple before?

Now you are also responsible for hosting weddings and funerals, why do you need to host them and how much do you charge at one time?"

Master Zhu smiled and said: "We don't charge a penny, not even a reward.

The ancestral temple relies on government funding and donations from believers, but it does not make money in this way.

As for whether to invite us or not, of course it depends on how the parties concerned weigh the pros and cons.

The marriage is held in the ancestral temple and the blessing is received from the master.

The newlyweds are husband and wife recognized by the Ministry of Household Affairs, which is higher than the order of parents.

Even if their parents disagree, they cannot break up the marriage.

All you need to do is ask our blessing master to preside over the funeral and agree to the cremation of the body.

We are entirely responsible for the funeral, we don’t charge a penny and we will give you 1 tael of funeral expenses.”

When Du Yuan heard about Zhu Shi's ability, he was immediately shocked.

The masters of the ancestral temple can carry forward the ancestral temple only by relying on these two abilities.

Su He took the civil and military officials to the Qian Hall of the ancestral temple.

The sages of Chinese civilization are worshiped here.

In the center of the main hall, a separate pavilion is built, with a plaque on it saying "Nuwa".

There is a statue of a woman enshrined inside, and there are many scrolls in the pavilion telling her story.

It tells the story of a tribe of women gradually growing stronger.

Next to Nuwa Pavilion are Huangdi Pavilion and Yandi Pavilion.

It tells the story of the two emperors, Yan and Huang, and the scroll details the Yellow Emperor's battle with Chi You.

Next to Yandi Pavilion and Emperor Pavilion, there are some small side halls, telling the stories of their times.

Among them are stories such as Cangjie's creation of Chinese characters, Suiren's drilling wood to make fire, and Leizu raising silkworms and weaving clothes.

Next to Yandi Pavilion is Dayu Pavilion.

Here we tell the story of Dayu’s flood control.

The side hall next to Dayu Pavilion introduces the historical stories of Xia, Shang and Wednesday dynasties.

The largest pavilion in Qian Palace is [Philosophers and Hundreds of Schools].

There are three separate pavilions in this area: [Kongqiu], [Li Er], and [Mo Zhai].

It tells the story of various schools of thought in the pre-Qin period.

Su Xiong is learning knowledge during this period and can understand other things.

But he couldn't understand the meaning of the woman in the middle.

"Song Taichang, who is this woman?"

Song Kangnian immediately introduced: "This is Nuwa.

The earliest stage of our civilization was the era of matrilineal clans.

At that time, everyone knew who their mother was, but they didn't know who their father was.

As a human being, we must not forget our roots. We must know the origin of our civilization.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend that Nuwa created humans, and Nuwa is the representative of the matrilineal clan."

Su He led everyone to pay homage to the ancestors, and they walked to the Kun Hall of the ancestral temple.

The emperor of Chinese civilization is enshrined here.

Walking in, in the center, there is a plaque "Qin Shihuang" hanging above it.

Next to him are Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

Next to these people are Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Wu Zetian, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, and Taizong of the Ming Dynasty.

Other emperors did not build separate palaces, but told stories through scrolls.

Li Zhisheng frowned and asked: "Song Taichang, I won't talk about the others, is Wu Zetian worthy of building a cabinet alone?

During her reign, the Tang Dynasty lost the Western Regions.

This kind of emperor who has lost his territory has no choice but to ask whether he can enter the ancestral temple, and he is still allowed to build a separate pavilion."

When Song Kangnian heard this, he stood there without responding.

Su He replied directly: "How can Qing Taichang make the final decision on these matters? I have to arrange them all.

The period when Wu Zetian was in power was the beginning of the Tang Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline.

But she is the only queen, and based on this alone, she is worthy of having a separate cabinet."

Wang Zhongce looked at the statues of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di.

"Commander Su, wouldn't it be a good idea to put Ming Taizu here?"

Su He understood what Wang Zhongce meant. The Ming Dynasty was still an enemy country.

He smiled and said:

"Zhu Yuanzhang deserves it. The Song Dynasty was overthrown. It was Zhu Yuanzhang who expelled the Tartars and allowed us Han people to stand up again.

It is no longer a matter of killing a Han and paying compensation for a donkey.

