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Chapter 1050 Such a big dragon and phoenix


After leaving the nightclub, Cheng Yu made a gesture to invite him in the opposite direction of the car. Anyway, he didn't really intend to take Claren to his car. There were no photos in the car, but there was a child. There.

Claren didn't realize he was there. He nodded and walked away. Cheng Yu caught up with him and walked side by side.

Cheng Yu Jiaozhi asked inadvertently: "Claren, may I ask if you know a policeman named Songpa Shan?" At the same time, Cheng Yu clicked on the mind-reading function in his heart and filled in Clarence's name. Confirm use.

When Claron heard Cheng Yu's question, he suddenly stopped and looked at Cheng Yu with suspicion. He didn't know what Cheng Yu meant. But Cheng Yu had already "heard" his inner words: This guy asked about Songpa. What's Shan doing? Does he already know that Songpa Shan is my superior? How could A Liang have such a friend? This guy doesn't seem to be real

What kind of legal identity is needed for whom? Why is he looking for Songpashan? Claron said nothing, but Cheng Yu has confirmed that Claron and Songpashan know each other, and Songpashan happens to be Claren's online, Cheng Yu's reasoning is indeed correct, Songpa Shan is not the head of the snake

, but a policeman. Previously, Cheng Yu put all the clues to find the person on the snakehead, which was completely blind. He was misguided by Soe Win's words. You have to strike while the iron is hot, and Cheng Yu doesn't care about the other person's heart. What was he thinking, he just continued to ask: "I wonder if Clarence could introduce Officer Sompashan to me. Clarence doesn't have to come forward, he just needs to tell me."

Just get one next to Officer Songpashan's police station." Claren's expression suddenly changed, he looked at Cheng Yu again, and said coldly in extremely unfamiliar Cantonese: "I see you are A Liang's friend, first of all I agreed to help, but now I have changed my mind and will go ahead." After that, Ke

Laren turned around and left, not knowing that Cheng Yu had already obtained the information he wanted.

Cheng Yu's blunt question made Claren silently "tell" which police station Songpashan belonged to, and a smile appeared on Cheng Yu's face.

In order to reduce Clarence's suspicion, Cheng Yu shouted behind him: "Claren, please explain? Is it because I said something wrong? I'm sorry. I'll take back what I said first. Please leave your comment." "But, it was obvious that Claren had made up his mind and would never stop because of this. Instead, he walked even more hurriedly and returned to the nightclub in a blink of an eye. He was probably going to ask A-Liang what his friend really was. What happened?

It's over. It doesn't matter how A Liang explains to Claren. It can be seen that although he is helping Claren, Claren should not fall out with him over this matter, and he may not even be able to do so. face. Otherwise, g

Laren will not be summoned to the nightclub by A Liang's careless phone call.

Although he felt a little ashamed of A Liang, since it had little impact on A Liang, Cheng Yu hurriedly took the next step.

He immediately ran towards where he parked his car, jumped into the car, and immediately drove away from the neighborhood. Cheng Yu estimated that Aliang would most likely tell the truth to Claren, and Claren would also tell Cheng the truth. Yu’s questions after he went out and his suspicions were informed. Then with Claron’s ability, it is estimated that it won’t take long for him to know.

There was a small casino two lanes next door that was vandalized, and it was that group of people who told that person his information. The next thing he had to consider was whether to tell Somprashan the news.

What happened was indeed as Cheng Yu expected. Claren returned to the nightclub and returned to the small room behind the swimming pool, hurling a few curse words at Aliang.

"Claren, are you confused? Do you know what you are talking about?" A Liang was still half lying on the bed, talking lazily, and at the same time he threw a peanut into his mouth. Claren

He was also in a hurry, and now he has calmed down a lot. He suppressed his anger as much as possible and said: "A Liang, who is that person your friend? Why did he ask me about my contact in the police station as soon as he left the house? He knows that I

There are many people in the police station, but no one knows exactly who that person is, not even you or me. But why can he directly ask for that person's name?"

A Liang felt a little surprised, and he said as if talking to himself: "Could it be that what he said are all lies, and his real purpose is actually to chant Phasa?"

Although he seemed to be talking to himself, the words fell on Claron's ears, and he was surprised again: "How do you know Songpa Shan?" Claron was already a little lost. A Liang sat up and picked up the beer at hand to drink.

He took a sip and said slowly: "You can't hide anything I want to know from me. But you also know that I don't bother to care about these things, otherwise I wouldn't

I have been here to help you calm down for so many years. What did that person ask you after he went out just now?" Although Claren felt extremely panicked in his heart, A Liang's seemingly casual attitude made him feel like he was completely naked.

