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Chapter 801 Peoples Heart

 Chapter 801 People’s Will

Even if the rebellion was really the work of Yang Xuangan alone and had nothing to do with Yang Su, Yang Jian still couldn't let Yang Su go.

If Yang Xuangan had done such a thing and he still wanted to let Yang Su go, how could the other soldiers be convinced?

What if the other soldiers imitate this? Anyway, even if there is a real rebellion, it will not affect their families and relatives. By then, I'm afraid everything will be in chaos!

"Come here, pull Qin Hui out and kill him!" Yang Jian looked at Qin Hui who was also kneeling on the ground. He could no longer suppress the murderous intention in his heart and ordered fiercely to the left and right.

He clearly did not ask Qin Hui to summon Yang Su, but Qin Hui used his order to summon Yang Su. Yang Jian's wisdom was able to detect the fishiness in this at a glance. This bastard was clearly in cahoots with Yang Xuangan.

The purpose of the trip was obviously to fish out Yang Su, but they failed in the end.

Yang Jian believed that it was a great gift for him to spare Dong Zhuo's life after his death, but instead of repaying his kindness, this man turned back on him. This time, how could Yang Jian not kill this rip-off thing?

Vent your own hatred.

"My lord, my lord, please spare my life!" At the critical moment of life and death, Qin Hui behaved no differently from other ordinary people.

"Don't drag it out any longer!" Faced with Qin Hui's begging for mercy, Yang Jian remained unmoved, his eyes cold as if without a trace of emotion.

As for other people involved in last night's incident, such as those powerful families and Yang Xuangan, Yang Jian had already ordered people to clean and search them.

"Gentlemen, I wonder if there is any way to solve our army's predicament!" Yang Jian himself asked without any hope.

Hearing this, even people like Gao Jun, Yang Rong, Yang Pu, and Yang Shiqi who usually claim to be resourceful can't come up with any good ideas. It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Without food and grass, how can they come up with something!

"Lord, why don't we collect food from the people!" A surrogate general came forward and suggested.

However, Yang Jian didn't even look at him, and people like Gao Jiong, Yang Rong, Yang Pu, and Yang Shiqi didn't take him seriously either.

A long time ago, most of the people's food and grass had been collected by Yang Jian, leaving only a portion of the food and grass for the people that was enough for their survival.

If we continue to collect food from the people at this time, it is tantamount to not leaving a way for the people to survive. By then, the people in the city will inevitably be in chaos. The Yellow Turban Rebellion has only been over for a few years, and Yang Jian has not forgotten that.


If the people in this city were forced to rebel, the situation would probably be even worse than it is now.

"Lord, why don't you go out of the city and fight to the death with the Jin army?" Zuo Tiancheng stepped forward and spoke.

Yang Jian and others couldn't help but ponder after hearing Zuo Tiancheng's suggestion. This was considered a helpless solution, but Yang Jian could not make up his mind.

Now, after repeated losses, Yang Jian only has about 73,000 troops left, of which nearly half are county soldiers. But outside the city, there are still 140,000 elite Jin soldiers. This kind of

To this extent, leaving the city to fight is no different from seeking death.

Yang Jian has no confidence that he will succeed if he burns everything.

Therefore, although Yang Jian was somewhat moved by Zuo Tiancheng's suggestions, he still needed to think more about it. Some decisions were not so easy to make.

"Lord, I have a method, I don't know whether I should say it or not?" Gao Jiao said in an incomprehensible tone.

"Zhaoxuan speaks!" Seeing that his first counselor had an idea, Yang Jian was overjoyed. He believed that Gao Jiong would not let him down.

"Lord, we can expel some of the people out of the city!" Gao Yan said hesitantly. Once this plan comes out, his reputation will be ruined.

Hearing this, Yang Jian began to fall silent, thinking about the pros and cons of this.

According to Gao Jiong's wishes, if some people are driven out of the city, then they can collect as much food as possible from this part of the people.

On the one hand, this can alleviate their food crisis to a certain extent. On the other hand, after driving these people out of Chang'an City, the Jin army will definitely not ignore it. In order to resettle this part of the people, it will inevitably aggravate the situation to a great extent.

The food pressure of the Jin army.

Of course, there is no absolute good thing in the world. Although doing this has considerable advantages, it also has considerable disadvantages.

If Yang Jian really took this measure, he would probably lose all the support of the people and lose their moral integrity.

"Those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world", in a literal sense, we can understand that if you win the hearts and minds of the people and gain the support of the people, your country will be able to rule stably without causing trouble.

If you interpret this sentence to mean that you can unify the country and establish a solid political power by winning the hearts and minds of the people, then there is a lack of historical basis. The birth of any dynasty in ancient China was not selected by the people out of tenderness, but relied on

It was fought with fists, armies, swords, guns, swords and halberds.

The establishment of any dynasty was not full of bloodshed, and which "world" was not deterred by a powerful army.

