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Chapter 1007 The system is very busy and the system is not available


After smoking, Zhao Chengjun and the woman hugged each other openly, not like a couple who came to have an affair, but like a virtuous couple with deep feelings.

I just don’t know what Zhao Chengbing would think when he saw this scene. After a while, the two were entangled again. In the middle, Zhao Chengjun went to the bathroom alone. Because it was fast forwarding, the sound was doubled, and Cheng Yu fell

I couldn't tell whether he was going to take a shower or use the toilet, but it didn't matter.


Soon, Zhao Chengjun returned to bed and intertwined with the woman again.

The whole process was indescribable and eye-catching. Cheng Yu felt as if he was going to get a needle-prick from watching it. Fortunately, this was played at 32x speed, otherwise Cheng Yu would definitely not be able to watch it at a glance. But even so, these two

They still held each other and fucked for more than a minute, which was more than thirty minutes when converted into normal time. This Zhao Chengjun seemed to be really talented. He came twice in a row this early in the morning.

Although the first time was fast and urgent, the second time obviously made the woman very satisfied. This woman could have sex with her uncle

Together, it's probably because of Zhao Chengjun's talent.

Cheng Yu knew that the scene that needed to be intercepted was in this section, and there was no need to read the other parts. Clicking the 32x speed button again restored the playback speed of the scene to normal, and then Cheng Yu moved the progress bar to

After pulling in front of each other for a few minutes, he remembered that the posture the doggy couple changed in the middle was very suitable for frontal photography. The front faces of both people could be photographed without appearing obtrusive. After all, in Cheng Yu's view,

In the scene we saw, due to the holographic video, there were many angles and positions. Cheng Yu's perspective was actually equivalent to a close-up shot, commonly known as a face-in-your-face shot. And this is obviously impossible. No matter how crazy this couple is, they can't

It was impossible for me to find a professional photographer to take pictures of the ugly affair between the two of them as a souvenir, and even post it

Send a copy to Zhao Chengbing.

After adjusting the time and finding a suitable angle, Cheng Yu clicked the play button again. The picture began to flow, but Cheng Yu wished he could close his eyes. It was so irritating to the eyes. For the first time in his life, Cheng Yu sympathized with those who were specially screened.

Is there a violation of regulations by the staff of certain videos? This is what they do every day. Because of their work, they have to watch a lot of weird videos. Most of them are disgusting, such as the ones in front of Cheng Yu. But

Even the ones that make people feel a little excited at first

If you watch dozens or even hundreds of movies day after day, year after year, you may not be able to watch them anymore.

Cheng Yu quickly brought up the menu on the right and selected "Scene Interception".

Dialog box—Should the screenshot be started from this point in time?


The scene that was playing was immediately paused. This also prevented Cheng Yu's eyes from being severely damaged.

Dialog box - In what format do you want to save the captured scene?

Select mp4.

Dialog box - please set the interception space size and adjust it to the appropriate position.

On the still picture, a editing frame appeared, and Cheng Yu could zoom in, out, and drag it with his mind. Soon, Cheng Yu found the right size and placed it in the right place.

.According to the angle Cheng Yu just selected, this intercepted scene should look like a high-definition pinhole.

The probe is taking pictures, and the pinhole probe is placed in a container with a hole, so the range that can be photographed is limited.

After clicking OK, the scene in front of Cheng Yu became what he expected. There was a circle of black around it, as if part of the camera was blocked, and in the middle was the viewing angle selected by Cheng Yu.

Dialog box - Are you willing to pay the interception fee of one point every ten seconds? Please note that if it is less than ten seconds, it will be calculated as ten seconds. Why is Cheng Yu's first reaction? If it is less than ten seconds, it means that even if he exceeds zero points

For every one second, you have to pay a little more points. Although this is the rule given by the Shenxi system, Cheng Yu wants to know why! You are so special

Why can't we just take advantage and not suffer any losses?

This time, before Cheng Yu could even speak to the system, Cheng Yu felt his eyes dazzle slightly as the handwriting on the dialog box just now changed on its own.

The first sentence is still the same, but the last sentence has undergone a qualitative change.

Dialog box - Are you willing to pay the interception fee of one point every ten seconds? Please note that points will be deducted in strict accordance with the rounding method for the exceeded time, accurate to three decimal places. Look, not only does it become

There is no rounding, and even the accuracy is marked. It seems that the Shenlu system also knows that in front of this future adult, if you want to discuss such a thing with him, you are definitely asking for it.

Humiliation, rather than wasting your breath, it would be better to change the rules directly.

The main reason is that the vocal part of the Shenhu system is currently occupied, and I am still reciting novels from the Qidian Chinese website.

When Cheng Yu saw the changed rules, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Isn't this reasonable?"

Then, select OK.

Dialog box - please note that the scene interception is about to start. After starting, the host can click on the screen at any time, and the scene interception will be paused or ended.

Cheng Yu clicked OK to express that he understood. Sure enough, the picture on the light screen immediately began to flow again.

Cheng Yu didn't bother to watch more. He already understood the general situation from the 32x speed state just now. Now he just needs to wait patiently for the time to pass. The video should not be too long, mainly because it is not necessary. Zhao Chengbing did not receive the video.