We are now resisting the Chongzhen Dynasty where corrupt officials were rampant.

This great Ming Dynasty is not that great Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants are unfilial, but without delay, he is one of the most wise kings in history."

After Suhe paid homage to the emperor in history.

He also led civil and military officials to worship the Xun Hall, where famous officials in Chinese history were enshrined.

There are people like [Guan Zhong], [Shang Yang], [Zhuge Liang] and others who built the pavilion alone.

They then worshiped Zhendian, where famous generals in Chinese history were enshrined.

There are people like [Bai Qi], [Huo Qubing], [Yue Fei] who built the pavilion alone.

They went to pay homage to Kan Hall, where celebrities in Chinese history are enshrined.

There were [Lu Ban], [Bian Que] and others who built the pavilion alone.

When worshiping Kandian, some officials were disappointed.

The celebrities they think of are celebrities who have been passed down through the ages, such as sages like Boya, Zhong Ziqi or Ji Kang.

Unexpectedly, it was mainly craftsmen and doctors.

Su He came to Lidian.

Here are enshrined the ashes and tablets of martyrs who have made outstanding contributions since the Suhe army was launched.

Su He led the civil and military officials to worship the martyrs, and then they came to Gen Hall.

As soon as we entered Gen Palace, the scene became gloomy.

There is no separate pavilion in Gen Hall.

There is a huge plaque above Gen Hall. It has white characters on a black background and looks very eye-catching.

There are three big characters written on it: "Sinner's Pavilion".

Li Fengming looked at the three characters "Sinner's Pavilion" and a chill went up his spine.

"Commander Su, in such a solemn occasion as the ancestral temple, it would be inappropriate to set up the Pavilion of Sinners."

Su He replied categorically: "A Sinners Pavilion must be established, and we cannot just remember the glory of our ancestors.

We must also remember clearly the mistakes our ancestors made, one by one."

Su He pushed open the door of the Sinner's Pavilion, and everyone saw the first scene.

A statue of an emperor wearing a yellow robe kneeling in front of a general.

Everyone looked at the picture next to them and knew that it was Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, kneeling in front of Yue Fei.

Next to the kneeling statue of Zhao Gou, Su He personally said a few words.

"You don't deserve the surname Zhao, Wan Yangou."

When Li Zhisheng saw this scene, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and did not close it for a long time.

He is a traditional Confucian scholar. Seeing the emperor kneeling before the generals is so devastating to his outlook.

When he regained his composure, he said cautiously: "Commander Su, as we all know, General Yue Fei was killed by Qin Hui."

Su He reprimanded loudly: "Fart! Although the Song Dynasty valued literature over military affairs, the power of the prime minister was not that great.

Qin Hui took the blame for Zhao Gou.

Qin Hui is disgusting, he should be infamy for thousands of years.

But Zhao Gou must not be let go.

Why Zhao Gou is not mentioned in history books is because he was the emperor.

In the Confucian concept, the emperor cannot make mistakes.

We don’t need to act like corrupt scholars. If the emperor makes a mistake, I will make him infamy for eternity."

When many officials heard Su He's words, they all fell silent.

When they read this story, they could all see that Qin Hui could not kill Yue Fei just by using trumped-up charges.

Only with the emperor's silent support and Qin Hui's help from the imperial power could he kill Yue Fei.

The reason behind it is very simple. Yue Fei wants to defeat the Jin Dynasty and welcome back Song Huizong and Song Qinzong.

If Zhao Gou's father and brother come back, his throne will be unstable.

Since ancient times, some people have committed patricide and brother murder for the sake of the throne, let alone killing an outsider.

But killing Yue Fei destroyed the Song Dynasty.

After the Song Dynasty, there was no famous general who could turn things around.

The troubles laid by Zhao Gou caused the Southern Song Dynasty to become weaker and weaker, and was finally destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty.

The civil and military officials looked at the other criminals.

These sinners are mainly the foolish kings of various dynasties and generations.

Other people, no matter how stupid they are, have no right to influence a country.

The son emperor Shi Jingtang and the emperor Zhu Qizhen were all ranked in the Pavilion of Sinners.

Su He took the civil and military officials and spit in the spittoon in front of the Sinner's Pavilion.

It represents their rejection of sinners.

