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Chapter 26 Inspection of West City

"Oh my God, who are these people?"

"Ajaccio's patrol? How long have they not been to Xicheng District?"

"You know, there haven't been many in the past ten years."

"Is the leader Laurence Bonaparte? He's so young."


When Lawrence's team appeared on the road in Xicheng District, they immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Pedestrians on the street quickly retreated to both sides to make way for a passage. At the same time, they looked timidly and curiously at the heavily armed team. One after another, poor people emerged from the simple shacks and crowded on both sides of the street on tiptoes.

, I want to see this rare scene.

As for those who had repeatedly committed crimes, they all hid in the shadows of the street corners in panic, carefully looking over their heads. They had all heard of Laurence Bonaparte, and it was said that they did not even look down upon the members of the trade unions.

"Master Bonaparte, where should we start? Chasing One-Eye in this damn place is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Old Sean covered his mouth and nose, unable to recover from the stench here for a while, and asked Lawrence in a vague voice.

Lawrence nodded in agreement. As far as the eye could see, the slums in front of him were pitch black. Even Anna, who had lived here for more than ten years, almost got lost last time. It was not easy to hunt down the one-eyed man.

What's more, Siro tried his best to rescue the one-eyed man, so he would definitely not hand him back easily. Maybe the one-eyed man is now hiding in the church at the union headquarters.

Fortunately, the main purpose of Lawrence's trip was to appear in Xicheng District to show his determination to restore order. As for One-Eye, although his escape had a great impact on the patrol's reputation, Lawrence was helpless for a while.

"Sir, something is wrong."

Suddenly, Ya'an walked up behind Lawrence expressionlessly and said softly.

Lawrence tilted his head slightly, frowned and glanced around, which was full of gray crowds watching the fun.

"Silla, you bastard, you don't want to give me a showdown when I first arrive."

Lawrence thought so and asked in a deep voice:

"What did you find?"

"Just now, five people in the crowd gathered together to discuss something, and then left quickly, much like spies."

Adam stared at the direction those people left and reported.

Lawrence glanced at Adam with slight admiration. Being able to notice such an anomaly in such a crowded crowd would be absolutely impossible if he did not maintain a high degree of concentration at all times.

However, Ya'an's words really aroused Lawrence's vigilance. Although deploying spies and spies in urban areas is a common behavior of various gangs, deploying five people at a time in an area is a bit abnormal.

It was almost as if he was waiting for his group on purpose.

"Ciro Russell...this bastard seems to have a meeting gift."

Lawrence thought, but did not slow down the march of the team.

My group had just arrived in Xicheng District and had not walked a few steps. If we were to return the same way because we were afraid of Silla's plot, I am afraid that the people in Xicheng District would label Lawrence as a showman from now on.

After a whole morning of cruising, Lawrence almost visited the entire slum area.

Although as expected, no trace of One-Eye was found, this inspection did play a role in deterring criminals.

Those who committed crimes were cautiously dormant before they figured out the intention of this Monsignor Bonaparte in coming to Xicheng District. Among the pedestrians on the street, it is difficult to find the bullies who usually cause harm here.


However, Lawrence understood that if he wanted to truly restore order here, he would need to send someone to stay here permanently. Today's inspection would not be effective for long.

Another thing that made Lawrence vigilant was that during the entire morning patrol, everything went surprisingly smoothly without any obstruction or conflict from anyone.

Lawrence didn't believe that Silla would let him wander around his territory with great fanfare. If he still wanted to attack him, the only chance left was...

"Monsieur Bonaparte, the inspection of the slums has been completed, and the only thing left is the dock area."

Old Sean reminded with some hesitation that if he could, he wouldn't even take a step there.

Lawrence also narrowed his eyes. If Silla really had any tricks up his sleeve, he would probably do it in the dock area.

It is the most chaotic and complex area in Ajaccio and even Corsica. Various forces are intertwined and intertwined.

Dock gangs, poor people in Xicheng District, foreign merchants, docked captains and sailors, and even the factions of the Corsican Navy and Governor Paoli, they are attracted to this bustling port and share every bit of profit.

Especially after the Genoese negotiated an agreement with the French to sell Corsica, the Genoese navy's trade blockade on Corsica was greatly reduced, which made the seaport city of Ajaccio increasingly revitalized and the port.

The cake is getting bigger and bigger.

The White Rose that Lawrence was aboard at that time was really unlucky and ran into a Genoese warship right in front of her. If the distance between the two sides was far enough, the Genoese warship might have turned a blind eye.

Noon is the busiest time in the port.

Twenty or so flat-bottomed fishing boats that had been out to sea since early morning were slowly returning with their full loads; a double-decker galley merchant ship had loaded its cargo, hoisted its sails and started sailing.

At the farthest line of sight, at the line between sea and sky, you can still vaguely see several merchant ships heading towards Ajaccio.

At the northernmost end of the port, the two piers with the deepest draft are reserved for the Corsican Navy's only two line battleships. Lawrence visually judged that they should be of the same specifications as the Genoese warships that day.

The wharf is always filled with uninterrupted chatter, whether it is the insults of sailors who have drunk a lot of rum or the shouts of dock workers, they are the constant theme here.

Although it seemed that the place was noisy, after observing for a while, Lawrence discovered that everything on the dock was running in an orderly manner. There was no blood and corpses left by fires and fights everywhere as he had imagined.

"It seems that Ciro Russell has really put a lot of thought into rectifying this place."

Lawrence secretly made a judgment, remembering One Eye's description of Siro when he was interrogating One Eye that day.

Now that he thought of Cilla, Lawrence couldn't help but be a little more cautious, looking around, wary of this poisonous snake protruding its venom from the shadows somewhere.

Ya'an, who was always following Lawrence, was even more concentrated, and his sharp eyes scanned every corner around him.

Suddenly, Ya'an's pupils shrank, and his eyes focused on a big man not far away who covered his face with a linen hood. Although his face was covered, this figure Ya'an will never forget in his life:

"Sir! That's One Eye!"


Both Lawrence and the other guards on the patrol were shocked and looked in the direction Ya'an pointed.

How could One-Eye, who had finally escaped from prison, appear in front of the patrols?!

Although he couldn't see his face clearly under the hood, with such a muscular body, there was almost no possibility of mistaking him.

The big man noticed the gazes of Lawrence and the guards, laughed ferociously, and said to himself:

"It's damn good, you made me wait for so long."

Then One Eye directly pulled off his hood, revealing his iconic black eyepatch without any concealment. No one knew why he dared to appear here openly.

This chapter has been completed!
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