It's impossible to sit there and open a bottle of beer, then light a cigarette, then make two braised vegetables, smoke with your left hand, drink with your right hand, and then grab another

After taking a few bites of the roasted chicken, Hehe watched the video beautifully. Under the impact of such a powerful picture, he probably could only hold on for a few minutes. If he didn't explode, he would probably have a cerebral hemorrhage.

Cheng Yu set the length of the video at one minute and four seconds. This means he is determined to take advantage of the system. The system is helpless about it. Who makes Cheng Yu so difficult to deal with?

Clicking on the scene on the light screen again paused the interception. A pop-up dialog box asked Cheng Yu whether he wanted to pause or end. Cheng Yu directly chose to end. There was no progress bar like when a computer intercepts certain video clips, or even changes.

The video format will also have a progress bar. In the backward view, all actions are completed in seconds. This is probably because of the computing power of the Shenhu system.

It's an extremely powerful result. After all, the combined computing power of computers on the entire planet is less than a drop in the bucket.

Dialog box - Do you want to spend some points to transfer the mp4 file to the space designated by the host? Cheng Yu looked at it for a moment, and suddenly became furious, system, you are completely shameless by doing this. Excuse me,

I can extract this backward-looking technique infinitely, right? In other words, even fifty years later, I will

Lying on the hospital bed, dying, but as long as I haven't been sent to the incinerator, I can extract and watch it. If it weren't for the purpose of making this thing into a video and saving it in a space where other humans can see it, I would be disappointed.

Are you crazy enough to spend so many points to convert it to mp4 format? Do you really think I am right?

I have a soft spot for p4. Wouldn’t it be fun for me to watch short videos that are not in this format?

The system made a slight creaking sound, and the writing on the dialog box finally changed.

Dialog box - the host is loud, the host is reasonable, the host is awesome, the host's wish comes true. There is no need to spend any points to transfer the captured scene.

Three seconds later, the dialog box slowly faded and finally disappeared. Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and wondered why the system was so obedient these two times. He didn't even have the courage to argue with himself. He simply didn't even make a sound.

If it doesn’t work out, just change these unreasonable rules.

. It wasn’t until Cheng Yu set the final storage space of this video to his mobile phone that Cheng Yu finally remembered that it wasn’t that the system didn’t want to argue with him, it wasn’t that it had changed its gender, and it wasn’t that the system had become less quarrelsome.

It's because this guy is still in the middle of the conversation and keeps reciting novels from the Qidian Chinese website, and the vocal system has no time.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Looking at the time, it's not too early. Things here have been successfully completed. Cheng Yu can go back and sleep with his wife in peace.

Really, this guy Zhao Chengjun, why are you sleeping with other people's wives? His own wife is so nice. You will get retribution for sleeping with other people's wives. You see, your retribution will come soon, because your retribution is me.

Cheng Yu was thinking as he walked behind the door and looked out through the peephole to make sure there was no one else in the dark corridor. He opened the door and walked out. In fact, there was no need to be so nervous unless he happened to meet someone.

to the waiter, and the waiter must know for sure that the room is unoccupied, otherwise there will be no suspicion of a guest coming out of the hotel room.

.But Cheng Yu is used to being careful, and this is just a matter of habit.

Still holding his pockets with both hands, Cheng Yu left the Orange Hotel.

The front desk was a little strange. Didn't this customer just come back? Why did he go out again? But it's not even eleven o'clock yet, and the second half of some activities has just begun. Maybe he was asked to renew his stall.

Walking to his car, Cheng Yu got in, took off his hat and mask, drove the car, and drove towards Wu Dong's yard calmly.

Before the car started, Cheng Yu casually sent a message to Xiao Nie. This guy was playing a game just now, and he is probably still in the game. Just wait until he comes out and sees WeChat. Anyway, there is no need to rush to reply.

Cheng Yu said - help me keep an eye on the two brothers tomorrow, and tell me if they are together.

The car was less than fifty meters away when his cell phone rang. Cheng Yu glanced at it and found that it was Xiao Nie.

Looks like this guy's playing time is over.

——I will arrange it now. As long as their mobile phones are no more than two meters apart, I will receive a reminder.

Cheng Yu knew that no matter when Xiao Nie would get the result, he would notify him immediately as soon as he got it. Therefore, Cheng Yu did not need to reply, and it was inconvenient to drive.

Unexpectedly, after driving only two or three hundred meters, the phone rang again, and when I glanced at it, it was Xiao Nie.

——By coincidence, they are together now, and the distance between the two mobile phones is no more than thirty centimeters.

What does this mean? This means that the two of them were probably drinking, singing or taking a shower together, so they placed their mobile phones less than thirty centimeters apart.

That's right, these two brothers were originally working in the urban entertainment industry. It was not even eleven o'clock, and the nightlife had just started, or even started. It was impossible for the two brothers to go home so early to wash and sleep. Thinking about it this way, Zhao Chengjun

I rushed to the Orange Hotel at ten o'clock in the morning to sleep with Zhao Chengbing's wife. It was really hard. She was so addicted despite not getting enough sleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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