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Chapter 1086: Punishment becomes welfare


Cheng Yu decided to go straight to the point: "So, can you tell me the real mission rewards and mission penalties for this special mission?"

"According to the rules, the host should actually ask the question, and I am only responsible for answering yes or no." Cheng Yu thought to himself that this is probably the most shameful part of the God Digging System. Regarding the rules, it is always half-hidden with the pipa.

I never tell you clearly, but let you guess. It’s good to guess, but it’s good to guess wrong.

, and guessing too much will lead to ruthless rebuke from the God Picking System.

Fortunately, this time the God System changed the topic and continued: "But this time I can tell you directly, even if it is compensation for my private establishment of a gambling agreement."

Cheng Yu was overjoyed and said, "Say it quickly."

"If the host can successfully complete this special task, this task will automatically be classified as a daily task. Although there is no settlement, the host's task system will be upgraded in advance." Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that this would actually take the shortest time.

One daily task has been reduced, and there is no risk in this task. At most, it will just be a failure. And judging from the reward of this task, the punishment should be about the same.

It won’t be too heavy. “If the host cannot successfully complete this special task, the system will deduct seven days of the host’s life. At the same time, if the host’s remaining life is less than half a year, the host will be forced to stay in the inactive period for the next six months. If

If the remaining life of the host exceeds half a year, then the host can arrange when to execute the time period."


This punishment is actually very severe. Of course, this punishment means almost no loss to Cheng Yu, but that is because Cheng Yu has accumulated enough points and enough life time. This is only equivalent to half a year's life.

life span converted to

The non-tagging time period. Since Cheng Yu's current life span is far longer than half a year, the non-tagging time period after the transformation is even a benefit for Cheng Yu. You know, Cheng Yu now has a power, he can

At any time, he announces that he will enter the no-cutting time period or the unrestricted time period, starting from one natural month. It is as if he now, knowing that this period of time will produce a lot of wasteful behavior, then he announced that the no-cutting time period will be used first, so that


In order to avoid the system deducting points for his wasteful behavior. After the system forcibly converted half a year's life span into a non-picking period, Cheng Yu had six more such opportunities. But this would have been quite fatal to the previous hosts.

This is a punishment, because once the remaining life of the host is less than half a year, he will enter the no-digging period from the end of the mission, and because of this punishment setting, he will not be able to dig out during the duration of this special mission.

There is no way to redeem the life duration. After the task is completed, it will become inevitable for him to redeem the life duration, but at that time, he can no longer freely choose when the six-month non-digging period will be exercised, and can only watch helplessly.

Seeing that I will earn nothing in the next six months. If I happen to have a large amount of money in the account during this six months, I could have

The points you brought will disappear.

This is so cruel, it is no different from seeking wealth and killing. The most terrifying thing is that if the host has less than half a year of life left, and after converting the remaining points into life time, plus his remaining life time, it is still not enough

Half a year, then all he can do is wait for death

This is the way to go.

That kind of state of mind where you know that you will die on that day, but you have no choice but to do anything. It is like a death row prisoner. Watching your death day approaching day by day, you can only say to yourself: You can eat and drink.

Although this punishment is not worth mentioning and even becomes a benefit to Cheng Yu, it is because of Cheng Yu's special creation, and the system rules are certain, so there is no possibility that the system deliberately seeks benefits for Cheng Yu.

Then this punishment is a bit too harsh. In comparison, the reward seems not worth mentioning. Cheng Yu originally wanted to discuss this matter with the Shenzhao System, but after thinking about it carefully, it was unnecessary. If he really wanted to discuss it, the system would probably

I thought he was simply getting an advantage and being nice. But in fact, Cheng Yu just wanted to know why.

The rewards and punishments of this special mission are so unequal, as if this is not a real reward, but as if the God System has once again set a trap for itself and made a gambling agreement.

Cheng Yu said cautiously: "If I object to such rewards and punishments, can they be cancelled?" The system was a little surprised, but it quickly understood Cheng Yu's caution. It smiled bitterly and said: "The host does not need to be overly nervous. This is indeed special.

The rewards and punishments of the task itself, rather than me proposing a new gambling agreement. Moreover,

This reward and punishment measure may seem cruel to others, but to you, the host, this is basically welfare, right?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "Because of this, it is increasingly difficult for me to understand. The system must not be very kind to me, or it is really too cruel to the host in a normal state." The system did not answer Cheng Yu's question.

question, but said in a business-like manner: "The host has successfully canceled the gambling agreement, and the special mission will be carried out according to the original track. Does the host have anything else to do?

"Cheng Yu only felt as if he was in a dream. He was worried to death before. After all, more than 170,000 points cannot be lost. Even if they are really gone, Cheng Yu should be able to earn them back quickly.

, again, the world's three major sources of poison, so why not kill him again and again for points. Now there is a magic weapon like teleportation. You can kill people in the morning and go home to eat hot pot at night. If you don't care about the loss of a small amount of points.

, Cheng Yusha

People can even become elusive. Imagine that in Washington, the United States, in the Office of the President of the White House, suddenly a Chinese appears in the office, as if he appeared out of thin air, and then fires a few shots, killing everyone in the office. Wait until the police

When President Suzudaisaku's bodyguards were dispatched, they found that there was no one in the house, the door was locked, the windows were not opened, and almost all the passages that allowed people to pass through were closed. This formed a perfect

the secret

room scene...

