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Chapter 1002 Wu Gui’s Battle (4)

Captain Hao Dawei watched as the afterglow of the setting sun completely disappeared and lights were lit in the camp.

Captain Hao Dawei, who was leaning next to the chariot, threw the half-smoked cigarette at his feet and crushed it.

At his feet were more than a dozen cigarette butts scattered on the ground.

Captain Hao Dawei was thinking about what he should do, and someone in the chariot regiment couldn't help it.

Together, they came to Hao Dawei's body and asked in an anxious tone: "Captain, the country is making every effort to build a chariot regiment, we are not used as decoration.

Our chariot regiment has asked for battle several times, but all of them have been rejected.

Is the army afraid that our tank regiment wants to take credit and deliberately suppresses our tank regiment?

The tank regiment came to the battlefield without firing a single shot, and the people thought we were cowards."

When Captain Hao Dawei heard the complaints from his subordinates, he temporarily put aside his anxiety and immediately comforted him: "Generals Zhang and Li will consider everything, and now is not the time for us to appear.

Don't be too hasty now, as long as our army captures the Gui army's position, then it will be time for the chariot regiment to show its strength."

The general of the chariot regiment muttered in retort: ​​"The chariot regiment belongs to the heavy cavalry according to the ancient military.

One of the functions of heavy cavalry is to reopen the enemy's position.

When designing a tank, the planned use scenario for the tank is to attack the enemy's trenches.

Now the Guangxi Army uses trenches as the main point of defense. This is when our tank regiment can display its capabilities.

Generals Zhang and Li, do they regard our chariot regiment as young soldiers?

Commander, we must clearly express the attitude of our tank regiment.

Our tank regiment can fight and dare to fight."

Captain Hao Dawei knew that the officers of the Chariot Regiment had this idea.

Mainly because the chariot regiment is extremely important, and the knowledge required for the officers to be proficient in using chariots is also high.

After the chariot regiment was screened, most of the soldiers were the powerful sons of Wu.

Captain Hao Dawei heard that everyone's attitude was so clear.

He also made up his mind and immediately replied: "I will go to see Generals Zhang and Li right away to ask them for a battle and express the attitude of our chariot regiment."

When Captain Hao Dawei said these words, he immediately walked towards the headquarters.

The officers of the Chariot Regiment saluted the military salute in the background as Captain Hao Dawei left.

They know that the group leader is also under a lot of pressure during this time.

Captain Hao Dawei saw that the headquarters was brightly lit, and Generals Zhang and Li were discussing the battle plan with the staff.

He stood by the door of the headquarters, hesitated for a while, and then walked into the headquarters.

General Zhang Huji laughed when he saw Captain Hao Dawei walking in with a embarrassed look.

"Our little tiger from the Wu Kingdom will soon turn into a coquettish big girl."

Captain Hao Dawei's face turned red. He immediately stood up straight, saluted and greeted, and said loudly: "General Zhang Hujing, our chariot regiment invites you to fight.

In this battle that is related to the turning point of the fate of Wu State, we must put all the weight that has an impact on the outcome.

I believe that the chariot regiment still has a certain influence on victory or defeat."

After General Zhang Orca heard what Hao Dawei said, he glared at Hao Dawei with eyes as angry as fire.

"Idiot, hopeless idiot.

Is it possible that most of the chariot regiments that the country spent tens of thousands of taels of silver to train were buried in the trenches of Gui State?

An infantryman who has completed military training only needs to spend a dozen taels of silver coins.

If a chariot regiment wants to form a combat force, it needs to spend tens of thousands of silver coins.

The state cultivates chariot regiments, and the chariot regiments are obliged to join the battlefield, but they must not do so randomly.

A tank regiment worth tens of thousands was destroyed by artillery in front of the enemy's trenches. The country's hard investment was completely in vain.

Our people sacrificed their lives, and according to the information sent back, Gui Guo also invested its chariots in this war.

The number of their tanks is slightly more than that of our army, about eighty.

The mission of your chariot regiment is to be ready to fight against the Gui Army's chariots at any time.

I don’t want to see Gui’s chariots chasing down our army, but our army has no effective means of counterattack.”

When Captain Hao Dawei heard General Zhang Hujing's reprimand, he immediately put his head together and left the headquarters.

Captain Hao Dawei had already anticipated this result.

Their chariot regiment only considers their own interests, but General Zhang Orca needs to consider the overall situation.

While General Zhang Killer Whale reprimanded him, he also gave the chariot regiment an explanation.

The combat goal of the chariot regiment is to deal with the Gui Army's larger number of chariots.

