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Chapter 1609: The Art of Animal Creation, Adding a Second Feng Shui Turtle

It's simply too cruel!

This can no longer be described as cruel, but can only be described as brutal!

The Six Saints of Huangfeng surrounded and killed one person, but all six of them were eaten!

No one can escape the bloody mouth!

The Shinto masters who were watching the whole fight were all shocked by the power and brutality of the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull, and were so shocked that they kept taking a breath.

This battle shocked everyone, and many giants, heroes, and old monsters were all frightened. The Six Saints of Yellow Wind were truly in the late fourth realm, and they were different from the Yuan Shen's possession, the Holy Infant, the Great King, the Red Child, and the Divine Peach Man.

Although they couldn't figure out where so many powerful Shinto warriors in the late fourth realm came from, this did not prevent the whole army from being wiped out, and they were still eaten alive.

This result made everyone feel hairy. For a moment, they became completely silent, fearing that louder breathing would attract the attention of the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull. At this time, there could be more than a hundred feet high Samadhi Divine Fire in Fatian Xiangdi.

In their eyes, the bull is no different from the devil.

"This fight is so unbelievable! His strength and methods are so inhuman and beyond common sense that he can actually annihilate all the enemies when he fights six people in the late stage of the fourth realm alone!"

"Maybe he is really not a human being. He may really be the reincarnation of the Great Sage Pingtian!"


Thinking about it carefully, the more you think about it, the more likely it is. Although this statement is a bit absurd and unrealistic, who knows that the various methods shown by the other party are too similar to the style of the Great Sage Pingtian.

Dharma, heaven and earth.

Red boy.

Only favored by Huoyan Mountain.

The true fire of samadhi.

It would make sense to take one on its own, but if all these coincidences are concentrated on one person, it is no longer a coincidence. And there is another detail, even the true interpretation of the great road that records the laws, heaven, phenomena and earth flew into the hands of the other party.

Someone suddenly felt something and said: "There are Dharma, heaven and earth, there is the Red Boy, there is the True Fire of Samadhi, and there is the Flame Mountain Cave. Now all we need is the Iron Fan Princess, and we can firmly believe that she is the Great Sage Pingtian!"


After hearing this, everyone nodded with deep sympathy: "Indeed, all we need is one Princess Iron Fan."

But just after sighing, these people immediately realized that something was wrong. Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull became his father one by one, and my son Bai took advantage of them, making all the heroes in the world passively accept the cow as their father. If there were more Iron Fan Princesses, wouldn't it be

Are both parents alive?

There is a father and a mother, so they have an extra pair of parents?


These Shinto masters subconsciously looked at the other female monks, whether they knew them or not, they all looked at them again. They felt that everyone looked like Princess Iron Fan, but they also felt that no one looked like Princess Iron Fan.

"Princess Iron Fan is not afraid of the True Fire of Samadhi. Otherwise, if the red boy who has cultivated the True Fire of Samadhi cannot control it, wouldn't he be guilty of matricide?"

"That makes sense."

"With so many Shinto masters present, there are not many female monks who are not afraid of fire and are proficient in Samadhi True Fire. The Five Elements Spirit Pearl Red Boy who was beaten away by the Bull Demon King is one of them. But she was beaten away by the Bull Demon King just now, so she

It's definitely not Princess Iron Fan, and if she is Princess Iron Fan, after she transforms into Red Boy, she is still being taken advantage of by the Bull Demon King one by one as her father. What kind of moral incest is this?"

It is precisely because of these analyzes that they feel that no one looks like Princess Iron Fan.

"I'm not afraid of fire but I'm proficient in Samadhi True Fire. I'm a female monk and I haven't possessed the Holy Infant King Red Boy. Looking at the Shinto masters who entered the Cave Heaven Paradise this time, no one meets the conditions."

"That's not necessarily true. Not all practitioners have entered the Cave Heaven Paradise. Maybe Princess Iron Fan has not entered the Cave Heaven Paradise."