Su He led everyone to the last and largest Dui Hall in the ancestral temple.

The decoration here is gorgeous, with a huge hall in the middle and private rooms at the end.

“Everyone is looking for a place to rest, and you can also visit other places in the ancestral temple.

Today I will take you to visit the ancestral temple, I hope you can gain something."

Civil and military officials heard Su He's instructions.

They formed small groups according to their relationship distance.

We walked into the private room here and discussed our thoughts on visiting the ancestral temple today.

Wang Zhongce and several other senior officials followed Su He to the largest private room.

During this time, he has been handling the training of new officers.

I didn’t know much about Taichang Temple and Ancestral Temple.

Wang Zhongce asked: "The upper level of the ancestral temple is a place to worship the ancestors. What is the role of the Duitian of the ancestral temple?"

Song Kangnian told Wang Zhongce about the role of the ancestral temple and the blessing of masters.

The hall is mainly used for weddings and funerals of the people.

Private rooms are mainly used for weddings and funerals of nobles.

The lobby is free, but private rooms require a hefty fee.

After Wang Zhongce heard about the ancestral temple and the congratulations, he praised:

"Master Zhu is a very good profession.

We pay attention to filial piety, even if our family was poor before.

Especially for scholars and people in the city, out of filial piety, their parents will be buried with splendor after their death.

This can easily lead to unfair comparisons.

Let families that have escaped poverty fall back into poverty for nothing.

I have seen many families like this.

Now Zhushi provides free services, so people no longer need to compare.

I think Commander Su launched the ceremony because he wanted to promote cremation, but many people were opposed to it.

Cremation is now only used for fallen soldiers."

Su He confirmed: "Yes, our experience in cremating soldiers shows that cremation can avoid plagues caused by corpses.

But the people are used to burials and are very resistant to cremation.

This kind of work of changing customs cannot be solved roughly, but can only be solved through Master Zhu's subtle approach."

Li Fengming asked curiously: "Why is it called Master Zhu?"

I remember this title, it should be collectively called Wu Zhu.

I feel that the word "witchcraft" is also very suitable for worshiping ancestors."

Song Kangnian explained: "Commander Su also mentioned the word Wu Zhu, but my opinion is not to use it.

Wu Zhu was originally a person in ancient times who was responsible for communicating with ancestors and heaven and conveying the will of the gods.

But after thousands of years of evolution, the word witch has become completely synonymous with liars and harmful magicians.

Especially in rural areas, this word generally refers to gods, goddesses and men.

When our Zhushi enters the countryside, he will cooperate with the inspection department to arrest all the witches and wizards who harm the people.

I traveled all over the country and saw some places where the gods, goddesses, and men wanted more than just money.

In order to scare the people, they also sank young women or boys and girls into the river to worship the gods.

We must not let the people compare our Master Zhu with these people.

Commander Su chose the ancient position of Taizhu, and our ancestral temple staff are collectively called Zhushi."

After Song Kangnian’s introduction, he said confidently: “Our ancestral temple is located in the countryside, and the small ancestral temple only has the statues of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor.

Other sages are represented by printed portraits.

Zhu Shi spreads Yanhuang beliefs, and he will also crack down on irregular beliefs.

Our ancestral temple also holds temple fairs on every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month to promote transactions in villages in the countryside."

After Su He heard Song Kangnian's introduction, he added: "Taichang Qing forgot to mention something just now, that is, congratulations to the master can also serve as a substitute for observing filial piety.

Nowadays, when an official's parents die, they need to observe mourning for three years, which is too long.

We only have a few years in our lives, but if we don't keep our filial piety, we will feel uncomfortable.

Leave the task of keeping filial piety to Master Zhu.

The Master Zhu will observe mourning for you, and I only need to observe mourning for three days."

Su He thought that three years of mourning was simply too long.

Policies need to be consistent. If the chief executive is missing for three years, no matter how good the policy is, it will become useless.

This is not only a three-year mourning period for one person, but also a three-year mourning period for all officials.

It is a huge challenge to the continuity of the government's policies.

China has attached great importance to filial piety since ancient times. This system of filial piety can be abolished only by overthrowing Zhu Cheng's Neo-Confucianism.

Su He discussed with Song Kangnian many times before coming up with a plan to replace Master Zhu.

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