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Chapter 2085: The Plan of the Three Religions

Chapter 2086 The conspiracy of the three religions


The former Wuxiang Immortal Sect is now the main altar of the Three Religions Alliance.

The Eight Views, Ganlu Temple and Tianhao Tower that formed the Three Religions Alliance were originally the leaders of the three sects of Taoism, Buddhism and Demonism, the overlords of Zhongzhou. After they formed an alliance, other forces could only look up to them.

Back then, after Qin Sang broke through to become a god, he was the only god-transformation monk in the Storm Realm. He was actually capable of dismantling the three religious alliances and suppressing the three major sects. But at that time, Qingyang Temple in Zhongzhou was founded, and he himself had no interest in dominating the world.


More importantly, when there is no way to ascend, it is necessary to unite all forces to find a way out for the Storm Realm. The Three Religions Alliance will not be an obstacle, but can better cooperate with him and gather the strength of all parties.

After Qin Sang disappeared, the three religious alliances lost their checks and balances. When the Storm Realm first ascended, masters from the three major sects fell due to natural disasters and suffered varying degrees of losses. However, the factions in Zhongzhou were also not immune, so they were never able to shake the three religions.

alliance status.

When Liuli was born, he discovered that the Changyou clan was a formidable enemy and that the Storm Realm was in danger. He had no energy to target the three religious alliances or even win their support, so he could only tolerate it.

As time goes by, the three religious alliances have successively appeared god-transforming monks, gradually forming a powerful force. The forces in Zhongzhou are all looking at their faces, and Liuli can no longer command them.

However, Zhongzhou is the strongest force of the human race.

Perhaps because Liuli holds great righteousness, his cultivation and reputation are unparalleled. Or maybe the Three Religious Alliance believes that the situation of the human race has not improved, and pushed Liuli to the front to bear the storm. It is better for them to hide behind the scenes, so they have not yet stood up to openly oppose Liuli.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that once one or even two late-stage god-transformation monks emerge from the Three Religions Alliance, they will definitely try to seize power.

It is a pity that the human race is now slightly inferior to the demon clan, and the three major sect leaders of the Three Religions Alliance have no signs of breaking through to the late stage of divine transformation. As expected, they will be overwhelmed by the demon clan, and they will have to rely on Liuli to fight against the foreign races.

Taoism, Buddhism, and demons have different cultivation concepts. According to common sense, it is impossible to harmonize with each other. Sooner or later, conflicts will break out and eventually fall apart.

However, due to external changes one after another, the three religious alliances were forced to cooperate with the outside world, and the internal conflicts were vented to the outside world, making the connection between the three major sects even closer.

At this time, the heads of the three major sects gathered at the main forum of the Three Religions Alliance.

It was dark outside, and the moonlight shone into the main altar of the Three Religions Alliance, reflecting the shadows of the palaces and pavilions. It was extremely quiet. One of the simple halls was brightly lit and resplendent.

There are three people sitting high in the hall, and one of them is He Gao Zhenjun, the contemporary master of the Eight Views.

Sitting opposite True Lord Hegao is a young man, wearing a black robe, with a thin face, a feminine temperament, white hair and white eyebrows, which is particularly eye-catching. He is the old demon Ku Rong who once had a relationship with Qin Sang.

After the death of the sect master of Tianhao Tower, Old Demon Kurong took over the position of the sect leader. He lived up to expectations. Not only did he make rapid progress, but he also led Tianhao Tower to prosper.

Sitting between True Lord Hegao and Old Demon Kurong was an old monk who was also an acquaintance of Qin Sang - Master Xingren, now revered as the Saint of Xingren.

Saint Xingren is the senior brother of Master Xingji, the previous abbot of Ganlu Zen Monastery. After the death of Master Xingji, he was appointed in a critical situation.

Among the three, the Ninja Saint is the oldest, but in terms of cultivation, the youngest, the old demon Ku Rong, is slightly more talented.

"Old Demon Kurong, you must summon poor Taoists and forbearance saints to come here. What is the important matter?" Zhenjun Hegao looked at Old Demon Kurong and got straight to the point.

Over the past hundreds of years, the Three Religions Alliance has already perfected various regulations. There are masters who sit in the sect altar all year round. Generally, there is no need for the three sect leaders to come forward. Moreover, the three of them have to concentrate on training and strive to break through to the late stage of divine transformation as soon as possible, so there are few opportunities to gather together.

The old demon Ku Rong waved his hand gently, opened the palace formation ban, and specially deployed a forbidden Taoist spell.

This is the main forum of the Three Religions Alliance, and his cautious actions made the eyes of both Zhenjun Hegao and Master Xingji slightly condensed.

"That Guanzhu Li seems determined to rebuild the mountain gate at all costs."

The old demon Ku Rong slowly opened his mouth and said.

True Lord Hegao frowned slightly, "This has been confirmed for a long time! Pindao personally came to visit to confirm this matter. Qingyang Temple has obviously been planning for a long time and cannot give up due to external doubts."

"Then, does True Lord think that the words of Dragon King and Golden Toad King at the three clans' discussion were just threats to stop Qingyang Temple?" Old Demon Kurong looked at True Lord Hegao and smiled.

