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Chapter 1934 The fall of the Western Qing Dynasty and the destruction of the Yellow Turban

 Princess Wencheng left Luoyang and entered the plateau from Luoyang. The journey was long and it was destined to be a long journey for everyone.

When this marriage comes to an end, I don’t know how long it will take!

And just when Princess Wencheng slowly set off to the plateau, the general trend of the world did not stop her development trajectory because of anyone, and the princes who deserved to perish still went to perdition.

Perhaps the most shocking thing that has happened in the world recently is the demise of the Western Qing separatist forces.

Especially for the northern princes, this is the most crucial thing for them. They will also be directly affected by changes in the situation on the grassland.

For example, for the Jin army, after the destruction of the Western Qing Dynasty, the few soldiers and horses on the grassland could retreat.

Since then, all the wars between Li Xiang's forces, large and small, have come to an end, and he is about to enter a period of comprehensive and complete recuperation.

The four prefectures of Xi, Bing, He, and Liang successively called off their troops and made a truce. For the Jin army, it was like they were leaving behind one burden after another, and it was finally time to go into battle lightly.

At the same time, whether it is Qin Zheng of Youzhou or Li Shimin of Li Tang, they all have to pay attention to the situation of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. In the past, these two families took advantage of the Manchu Qing Dynasty when the other party was in civil strife. Who knows

Will the other party come back with revenge? Although it is unlikely that the other party will come back at this time, it does not mean that they do not need to pay attention!

In fact, Dorgon's Western Qing forces faced a double attack from Huang Taiji's Eastern Qing forces and Tuoba Tao's Northern Wei forces. Huang Taiji could actually completely eliminate Dorgon in a shorter time.

However, Huang Taiji tried so hard to completely eliminate the hidden dangers caused by Dorgon, so he wasted such a long time.

The dispute between Huang Taiji and Dorgon was naturally the most fundamental reason for the split between the Eastern and Western Qing Dynasties.

However, these two people are both heroes and tyrants. Neither of them is without a sense of the overall situation. They know that even if they want to fight, they must fight within a certain range and will not easily cross this bottom line.

And the reason why they finally crossed that bottom line was essentially due to the conspirators within the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

After the split between the Eastern and Western Qing Dynasties, Dorgon was naturally at a disadvantage in all aspects when facing Huang Taiji. Most of the conspirators headed by Juqu Mengxun and Duan Liao turned to Dorgon to fight against Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji originally had the opportunity to win over these conspirators when Dorgon was being suppressed step by step and was about to perish, and let them rebel against Dorgon, so as to end the civil strife in the Qing Dynasty as soon as possible.

However, Huang Taiji knew very well that if these conspirators were not killed in one go, but kept here for the sake of today's convenience, then these hidden dangers would be preserved, and there would inevitably be an outbreak in the future.

One day. Now, Dorgon's lesson is still deeply rooted in Huang Taiji's heart. It is definitely impossible for Huang Taiji to forget to eat and not to fight so quickly!

Therefore, even if some people had no choice but to show their kindness to Huang Taiji under pressure, Huang Taiji resolutely refused to accept it. Instead, he was determined to drive these people away and eliminate all the hidden dangers of these people to the Manchus.


Moreover, back then, Juqu Mengxun and Duan Liao were actually promoted by Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji was kind to these people.

But for their own benefit, these people betrayed Huang Taiji and the Manchu Qing Dynasty without any hesitation, and chose Dorgon. This also allowed Huang Taiji to completely see their character.

Even if they keep these people, they will never be grateful. One day in the future, if Huang Taiji accidentally lets these people see the opportunity again, these people will never let go. They will still be cruel when it is time to do so.

Won't hesitate.

It was precisely because Huang Taiji's attitude was so resolute that people like Juqu Mengxun and Duan Liao had no choice but to stand firmly on Dorgon's side and resist to the end with Dorgon gritting their teeth.

Huang Taiji has indeed made up his mind this time. Tian Ang, Zang Mohai, Fang Dio, Liang Zhongyong, Zhang Zhi, Xie Zhengli and others can all survive, but Juqu Mengxun, Juqu Funu, Juqu

Na, Juqu Luoqiu and Duan Liao, Duan Mobo, Duan Lan, Duan Quyun, Duan Ji Lujuan, Duan Pixi, Duan Zhen, Duan Shefuchen, Duan Jilujuan, Duan Wuwuchen, Duan Gong

, Duan Qin, Duan Ya and so many people, Huang Taiji really didn’t let anyone go.

Not to mention those who died directly on the battlefield, some were captured by the rebel army, and some were forced to surrender with the last chance, but Huang Taiji did not let go of any of them.


Even after Dorgon was completely defeated, everyone from the two clans, ranging from the elderly to the children of several years old, were all killed by Huang Taiji.

As for the masterminds Dorgon and Dodo, it is even more impossible for them to be left behind.

After Dorgon's defeat, all their descendants were beheaded, and their wives and concubines were sent to his palace by Huang Taiji.

But even if the Manchu and Qing Dynasties achieved unification once again, after experiencing this civil strife, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties had suffered heavy losses and their vitality was severely damaged.

In this battle, countless Manchu herdsmen and sons died on the battlefield, and the Eight Banners soldiers, the most ferocious part of the Manchus, were directly reduced by less than half.

The most important thing is that although the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were once again unifying, and Huang Taiji finally solved the problem of Dorgon, Xuan Ye, a serious enemy, took this opportunity to start to grow and develop.

Moreover, Tuoba Tao also took advantage of this civil strife in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. After the Manchu Qing Dynasty split into the Eastern Qing Dynasty and the Western Qing Dynasty, more than half of Dorgon's Western Qing Dynasty was occupied by Tuoba Wei.

Therefore, despite the fact that the Manchu and Qing Dynasties have regained their unification, compared to their peak, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties at this time are far behind.

Among the three major forces in the grasslands today, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties have completely become the weakest. There is a long way to go with Tuoba Tao, let alone Yuan Meng, who is the strongest.

After the Manchu and Qing Dynasties experienced this civil strife, the situation on the grassland really changed drastically. At this time, even Tuoba Wei and the Manchu Qing Dynasty combined were already inferior to Kaiyuan Meng in terms of hard power.

Of course, it should be fortunate that Yuan Meng has now provoked a powerful enemy, the Kushan Empire.

Even Temujin would never go to war with the Kushan Empire on the one hand, and provoke Tuoba Wei and the Manchu Qing on the other.

Coincidentally, on the grassland, Dorgon's Western Qing Dynasty came to an end, and the situation in the Central Plains also changed further at this time.

After Cao Cao, Chi You of the Yellow Turban finally reached the end of his rope and was about to be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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