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Chapter 7211 Red Lotus Sword Technique and the Life and Death of Palm Edge!

Tianjianfeng discussed the Tao. From the beginning, Junjun Feng and Lin Bai practiced their respective sword skills and fingering skills. Later, the two simply used the name of competition to hone their magical abilities in actual combat.

After another three months, half a year had passed since the Tianjian Peak discussion, and Lin Bai and Xiao Junfeng had gained a lot.

Lin Bai completely perfected the first four moves of his own sword technique.

The first move: Zhu Xian

This sword technique was originally created by Lin Bai when he was in the Mangu Continent. However, because the martial arts in the Mangu Continent was not prosperous and Lin Bai's cultivation strength was not high, due to the limitations of the world at that time, this sword could not be used to its full potential.

full potential.

But now, after Xiao Junfeng's practice and sharpening, coupled with Lin Bai's many years of knowledge of the sword, he finally completely overturned the foundation of Zhuxian's sword, and pushed this sword to perfection again.

In order to distinguish the difference between this sword and the Zhuxian sword, Lin Bai completely renamed this sword "Red Lotus Zhuxian Sword".

The second move: Red Lotus Evil Fire Slash.

This move was used when Lin Bai left the ancient continent and was attacked by the giant gods. His life was hanging by a thread, and he even thought it was impossible to survive.

Under that situation, Lin Bai's heart was filled with countless rage, despair, and anger, and he had the urge to tear everything in the world into pieces, full of blood, cruelty, and ruthlessness.

This trick had already begun to sprout at that time. Later, Lin Bai finally understood it under the guidance of the former spiritual world power in the stone wall of the temple outside Jiuyou City.

As soon as it was created, it already had some firepower. After Lin Bai's long-term magical training, it already had the rudimentary form of swordsmanship.

After discussing the Tao at Tianjian Peak, and under the sharpening skills of Xiao Junfeng, Lin Bai gradually perfected this sword technique to a small level.

The third move: Red Lotus Ten Thousand Swords Seal.

This move was suddenly realized by Lin Bai just now after watching "Nine Seals of the Might of Heaven". He was watching the snow in front of the crenellations of the city wall of Yongyeguan, and finally saw thousands of flying snow falling, like a heavenly sword piercing the mortal world.

Dancing his sword in the snow, Lin Bai finally found a clue and created the Ten Thousand Sword Seal.

Then, at Tianjian Peak, where he sharpened his sword by Jun Junfeng, Lin Bai gradually perfected this sword technique, which he called... the Red Lotus Ten Thousand Sword Seal.

The fourth move: Red Lotus Sword Domain!

This was a manifestation of Lin Bai not using the Heaven-Devouring Dao Domain in order to communicate with Xiao Junfeng.

Xiao Junfeng felt that Lin Bai's Dao domain was somewhat interesting, so he slowly began to deduce it, and finally helped Lin Bai perfect this sword technique.

It is no exaggeration to say... this move of Red Lotus Sword Domain is a brand new sword technique created by Lin Bai and Wei Junfeng based on Tianjian Peak's discussion of Tao.

This sword technique has absolutely no connection with Lin Bai's Heaven-Swallowing Dao Domain.

It's just that Xiao Junfeng didn't know.

Lin Bai is currently in the early stage of Daluo Daoguo, and is still far away from becoming a true master of supernatural powers. And his current four sword techniques cannot be the final version of Lin Bai's sword techniques.

In the future, perhaps Lin Bai will gain some insights during his practice, and thus learn other brand-new sword techniques.

However, these first four sword techniques have already been initially perfected, and they only need to be polished by Lin Bai in the future. As Lin Bai's cultivation improves, these four sword techniques will gradually be perfected.

As for Xiao Junfeng, Lin Bai also helped him a lot.

Lin Bai saw that Wei Junfeng's Heaven-Looking Finger was extremely powerful, but it was not perfect.

Look at the sky and point your finger, it's like a finger.

However, the palm of a normal warrior should have five fingers. Based on this, Lin Bai started to deduce backwards for looking at the sky. Combined with the tips of the "Swallowing Heaven Dao Domain", Lin Bai soon got it.

