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Chapter 245 Mika's version understanding

 After experiencing a nightmare day, the next morning, Mei Xia’s short vacation ended and she boarded a passenger plane back to Shanghai.

There was no rest after arriving at the base. The lpl summer season would start in four days, and the promotional video had to be produced before then. She only had time to finish packing her luggage when she arrived at the base, and she had to urgently follow the factory director to participate in the filming.

The entire filming process was relatively brief, with only two close-ups of each player.

It's just the way that makes Mei Xia a little embarrassed.

Perhaps in order to express the effect of the players sweating hard on the field, all the players participating in the shooting had their hair and T-shirts sprayed with water. The male players were okay, but as a female player, Mixia felt a bit wet when her shirt was wet, which made her smell tempting.

Fortunately, the edg team uniform is made of black cotton material that will not be exposed even if it is wet. In addition, her upper body is exposed to water at most, revealing the outline of her suspender bra, and the faint outline is also covered by her long hair, showing a youthful atmosphere.

, there are no sexy concave and convex curves, so the shooting was completed smoothly.

After filming the promotional video, she returned to the edg base. Before she had time to play ranked, coach Abramovich first received her in the office.

During the holidays, Summer has already read the electronic draft of the new contract. At this time, the contract is officially signed. All he needs to do is read it over again before he can sign with a pen.

After signing, the next step was to discuss the summer games.

Abramovich asked about Sakura Girl's ranking situation. He was actually worried about Edg's situation in the summer split. "How is it? Do you still adapt to the changes in the mid-season version?"

Meixia nodded and shook her head.

This version change after the Mid-Season Cup is officially named [Mid-Season Mage Update].

The level of changes in Summoner's Rift is comparable to the annual season revision. Riot Games established the version update strategy for the next ten years from this mid-season revision - two major changes at the beginning and end of each season.

As the name suggests, Riot has redone the skills of six mage heroes including Malzahar, Zyra, and Snake at once. It has also made skill adjustments for ten mage heroes including Crow, Ziggs Victor, and modified almost all mage equipment.

, deleted the Ancient Will, and added two new legal equipment, the Ice Gun and the Hextech Belt.

This series of updates undoubtedly announced that the era of assassins, which was already declining, was coming to an end.

Mixia nodded to show that she was practicing well as mage heroes.

She shakes her head because the signature heroes such as Yasuo, Zed and Xiaoyu are all gone, so it can't be considered an enhancement for her anyway.

She said, "My new hero training is okay, but I can't play many of my previous heroes."

Abu felt this way.

Now there are rumors on the Internet that the new version will greatly weaken Mika.

It’s not just the changes to the equipment of legal heroes that have a negative impact on Mika.

This version change has also redone the Little Dragon and the Canyon Pioneer. The former has been changed from the bloody five dragons in the original version to the four-element dragon and the ancient dragon with more powerful attributes. The latter has been changed from the original short enhancement function for the minions to

Kill to get permanent buff.

Rift Pioneer and Xiaolong have become wild resources that must be competed for in the early stage, which makes it impossible to switch lanes to avoid battle.

Although edg's game style has changed significantly in the six months since he arrived in the summer, there is no doubt that many of the advanced experiences of lck that he and the coaching staff spent two years learning will become outdated and backward technologies. edg and

Other lpl teams are back on the same starting line.

The new version is still a huge test for edg who just won the msi championship!

Abu enlightened, "It doesn't matter. Take your time in the new season. First focus on training a mage, plus Ryze and Tsar from the mid-season. By the time we play our first Snakes game, three mages will be enough. After that.

Practice more heroes, your talent is high enough, as long as you are willing to practice hard, you will definitely be faster and better than others!"

"What heroes have you tried during the holidays? Let's practice together in the evening training match."

"Malzahar, Viktor, Fire Man..." Meixia counted down with her fingers, and mentioned a dozen mage heroes in one breath, "I have practiced all of these heroes, and they should all be used in training matches."