Without corpses littering the fields and rivers of blood, there would be no establishment of a new regime. This is the cold but real fact. If Liu Bang, Cao Cao, Kublai Khan, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Huang Taiji were asked to answer this question, they would definitely say in unison

Said: There is no shortcut to conquering the world, only hard power.

In fact, the Mongolian and Yuan armies and the Qing army did represent backward productivity at that time. The vast majority of the people in the Central Plains were afraid of them and did not recognize them at all. Therefore, they could never truly win the hearts of the people, but they eventually won the world.

Even the so-called "peaceful handover" in the Wei Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Wei Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, and Song Dynasty, there was no real concession. It was nothing more than a nominal manipulation under the power of force.

This illustrates the truth that the establishment of a feudal dynasty, especially a foreign dynasty, has nothing to do with the people's hearts. It is nothing more than conquest, massacre, conspiracy, and intimidation.

But are people's hearts and minds really irrelevant to the regime? Of course they are. Not only that, the rise and fall of the regime is inextricably and directly related to the people's hearts and minds.

"Shangshu" records that Yu the Great in the early years of the Xia Dynasty once said: "The people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is the foundation of the country." The saying "people-oriented" will never go out of style.

The great thinker Confucius said: "The king is a boat; the common people are water. Water carries the boat, and water overturns the boat. If the king thinks of danger, will the danger never come?" - "Xunzi Ai Gong"

》.This saying is always borrowed by rulers from generation to generation.

Confucius' beloved disciple Zixia said: "A fish will die if it is deprived of water; a fish will remain water if it is deprived of water." The general idea is that the common people can still live happily without the country, and the emperor is nothing without the common people.

"The Legend of Guliang in the Spring and Autumn Period" says, "The people are the foundation of the king." That's right, they are the foundation of war.

"Mencius" pointedly pointed out: "The people are the most valuable, the country is second, and the king is the least." This statement was selectively ignored by many rulers of the past dynasties, and Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he drove his tablet out of the Confucian Temple.

There is a passage in the "Book of Han: Biography of Li Sheng and Lu Jia": "The king regards the people as his heaven, and the people regard food as their heaven." The second half of the sentence was transformed into a slogan.

Wei Zheng once said: "It is not the greatness of resentment, but the fear of others. It is advisable to be cautious when carrying a boat and overturning it." Numerous peasant uprisings in feudal dynasties throughout the ages have been profoundly verifying this wise saying of Wei Zheng.

So many big guys say that people's hearts are important, are they all telling lies?

Obviously not.

It is true that when political power comes under swords and guns, the country does not recognize human feelings, only fists, but in the era of cold weapons, the threshold for rebellion is very low, and everyone can fight against the government and the army with a hoe.

Moreover, there are not many complicated procedures for making weapons. Even if you prohibit people from possessing knives and guns, even if you allow several families to share a kitchen knife, you can't hide all the iron in the treasury, and you can't lock the mines with a lock. So.

Common people could still obtain iron tools, and a blacksmith shop could make many swords in one night.

If an emperor loves great achievements, builds large-scale construction projects, engages in military warfare, wastes money on the people, imposes exorbitant taxes, and is rife with corruption. If the emperor does not care about the suffering of the people and only knows how to exploit, then the people will not be able to survive, the people will be resentful, and everyone will have no way to survive, and they will rise up.

People from the lower class are "rabble", and it is difficult to shake the rule of the feudal dynasty. On the surface, every turmoil and dynasty change in history is operated by warlords. However, losing the support of the people and causing too much resentment are also important reasons for the collapse of the regime.


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, if it weren't for Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban uprising, would Dong Zhuo have the opportunity to make trouble? Cao Cao would have the opportunity to display his ambitions? Liu Bei would be unknown and would have to be a hawker for the rest of his life.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, if there had not been an uprising by the Red Scarf Army, Zhu Yuanzhang would still be a monk and would not even have the chance to be a sidekick on the historical stage, let alone establish the Ming Dynasty and leave his name in history.

Of course, in ancient China, the people were helpless. They could only accept humiliation, swallow their anger, and be silent and obedient people. Not only were they ignorant and powerless, they were absolutely weak at all times. Their fate was not in their hands. They just

Can be manipulated by others.

But if the people are dissatisfied with the emperor and the court is in trouble, they can at least choose to resist passively, choose to stand aside, or even choose to lead the way and transport the invaders for a little money and food.

The common people acting as soldiers can aimlessly change their targets. When the war breaks out, they will either grease their soles and become deserters, or turn their guns and become traitors. No matter how the emperor preaches loyalty to the emperor and love for the court, they will remain indifferent and will not share the same hatred with the enemy.

Not to mention resisting to the death. In this case, a regime will definitely perish faster.

Under such circumstances, do you still say that people's hearts are not important?

Therefore, like the suggestion put forward by Zuo Tiancheng, although the suggestion put forward by Gao Jiong can indeed alleviate the crisis that Yang Jian is facing now, the possible consequences have to be carefully considered by Yang Jian.

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