The Saint of Xingren's expression moved slightly, and he recited the Buddha's name, "Do you know something, fellow Taoist? There are no outsiders here, so you might as well say it clearly."

The old demon Ku Rong spread his hands and said: "I don't have any evidence in my hand, but it is not conjecture. Both of you know the temperament of the Dragon King. This demon claims to be a descendant of the true dragon, with noble blood and domineering attitude. His words must not be taken as

Treat it as a simple threat. And that dragon whale, who never gets up early without any advantage, must have secretly communicated with the Dragon King when he helped the three clans discuss it."

True Lord Hegao was thoughtful, "You mean, the Dragon King might be planning to regain the Demon Sea?"

"Qingyang Temple has made a good start!" Old Demon Kurong sneered, "The Demon Sea is not only their ancestral land, but also close to the filthy land. It is more advantageous to compete for the Qingling Qi. Once the Dragon King and the Dragon Whale Great Sage both break through, even if

Putting aside the human race and the witch race, the demon race also has the strength to regain the demon sea!"

Saint Xingren and Zhenjun Hegao were silent, understanding that this was very likely to happen.

"It's hard to stop this."

The saint who practices endurance sighed.

When the time comes, the demon clan will be strong, and the human race must first be on guard against being suppressed by the demon clan. How can we take the initiative to provoke them?

True Lord Hegao nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "However, it is not that easy to regain the Demonic Sea. The Changyou Clan will never give up easily unless King Jiaolong is willing to pay a heavy price."

The human race is powerless to stop it, but it cannot be coerced, and the Holy King Dragon Whale may not fully support the Dragon King.

"With King Jiaolong's shrewdness, he will not be willing to bear the loss, so what is the best way to do it?"

The old demon Kurong looked at the two of them and asked himself, "The trouble is diverted to the east!"

As long as we manage to lure away the Changyou Clan's army, the pressure to regain the Demonic Sea will naturally be greatly reduced.

The question is, is King Jiaolong’s goal Zhongzhou or Beihai?

Saint Xingren and Zhenjun Hegao both looked solemn.

The old demon Ku Rong analyzed by himself: "Although that dragon whale is a demon clan, it still knows the basics. I think it is free and easy in the East China Sea, and may not be willing to move to the demon sea to see other people's faces. If the Dragon King targets Zhongzhou

, he will not agree. Then only Beihai is left. Fairy Liuli cannot come out of seclusion. Qingyang Temple continues to mobilize manpower. When the mountain protection formation is formed in the future, allies may be invited to help. Beihai will fall into an unprecedented emptiness...


Having said this, Old Demon Ku Rong paused and said there was no need to continue.

Kurong Laomo analyzed it all the way and it seemed reasonable.

But Zhenjun Hegao was keenly aware of the strangeness, and the tone of Old Demon Ku Rong was too firm, as if the facts would definitely develop according to what he said.

"Did you find anything?"


True Lord Hegao stared at Old Demon Kurong.

The old demon Kurong was noncommittal and said calmly: "These are not important. What is important is that if Beihai is in trouble, will you save it or not? When will you save it? How will you save it?"

Asked three questions in a row, getting straight to the core of the problem.

There is an ancient moving formation between Zhongzhou and Beihai. If full reinforcements are needed, the reinforcements will be able to move there quickly.

"Nothing can happen to Fairy Liuli! Beihai must not be lost!" the Ninja Saint said decisively.

Neither Old Demon Kurong nor True Lord He Gao objected.

Beihai must be saved, at least until they break through to the late stage of becoming gods, they must rely on the power of Fairy Liuli and cannot just sit back and let her get hurt.

But when to send troops and how many reinforcements to send out are worthy of careful consideration.

Of course, they can now remind Fairy Liuli and Li Yuaxu that the situation is serious and ask Qingyang Temple to give up rebuilding the mountain gate to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

But none of the three sect leaders proposed this option, and tacitly chose to forget.

"Yes, we cannot sit back and watch Beihai fall, but we can take this opportunity to let Fairy Liuli and Qingyang Guan understand that without our support, they will not be able to resist the Changyou Clan!"

Kurong Laomo glanced at the two of them and said in a deep voice, "Zhongzhou has always had outstanding people and heroes. It is far superior to Beihai and other places. It deserves more Qingling Qi!"

The Ninja Saint and Lord Hegao looked at each other and understood what the old demon Ku Rong was thinking. No one wanted to break the net, but before the 'net' was broken, there was room for game.

True Lord Hegao hesitated and said: "The covenant is in front of us. If our reinforcements are not timely and delay the war, it will be easy for people to be convinced. What if Fairy Liuli uses this to attack..."

They don't want to break up with Beihai.

The Ninja Saint and Lord Hegao both looked at the old demon Kurong. The old demon had always shown that he was confident and must have thought of a countermeasure before inviting them here.

Seeing that the time had come, Old Demon Kurong stopped making detours and said: "Zhenjun's concerns are not unreasonable, but they are not without countermeasures. Please take a look, two fellow Taoists."

