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Chapter 138 The Buddha wants to jump over the wall, so you have to jump too, right?

On the last day of the old year, there will be a banquet for hundreds of officials in the palace. At the same time, there will be envoys from various countries who come for pilgrimage. The Ming Dynasty is powerful throughout the country. There are many small countries that pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, even the most unstable surrounding countries.

Mobei also bowed to the Ming Dynasty in name, and Zhu Di also granted many of their officials.

Even Mahamu, the enemy leader this time, sent envoys to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute to the horse and request for canonization by the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di granted Mahamu the title of Special Jin Ziguanglu Doctor and King Shunning. These titles were a symbol of surrender. Of course, they all obtained titles to develop themselves, and then they were still eyeing the Ming Dynasty.

It was a very busy day in the palace. Most of the people invited were ministers of fifth rank or above. Those of lower rank would not be able to attend the banquet.

In the harem, the Crown Princess invited a few wives of generals who would accompany the army on this expedition. Of course, they were also of high rank and basically had their orders.

Not to mention that the Crown Princess can control the harem, he has arranged all the affairs of the ladies, and has always been Zhu Gaochi's virtuous wife.

Zhu Di's concubine Zhenfei was accompanied by a beautiful girl, lively, free and innocent, sixteen or seventeen years old, and extremely tall. It is really rare to see a girl over 1.7 meters tall these days.

This is the girl sent by the Jurchen Li Xianzhong to be Zhu Zhanji's concubine. She has a Han name, Li Minxian.

There seem to be a lot of people named Li in that area, and North Korea also has the surname Li.

Looking at one of her future daughters-in-law, the Crown Princess smiled and waved her over: "This child Minxian is so beautiful."

"The Crown Princess is so complimentary."

The concubines and wives in the harem were chatting, and Zhu Zhanyang followed Zhu Gaochi in front of the main hall. Zhu Gaochi was feeling better and had gone out. He was just sitting in a large carriage with three sides of thick cloth blocking the wind.

The two imperial grandsons who oversee the country, Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhu Zhancui, are on both sides, with civil and military ministers below.

Before the New Year's banquet begins, the eunuchs always say a lot of auspicious words to heaven and pray for blessings. This goes back and forth for nearly an hour.

The food and wine prepared by Guanglu Temple could not be made fresh. They were already cooked at the beginning of the ceremony. It was almost cold when the food was served in this weather. After a long period of the ceremony, it was almost freezing and the teeth were numb. No wonder the ministers

I have a lot of complaints about the food at Guanglu Temple. No matter how delicious it is, how can it be the same as eating cold food and cold dishes?

The prince has extremely high requirements for food, so his dishes are all prepared separately by Shang Shi Bureau and cooked on site, as are the dishes of the two emperors and grandsons.

"Zhanyang, Zhanyun, try this fish." Zhu Gaochi was in a very good mood today.

"By the way, Zhan Yu, what about that Buddha jumping over the wall thing you mentioned?"

"It's still being prepared. It should be served later. Father, don't worry."

"I heard you boast that you would jump over the wall to eat Buddha. Don't brag too much. As a father, you will be punished."

Zhu Zhanjun also intervened: "Fifth brother, you must not lie to your father."

"No, no, I've tasted it."

Zhu Zhanyi is full of confidence. He has eaten the finished product made by Sang Yu before. It tastes great and uses high-end ingredients. It just needs to be cooked properly.

Zhu Gaochi raised his wine glass: "Everyone, at the beginning of the new year, everything will be prosperous in the Ming Dynasty. Your Majesty will bring great blessings to the sky. Let's all drink from the cup together."

Everyone is drinking. Although the food is not good, the wine is still good.

But in this scene, no one dared to say that the food was unpalatable. They all toasted to the neighbors, chatted, and pretended to be happy. If they were not full, they would go home and eat again.

After eating for a while, the eunuch came out and heard a sharp voice: "The envoys of Jiaozhi are here to greet you and wish you a happy new year."

A group of five people walked up slowly, saluted Zhu Gaochi and shouted: "Congratulations to His Majesty the Great Emperor of the Ming Dynasty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty, may they be blessed with good health, good health, and great fame all over the world..."

