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Chapter 160: Is it enough for you to start a family?

 In the prisoner camp.

"I know you, Marshal Liu! You can't touch that knife!"

He Yong, who was holding his head, was just about to stand up when the tip of the thief's knife was handed over to him, so he had to squat down again holding his head: "Brother, look at the tip of the knife, look at the tip of the knife, let's take a step to speak!"

The thief who was guarding the prisoners was an auxiliary soldier. In the battle last night, his brother was killed by artillery fire from the city. He didn't have a good face towards these prisoners. He put away his knife and cursed: "You have too many things to do.

Squat honestly!"

He Yong finally noticed that the pawn was in a bad mood.

This journey was going smoothly. First, I took my servants back to Mizhi's hometown to inquire about the descendants of thieves. I left a few people in each village, and arranged for several servants to find leaders they knew well.

After finishing the work, I walked to Wen'an Station by myself, thinking about how to talk to the bandit soldiers and how to talk to Liu Chengzong.

Last night, He Yong slept in the roofless temple beside the official road fifteen miles away. The roar of cannons scared him so much that he couldn't sleep.

Later, the sound of cannons stopped, and the sound of trampling horse hooves was heard again.

The sound sounds like more than ten riders.

He Yong thought to himself that he was a deserter on the battlefield, so he did not dare to show his head. He waited for the cavalry to leave before leaving the ruined temple. In the end, he was captured by Wei Qian'er's Tangqi team.

I didn't have a chance to identify myself on the way, so my mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth, and I was thrown directly into the prisoner camp. I listened to the groans of the wounded soldiers rolling on the ground, held my head and looked at the half moon.

Finally it was daybreak, and it seemed that the bandit soldiers finally had time to manage the prisoners, and He Yong was very anxious.

What if all the prisoners are trapped and killed in a while? I frantically look for someone to talk to, hoping to meet a fellow Mizhi fellow or a colleague in the frontier army.

Hey, no.

Not a single Mizhi person!

It was rare to encounter a few doctors who came into the camp, but they only bandaged the wounded soldiers whose feet were penetrated by caltrops, and paid no attention to him, a man with sound limbs.

He did not dare to say that he was sent by He Renlong in front of so many officers and soldiers, so he had no choice but to follow and wait for arrangements.

Now he wanted to get the knife back. He Renlong gave him the knife, but the thieves took it away.

It wasn't until a few people entered the prison camp that they didn't know what they said to the guard. Not long after, the angry thief came back, kicked him with his feet and said, "I don't want to take a step to talk. Let's go and dig a hole."
Soon, He Yong and several prisoners were taken to the north of Wen'an Yi City. Someone threw down some shovels and asked them to dig holes.

When they saw the shovel, the expressions of the prisoners changed, but they glanced around and then stopped digging the hole honestly.

There were not many people watching over them, but they were all wearing armor and holding bows and knives. They also comforted them with words: "This is the grave where your fallen soldiers are buried. After you finish this, go back and have some food. Those who are willing to work with us will stay. No."

If you are willing, I will let you go back to Guanzhong."

Now that there were fewer people around, He Yong stepped forward and said: "Brother, listen to my accent. I am not from Guanzhong. I used to know Marshal Liu, please find someone to inform me."

Before the auxiliary soldier could refuse, He Yong quickly added: "If Marshal Liu says he doesn't know me, just chop me up with a knife."

The auxiliary soldier's face showed suspicion, and he deliberately distanced himself by pressing the handle of the knife: "Do you really know the general?"

"We really know each other, please tell someone quickly."

But the auxiliary soldiers asked him what his name was. He Yong looked back at the other prisoners and did not dare to sign up. He only said: "Just tell the commander that Yan Ling will be sent to you in the evening. Remember, ten words."

When these ten words were delivered to the post city, Liu Chengzong, who was leading people to clean up the southeast corner tower, was stunned.

Several cannons were buried in the ruins of the turret. The cannons are actually not important. What is important is the gunpowder and cannonballs.

Not only the enemy's artillery shells, but also the artillery shells fired by them must be picked up.

Moreover, he wanted to see these cannons. Most of the casualties last night were caused by these cannons. Not only the casualties of the Lion Battalion, but also dozens of injured Guanzhong soldiers were also shot by these cannons.
"Send Yan Ling to me tonight?"

Liu Chengzong pondered for a moment, then asked Zhong Bao to watch from the top of the city, and said to the auxiliary soldiers carrying the message: "Bring that man here, as well as the things he had on him when he came, the soldiers, armor, horses, and money, find them all and return them to him."
Only He Yong said this to him.

Seeing He Renlong's retainer captain again, Liu Chengzong leaned on the battlements and looked down. He always felt that He Yong was pitiful despite his restraint.