She can really play.

Using mage heroes requires skill accuracy and support capabilities.

In the former, she relies on her super hand speed and reaction level, and can often become fully proficient in a few games. Of course, she cannot reach the level of a unique skill brother, but she is more than enough to cope with the regular season.

As for the latter, the support ability is an all-in-one ability. There is no situation where this mage hero will support, and another mage hero will suddenly not be able to support it. Therefore, although Mixia's consciousness level is still not invincible, it is enough to cope with it.

Regular season.

But to Abu's ears, he just felt that Mika was trying to show off.

In the Spring Split, we only trained four mages, Emperor Ryze, Card Card and Dragon King, in one season. How could we suddenly train more than a dozen heroes in just seven days during the holidays?

I'm afraid I said this deliberately because I didn't want the team's BP to be dragged down.

This Sakura girl takes great care of the team!

Abu asked, "Then let me ask again, mika, which hero do you have the best training and are you most confident in!"

"Fire Man? Maybe Fire Man has played the most and is the most confident!" In her ranking, she looks for the most interesting hero to play, and when she is filling in and assisting before rebirth, she likes to use Fire Man to persuade her teammates to retreat.

Naturally, he picked up the familiar pyromania again and enjoyed the thrill of Yincaozong's set of skills in seconds.

"Okay, then we will practice Fire Man in the past few days and test his strength in training matches. If there are no problems, we will select players according to the priority of Czar, Fire Man and Ryze in the first game of the summer split."

Although Huo Man may not sound very conventional, but it was indeed on the list of mages that were enhanced in the version, and Abu immediately agreed.

Mei Xia only felt that Abu had become brave.

She just submitted so many heroes for the coach to choose, but the other party actually chose the hot guy who played the most ranked games for her.

You see, I didn’t insist on practicing the unpopular hero Fire Man! It was the coach who asked me to practice!

When she walked out of Abu's office and returned to the training match, the factory director who had been waiting for a while immediately greeted her with a smile.

"mika, double row!"

In an instant, Meiko, Deft and Mouse in the training room all looked at him - Damn it, the factory director got the better of him!

The factory director, however, looked calm. He was not trying to hug someone like these people, or to enhance his relationship with the female players in double row.

First of all, as the director of the factory, he is the master of LPL jungle control. In the new version where the rhythm jungle is very popular, it can be said that getting points is like drinking water. There is no need to take the initiative to hug Mika's lap.

Moreover, in the mage version, it is still unknown how much skill Mika has left after being born as an assassin.

Secondly, he only treats Mika as brother and sister or father and daughter, and has no secular perspective.

Calling Mika Duo Queue is mainly because EDG only has three days left before the summer split. Although the LPL organizers have arranged EDG's first game to the third day of the first week, they have just finished MSI and are still nearly behind other teams. Half a month of adaptation time.

He must seize every moment in the past few days to familiarize himself with the version with Mika, and complete the midfield run-in again.

All this is done for the team!

Mixia answered obediently, "Okay, I've been training a new mage recently! Coach Abu just asked me to concentrate on training this hero in the next few days."

"What mages? Recently, Viktor, Vampire and Snake have a very high ranking rate." The director was quite surprised when he heard this. After all, like Abu, he thought that the only traditional mages in the Summer hero pool were Ryze, Dragon King, and Card. and the Tsar.

"Fire man." Mixia named the hero that surprised him.

As a professional player, Factory Director's sense of smell is still much more sensitive than Abu's. Fire Man has indeed been enhanced, but this hero's short legs and unstable skills make it difficult to choose as a regular hero.

But that's mika! Maybe her hot boy is different!

Even though he had many doubts in his heart, he still chose to trust mika, "Ah? Then I have to try!"

As a result, the Korean server rankings on that day remained static for nearly a week. The rank fell to the account of the master's mid laner Mika, and suddenly there were consecutive ranking results.

Fire Man, four wins and zero losses.

This chapter has been completed!
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