After seeing a clean feeling, Claren always felt that she had hidden her secrets

It's very good. I didn't expect that A Liang didn't take it seriously at all. But now that A Liang knew it, he already knew it, and Claron really believed that A Liang would never harm his thoughts. Otherwise, with A Liang's ability,

He can soon have a greater power than himself in Bangkok, instead of just living in a humble place

In your own nightclub, help yourself take care of these documents that must not be exposed. In this nightclub, apart from the normal business and even the unique pool party, this small room in the pool is the most important thing for Claren

place. In these filing cabinets, there are a lot of information about carat

Claren's secrets, as well as other people's secrets, as long as these things are in hand, Claren can do anything. As night falls, the nightclub is full of people, and Claren can legitimately arrange for a group of people to stay in this small room. Everyone thinks this is

In order to ensure the safety of the nightclub. But during the day, the nightclub is empty

, if a bunch of people are also deployed, then many people will immediately realize that the records of Claren's grasp, as well as Claren's own business, are all here. Therefore, we can only let A Liang, who can even use bullets,

Experts who have escaped from the past are here to ensure the safety of these documents. At the same time, it makes people think that A Liang is just a drunk cat, a cat that is related to Claren.

The drunk cat who gave him such an easy job of cleaning the swimming pool naturally didn't expect that there were so many secrets hidden here. This is why Claren didn't hide these documents in the safe.

It seems that as long as there is such a thing as a safe, it will definitely become the target of someone with good intentions. Put the most important things in the safe

Here, isn't that telling others that what you are looking for is here, come and get this safe? Of course, those documents cannot fill so many filing cabinets here. In the filing cabinets here,

They mainly display some normal information, some business dealings, and some photos taken in nightclubs about Bangkok officials.

Videos of policemen and policemen. But they are all videos that cannot kill anyone. Those videos are enough for small matters, but for big matters, the most important documents hidden in them are needed.

Even his group of men who sit here at night and are ready to protect the safety of the nightclub do not know that there is such an important thing hidden here. The only one who knows is A Liang. But A Liang never cares about these.

, Claren also marked the filing cabinet where those documents were placed, so that once someone opens it, he will definitely find it. In Claren's opinion, until now, that filing cabinet has never been

It had been opened, so he had no idea how Aliang knew about Songpa Shan.

At least, Aliang is trustworthy, and Claron kept warning himself not to get into trouble. "He walked out a few steps, and asked me if I knew Songpa Shan, and he clearly said the word 'send someone'.

In other words, he knew the identity of Sumpa Shan. Of course I didn’t answer him, but he seemed to have seen through my silence.

He had the answer, so he asked me to introduce him to Songpa Shan. He didn’t even have to show up. He just needed to tell him which police station Songpa Shan belonged to." A Liang sighed and threw another one.

Putting peanuts in his mouth, he said: "Can't you just say you don't know him without changing your face after he asked the first question? Who is Sompashan? Just say that although the business you do is indeed related to the police.

, but you have never heard of this Somprashan, so you can ask him why he wants to find a Bangkok policeman. You can even say that you may be able to help, and ask your friends in the police station to ask. In this way

, it will probably make him think that you and Sompashan don’t know each other, so there won’t be a second problem.” Claron waved his hand anxiously and said, “How can I have so many thoughts? If I don’t care about everything,

Even though I can think as much as you do, why would I want to take advantage of others? I had already been admitted to Bangkok University and worked as a white-collar worker in an office building.


A Liang asked again: "What did you say to him?"

"I said I was willing to help because of your face, but now I changed my mind. Then I came back."

"What about him?"

"He told me not to leave in a hurry, and asked me if he said something wrong. He was willing to apologize and take back those words."

A Liang was a little surprised and said: "He didn't pull you?" Claren shook his head, and A Liang couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and said as if talking to himself: "It seems that I was also deceived by him.

Do people from Yinmen act so unprincipled? Lies come as soon as they open their mouths. So he doesn’t have any friends who need Bangkok’s true identity. His only purpose is to meet Claron and test whether he knows Songpa Shan.

And obtained the information about Songpa Shan from Claron. But since Claron

Lun didn't say anything, so how did he get the answer? Hypnosis?" It has to be said that A Liang has been infinitely close to the truth. Although the mind-reading technique used by Cheng Yu is not hypnosis, it is a method that transcends the earth.

A method of reading brain cell activity based on technology, but A Liang can guess it

Cheng Yu doesn't need Claron to actually reveal the whereabouts of Songpashan. This is correct. Vision determines how big the world can be seen. A Liang has no idea that there are gods in this world.

As a system that can surpass Earth's technology, it is naturally impossible to imagine such a miraculous method.


Claron was a little anxious as he listened to A Liang talking to himself: "You mean he already knows which police station Songpa Shan is in?"

"If he didn't chase you, then the possibility that he already knows the answer is very high. Otherwise, he sang such a big dragon and phoenix but couldn't get the answer. What was he doing for that?"

Claren's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Then should I tell Songpa Shan about this immediately so that he can be on guard." A Liang shook his head and said, "No. If he wants to find Songpa Shan,

The trouble of kindness is not something you can stop."

This chapter has been completed!
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