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Chapter 1,027 Going to Thailand


The dinner was enjoyed by the host and the guests, and the four of them drank until nearly twelve o'clock. Meng Yiren noticed that Du Xiaoyu was already sleepy, so she took her unfinished business and left.

Cheng Yu was slightly drunk, and so was Du Xiaoyu. They hugged each other and fell asleep without taking a shower.

Early the next morning, Cheng Yu woke up. Looking at Du Xiaoyu, whose eyelashes were trembling slightly in his arms, he knew that she should be awake too.

With a happy smile on his face, Cheng Yu glanced at the clock on the wall. It was just eight o'clock, and today was the weekend. He didn't know if Du Xiaoyu would go to the company to work overtime today.

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up. Do you still need to go to the company today?" Cheng Yu asked softly, gently pinching the tip of Du Xiaoyu's nose.

Du Xiaoyu whimpered and knocked Cheng Yu's hand off her nose: "We still have to go, but we can do it a little later."

When Cheng Yu heard this, he immediately became excited and turned over and lay on Du Xiaoyu's body. But before he could kiss him, Du Xiaoyu pushed him away and rolled under the bed.

"Stop making a fuss. It's already past eight o'clock. If you make a fuss, we won't be able to get out of bed at ten o'clock. When I say later, I really just mean that it can be later."

Watching Du Xiaoyu enter the bathroom as if he was running away, Cheng Yu lay on his side and supported his head with his hands, watching Du Xiaoyu come and go in the bathroom.

The two had breakfast together. Cheng Yu put Du Xiaoyu in the car and watched her leave. Now that there is space folding, the biggest advantage is that you don't have to stay where you want to go. You can go out in the morning just like commuting to get off work. Coming back in the evening, but with at least 40 points every day, it still makes Cheng Yu feel a little bit pained. But this is also good, at least he doesn't have to fly back and forth. Especially when he needs to travel to different places, the time saving is huge. . Moreover, there is no need to stay in a hotel at night, and you can save some money by staying back.

Children's money.

Although it is impossible to say which one is better, it can at least make Cheng Yu feel a little more comfortable. After saying hello to Aunt Zhang, Cheng Yu went out, because from now on, he will need to use space to fold almost every day.

You must find a safe place to make sure that when you wear it back and forth, you will never be

People discovered. Driving to the Taohuayuan Club, Xue Changyun originally designed the Taohuayuan Club, but reserved a few guest rooms on the top floor for emergencies. Sometimes they lived by themselves, and sometimes they were provided to some temporary guests.

Cheng Yu plans to set up his base camp in one of the rooms to meet the needs of customers. The guest rooms in Taohuayuan Club have a convenience that is absolutely different from those in hotels, that is, when the room is vacant, the door lock does not have a password, but once

After swiping the door card given to you by the club, you can set a password yourself. Then, unless you take the initiative to open the door for others, no one can enter that room. Of course, except for violent entry. This is

It ensures that Cheng Yu sets the starting point of the teleportation spell and the ending point when returning here.

In a room, as long as he sets the password, there will never be anyone else in the room.

He is also one of the owners of Taohuayuan Club. Of course, no one will have any doubts if he wants to book a room. Although the club is mainly open at night, there are people on duty during the day. After Cheng Yu went there, he saw

The person on duty hasn't even gotten up yet. After all, the club is open until three o'clock at night, and it's still open at nine o'clock in the morning.

It is a normal sleeping time. Generally speaking, unless there are special circumstances, no guests will come at this time. Even the two bosses, Xue Changyun and Cheng Yu, will not come at this time. Parked the car at the Taohuayuan Club

The exclusive parking space is a long-term rental space for Taohuayuan Club. You have to pay for it even if you don't park, but it gives customers a convenient parking place. After getting off the car, Cheng Yu took it out from the trunk.

Carrying a large travel bag, he walked to the elevator. After going upstairs, he saw the sleepy look of the person on duty. Cheng Yu was also a little embarrassed. He said, "I'm sorry, I need a room for the next few days."

God, I have to keep this room. Mainly during the day.

Do some things inside, there are no people here during the day, it’s relatively quiet.”

Upon hearing this, the person on duty quickly found a room card from the drawer, handed it to Cheng Yu, and said, "Mr. Cheng, please wait a moment, I will take you there." Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "No, you can sleep again."

Go back to sleep. This room doesn't need cleaning. Don't let anyone disturb you until I return the room card to you. It's best not to tell anyone that I asked for this room.

." Although the person on duty didn't know what was going on, it was normal for a noble man like Cheng Yu to hide his darling in a golden house. Although he didn't understand why Cheng Yu wanted to hide his darling here, he still nodded sensibly and said: "

rest assured

Mr. Cheng, I guarantee that other than me, not even Mr. Xue will know that you used a room."

Cheng Yu expressed satisfaction with this, took the room card and turned to leave.

After opening the door according to the room number, Cheng Yu set a six-digit password and then closed the door.

First, he opened Google Earth on his mobile phone. After finding Bangkok, Cheng Yu quickly adjusted the map data. It was in the southernmost part of Bangkok near the seaside, where there were not many tourists and not many residents.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer Bangkok, but Samut Samut Sakhon. Fortunately, it is only thirty kilometers away from downtown Bangkok.

