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Chapter 252: One shot and one sheep


God gives life, and the body is a boat. Living is a necessary step for life to reach the other side, and death is the same.

Large guns and wooden cannons roared in the mountains, and smoke covered the clouds and mountains. Only lead bullets shot through the clouds.

The Bianma wall made of red willows was penetrated, and the clay layer was also fragmented.

The flag hanging on the castle kept swinging, and the cannonballs crossed the city wall and hit the mani pile engraved with scriptures. The soldiers forgot to take shelter amid the cries of their comrades, and stared at the largest mandala in the history of Nangqian, and

The most spectacular spellcasting by a spellcaster.

Bai Lijun, a mute substitute who failed to obtain a Geshe degree, could do nothing about it.

The warriors tried their best to draw the single long bow to full length, and took advantage of the height advantage to send the arrows to extremely high and far distances. However, they were always blown away by the fierce mountain wind and could not touch the still smoking and roaring mandala.


Tiny manpower is not enough to restrain a great weapon like black powder.

The loading speed of the big gun is very slow, but the speed of thousands of soldiers transporting barrels and wood along the mountain is very fast.

At first, there were only twelve artillerymen who used wooden cannons to bombard the city. However, when the retreating Liuhe artillery was displaying dozens of pieces and had nowhere to place them, they rolled down the cliff. Cao Yao ordered the other twelve under his command to assemble the wooden cannons.

Soldiers were also sent up, holding cannons and shooting alternately on the stone steps.

A scream came from Awang's ears.

Before he could react, stains mixed with flesh and blood splashed on the white wall on the top of the castle.

Awang turned around and saw that the strong lieutenant was looking down at his chest. He slowly stretched out his hand and picked out a small piece of broken lead from the broken cast iron breastplate.

The deputy general wanted to lift up this piece of lead and show it to Awang. It was a magic weapon used by the enemy.

He said: "Fire, cremation."

But the next moment, the deputy general's legs could no longer support his heavy body, and he staggered twice and fell down suddenly.

A large lead bullet was drilled into his chest, but on his back where the chainmail was hanging, radiating towards his ribs, seven or eight holes in the fine iron ring locks were filled with lead sheets.

Ngawang Daiben looked along the trajectory towards the lower outer wall of the castle. There was a soldier holding a sling still standing there. There were no blood stains or wounds on his black felt jacket. He looked like he had been frightened.
But when a tiger hero in wolf skin ran across the cracked border wall and bumped into him deliberately, the body that had been dead for a long time fell on its back, tripped on the inside of the wall, and fell upside down.

Inside the city.

Awang could even imagine the crunching sound of his body falling on the stone surface.

He shook his head, unable to sew anymore.

The monks at Ganden Monastery never taught him how to treat such an injury.

King Baili did not say how to fight this kind of battle. Seeing that the bravest tiger heroes on the front line had abandoned the wall that blocked the arrows, retreated to the open space in the city, and led the soldiers to prepare for close combat.

Awang couldn't do anything, he was beaten silly.

This fortress was built four hundred years ago. At that time, the firearms used by people were called pear spears, the weapons in the field were strong bows and crossbows, and the siege equipment was cannons that could not be transported up the mountain road.

Therefore the fortress is impregnable.

But facing this kind of enemy?

Monk Awang stood on tiptoe on the top floor of the castle and looked towards the mountain platform. The thick smoke gradually dissipated. People were using a six-foot-long pipe to load ammunition for a large gun that was nearly eight feet in length.

There is a white horse galloping in the open space of the castle. The officer on the horse is wearing an iron helmet with a white tassel. It is the white horse that is blowing its shin horn and making a sharp sound to gather the soldiers.

About... more than two hundred people gathered?

Awang searched for people all over the world, and finally found countless soldiers running in that direction through the city wall at the back gate of the castle near the mountain road to the west.

Someone has already gone out and is running down the mountain.

Awang also wanted to run away, but if he ran away like this, he would be sorry for King Baili who appreciated him.

So he also walked towards the castle grounds.

He did not draw his sword, but just turned the prayer wheel, opened and closed his mouth, and recited scriptures that only he could hear. He stood in a crowd of tiger heroes and greatly inspired them.

The white horse was originally going to leave the city to meet the enemy.

The enemy's 'mandala' on the mountain platform is only more than ten feet high from the city gate, hundreds of paces away, and only a few dozen people can stand there.

Baima Ruben stopped Monk Ngawang from wanting to accompany him on the expedition.

He said: This requires supreme bravery, using human power to kill the great spell master in the smoke. If they are defeated by the enemy spell master, they hope that Ngawang Dai can recite sutras for them and guide their souls to the other side.

The city gate is open, and the white horse is walking with a sword in hand, and my heart cannot be calm for a long time.

He is not afraid of death, and the source of his uneasiness lies in Ngawang Daiben in the castle... He had never noticed it before, until this time when he interrupted the spell-casting battle, he suddenly realized a problem.

This is not right.

Monk Ngawang has no tongue, so he chants sutras by humming with his voice, and his recitation is very perfunctory.