Liu Chengzong thought many times in his mind about seeing Pao Ze in Yuhe Fort again.

I even thought about meeting outside the battlefield. Most of the people who came were He Yong, but I never thought that He Yong would appear in the prisoner camp.

"Lions, we meet again."

He Yong, who was dressed in single clothes, looked like a prisoner. When he climbed to the top of the city and saw Liu Chengzong, his face was full of helplessness. He said: "Looking for a place to talk?"

Liu Chengzong nodded, and asked someone to bring him some clothes to wear. He found a house in the post city and asked someone to bring some food over. A servant guarded the door and took He Yong in.

Entering the house, the two of them sat on the earthen bed.

He Yong got straight to the point: "It was General He who asked me to come here this time, and he also received the order from the Yulin government office, so...wait a minute, Lion, you and I have no grudges, right?"

Because he was sitting cross-legged on the kang in an open manner, while Liu Chengzong was half squatting on the kang sideways, and he didn't take off his leather belt. He could kill him with a knife at any time, which made him feel frightened.

Liu Chengzong still didn't speak. He looked at him for a long time and nodded.

"What I'm going to say next has nothing to do with me or the general. My brother is just a messenger. If you are angry, don't take it out on me."

He Yong took the vaccination first, and then said: "Now the commander-in-chief is Du Wenhuan. He recruited the general into Yulin a few days ago and wants to give you a message, asking you to pay three thousand taels to release Aimu."

"I'll pay three thousand taels, and then let Aimu go?"

Liu Chengzong thought about a few things that might make him angry earlier, but as soon as He Yong said these words, he didn't even have any mood swings in his heart.

Isn't this a joke?

In his profession, money comes in quickly, but it is indeed not easy to spend the money.

But why can't this money be used for? Throwing it into the Yellow River is like making a noise; sending it to Yulin Town is like capitalizing on the enemy.

Unexpectedly, He Yong hadn't finished speaking yet. He paused and said, "If you add another seven thousand taels, Du Wenhuan will recommend you a general."

Before He Yong came, he thought carefully about the wording of his conversation with Liu Chengzong. Except for referring to He Renlong as a general, all other civil and military officials would call him by his first name, so as to create a distance between the two.

This time Liu Chengzong couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

To be honest, if he didn't have another memory in his mind, knowing that there would be more than ten years of drought and Hong Chengchou, a bastard who wanted to surrender, he would not have considered this suggestion.

Liu Chengzong laughed and said: "He thinks very well, and he doesn't care who he is."

He laughed, and He Yong also laughed. Not only did he laugh, but he also crossed his legs and analyzed: "I said so, if you surrender a general, then whoever surrenders will be the one who gets it."

"Design Li Bei'aimu, or surrender to our general, at least we can show our sincerity; follow the governor and civilian officials who have no trusted generals, fight the hardest bones, at least share the broth and get some advantages."

"What does it mean to be compared to Du Wenhuan?"

He Yong shook his head and said: "Old Du's family has a lot of direct generals, outsiders can only use their lives to chew on the hardest bones, and the grain and salary are not enough to achieve any benefits."


Liu Chengzong felt as if he had just met He Yong. In his impression, He Yong had always been a taciturn and honest man.

The reason for co-writing is that my status was too low before and I never had the chance to see the other side of He Yong!

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Chengzong asked with a smile, "Have you already decided on my next home for me?"


He Yong just followed Liu Shishi's idea and was stunned when he heard this. He quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, I just think the message Du Wenhuan asked the general to send is whimsical."

However, just when He Yong felt that his performance today was pretty good, he suddenly discovered that Liu Chengzong had changed his sitting position.

Liu Chengzong also crossed his legs, and his posture became more relaxed, but the smile on his face was also gone, and he said: "Brother He, you and I have worked together for more than a year, and we both know that there was no enmity in the past, but there was no kindness."<


"You can't come this time to deliver the message. If the message has been delivered, I have sent someone to fetch your armor and horses. You can leave later after having a meal. If the message has not been delivered yet, feel free to say it generously. Don't be conceited.

It's a shame, since I see you, I won't harm you."

He doesn't like He Yong sitting here like an old friend.

He is not a fool.

Back in Yuhe Fort, the relationship between the two was just as he said, with no enmity or grudges, just a simple business trip without any personal relationship.

Nowadays, one soldier and one thief are confiding in each other.


It's better to be honest and honest, and do whatever can be done easily, and forget about the ones that don't.

At this time of getting close, the feeling for Liu Chengzong was like ‘Are you here?’ before borrowing money

Can it be up to me whether I'm here or not? It just depends on what you're going to say.

Liu Chengzong's posture became more relaxed, but He Yong became nervous. He shook his head and said, "I still have something to say, but I don't know."

"Don't know?"

