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Chapter 4300 The situation in Shanzhou (1)

Although Huanglong City is not the strongest city on the land of Shanzhou, Huanglong City is the richest city in the three states.

The three major chambers of commerce in Huanglong City have extremely rich foundations. It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the elixirs, magical weapons, elixirs, and divine passages in Shanzhou came from the city. The three major chambers of commerce have raised a large number of alchemists.

Masters, weapon refiners, and formation masters have continuously provided the three major chambers of commerce with thunder tribulation wealth.

The city protection formation of Huanglong City is also one of the best in Shanzhou. It is called the "Huangtian Dragon Protection Formation". This formation came from the Eternal Demon Sect. After being purchased by the three major chambers of commerce in Huanglong City, it was added to the

The array master concentrated on research and continuously improved the power of the array. Today's Huangtian Dragon Protection Array can be regarded as the best city protection array in Shanzhou. Even compared to Jingyang City's 'Nine Yang Spirit Gathering Array' and

Cang Lei Sect's 'Thundering Formation' is no less impressive.

If the three major chambers of commerce are unwilling to fight the monsters head-on, relying on the Wild Sky Dragon Protection Formation, coupled with the wealth accumulated by the three major chambers of commerce over the years and the countless panacea in the city, they can hold on for ten years.

However, it is obvious that the Monster Clan is well aware of the profound background of Huanglong City, and also understands that if the Monster Clan attacks the city, Huanglong City will definitely not fight head-on. Therefore, the Monster Clan has made a plan to first send strong men into the city to assassinate the people in the city.

Disciples from various wealthy families wantonly massacred civilian warriors in the city, causing people to panic. At that time, Huanglong City will inevitably fall apart bit by bit, people will be scattered, and the strong will leave.

By then, even if Huanglong City has a profound foundation, if there are no powerful warriors to unleash the power of these foundations, it will be nothing more than a pile of scrap metal.

A magical weapon, if placed in a treasure house, will only gather dust. Only in the hands of a strong man will it shine with dazzling light.

"If the three major chambers of commerce in Huanglong City cannot put down the demon clan chaos in Huanglong City within a short period of time, many strong men will leave Huanglong City and go to Jingyang City and Canglei Sect.

The number of strong men in the city will be greatly reduced, which is not good news for Huanglong City."

"That's fine with the loss of strong men. After all, the three major chambers of commerce in Huanglong City have been established for many years, and there are still many loyal people under their command, but what about the ordinary warriors in Huanglong City? Facing the large-scale massacre of the demon clan, they must be panic-stricken.

, once the hearts of the people are dispersed, it will be easier for the demon clan to take over Huanglong City."

Lin Bai took a deep breath and saw that the current situation in Huanglong City was not optimistic and was already in danger, standing on the edge of a cliff.

Zhou Xi nodded seriously and said: "Master is absolutely right!"

Lin Bai said: "Furthermore, what I'm worried about is...if the three major chambers of commerce have been unable to capture these demon clans for a long time, and these demon clans continue to massacre in Huanglong City, and people's hearts are broken, once the demon clan offers a little benefit, I'm afraid

These ordinary warriors have to open the defense formation of Huanglong City to let the monsters enter the city!"

Zhou Xi stared and exclaimed: "This... warriors from Huanglong City wouldn't be so stupid, right?"

Lin Bai said with a smile: "Life and death hang on a thread. At that time, whoever can save their lives will follow him!"

"If I were a demon clan, I would wait until the hearts of the people in Huanglong City collapsed, and then issue a notice to the warriors in Huanglong City. As long as the three major chambers of commerce and warriors in Huanglong City declare their surrender to the demon clan, the demon clan can withdraw immediately.

Let’s join forces with the demon clan and promise not to kill any warriors from Huanglong City!”

"If Huanglong City is unwilling to surrender, then the demon clan can guarantee that they will massacre every day in the city!"

"At that time, the people in Huanglong City will be panicked. After being unable to withstand the pressure of the demon clan, many ordinary warriors will definitely unite to put pressure on the three major chambers of commerce. This will be like a spark that starts a prairie fire. Once one person attacks the three major chambers of commerce,

Pressure, all warriors in Huanglong City will abide by it."

"Although the three major chambers of commerce are the indomitable superpowers in Huanglong City, there are more than hundreds of millions of ordinary warriors in Huanglong City. Even if their cultivation base is not high, even if they only have the cultivation base of the divine elixir realm, hundreds of millions of warriors are going to

Even the three major chambers of commerce will be unable to resist you."

"Even if the three major chambers of commerce used their secrets to suppress these rebellious ordinary warriors, the demon clan's goal has been achieved. They have caused civil strife in Huanglong City and weakened the power of Huanglong City. By then, the demon clan has conquered

Huanglong City is also very easy!"

"So, no matter how the demon clan's plan goes, the demon clan has already taken advantage of this battle!"

"If Huanglong City doesn't have any countermeasures, it can only sit back and wait for death!"

Hearing Zhou Xi's analysis of the situation facing Huanglong City today, he couldn't help but sigh: "Listening to the master's analysis of the current situation is extremely refreshing. The master's judgment on the current situation in Shanzhou and the situation in Huanglong City can be said to be the best in today's Shanzhou.

There are only a handful of people in the state, and this old slave deeply admires his master!"

Lin Bai shook his head and said: "No, in the huge demon world and the huge mountain state, there are many, many smarter people than me, and there are many more outstanding people than me... There must be some warriors in the mountain state today who have seen the subtlety of the situation.

But many people speak softly, and their words do not have much effect on the Shanzhou warriors. What they say, many Shanzhou warriors regard as farts."

“That’s the truth behind the saying that the authorities are blind to the beholder!”

"Since I entered Shanzhou, I have never thought about interfering in the war in Shanzhou. Looking at this matter from the perspective of a bystander, I can naturally see it much more clearly than they do."

Are there no smart people in Shanzhou? Lin Bai didn’t believe it.

Is there no one in Shanzhou who can see through the current situation? Lin Bai didn't believe it either.

But why do some people see through the situation, but the demon clan still invades again?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Lin Bai knew the real cause of the Shanzhou riots from the beginning, which was the internal fighting among the top officials of Shanzhou. Jingyang City and Canglei Sect were at odds with each other. Instead of resisting the invasion of the demon clan, they wanted to

We need to use the power of the demon clan to weaken the opponent's strength.

As the leader of the sect and city of Shanzhou, and as the leader of hundreds of millions of people in Shanzhou, how can Shanzhou not be in chaos if the top officials are so stupid?

Even if there are Shanzhou warriors who have seen through the current situation and reported it to Jingyang City and Canglei Sect, all their thoughts are now on weakening the opponent's strength, and they do not care at all for these soft-spoken warriors.


The only city of Desolate Dragon that stood up to resist the demon clan was only a merchant city. There were only a handful of them doing business, but when it came to fighting on the battlefield and fighting for their lives, they were still far behind!

Coupled with external reasons, when he was in the Fire Lizard Clan, Lin Bai secretly heard that the "Eternal Demon Alliance" was secretly helping the demon clan. With external help, the demon clan's strength increased greatly; the three major demon clans in Shanzhou had hoarded a large amount of property.

After being sent to the Eternal Demon Sect and claiming to conquer Shanzhou, the Shanzhou Monster Clan still surrendered to the Eternal Demon Sect and cut off the external aid of the Shanzhou Human Clan. So now, for the Shanzhou warriors, it is undoubtedly a battle between trapped beasts! Being attacked by the Monster Clan

It will be destroyed sooner or later.

This chapter has been completed!
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