The statues of the Big Green Ox and the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord standing with Jin'an's clone, listening to the lucid analysis of these old monsters, even the bull and the evil god nodded unconsciously.

They didn't think too much about it at first, but after listening to these analyses, they began to think that it was very possible that Jin An was the reincarnation of the Great Holy Bull Demon King Pingtian.



There is another person who meets the requirements and is not afraid of fire. He has never possessed the Holy Infant King Red Boy Divine Peach Man, but this person is not known to outsiders!

Both the Daqingniu and the Thousand-Eyed Daojun statues thought of one person at the same time, and turned their heads sharply to look at the Yujing Golden Tower team.

Uncle Lin, Master Xuanlei and other elders of Yujing Jinque: "..."

While the Shinto masters were still looking for who was Princess Iron Fan, a horrifying roar came from outside the Flame Mountain.

The death of the Six Saints of the Yellow Wind made the mountain gods outside the Flame Mountain furious. The shrill and terrifying earth roars were heard one after another, causing the heaven and earth in the Cave Heaven Paradise to tremble. The people who heard it made goosebumps all over their bodies and their souls were unstable.

The roaring sound is like a soul shouting from the abyss. Facing the roaring sound, a person's soul trembles, as if his soul is about to be shouted away.

You must know that these are all Shinto masters, not ordinary people.

Even Shinto masters are at risk of having their souls summoned away. Ordinary people who have no resistance will only have the fate of being massacred if they hear this. With just one shout, the souls of the entire people in the city can be summoned away.

Although the six saints of Huang Feng have been slaughtered, the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull did not immediately withdraw from the Fatian Xiangdi. The demon god's body of more than a hundred feet stood in the Flame Mountain, looking solemnly at Huang Feng outside the Flame Mountain.

The battle between the headless four-armed demon god and the mountain god's bones of heaven and earth continues outside the Flame Mountain. The fight is so dark that the sky is filled with flying sand and rocks. The sand and yellow wind filling the sky are more violent than those in the Flame Mountain. In addition, the battle takes place hundreds of miles away from the Flame Mountain.

Inside and outside, people can't see anything in the Flame Mountain.

"Shouting to the soul..."

"Humph, it's no use even if I let you scream for a thousand years!"

While the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull was staring closely at the situation outside and deep inside the Flame Mountain, his mind sank, and his mind had already reached Jin'an, the belly of the bull.

The outside world only thinks that the Mountain God Heaven and Earth Bone wants to call away their souls. In fact, the Mountain God Heaven and Earth Bone is responding to the Yellow Wind Six Saints calling out their souls and calling out the Yellow Wind Six Saints.

Mountain God Tiandi Gu knows that King Yellow Wind, Black Bear King, Golden Retriever Lion King, and Human-Faced Monkey King are all still alive, but the animal-making technique has its own purpose of deceiving the aura. Mountain God Tiandi Gu knows that the four of them are alive but cannot sense the specific situation.

That's why he used Soul Calling in an attempt to get the four King Huang Feng to respond.

At this time, within the belly of the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull, the souls of Huang Feng King and the four others were ready to move, wanting to respond to the call of the Mountain God Heaven and Earth Bone.

Jin An noticed this detail and immediately decided to deal with these four people as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares.

Among the four people, the Black Bear King was the most seriously injured. He was unconscious. Both his soul and body were severely injured. Even in the coma, he coughed up large mouthfuls of blood from time to time. His life was in danger, and his life essence was almost exhausted.

The lights are dead.

The Black Bear King relied on the power of the Vajra to fight with the Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull, and ended up being seriously injured.

The Golden Retriever Lion King was the second most seriously injured, and was unconscious due to severe injuries to his spirit and body. His condition was slightly better than that of the Black Bear King, and he had not yet reached the point of exhaustion.

The third most seriously injured person was the Human-Faced Monkey King. He was injured by Jin'an's five Dao Golden Pills at the same time, and his soul was sluggish.