If this one-eyed monk can send him to the other side, his youngest son, who cannot speak yet, can also send him to the other side by spinning a prayer wheel.

But that’s all Baima Ruben thought of.

Cao Yao has been waiting.

According to his idea, the artillery position is here, and the enemy troops cannot stand on the red wall of the White City, and sooner or later they will have to attack in full.

Although this is fundamentally different from Baima Ru's original purpose of interrupting the spellcasting, the process is different and leads to the same goal.

The wooden cannonman on the mountain road saw the city gate open and fired his cannon upwards.

The white horse Ruben was extremely conspicuous among a group of tiger heroes wearing tiger and wolf skins. Three cannonballs hit him one after another. He may have only felt one before he rolled down the stone steps.

After seven or eight steps, he tilted his body to the side, rolled out of the stairs, and followed the trajectory of the wooden cannons that were shot and thrown down the cliff, and went to the bottom of the mountain to meet Liu Shishi.

Wang Wenxiu made all preparations, except for the human bomb offensive.

When the tiger heroes rushed down from the mountain road, his light bird cannon team released rows of guns. The heroes swept everything in the mountain road with their corpses, scaring the artillerymen to dodge one after another until they broke through the shield wall one by one.

Throwing stones and bows and arrows, several brave heroes jumped into the formation with swords in hand and bumped into Wang Wenxiu's side, a veteran who had fought against the enemy.

Soldiers and armor collided. The tiger heroes deliberately avoided the iron arm restraints and slashed at the lion army. They were surprised to find that the iron knife struck the cotton-padded jacket and made a sound of iron collision.

What the fuck is this spell?

And there is no one on the mountain platform who looks like a curse master.

Someone shouted: "They fell into the trap, their spell master is at the bottom of the mountain!"

Morale plummeted for a moment, and people rushed to run up, only to be surrounded by lion soldiers resting on the surrounding mountain slopes. From time to time, wooden cannons loaded with gravel were fired from the side.

Wang Wenxiu took advantage of the situation and led his troops to attack.

When the tiger heroes died and were wounded, the remaining Baili soldiers' will to resist quickly receded. Some surrendered, escaped, and some looked for opportunities to push the soldiers around them down the mountain after surrendering.

For a time, the mountain road became a mess.

The defenders who were the first to flee back to the city were in shock, which affected the soldiers who were preparing to fight to the death. People rushed to seal the gate.

As the top commander in the city, the mute monk Ngawang is like an outsider. Fortunately, the officers in his army are well-trained... The remaining two could have completed his mission of commanding the soldiers on his behalf.

This kind of command method in which the supreme commander serves as a mascot is not necessarily weak. In the Ming Dynasty, Yang Yanchang, known as the God of War in Yan'an, understood the essence of this automated command.

I can’t say how powerful I am, I can only say that I have never lost.

Although there were only 200 people, a blue horse Ruben led a hundred people to seal the city gate and formed an array inside the city to prepare for possible close combat.

Another dark horse, Ruben, led the troops into the two-story stone building below the castle, using square windows and shooting holes to block the siege army.

Anyway, they didn't dare to stay in the Bianma Wall that was designed to protect against arrows. It wasn't bulletproof and was far less reassuring than a stone wall.

The most important thing is above the city gate, where there is a shooting hole for throwing stones and pouring hot water. The copper pot has been filled with ice, and it is just waiting for it to heat up before pouring it down.

Unexpectedly, the ice has not yet melted. The siege army did not need ladders or bumps against wood. Several lion soldiers rushed towards the city gate with their poles straight up.

The soldiers who were holding muskets and drawing bows through the window were dumbfounded.

"He, hurry! Go and tell Ruben that they plan to pole vault into the castle!"

The city gate here is not like the city gate in the Central Plains. You can walk directly to the city gate by walking up the steps. The city gate is also as narrow as the door of a house.

Immediately afterwards, there were several explosions in succession.

The defenders behind the gate were frightened when they heard the clanging sound of the city gate.

With a bang, he hit the right place, the door bolt crashed down, the wooden door was kicked open, and then the armored sergeants rushed into the castle and fought with the defenders in the small space.

From the moment they entered the castle, the defenders suffered great mental pressure.

They have never seen such an aggressive enemy.

This small castle is just like those castles built by the Ming army on the border. It was completely born out of war. However, it was built on the top of a mountain and naturally made full use of the geographical location. Almost every corner and every corridor was designed to allow the defenders to escape.

Gain the local advantage of using more to defeat less.

But this advantage disappeared in front of the Lions.

Wang Wenxiu rushed into the fortress. His first reaction was not to let his elite infantry search for the remaining enemies. Instead, he asked the artillery to take the lead, filling the wooden cannon with a handful of iron slag and blocking the dark corridor.

How to fight this?

Several people took turns in the room with slings and dog-beating sticks, and when they went out, they planned to hit the enemy soldiers on the opposite side of the corridor with stones. They had just stepped out and before taking aim, there was a bang, and the entire corridor was filled with smoke.<


Pieces of iron were sprayed everywhere, and the people outside were beaten to a bloody pulp just six or seven steps away.