After some exchanges with Xiao Junfeng, Xiao Junfeng suddenly became enlightened and sharpened his sword with Lin Bai, and finally perfected the Sky-Watching Finger.

His magical channel method has a total of five moves:

The first move is to look at the sky.

The second move: Breaking the Sky Finger.

The third move is the broken star finger.

The fourth move is the Immortal Destroying Finger.

The fifth move is the cause and effect finger.

The five fingering techniques exist completely independently, but they can also be performed together.

When all five fingers come out together, it is the strongest power of this set of fingering techniques. Junfeng Junfeng calls it..."the birth and death of the palm edge".

This technique is so powerful that even when Lin Bai sharpened his sword for the first time, he was frightened when Ao Junfeng performed "Palm Edge Life and Death".

He Gongji, Tang Xiong, Wen Lao and others who were sitting aside and watching silently also exclaimed repeatedly, claiming that this technique has the greatest potential of "immortal magic" in the history of the devil world.

Xiao Junfeng's understanding of the divine channel method far exceeded Lin Bai's expectations, and even made Lin Bai feel that he was far above him.

It was as if he had divine help. He understood all the Kung Fu books with just a few clicks and quickly became proficient in them.

Lin Bai even thought that Ao Junfeng also possessed the supreme form? Otherwise, how could he have such extraordinary understanding?

Daozi Yuyou and Shengzi Muhe didn't say a word from the beginning of their discussion on Taoism. They just silently watched Lin Bai and Xiao Junfeng's drill.

They also gained a lot of benefits from the exercise.

These two people even felt that they seemed to be able to create impressive methods and magical methods.

The drill between the two sides is over. With their current cultivation attainments and experience, they can only deduce Lin Bai's "Red Lotus Sword Technique" and Xiao Junfeng's "The Life and Death of the Palm" to this point.

If they still want to perfect their swordsmanship and fingering skills, then Lin Bai and Wei Junfeng need to practice again for a period of time. If they have insights, they can practice again.

After stopping to talk, Lin Bai and Xiao Junfeng sat side by side on a big rock, drinking bitter wine while looking at the wind and snow covering the outside world.

"Brother Lin, you performed "The Life and Death of the Palm" for me, which greatly improved my strength. If this spreads out, I am afraid that the warriors in the Eastern Region will not feel at ease."

Xiao Junfeng took a sip of bitter wine and said with a wry smile.

"Didn't Brother Ming create the "Red Lotus Sword Technique" just to deduce it? Without Brother Ming's help, it might take me at least several thousand years to perfect the first four sword techniques."

Lin Bai didn't take it seriously.

Xiao Junfeng sighed: "What I mean is...Brother Lin, how about you and I each resign from our responsibilities in our respective territories?"

"If you and I travel together, where can we go in this world?"

"Even if we don't want to stay in the demon world anymore, with the methods and abilities of the two of us, where can we not make a breakthrough in all the worlds?"

"First go to the Seven Realms of Heaven. It is said that the gods of ancient times are buried there, and the secret of becoming an immortal is hidden there."

"Let's go see if the Seven Realms of Heaven are as magical as the rumors say."

"Then go to the spirit world and have a look. After all, the demon world and the demon world are territories separated from the spirit world. It is said that the spirit world is the origin of all laws."

"I would like to see the rumored ten righteous ways in the spiritual world and the ten evil ways in the spiritual world!"

"Then go to the demon world and eat the legendary dragon liver and phoenix marrow, or capture a few fox women to serve us."

"Brother Lin may not know that the women of the Fox Clan in the Demon World are known as the most beautiful women in all worlds. It is said that if any man is not moved by the sight of a Fox Clan woman, he must not be a man."

"If we have a chance, let's go to the underworld again and see if the legendary place of reincarnation is really in the underworld?"

"I also want to know... does reincarnation exist? Does reincarnation only reincarnate in the four major interfaces? Does reincarnation return to other interfaces besides the devil world, demon world, underworld, and spiritual world."

Xiao Junfeng looked at the horizon and slowly talked about what he wanted to do. (End of chapter)

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