With this reason, both sides can understand the behavior of the tank regiment on the battlefield.

On November 9, Wu Jun experienced two days of changes in his tactics.

The Wu army's attack reduced the projection of troops, but increased its firepower.

General Li Mansong put down his telescope. He looked at the situation on the battlefield and frowned, as if he could pinch a fly.

He saw General Zhang Hujing withdrawing from the front line.

"Lao Zhang, how do you feel about this situation?

Yesterday I led the troops to attack and realized that this method was not feasible.

Gui is also an industrial country, and they were able to carry so much ammunition even when Pingping Province was hit by a disaster and traffic was blocked.

Once Gui Guo opened the road, a steady stream of ammunition arrived at the front line.

We will fall into a situation where we are competing with Gui for industrial capabilities.

The most critical point is that when our army attacks the enemy's defense, if there is no generation difference in weapons, equipment and ammunition, our army's casualties will definitely be more."

General Zhang Hujing said helplessly: "The Gui army's fighting method is obviously to kill our army's effective forces.

If we invest more troops, the Gui army will invest more troops to deal with it.

If we invest less troops, the Gui army will transfer them through the communication trenches.

Our army has no solution at all to the Gui Army's shameless tactics.

Our army cannot delay any longer. The Gui army will transport more weapons and soldiers, even new recruits who can only shoot, which will cause a lot of damage to our army.

Take the initiative to attack the machine gun positions, and hide in the trenches to fire cold guns.

These two combat environments have completely different minimum requirements for soldiers."

General Zhang Hujing and General Li Mansong respectively led their teams to conduct exploratory attacks, and they came to the same result.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wu Jun is very passive now. He can neither quickly solve the Gui Army nor let the war drag on.

General Zhang Hujing sighed: "King Gui Qutian deserves to be the chief of the imperial general staff for so many years.

His strategic vision has always been outstanding.

Our country is strategically very passive and has already lost the opportunity at the beginning.

With the abilities of the two of us, it seems there is no way to reverse the current situation."

General Zhang Hujing sighed and admitted that he was inferior to others, which required a lot of courage.

The most critical point is that they all know that Wu State cannot afford to lose this war.

Once Wu loses this war, it will become a piece of fish on the chopping board, waiting for other countries to share it.

Even if they are former allies, they will definitely add insult to injury when they see the benefits.

General Li Mansong saw that General Zhang Killer Whale had accepted reality.

He didn't want to discuss this issue anymore. The two of them had been discussing this issue all the time during this period. They had already thought of all the ways to think about it, but it had no effect on the current situation.

General Li Mansong said with a hint of worry: "The King of Wu sent a telegram and his son Qi Bin will come to the front line to supervise the battle.

What does Brother Zhang think of this situation?"

General Zhang Hujing thought for a while and said: "I don't think the prince Qi Bin is here to seize power, nor is he here to supervise the army.

As a veteran on the battlefield, King Wu would definitely know that the only outcome for those who do not know how to fight and command the army indiscriminately is to lose the war.

I speculate that the reason for the arrival of Crown Prince Qi Bin is to boost morale, which is currently somewhat low.

The casualties in the past few days have indeed been quite high, with the army's casualties reaching 20%.

Even if the two of us manage the army strictly, if there are some casualties, the army will probably collapse."

General Li Mansong shook his head and said: "I always feel that the time for Prince Qi Bin's arrival is not right.

The King of Wu could not predict in advance that the morale of our army would be low.

I still have some expectations for the court, and I hope they can find a way to solve the current problems on the battlefield."

General Zhang Hujing did not answer this question, he just sighed.

On the evening of November 9, Crown Prince Qi Bin and Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji took a car to visit Wu Jun's camp.

Behind them were rows of large trucks hauling ammunition.

These large trucks pulling ammunition were guarded by well-equipped troops. Even if the Wu army in the camp tried to approach, they were driven away by the guarding soldiers.

Crown Prince Qi Bin saw the two generals who were somewhat haggard.

He immediately saluted the two generals Zhang and Li with a standard military order.

"Two generals, you have worked hard for the affairs of the country.

On behalf of my father, I am here to express condolences to the two generals and to the brave warriors of the Wu Kingdom who have fought so hard."

General Zhang Hujing and General Li Mansong led the generals of the Wu army and neatly returned the gift to the prince Qi Bin.

They shouted in unison: "For the King of Wu and the glory of the Kingdom of Wu, we will fight to the end."

Prince Qi Bin was doing a show in the camp, and the sky was completely dark.

The ceremony to welcome the arrival of Crown Prince Qi Bin in the camp has also ended.

Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji seems to be a transparent person. He has been observing the situation of the Wu army generals on the front line.

Based on his own observations, he judged that the generals did not have sufficient confidence in Wu Jun's victory.

They had a pessimistic attitude towards the war.

When Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji noticed this change in Wu Jun, he knew that the time was ripe.

It was already late at night, and General Zhang Hujing and General Li Mansong saw the crown prince Qi Bin and his party not resting after they had finished their condolences.

They knew something was wrong.

Their judgment was soon fulfilled.

Crown Prince Qi Bin and Deputy Chief of Staff Cui Yuanji prepared to discuss matters with them overnight.

General Zhang Hucheng and General Li Mansong were shocked when they saw this situation.

This must be a major decision, and it is not a matter of Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji preparing to take back command.

They had thought that only the crown prince Qi Bin would arrive, and King Wu Qi would not let the crown prince Qi Bin, who had no command experience, take over the command of the frontline generals.

But with the arrival of Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji, this situation may happen at any time.

If Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji wanted to take over power, the best time was just now.

He took over the command in front of all the generals of the army. This was justifiable and easily accepted by others.

But Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji did not do this, so what he wants to discuss now is definitely more important than taking back command power.

They came to a small tent and everyone within fifty meters of the tent was expelled.

General Zhang Killer Whale and General Li Mansong looked at each other, and what was about to happen was absolutely extraordinary.

There were only four of them in the tent, and the prince Qi Bin was the first to speak: "I am here on behalf of my father. My father told me that when you hesitate, I will make a judgment based on the interests of the Kingdom of Wu."

After the crown prince Qi Bin said this, expressing the royal family's attitude, he stopped speaking.

Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji asked directly: "Two generals, the battlefield is not going well now.

I'll give you another half month to see if you can capture the Gui army's position."

General Zhang Hujing's face turned red, and he said with shame and anger: "It is true that I am incompetent. I was blocked by the Gui army in Chengtian Mansion and was unable to advance. The progress of regaining Chengtian Mansion is far away.

Our army is not only unable to take the Gui army's positions now.

If there are more casualties, our army is likely to collapse, mutiny, camp roar, etc."

Prince Qi Bin finally couldn't help it. He asked in surprise: "The situation has become so dangerous."

General Li Mansong patiently told his son Qi Bin the problems Wu Jun was encountering now.

He later lamented: "The most important reason for falling into this dilemma is that our country has insufficient military strength.

A critical battle will inevitably result in casualties among soldiers.

Five thousand casualties is a crippling injury to an army of 20,000, and the soldiers' hearts are in doubt.

Five thousand casualties are just normal combat losses for an army of 200,000.

If I have 200,000 troops in my hand, there will also be 200,000 defenders on the opposite side.

I dare to seize the position of the defenders on the opposite side at all costs."

Prince Qi Bin nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood.

Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji said calmly: "If our army wants to win, it must do extraordinary things."

General Zhang Hujing reacted the fastest. He asked with a frightened face: "Chief of Staff Cui means to use special bombs.

The Imperial Army used special ammunition when fighting against the European Allied Forces.

Thermite bombs can melt steel warships, and napalm bombs allow tens of thousands of Imperial troops to attack millions of European Allied troops.

I served in the Imperial Army and was lucky enough to witness this scene."

General Zhang Hujing recalled the tragic situation of the European Allied Forces at that time, and his face turned pale.

The Gui Army is an army mainly composed of veterans, let alone an army composed mostly of new recruits.

If they are under napalm, there is only one ending.

General Li Mansong realized why Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji came to the front line.

He said with some hesitation: "We are all Han fellows on the opposite side. Isn't it too inhumane for our army to do this?

The use of special bombs will definitely cause a humanitarian crisis. Will the empire intervene because of this?"

Cui Yuanji, deputy chief of general staff, slapped the table with his hand and said excitedly: "Benevolent and righteous in fighting, which our ancestors did not do in the Spring and Autumn Period thousands of years ago.

Bai Qi, Lord of Wu'an, killed 400,000 Zhao soldiers in a trap. Is this benevolent and righteous?

Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty, Cao Cao, ate cannibals in battle, was he benevolent and righteous?

War has no room for justice.

As for whether the empire intervened in this matter.

Our country is facing the crisis of national subjugation, and the heaviest price for the empire's intervention is national subjugation."

When General Zhang Hujing and General Li Mansong heard what Deputy Chief of General Staff Cui Yuanji said, they knew that this matter could not be questioned.

The two of them turned to look at the Crown Prince Qi Bin at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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