Samut Sakhon is located next to the estuary of the Ta Kim River. It is a large fishing base in Thailand, so both sides of the Ta Kim River are almost filled with seawater farms, and residents mainly live on both sides of the Ta Kim River. In recent years, some people have also moved to Siam.

A seafood restaurant was opened near Luowan in order to make full use of the fishery resources here, but it seems that not many tourists are interested here. After all, this place is a bit remote, with almost no sea view, and no beach. The coast is full of

The tidal flat is covered with various plants and is completely unsuitable for human travel. In addition, the road conditions are not good, and even the roads leading to those seaside restaurants are extremely narrow.

, some are even simply dirt roads that “become roads when there are too many people walking on them”.

The extremely poor ancillary facilities and supporting facilities make tourists stay away from this place, and most of the restaurants are in a state of half-life.

But this is an excellent location for Cheng Yu. Unless he is very unlucky, as long as he sets the latitude and longitude coordinates among the trees on the coast, there is almost no possibility of being discovered.

This was what Cheng Yu had thought about before. He had long targeted the area near the Gulf of Siam in Samut Sakhon Province. This was the best place for him to enter Bangkok.

Since the folded area was a thicket of trees, Cheng Yu was well prepared to avoid getting hurt.

Wearing an aquaculture rubber protective suit can basically guarantee Cheng Yu's basic safety.

When Cheng Yu went upstairs just now, the big bag he was carrying was used to hold the protective clothing.

After selecting the location, Cheng Yu silently wrote down the longitude and latitude coordinates of the location, then put on the protective clothing. Then he entered the system mall and chose to redeem a teleportation spell. I don't know if it was an illusion.

, Cheng Yu always felt that when he focused his attention on the system mall, he seemed to hear a voice sighing in his ears. It was fleeting, and Cheng Yu was not sure whether there was really a sound.

. Not caring about so much anymore, Cheng Yu chose to use the teleportation technique immediately, and then entered the latitude and longitude coordinates he had just selected. As soon as he clicked the OK button, Cheng Yu's eyes blurred, and he still had nothing to do as before.

How did he feel? Then, in front of him was the lush green, and he was already in Samut Sakhon, next door to Bangkok, the capital of central and southern Thailand. At this time, Cheng Yu discovered that there was still a gap between the scene seen on Google Earth and reality.

Yes, the location he is in now is not in the woods, but in the sea. Those that look like shrubs on the map are actually

The green color of the forest is actually the floating plants on the water.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu reacted quickly. In addition, it was close to the coast, so the water was not deep, and it just reached Cheng Yu's chest. After a few flops, Cheng Yu stood still in the sea water.

Facts have proved that although the protective clothing did not protect Cheng Yu, it did play a role in preventing Cheng Yu from becoming a wet and dirty drowned rat.

"Am I still very wise?" Cheng Yu said to himself.

Here, it should be not far from the Gulf of Siam and the Seventy-Two Houses. With many temples nearby, it is estimated that renting a car will not be too difficult. After wading the phytoplankton from the sea to the shore, Cheng Yu walked along the shore.

The path walked towards the residential area in my memory. Along the way, I saw a few people sporadically. I could tell at a glance that they were all local residents, wearing only

It can be said that they are shabby, but of course they are not necessarily poor. The residents who appear nearby are basically engaged in breeding. Regardless of the scale, they should not be too poor. They are dressed like this just to make it easier to work. Those people

They all looked at Cheng Yu with curious eyes. After all, it was rare to see people other than them in this kind of place. Even if these people existed in large numbers not far away, it was really difficult to see them in this place only one or two kilometers away.


To outsiders, I don’t blame these locals for feeling strange. Some people pointed at him, even seemed to say hello to him, or asked him something. Relying on the language barrier, Cheng Yu called out "Anihasa"

, while jogging, if these people can understand other Asian

Greetings from other countries, then they should regard Cheng Yu as a Korean. Not far away, he obviously saw more buildings. Cheng Yu found a convenience store and went in to buy a big bag first so that he could carry it.

I went in and asked about the protective clothing using the mobile phone translation software.

Where can I rent a car? I have to say that Alipay is really influential. Even in relatively remote cities like Samut Sakhon, Thailand, it can still be used in almost every store. Or

Said that the power of Chinese tourists is too great to

As for the entire Thailand, Alipay must be accepted as a payment method.

The clerk was also very enthusiastic, pointing out the location of the car rental agency for Cheng Yu, and even ran to the door of the store to give Cheng Yu the direction.

After Cheng Yu thanked him, he paid an extra ten yuan in soft girl coins, indicating that this was a tip for him.

Although it is only ten yuan, the salary of a convenience store clerk in Bangkok is less than 3,000 yuan. In a place like Samut Samut, it is estimated that 2,000 yuan can hire a clerk, so ten yuan is not enough for him.

No more small additions.

Carrying a huge bag, Cheng Yu went straight to the car rental agency and easily negotiated for a pickup truck. The daily rent was only about 120 yuan, and he needed to pay a deposit of about 6,000 yuan.

After completing the formalities quickly, Cheng Yu thought that Thailand is really convenient. You don’t even need to show your passport or driver’s license to rent a car. This is simply unbelievable in China. Thai cars are right-hand drive, which means that

They drive on the left. Although this is the opposite of what Cheng Yu did in China and the United States, it is not a problem for Cheng Yu. Although he does not have a Thai driver's license, even if he is caught by the police, he can just stuff some money.

This chapter has been completed!
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