As he spoke, Old Demon Kurong took out a jade slip and placed it on the case.

With a sweep of their spiritual consciousness, they saw clearly the contents of the jade slip. Both Saint Xingren and Zhenjun Hegao showed surprised expressions.

"The spiritual treasure I imagined, combined with the power of the three families of Taoism, Buddhism and Demon, and controlled by the three of us, is enough to withstand the power of the powerful in the late stage of divine transformation. Even if it faces two people, it may not be incapable of fighting!

Once this treasure is refined, even if we have not made a breakthrough, we will not be afraid of any force!"

The eyes of old demon Kurong flashed with confidence and pride.

The Saint of Ninja and True Monarch Hegao were surprised by the fantastic ideas of Old Demon Kurong, but they were not as optimistic as him because Old Demon Kurong had not yet completed his conception of the Lingbao and had only proposed an idea.

It may seem feasible, but there is still a possibility of failure.

According to Old Demon Kurong's idea, in order to refine this treasure, the three of them must understand it together and work together to refine it.

They are all extremely talented people, and their path has not been cut off. They all have the opportunity to break through to the late stage of divine transformation in the future. I wonder if it is worth delaying their cultivation for an uncertain treasure.


Just as the Ninja Saint was about to speak, he was interrupted by the old demon Ku Rong.

"We are in seclusion on the pretext of understanding this treasure, and will hand over the sect to the people below, and let them act according to the opportunity. After refining this treasure, we can compete with Fairy Liuli. If we fail, Fairy Liuli will attack in the future and take out the remaining pieces of this treasure.

It’s easy to explain.”

The old demon Kurong said and kept silent. He had already stated his interests and believed that they would make the right decision.

The hall fell into silence. True Lord Hegao pondered for a long time and took the lead in expressing his stance. In the end, the Ninja Saint also nodded lightly and acquiesced.

Next, the three of them discussed in the main hall for a long time until dawn, before they left the main altar of the Three Religions Alliance.

Qingyang Temple.

Jian Slave's cave is on a mountain peak next to the main peak. Huanhen often comes to visit and asks Jian Slave for sword skills.

On this day, Huanhen helped Li Yuaxu complete another part of the mountain-protecting formation, and he couldn't wait to come back and trigger the cave's restrictions.

"Senior Sword Slave, it's me."

There was a flash of inspiration in front of the cave, and the calm voice of the sword slave came out, "Come in."

With a respectful look on his face, Huanhen entered the cave, bowed to the sword slave, and expressed his doubts about the way of the sword.

This is how they got along over the years. The two sword cultivators only had swords in their eyes and only talked about swords.

Sword Slave will not directly answer the question for Huanhen, but will guide him to find the answer on his own.

Because they practiced different sword techniques, the technique practiced by Huanhen was derived from the "Ziwei Sword Sutra". The sword slave's technique was passed down to Master Tianyue by the first swordsman, who was another master of the Fourteenth Sword Pavilion in Ziwei Palace.

A kind of kendo inheritance.

In the future, Qin Sang will definitely perform exercises for Huanhen. It will not be beneficial to Huanhen if he leads him astray.

Back then, Master Tianyue used his alias to hold the sword and guided Qin Sang in this way.

After listening to Jun's words, Huanhen fell into deep thought. Every time he asked for advice, he didn't feel enlightened, but the more he practiced, the more mysterious it was, and he was already in awe of Sword Slave in his heart.

He still had something to puzzle over, so he was not in a hurry to get it done. He came to his senses and said respectfully: "Senior, I have something to tell you, as ordered by the Master."

Then, Huanhen briefly explained the situation during this period.

Although there are no clear signs yet, according to the intelligence sent by Guihou and others, the Beihai is becoming increasingly dangerous.

If they want to lure out the young people, they can't do it at the expense of the fall of Beihai. They need to take precautions in advance to prevent unexpected events.

Under the refining process, the Sword Slave should be the strongest, so it would be perfect for him to take charge of Beihai.

After hearing this, the sword slave nodded slightly, "That's fine. I asked you to sheath the sword and recharge your sword power. It's time to draw the sword!"

Huanhen showed excitement. He had worshiped Qingyang Temple since he was a child, and fought against powerful enemies with his sword along the way. He was asked by the sword slave to put the sword back into its sheath. At first, he felt uncomfortable with it, but later he gradually felt the beauty of it.

He was certain that he had undergone a radical change, and he was eager to find an opponent to prove it.

Unexpectedly, the sword slave then poured a basin of cold water on him, "The sword technique you cultivate is not my method. When cultivating my sword, don't be too hasty when unsheathing it. Otherwise, your strength will suddenly leak out and your work will be in vain!"

Huanhen looked solemn and said, "I hope senior can teach me!"

"You can hide your identity, seal your cultivation, enter the battlefield to fight, start from scratch, and relive the journey of sword refining. You should be successful! This move is inevitably dangerous, so you should consider it yourself," the sword slave said.

The illusion seems to be enlightened.

The next day, the sword slave left Qingyang Temple, followed by a young man. The young man carried a sword on his back. His appearance and temperament were ordinary, and he did not attract anyone's attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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