Baili's army was all sealed in the house. Originally, these wooden cannons that emitted smoke and fired bombs were like magic weapons rather than weapons to the soldiers.

Even if a few knowledgeable people say this is a weapon, Baili's slave boys don't believe it.

Just realizing that you are dealing with a powerful magician requires superhuman courage.

These birdmen must have taken the arm of the master of the corpse forest, right?

Everyone who could run ran away.

They really couldn't run out, so they were anxious in the house. Some people turned out of the window in a hurry.

If you are lucky, you can escape as soon as you can. If you are not lucky, you will be suppressed by muskets and cannons and dare not show your head.

The disadvantage of being a mute general is fully demonstrated at this time.

The two Ruben each had their own information and passed it on to the Chinese army one after another, but the deputy general was dead and Monk Ngawang could not say anything to encourage morale.

So much so that while the troops inside the city wall were still resisting, the soldiers in the small square in the middle were frightened and fled one after another.

At the foot of the mountain, Baiyan Taiji sat cross-legged on the ground, head raised and puzzled.

He just saw a group of King Bailey's men running down the west side of the castle. When his people climbed up the stone steps half a month ago, the enemy was not like this.

When he got close to eighty steps, he would shoot arrows from three sides. When he got closer to fifty steps, he would fire muskets to hit people. When he got closer, he would throw stones like rain. His desperate spirit of defending the city made no one of his herdsmen want to take advantage of this difficult nut.


Why did Liu Shishi's men go up and the enemy ran away from the west before they even entered the city?

Is it just because of those wooden shell cannons that can be made in a short time?

The craftsmen were all found by his tribe. Baiyan Taiji knew best how crudely made those things were.

An apprentice blacksmith may not be able to make a knife well, but in the same amount of time, he can at least make the iron barrels of twenty wooden cannons.

Wood is even easier. It is just a trunk. Spruce trees are everywhere here. The fir trees are very round and straight. Use an ax to cut them into four-foot pillars. Cut them from the middle. Cut out three feet, divide them into six parts, and stuff the iron shell.

Go in, six in one, reinforced with iron bars, and bundled with belts and ropes.

Even the burrs on the wooden shell are not removed, and it becomes an artillery that can hit a hundred steps.

It is said that Taiji is reflecting on this, why didn't he think of this thing when he went to hide it?

There are hundreds of these things, Zangba Khan’s Thirteen Fortresses, let him demolish them all!

After thinking about it for a while, Taiji, followed by the guards, walked down the mountain to check on Liu Shishi, whose body had fallen down.

"How many sheep do you have?"


Liu Shizi was dumbfounded by the question. One of his soldiers just rolled down the mountain. This was the fourth time since the war. He was knocked down by the enemy who pretended to surrender.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Fortunately, the enemy who bumped into him was also dragged down by him and used as a meat cushion, so he is still alive, but seriously injured.

There was another person before. I don’t know whether he was knocked down or fell down by himself. He was wearing 40 kilograms of armor and rolled down without looking like anything.

Pretending that Taiji suddenly showed up with some sheep, Liu Shizi didn’t know what he wanted to buy.

"Just this broken cannon and a few sheep, I bought them for Tibet."

Liu Chengzong suddenly realized it and rejected him: "This one will explode. It's just for emergency. It's not suitable for you."

He squinted his eyes and said, "You are so uninteresting."

"I'm serious. If you really want it, there are almost a hundred broken houses on the ground. I'll give you whatever you can. No sheep, my friend."

After Liu Shizi said this, he shook his head again and said, "But I'm serious, it's not suitable for you."

His soldiers know gunpowder and know how to use cannons. The wooden cannon is only a temporary measure. The first cannon is loaded with a normal amount of gunpowder, and there is no need to use this cannon for the second shot. If it must be fired, then use half the gunpowder and pack loose powder for close combat.<


This is a plateau with insufficient oxygen. The proportion of nitrate, sulfur and carbon must change with the height of the terrain. Even under normal circumstances, the proportion of nitrate must also change depending on the purity, in order to maximize the power of gunpowder.

None of the herdsmen who pretended to be Taiji possessed this knowledge.

The most important thing is that due to the scarcity of iron tools in the Huoluochi tribe, they can use cast iron, three or five cannons and a waist knife to go out.

To shoot stone bombs, pretend that the entire army will just pick up stones on the plateau.

The soldiers at the foot of the mountain suddenly started shouting "Long Live the Mountain", and Liu Chengzong raised his head. The Jiancheng Mountain Fortress, which was said to be surrounded until the end of the year, and the defenders planned to defend it until October, had already planted a big flag with his surname.

"I can give them all to you, but don't ask me for the cannonballs. I don't have time to make them for you. If you want to ask me for them after entering Tibet, I will give you one sheep per shot."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong clapped his hands: "Let's go up and have a look at this castle that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

This chapter has been completed!
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