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Chapter 7279 Little blizzard!

Although the Palace Master of the Nine Nether Demon Palace has cultivated the "Immortal Soul Art" to the pinnacle, after all, the territory of the Northern Territory is too vast and his divine thoughts cannot completely cover it.

After Li Guxian and the Palace Master of Jiuyou Demon Palace introduced Lin Bai to many details about the Northern Territory, they asked Lin Bai to prepare.

"Senior Brother Dizi's trip to the Northern Territory will be kept strictly confidential at Yongye Pass. We will only tell the outside world that Senior Brother Dizi is in retreat."

"In addition, in order not to alarm others, Senior Brother Dizi can only take Mr. Wen with him when he goes to the Northern Territory. No other warriors can leave Yongye Pass."

"It's enough to have Mr. Wen follow you." Lin Bai nodded in agreement.

When you go to the Northern Territory, the more people there are, the more chaotic it becomes.

If possible, Lin Bai would like to go alone, but only Mr. Wen has the contact information for many secret agents and spies in Jiuyou Demon Palace, so Lin Bai has to bring Mr. Wen with him.

At midnight.

Under the cover of Li Guxian and the Palace Master of Jiuyou Demon Palace, Lin Bai and Wen Lao left Yongye Pass silently as two afterimages and flew towards the North Territory.

The entire journey was covered by the spiritual thoughts of the Palace Master of the Nine Nether Demon Palace. Even though the Northern Territory warriors had arranged many secret sentries around Yongye Pass, they could not see Lin Bai and Mr. Wen leaving.

Entering the Northern Territory, the cold wind howls.

Heavy snow covered the sky and the sun, and the howling cold wind was as cold as a knife.

Even though Lin Bai had practiced the Five Elements Dao Body, his physical strength was extremely strong, but he could not withstand the brutal wind and snow erosion in the Northern Territory.

"Your Majesty, over there is the East Glacier River, which belongs to the frontline position of warriors from the Northern Territory."

"We'd better go around them."

Speeding through the wind and snow, Lin Bai suddenly opened his magic eyes and looked forward, and saw warm-colored candles burning on the ground in the snow-covered sky ahead.

These candles are the only lights in this dark world.

The candles were connected together, covering several mountains and rivers. Under the light of the fire, signs of the activities of the warriors were vaguely visible.

There are tens of millions of warriors from the Northern Territory gathered at the East Glacier River, ready to engage in an unprecedented battle with the Eastern Territory.

Lin Bai couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw the northern warrior camp in Dongbinghe. If there was a large-scale war with so many warriors, it would definitely be a sign of bloodshed.

No wonder among those ancient battlefields, there are many bones that have been dug up for thousands of years in ancient battlefields, but the bones cannot be hollowed out.

"Avoid them."

Lin Bai and Mr. Wen quietly changed direction in the wind and snow, heading away from the East Glacier River.

"The emperor can rest assured that this place has not yet left the protection area of ​​the palace master's spiritual thoughts. The warriors of the Northern Territory have no way of discovering our traces for the time being."

Lin Bai discovered that the "Immortal Soul Technique" in the "Nine Nether Demon Sutra" is really an extremely heaven-defying magical power.

Like the Master of the Demon Palace, he has cultivated the "Immortal Soul Art" to the pinnacle level, and his spiritual thoughts can cover almost half of the Eastern Territory.

Even part of the Northern Territory is within the scope of his divine will.

As long as he is under his divine will, everything that happens in the covered area will be clearly perceived by him.

Moreover, "Immortal Soul Jue" also has a heaven-defying ability, that is, it can cover and weaken warriors whose spiritual power is weaker than themselves, making it difficult for them to detect traces.

When Lin Bai and Mr. Wen left Yongye Pass, the Palace Master of Jiuyou Demon Palace once said... covering their bodies with spiritual thoughts, making them difficult to be discovered in a certain area.

Even so, it's just that it's not easy to be discovered.

If they meet face to face, they will definitely be discovered.

Lin Bai and Mr. Wen were protected by the spiritual will of the master of the Demon Palace, and they traveled smoothly without being discovered by the secret outpost in the Northern Territory.

After leaving the East Glacier River, the northern warriors in front made Lin Bai feel desperate.

Real despair!

Looking forward, with the naked eye, all we can see is the dazzling swaying wind and snow in front of us.

The world was dark, and apart from the sound of the cold wind like howling ghosts and wolves, there was no sound of any living beings.

This is completely different from the Eastern Region.

In the Eastern Territory, even if you are traveling at night, you can occasionally hear the roar of monsters and beasts coming from the mountains and forests, as well as the fluttering wings of birds on the clouds.

In the northern land, even if Lin Bai opened his magic eyes and looked forward, he could only see an endless expanse of wind, snow and darkness.

There is no reference, no sense of direction.

If ordinary warriors enter, they will easily get lost in the wind and snow.

"According to the reminder from Goddess Li Guxian, after we enter the Northern Territory, we only need to go in the northeast direction to reach the Xuanjing clan."

"The Xuanjing Clan is not far from the East Glacier River. This place is considered a frontline supply station for warriors from the Northern Territory."

Mr. Wen reminded lightly, and he and Lin Bai flew towards the northeast.

"In the Northern Territory, the sky is covered with wind and snow, making it difficult to tell the direction. So how do the warriors of the Northern Territory accurately identify the direction?"

Lin Bai couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Mr. Wen explained: "The emperor must have seen blind people. Although they cannot see, their perceptions in other aspects are exceptionally sharp and clear."

"The same goes for the warriors from the Northern Territory. They have lived here all year round and have figured out a way to tell the direction."

"But this method often doesn't work, so even warriors from the Northern Territory rarely go out in stormy weather."

"By the way." Mr. Wen said this and added: "The Northern Territory is covered by wind and snow all year round, and there is no distinction between sunny and cloudy days, so they call the season of heavy wind and snow a snowy day, and vice versa.

, when the wind and snow are lighter, it is called a light snow day.”

"Generally speaking, even if Northern Territory warriors want to go out for action, they will choose to go out on a light wind and snow day. Basically no Northern Territory warrior is willing to go out on a heavy snowstorm day."

Lin Bai nodded suddenly and asked again: "Then our current wind and snow conditions should be classified as a snowy day, right?"

Because Lin Bai felt that the wind and snow in the northern region were extremely tricky at the moment, the visibility in front of him was extremely high, and the wind was extremely cold.

This should be what is called a snowy day, right?

Mr. Wen shook his head and said, "This is a snowy day."

"Ah?" Lin Bai was stunned: "It's still a snowy day?"

Mr. Wen said with a smile: "Your Majesty, when the real stormy and snowy weather comes in the Northern Territory, even warriors in the Taiyi Daoguo realm will be blown away by the strong wind and unable to take shape in the air."

Hiss... Lin Bai couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Lin Bai had never heard of the wind and snow that could blow away Taiyi Daoguo realm warriors in his life, let alone seen it.

"I hope we won't encounter heavy snowstorms during this trip, otherwise it will be a waste of time." Mr. Wen said, "Because during heavy winds and snowy days, the teleportation arrays between the major clans remain silent.

It cannot be opened again." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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