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Chapter 407


Li Xiang was holding Wu Meiniang with one hand and grabbing Wu Meiniang's beautiful hand with the other.

"General!" Li Xiang only said a few words. He did not finish the rest of the words, but stared straight at the beauty in front of him.

"I want this woman!" This was Li Xiang's first thought after seeing Wu Meiniang.

Although the woman in front of him was a former queen, Li Xiang still made this decision secretly in his heart.

Ambition requires fertile soil to develop and grow, but Li Xiang will never give her a chance. As long as Li Xiang is around, the thoughts she shouldn't have will be suppressed.

If he is afraid of even one woman, if he cannot conquer even one woman, how can he, Li Xiang, talk about trying to dominate the world?

Wu Meiniang quietly waited for Li Xiang's next words, and also looked at Li Xiang.

Their eyes slowly intertwined.

"This general wants to take you as my concubine, are you willing?" Li Xiang finally finished his sentence. This time, his tone was no longer gentle but full of dominance. Wu Meiniang was shocked when she heard this sentence.

"My slave is willing!" Wu Meiniang didn't think much about it, and she quickly gave her answer.

Although Wu Meiniang is only a woman, she has already seen that the world is already in chaos. Just like hundreds of years ago, Qin lost its deer and the whole world chased it. Today, Han lost its deer and the whole world chased it, but it is

It's time to change dynasties again.

The guard general Li Xiang in front of him has strong soldiers and horses, and his generals are like clouds, and counselors are like rain, but he can control them easily. Not only that, he himself is also resourceful, wise and brave. He is only in his early twenties now, and he is like this

With his ability, he will definitely be the most powerful contender in the world in the future.

If she becomes his woman, not to mention just reviving a small family, it may not be impossible to become a concubine in the harem or even a mother in the world in the future.

Seeing Wu Meiniang being so obedient, Li Xiang smiled. Although Wu Meiniang herself agreed or disagreed, it was of little use to Li Xiang.

(There is no way, the middle one cannot be posted, it is blocked, so I can only delete it!)

Summer is gone, cold is coming, spring is coming again, and before you know it, another year has passed.

During this year, in addition to Wu Meiniang, Li Xiang also took Shangguan Wan'er as his concubine. At the same time, a year ago, Wei Zifu was also taken to Luoyang by Li Xiang.

Before, after all, one of the eight gates guarding Luoyang had not yet been recovered, and Luoyang was still in danger, so Li Xiang did not take Wei Zifu to Luoyang. Now, since Hangu Pass has been recovered, Luoyang

Now that she can advance, attack, retreat or defend, Li Xiang will naturally take her to Luoyang.

There was no war for a year, and Li Xiang had plenty of time to spend with his wives at home and to have children with them.

Fortunately, one year was not in vain. Wei Zifu finally got pregnant successfully. It is precisely because of this that Wei Zifu, who was originally a concubine, was promoted to the main wife under pressure by Li Xiang.


In ancient times, it was important to be well-matched. For Li Xiang's parents, Wei Zifu's status was still too low, so they did not want Wei Zifu to become Li Xiang's wife. Even when they heard that Li Xiang

When Xiang wanted to help Wei Zifu become the main wife, he even planned to choose a woman from several other big families to marry Li Xiang.

But Li Xiang persisted, and since Wei Zifu was pregnant with the next generation of the Li family, they had no choice but to admit it.

At the same time, after the news of Wei Zifu's happiness spread, the cohesion of Li Xiang's power group became even tighter. In ancient times, whether a prince had descendants was still very important to that power group.

If the leader of the force they are loyal to has no descendants, then for them, this force is a hopeless force, and it cannot make them feel safe.

After all, no matter how great a empire they have built, if their master has no children, no one can inherit it. If something unexpected happens to the monarch they are loyal to, then the strength they are in will instantly fall apart.

On the contrary, when the monarch they are loyal to has offspring, even if something unexpected happens to their monarch, they can still turn to support their lord's son. In this way, the power they belong to will not disintegrate.

This chapter has been completed!
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