The one who suffered the least serious injuries was King Huang Feng, who lost one soul and two souls. He became stupid, but his life was not in danger.

And these four people all have one thing in common, they are all covered by the divine wind of Samadhi, and they cannot see clearly the reality under the yellow wind.

After two failed experiences with the Jiao Demon King and the Tianpeng Swallowing Demon King, Jin An summed up his experience this time and planned to use another method to try to break through the Samadhi Kamikaze.

Since strong attacks and spiritual martial arts are useless, let’s switch to “Seventy-two Transformations of Taoist Magic Techniques” this time.

The tenth transformation of forbidden evil magic!

He used the evil-forbidden spell on the most seriously injured Black Bear King, but the Samadhi Divine Wind was not an evil spell, and the evil-forbidden spell had no effect.

Then switch to the Twelfth Transformation Prayer for Clearness technique!

The Samadhi Kamikaze finally loosened up this time, and Jin An's brows showed joy when his expression suddenly changed. He sensed a terrible restriction in the Samadhi Kamikaze.

As soon as the Samadhi Kamikaze showed signs of loosening, the ban was triggered, and the Samadhi Kamikaze outside the Black Bear King's body immediately exploded, and both the Black Bear King's physical body and soul were obliterated by the Samadhi Kamikaze.

After resolving the crisis of the raging Samadhi Kamikaze, Jin An was not discouraged. This time he thought of another way. He held the Wind-fixing Pearl in his hand and used the power of Xingyi Fist to blow up the Samadhi Kamikaze.

He tapped into the Golden Retriever Lion King's heart and killed the man directly.

Avenue induction!

Six million virtues!

This sudden Dao induction made Jin An startled, but he did not stop moving in his hand, the eighth change of the corpse exorcism technique!

He had planned many countermeasures in advance. This time he planned to use the corpse exorcism technique to exorcise the corpse, and directly asked the Golden Retriever Lion King to lead him to the devil's nest.

Who knows.

The restrictions in the Samadhi Divine Wind are connected to the Life Soul Lamp of the Golden Retriever Lion King. Once the Golden Retriever Lion King dies, both the restrictions and the Samadhi Divine Wind will be destroyed at the same time. The owner of the restriction will not miss anything, blocking all possibilities.

Continuous attempts failed. Looking at the only remaining King Huang Feng and the Human-Faced Monkey King, Jin An frowned.

He thought of a new method.

This time, he switched to the Soul Capturing Technique, the Imperial Bell, and the Shocking Tribulation of the "Holy Art of the Heavenly Demon". The three methods were combined into one to frighten out the soul of the Human-Faced Monkey King. Then he took the opportunity to capture the soul that had escaped from the body, and dealt with it.

The remnant soul launched an interrogation.

Although the remnant soul is confused and has incomplete memory, it is better than not having any clues.

Moreover, he has also made two preparations. This time, magic weapons, magical powers, spiritual martial arts will be used together, hoping to escape more souls. The more souls captured, the more comprehensive the memory will be.

The bones of the mountain god, heaven and earth, were still outside. In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, he did whatever he thought of.

As for the six million evil virtues in the Golden Retriever Lion King, he put them aside for now.

This method is indeed feasible. Two souls and two souls escaped from the body of the Human-Faced Monkey King, but they were all subdued by him who was standing by.

There was no joy on Jin An's face, but instead he looked more solemn. As a result, what he was most worried about happened. As expected, the other party's soul was also planted with a ban, and the soul was gone at the slightest movement.

Moreover, the restriction in the Human-Faced Monkey King's body was also triggered, and the divine wind of Samadhi backfired, completely erasing the Human-Faced Monkey King's body and spirit.

"It seems that these mountain gods have been resisted by humanity for a long time, and they have learned from experience and blocked every path of resistance from humanity, leaving no loopholes at all." Jin An looked ugly.

He kidnapped the Six Saints of Huang Feng and thought he could find some kind of breakthrough, but it turned out that the mountain god had already blocked all roads for humanity.