"General He asked me to tell you this, but the general only said this to tell you. It doesn't matter what you plan to do. I heard what he meant, just to come over and have a relationship with you."

He Yong actually didn't know what his mission was, and he couldn't even figure out what He Renlong was thinking.

I only know that He Renlong’s method is to have a relationship with Mizhi Qun Korra, and the purpose is to promote the garrison of Yuhe Fort and make a fortune.

But he doesn’t know what lies between the means and achieving the goal.

A thief?

He didn't know what benefit the bandits could bring to He Renlong. Even if he could help the bandits to respect themselves, it would not be the turn of the small Yuhe Fort to defend themselves.

He Yong said: "Dashuai Liu helped the brothers analyze and analyze. What did the general want to do when he asked me to come here?"

"No one close to you knows about it, how can I know?"

Liu Chengzong didn't want to help him analyze it, so he shook his head and said, "Why don't you tell me how Du Wenhuan plans to deal with me."

"How do I know this? I still want to come to you when I am desperate."

He Yong thought for a while and said: "But when the general came out of the General Military Office, he said that Du Wenhuan had gathered several guerrilla generals in Yulin and he didn't know what they were going to do."

This is useful information.

Liu Chengzong was thinking about the use of guerrilla generals. Before he could figure it out, he heard He Yong sighing and saying to himself: "Coming out of Yulin, I have never seen a general like that. It's very uncomfortable. Those guerrilla generals are younger than him. He asked

What have I been doing these past ten years?"

"I want to know too. They said they would try to make a chicken or a dog ascend to heaven, but even if they tried hard, the general would not become an immortal, and I would not ascend to heaven either."

"Brother He told me this because there is no one to talk to in Yuhe Fort?"

It's interesting to say that compared to He Renlong, He Yong, Liu Chengzong trusts Fu Renxi, who they just met a little while ago.

At least Fu Renxi behaved normally. He said he was hungry when he was cold, and said he wanted to go to Liaodong when he wanted to.

Instead of always looking for excuses like He Yong.

Liu Chengzong felt that he was just making excuses, but this excuse was not necessarily used to convince him. It could also be that He Yong was trying to convince himself.

Sure enough, He Yong ignored his ridicule and just said to himself: "I'm not young anymore. I don't dare to think about it. If I want to have enough food and clothing, and start a family, you say... I can use the information of the army in exchange for food and clothing."

Worry-free, do you want to start a family?"

That makes sense.

But it’s not even interesting.

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "The little information from Yuhe Fort is enough to buy a few new clothes, but I'm afraid it's not enough to start a family."

"I won't give you the news about Yuhe Fort. The imperial court owes me two years of military pay. I'll sell it for a good price. The brothers in Yuhe Fort don't owe me anything, Du Wenhuan."

He Yong gritted his teeth and said: "Yulin Town is sending troops south, but I can't hide it from Yuhe Fort. Is this enough to start a family?"

Liu Chengzong said nothing.

He weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

He Yong's arrival may not be a spy sent by He Renlong to gain his trust.

But Yulin Town sent troops southward, and it was true that they could not bypass Yuhe Fort.

Before the soldiers and horses arrive at Yuhe Fort, Tangqi will come to deliver the message. The troops and rations should be prepared, the horses that should be replaced, and the patients who should be placed will be arranged in advance.

He Yong's words are indeed very tempting.

He was thinking, even if He Yong was He Renlong's spy, how could he turn this person into his spy?

At least, be a double agent.

"Brother He, how much money does the court owe you?"

He Yong was overjoyed when he heard this, and almost without thinking: "By next month, it will be one hundred and fifteen taels and three cents."

"Okay, I remember you studied in the castle, five taels."

Liu Chengzong raised his hands in front of him and said to the very disappointed He Yong: "I want to guard all Tangbaodibao that I can see."

"You can't leave the fort, so I'll send you to Crouching Mountain in the south of Yanchuan County every month to find your relatives. As long as I'm not dead, I'll give you five taels of silver every month."

"If Yulin Town sends troops south, he only needs to send troops south, wherever they go, where they are stationed, once every 12 times; if they come to suppress me, once every 22 times; whether they are powerful and I escape, or I seize the lead

I'll ambush them once, just once."

"The imperial court can give you official positions, but Mizhi is not my territory and I can't give them. But as long as the letter you reported comes in handy once, it's just a fraction, one hundred and fifteen taels. I, Liu Shizi, will give you all the money the imperial court owes you.


"Lion you..."

He Yong's eyes widened, something was stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything. He blinked hard, swallowed and said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. Brother He worked for me and delivered twelve taels of silver to the residence and the pond without incident a year. I got sixty taels. If I send military information, two hundred taels of silver a year, will it be enough for you to start a family?

This chapter has been completed!
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