After they had finished speaking a long paragraph of auspicious words, Zhu Gaochi spoke: "There have been many rebellions in Jiaozhi recently. Your Majesty has given Jiaozhi preferential treatment. I hope you will not let down your majesty's hard work."

The envoy from Jiaozhi looked troubled: "Your Highness, Jiaozhi is located in a remote area and we still hope to send troops to quell the rebellion."

The rebellion of the Li Dynasty in Jiaozhi is getting more and more intense. It is no longer something they can stop by themselves. They went to Beijing this time to ask for help. The Ming Dynasty has not sent troops for so long. If this continues, they may not be able to support it.

Next, they asked Zhu Gaochi like a lion asking for people, money or soldiers. When asking for things, they really acted like a traitor and didn't feel ashamed at all.

Zhu Gaochi shook his head after hearing this, did he really think that Daming was taking advantage of him and giving him whatever he wanted?

"Your Majesty has already prepared a countermeasure for the Jiaozhi matter. It's not appropriate to say more about it. Just wait and see when we get back." Zhu Gaochi dismissed the Jiaozhi people impatiently.

The old eunuch urged them to leave and continued to read in a sharp voice: "I would like to invite the North Korean envoy to come and wish me New Year's greetings."

The North Korean envoys used to be led by Lee Sang and Lee Hyo-joo, but now they are the female officials in the palace. It is just because the North Koreans are ceremonially walking in front of the team.

Li Xiaozhu raised his head slightly and looked at Zhu Zhanjun, while Li Shang did not dare to look at Zhu Zhanjun.

Today's carefully dressed clothes made Lee Hyo Joo look particularly good-looking, and her world-weary face became more sophisticated.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Li Xiaozhu fell in love with this fifth prince who acted unreasonably, maybe because of his good looks.

Zhu Gaochi was very satisfied with the performance of the two North Korean princesses in the Daming Palace. He greatly praised the North Korean envoys and even rewarded them with many things.

While he was talking to the North Korean envoy, Chu Er, who was beside Zhu Zhanyi, came over and whispered a few words. Zhu Zhanyi nodded and asked her to go down and get ready.

"Father, Buddha jumped over the wall."

Zhu Gaochi, who had just asked the North Korean envoy to retreat, became interested: "Bring it up quickly."

The maid from the Shangshi Bureau came up with an earthen jar and placed it in front of Zhu Gaochi. As soon as he opened it, the aroma filled his nostrils.

They are all cooked with the best ingredients, nutritious and delicious. Zhu Gaochi took a bite and showed a satisfied expression on his face: "Good, good, good, no wonder the Buddha jumped over the wall. Really, the monks would jump out of the wall when they smelled it.


Zhu Zhanjun could always find some trouble: "Fifth brother, the taste of this Buddha jumping over the wall is very good, but the utensils are ugly."

Hey, I knew you were looking for trouble.

"Father, second brother, I asked the palace maids to find this kind of small jars to store them in. It has good thermal insulation effect and distributes them to the ministers. They are all hot. It is ugly, but it is better to be practical than to look good."

At this time, the ministers below also got the small jars of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall that were distributed, and they were full of praise. Zhu Zhanjun was so angry that he didn't even mention it.

The ministers below also praised Zhu Zhanzhen for being considerate of them and always having something warm to eat.

"The Japanese envoys are here to greet you and wish you a happy New Year."

The Japanese delegation came up and gave a lot of compliments. In addition to complimenting Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi, they also emphasized their thanks to Zhu Zhanzhen for his life-saving grace.

Then Ashikaga Yoshitsune spoke: "His Royal Highness the Ming Dynasty, the foreign ministers are still deeply scared by this encounter. The two countries have been good neighbors for many years. Could you please ask His Highness the Prince to lease an island off the coast for our country to garrison, so as to avoid such a situation happening next time?

Our country is willing to lease it with tribute."

Oh, if the Buddha wants to jump over the wall, you are going to jump over the wall too.

The Japanese mission's sudden request made Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanjun a little surprised and a little angry. After saving your life, it is even more shameless to make such an excessive request.

But Zhu Zhanzhen said: "It is understandable that Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshitaka has such a request."

Are you playing tricks on me?

This chapter has been completed!
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