He looked at King Huang Feng, who was the last person left.

After trying so many methods in succession, all ended in failure. At this time, he hesitated whether to continue.

After thinking for a while, he sighed and finally gave up the intention of continuing the interrogation.

He didn't want to lose this last clue before finding a better way.

Now that he has made a decision, he is no longer indecisive.

The first animal transformation technique!

He turned the stupid King Huang Feng, who was immobile and could only drool, into a green-headed turtle.

The art of making animals does not require sheep skin, donkey skin, tortoise shell... to make animals. The Xing Cha Si will happen to be ready-made, so there is no need to spend more Dao Qi.

"When I go back, I will raise you as a Feng Shui turtle in the Feng Shui pool of the Criminal Investigation Department. I will continue to interrogate you when I think of a better way. I hope that your Feng Shui turtle can play a role in the subsequent resurrection of the mountain god.

, brings good luck.”

Jin An put the green-headed flower turtle aside, and then studied the Golden Retriever Lion King's six million yin virtues.

There is also a more important reason for the creation of the beast by the Yellow Wind King, which is to avoid the pursuit of the mountain god with the help of the blinding aura of the beast.

The Jiao Demon King and Tianpeng Swallowing Demon King in front all died from the backlash of the divine wind of Samadhi. He did not kill them with his own hands, so he did not obtain Yin De. The Golden Retriever Lion King was killed with his own hands, and only then did he have the Great Dao Sensation and

Yin virtue is gained.

The Yin virtues he gained basically came from underworld weapons, monsters, corpses and evil gods. It was rare to get Yin virtues from killing living people.

There are very few that can be removed before killing the strong Rakshasa people, and I have never encountered a single example.

Thinking of this detail, Jin An raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Could it be a coincidence..."

"Speaking of which, when the Little Underworld was about to enter the Tubo Temple, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred to the statue of Emperor Tubo. At that time, the Rakshasa people were in the team..."

Jin An lowered his head and pondered, his eyebrows tightened into a single line.

"It seems that we need to arrest a few more strong men from the Rakshasa Kingdom for interrogation. If necessary, I will personally go to the Rakshasa Kingdom as an envoy..."

Jin An murmured.

At this time, the changes outside were still intensifying. He gathered his thoughts and focused more on the outside world.

Samadhi Divine Fire Manniu was worried about the situation outside the Flame Mountain. He planned to speed up the exploration of Bagua Lu Mountain with Zhenren Chiyuan and others, and then go out to explore the battle situation deep in the sandstorm.

Samadhi Divine Fire Manniu turned around and walked towards the depths of the Flame Mountain. When he reached a high cliff, he blew out a hot wind. The hot wind suppressed the surrounding flames, revealing a newly built Tubo Temple in the sea of ​​​​fire.

There is a statue of Tubo Emperor enshrined in the Tubo Temple. Incense is rising in front of the statue. This is because someone is worshiping Tubo Temple.

In Tub Temple, there is also a Holy Infant King Red Boy guarding the entrance.

It's just that this red boy is not possessed by the golden elixir of the Great Dao, and is not strong enough to fight against the strong men in the late fourth realm.

However, the true fire of Samadhi in Red Boy's body was more than enough to resist the sacred fire of the Flame Mountain and carve out a pure land in the Flame Mountain for Emperor Tu Bo.

"There is a god three feet above my head. Today, in front of Emperor Tubo, my disciple has killed the man who demolished Tubo Temple in the Guixu Divine Realm of the East China Sea that day."

"I have two advantages. One is that I know how to repay my kindness, and the other is that I will definitely avenge my grudges. I think Emperor Tu Bo is the same as his disciples."

"Even if the Six Saints of Huangfeng were not the ones who demolished the Tubo Temple, Master Zhuohu said that there must be a relationship between the two, so today I will collect some interest first."

Samadhi Divine Fire Barbarian Bull looked solemn. After speaking, he put away the statue of Emperor Tubo.

This chapter has been completed!
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