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Chapter 56 Preparation (Part 2)

"Lord Bonaparte, why don't you ask for assistance from the military forces?" Old Sean suggested with great worry.

Lawrence shook his head slowly, regardless of whether Pauli agreed or not. He had to take action before Pauli suspected that the letter was forged. If the army intervened, something would inevitably happen.

"We have to start taking action the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Lawrence looked at the three of them and said firmly. Siro has always been a serious problem for Lawrence, and Lawrence will never let go of this opportunity to crush him.

Grosso, Ya'an and Old Sean looked at each other, and then looked at the arrest warrant on the table, but they didn't have any clue, so Grosso scratched his head and said:

"I'm afraid there won't be any chance to make any arrangements in such a short period of time."

Ya'an and Old Sean also nodded in approval. If they had to take action the day after tomorrow, they would only have one and a half days left.

After Lawrence thought for a moment, he sighed slightly and ordered:

"In this case, Old Sean, find the map of Ajaccio and formulate a plan to storm the union headquarters."

Old Sean got up and rummaged in the storage room for a while by the light of an oil lamp. He found a dusty topographic map of the surrounding areas of Ajaccio and spread it out on the table.

Lawrence looked at the terrain around the dockworkers union headquarters, frowned, and analyzed:

"This church is built on the beach. There are no other buildings around it, and the terrain is very open. The opponent occupies the building to resist. If we launch an attack in such terrain, the loss is estimated to be considerable."

Ya'an added: "Judging from the amount of materials they purchase each time, the number of people on the other side should be slightly more than ours."

Grosso couldn't help but smacked his lips, touched his chin and said:

"In this way, the opponent has the advantage of terrain and the number of people is not inferior to ours. Not to mention the losses, whether we can capture it is still a question. How about we directly surround the church? Anyway, we have an arrest warrant in hand, and we will not be able to surround it for more than ten days.


Lawrence shook his head and rejected the siege proposal. Pauli might have doubts about the content of the letter at any time. Ciro might also instruct his men to contact Pauli during the siege. Once the misunderstanding between the two parties was resolved, he would be the one in danger.

"We don't have that much time. We must end the battle and kill Silla within the day after tomorrow." Lawrence said in a deep voice.

After saying this, the room fell into a brief silence. The four people all looked at the terrain map on the table and thought about ways to attack.

"damn it!"

Grosso scratched his hair irritably and complained:

"I really want to bring in dozens of artillery pieces to blast that son of a bitch! Or else I can lead a few thousand fucking men and just rush in and kill that damn Ciro Russell."

Lawrence smiled bitterly and shook his head, trying to persuade Grosso to give up his unrealistic ideas.

However, after Lawrence thought about Grosso's words, his eyes suddenly lit up, he slapped his right hand on the table excitedly, and said excitedly:

"Grosso, what you said makes sense. Let's do it this way."


Grosso looked at Lawrence with a strange expression and couldn't help but said:

"Boy, are you hysterical or something? We only have a hundred and a few people, let alone thousands. We can't even get thousands of pigs together in these two days. There are also artillery, the Corsican army

There isn’t much in there, so you can’t even find a place to steal it.”

Even Ya'an and Sean Lao, who had unlimited trust in Lawrence, couldn't help but frown and look at Lawrence, wondering what he was thinking.

Ignoring the puzzled glances of the three, Lawrence lowered his head to look at the terrain map, pondered for half a minute before looking up, looking at the three of them and said resolutely:

"We have artillery. Every merchant ship sailing on the Mediterranean is equipped with artillery. We also have people. Every poor person struggling in Xicheng District who is tortured by gangs is our backing."


After hearing this, the three people couldn't help but look at each other. They were all stunned and didn't know what to say. In the end, the outspoken Grosso was the first to deny it:

"Boy, why don't you say that the poor people all over the world have your back?"

"In a sense, they are too. In addition, I personally like to call them proletarians."

Lawrence coughed twice and explained:

"Ahem, back to the topic, Grosso, you once said you had a way out, right? Can you contact a certain captain? His ship would be best... converted from a warship like the White Rose."

Grosso took a breath, pulled out the map and looked at it twice, and understood what Lawrence meant:

"You want to bombard their headquarters from the sea?! Indeed, their headquarters is less than 600 yards away from the sea, but, boy, this is not something I can do just to impress others."

Lawrence also nodded to express his understanding. A merchant ship openly shelling a country's territory, even if it has a legitimate reason, can easily be counterattacked by the Corsican navy. Only with a lot of money can you find a captain who is willing to take this risk, so he said:

"On the Navy side, I will say hello to them as a lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces. Also, regarding the captain's remuneration..."

As Lawrence spoke, he took out the three Venetian bank deposit slips seized in Sheephorn Bay that day and handed them to Grosso, asking:

"Are these enough?"

Grosso took the deposit slip and glanced at it, his eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed:

"Bearer deposit slips from Venice? Each one is worth five hundred Dhaka gold coins?!"

Old Sean stood up quickly in shock and ran behind Grosso to look at the deposit slips. He had never seen so much money in his life.

"How much are these worth?" Lawrence asked with a frown.

Grosso explained while confirming the authenticity of the three deposit slips:

"Dhaka gold coins are almost equivalent to gold of the same weight. Generally speaking, one hundred and thirty Dhaka gold coins can be exchanged for one pound of gold."

Lawrence calculated in his mind for a moment. The weight of a Dhaka gold coin was about 3.5 grams. Adding in the gold content of 99.5%, the conversion ratio Grosso said was basically correct.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Take two of these deposit slips, and I will sell them to save face. I should be able to persuade a captain."

Grosso looked at the deposit slip in his hand with hot eyes and said, after all, these three thin pieces of paper represent real gold.

Lawrence nodded in agreement. The price was also within his expectation. As for whether Grosso would take advantage of it, as long as the matter could be done, Lawrence didn't care.

"By the way, you can also exchange the remaining one for gold for me." Lawrence added.

Grosso nodded and carefully put the deposit slips into his arms, patted his chest and said:

"No problem. As long as the money is available, I can bring you Spain's flagship. But what do you mean by mobilizing the poor people in Xicheng District?"

Lawrence did not explain directly, but ordered to Ya'an, Grosso and Old Sean:

"After you return to Xicheng District, immediately send people to various grocery stores and grain stores to inquire about customers who often buy oats and bran in large quantities. This must be completed within today."

Old Sean touched his chin in confusion and said:

"Oats and bran? Aren't these the same things that are fed to horses and pigs?"

Lawrence sighed and said:

"In addition to livestock, there are also types of people who are forced to eat these things."

"Hmm? What kind of person?"

"Slaves imprisoned for shipment overseas."

Lawrence thought of the records about Ciro's slave trade recorded in General Berriand's notes that day. It mentioned that Ciro had not provided slaves to the Genoese recently, which meant that he must still be holding a large number of imprisoned people somewhere.

And the poor who were not sent out.

"Ciro Russell couldn't have asked for a better message to spark public outrage than to sell fellow Corsicans like cattle to the Genoese."

This chapter has been completed!
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