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Chapter 80 The Road to the River and the Sea (3)

"Chen Zongbing, salt industry, raw silk, silk and satin, if I know well, there should be intensive production in certain areas."

Chen Xuan nodded: "For example, raw silk. Silkworm breeding in Huzhou Prefecture is prosperous. It produces a large amount of lake silk and is of good quality. It is known as lake silk all over the world. The quality of Langzhong Langsi silk in Sichuan is also good, and the sericulture in Huzhou Prefecture is

The industry is so developed that almost every few villages there is a sericulture company specializing in sericulture."

"Who are these raw silks sold to?"

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed to speak. The prince saw his embarrassment and said, "Mr. Chen, you can speak frankly about everything."

"Raw silk with good quality will be included in the royal tribute, but only part of the tribute is given. Most of the raw silk flows into major trading houses in Huzhou Prefecture. After all, these silk farmers do not have the ability to produce high-quality silk, nor do they have the ability to transport the raw silk for sale.


Zhu Zhanzhen knew that these raw silks would eventually go to major trading houses. Some would be turned into silk, some would be traded as raw silk goods, and some would even be smuggled out of the country.

In this era, Japan, Korea, and other Southeast Asian countries all had a demand for silk, especially Japan. Their demand was quite large, but they did not have the ability to breed silkworms, so good raw silk had to be shipped from Daming.

The sea was rough and rough, and in order to plunder the Ming Dynasty's borders and smuggle needs, Japan's shipbuilding skills continued to improve at this time.

Farmers who raise mulberry and make silk at the bottom have little bargaining power. In good years, the price is often reduced. Because the mulberry and sericulture industry in the south of the Yangtze River is developed and there are many employees, the price is low.

Large commercial houses have sales and transportation capabilities, and the initiative is in their hands.

But even so, sericulture is still more profitable than growing food, so there are still many practitioners.

"When Mr. Chen is free, can you take me to visit the village where silkworms are raised and silk is made?"

"If it's convenient for Your Highness, I can do it tomorrow."

Zhu Zhanzhen looked at Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaoxu asked first: "What are you going to see?"

"Father, I have thought of a new way of production."

"In what way?"

"Collective economy."

"What is collective economy?"

"The village is a collective, and the village elders and clan leaders are responsible. For example, if a village sells silk, all the farmers will bring the silk to the collective, supply and sell it together, send people to negotiate prices with merchants, and even charter ships to transport it directly to other cities for sale.

If the price is good, the income will be divided according to the output of each household."

After hearing this approach, several people were quite surprised. Zhu Zhanzhen's method was to stimulate the economy in order to break through the oligopoly. Only when business prospers can increase tax revenue, but it will obviously harm the current gentry and landlord class. If he really wants to do this,

It will be very difficult to get up.

Zhu Zhanzhen's idea was ahead of its time, but Chen Xuan estimated that it would be very difficult to implement and further discussions would be needed.

We cannot take too big a step. At this stage, we must first stabilize the original Jiangnan gentry clan and stimulate the economy.

Zhu Zhanzhen himself does not think so. Once steam engines can be mass-produced, they will not only play a role in shipping. With the entry of steam engines in all walks of life, productivity will be greatly improved.

Silk spinning, textiles, agricultural irrigation, coal mining, material transportation, and other industries will receive a huge improvement.

Significantly increase productivity, social productivity will increase, and national economic capabilities will improve.

Business demand will increase, and these original industry oligarchs or industry monopolies may face a reshuffle.

In a short period of time, Chen Xuan could not think of a way to solve the problem of the gentry's monopoly on water transportation and commerce. He had to think about taxes first. Taxes were the most important thing for the court.

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhanji said: "The existing water transportation tax, commercial tax and stall tax are easy to be evaded. Can we use strict penalties and strict arrests to curb this?"

"No." The prince directly rejected his idea: "The current goal is to stimulate commerce and increase the prosperity of water and sea transportation to increase taxes. Although the clan clan has leaked, as a large taxpayer, it cannot be directly suppressed now, otherwise it will definitely make people fearful.

On the contrary, it suppressed commerce."

"But these escaping people are all the wealth of the imperial court." Zhu Zhanji still despises these sneaky businessmen from the bottom of his heart, let alone they dare to violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

"In an emergency, extraordinary measures are taken. The family affairs have been going on for many years, and His Majesty has turned a blind eye. Don't do anything now."

"Father, if you don't move, you won't change." Zhu Zhanji's thoughts on this matter are similar to Zhu Zhanzhen's, but Zhu Zhanzhen's thoughts are more advanced.

When society faces a major change, the original mainstay may become a stumbling block in the new era.

The development of the Ming Dynasty required the participation and promotion of private capital. Historically, there was indeed a sense of capital awakening at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

However, natural disasters and man-made disasters, coupled with the fact that these rising capitalists have no sense of family and country, and some are traitors to their country for glory. In the torrent of history, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties entered the customs and suppressed the rising capital. The feudal dynasty's enslavement of the people continued in this Manchu and Qing dynasty.

reached its peak.

Thus, an opportunity to conquer the world was missed.

These wealthy gentry, landlords, and gentry are the capitalists of this era. We must use them and let them promote and participate in the development of society, but we cannot let them go.

Anyone who can become the leader of a family or the owner of a large trading house in this era must be a smart person, and only if they can make good use of them can they promote the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

The steam engine is the power of the giant ship of the Ming Dynasty. The surging power of this giant ship requires people who look forward, a helmsman, and people who trade the commercial resources from various places along the way.

Suddenly, Zhu Zhanchen was enlightened and found the key to the problem.

They are not so urgent now to change taxes, to change private production, to seize clan clans, or to tighten tax laws.

Instead, we need to tell everyone, go do business, go trade, and let our rivers and seas be filled with ships loaded with goods.

Eliminate the class label of scholars, farmers, industrialists and merchants in people's hearts.

There is no shame in formal business, and trade is not speculation. Let the stores open, let the vendors not have to hide in Tibet, and let people who want to start a small business dare to start it.

Countless small traders will have new big capital and new production methods. They will constantly find ways to improve their products, whether it is food or tools, use new products and create new demands.

Unlike Europe, China has looked down upon merchants since ancient times, especially the scholar-bureaucrats who were in power.

But look down upon them, they still have to rely on them for taxation, and they still have to rely on them for official corruption.

Now we have to find an idea so that the business class will no longer be discriminated against, so that ordinary people dare to do business and start small businesses.

Then tell them: It's honorable to pay taxes.

"Mr. Chen, which company paid the most taxes last year?"

"Yangxing, Yangzhou Prefecture."

"Apply to His Majesty to award him a memorial arch for his meritorious deeds, grant him a golden coupon, and an imperial edict to express his commendation. His name and tax amount will be announced to the whole government, so that women, children, old and young will know about it. He will be invited to the military parade next year, and he will be ranked among the officials."

The three of them looked at Zhu Zhanzhen in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"And all the top ten tax payers should follow this method."

Give you glory, the glory given by the court, give you status, the status given by the court.

But if you evade taxes next year, you will not only be punished, but what will you do to save your face? The merit memorial arch you gave me will be taken away. In ancient times, this was more uncomfortable than beheading someone.

Even if you want to escape and miss something, can it be less than this year? If you are number one this year and will not be ranked next year? Can I bear this?

Stand on the highest moral ground and kidnap capitalists.

This won't solve all problems, but it can solve some of the current problems.

Use the pressure of public opinion to allow the original oligarchs to pay more taxes, reduce their profits from unfair competition, and at the same time enhance the status of businessmen.

This chapter has been completed!
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