Isn't this shocking to the whole world?

Next, there are French President Macron, British Prime Minister Sunak, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida...

Then the world will be in chaos? Of course, this is just a thought. After all, these people are just people who regard China as an imaginary enemy. They are not heinous criminals. The result of Cheng Yu killing them can only be that the gods have manipulated the system to deliberately


Obliterate. But the three major poison sources in the world are really an almost inexhaustible source of points. It is not difficult for Cheng Yu to score tens of thousands of points in one kill. From now on, let’s not call them poison sources. They are separate sources.

The existence of these three places is purely for the purpose of killing Cheng Yu. There is no doubt that these people all deserve to die. No matter in any dimension of any universe, these people deserve death under the legal framework.

People, killing them Cheng Yu can be said to be

There is no psychological burden. Cheng Yu can still do good deeds without leaving his name. He has made an indelible contribution to the anti-drug work around the world. The Republic should award him a trophy as a lifelong anti-drug ambassador. But that’s what they say.

, Cheng Yu doesn't really want to become a murderous maniac, it's already gone too far, it can almost be said that his hands are stained with blood. If he really wants to run to the Golden Triangle for points and sweep across them indiscriminately, it seems that it would be impossible anyway.

It was not an act of justice, even if the people who died really deserved to die. Although Cheng Yu had killed many people before, he had done so casually when necessary. First of all, those people really deserved to die.

Secondly, Cheng Yu wanted to complete the system's mission. Even if the Merciful Buddha wanted to punish excessive killing, he should also punish the God System. After all, Cheng Yu only had to kill so many people in order to complete the mission issued by the system.

It's better now, the crisis has been resolved, and there is really no need for Cheng Yu to complete this special task. The punishment after failing the task has turned into a blessing for Cheng Yu, an extremely special being.

Where can he go to reason? Cheng Yu feels that for the sake of the liberation of all mankind, he must bear the responsibility alone.

The... blessings brought about by the failure of the mission. The Shenhu System obviously felt Cheng Yu's thoughts and let out a faint sigh again. If it hadn't discovered that the special mission had been released early in the morning, Cheng Yu would have most likely chosen to abandon the mission directly and concentrate on helping

Chu Chu is treating the disease, maybe it really can't do the mess of secretly working out the gambling agreement. Why doesn't the God System know that Cheng Yu is a piece of meat, very difficult to deal with, even for gambling?

The matter of the agreement was not discovered by him before the settlement, but as soon as the task was settled and Cheng Yu found out that his task had failed, in addition to being cleared of all points, he also received a half-year period of no-tagging time, he would immediately realize that half a year

The time period of not picking up is probably the real punishment for mission failure, and clearing the points is probably a trick of the system. By then, even if there are protocols and underlying logic as red lines, Cheng Yu will not be able to regain anything, but he still

It will hurt the system, if not

It's a last resort, and the system really doesn't want to do that.

And the current development of the situation is as expected by the system. Cheng Yu almost chose to give up the mission as soon as he realized the truth of the special mission. In fact, if it were replaced by another host, even if the life time in his hand was more than half a year,

, and not choosing the time period has become a benefit like Cheng Yu, and those hosts will probably try their best to complete special tasks. Because

Because reducing one daily task is a real benefit to other hosts. You must know that at the intermediate task stage, almost every task is life-threatening. Besides Cheng Yu, who else is this pervert?

Can you completely ignore those dangers? In one and a half years, for most hosts, it would be good to be able to advance the divine system to the intermediate stage. Some may even be in the primary stage. How can it be like Cheng Yu?

In this way, we have come directly to the advanced stage, and are already approaching the second stage of the advanced stage. The biggest difference this brings is that all the redeemable items for Cheng Yu in the system mall are high-level, while those of other hosts

It would be great if the redeemable items could be of mid-level. The difference here is huge. Moreover, most hosts are very limited in the use of points. How can they be like Cheng Yu who can exchange them for all kinds of things?

Superpowers? And the level is not high enough, and there are not so many redeemable items open in the system mall. At least, far-sightedness, forward-looking driving, teleportation, etc. have not yet appeared. Even if those hosts have enough points to squander, it is impossible for them to freely use this

Traveling around the earth at will. Cheng Yu is now a wealthy version of Doraemon with a pay-for-anywhere door. He takes out a random door from his stomach with a loud sound, and then swipes his card to pay. He can go wherever he wants to go. Those who are interested in other hosts

In terms of life dangers that may be encountered during the execution of tasks, Cheng Yu does not exist at all. As long as he is careful enough, he can avoid almost all dangers. Just imagine, Cheng Yu first passes through the system task execution with a biu sound

Near the place, and then exchange for a teleportation spell, fill in the coordinates of going home, and be ready at any time. Once he encounters something close to unsolvable during the execution of the task, Cheng Yu only needs to press the last confirmation button with his mind.

, he will snap back to his designated place. How can there be any danger in this? It's just that the enemy may be confused, why are the people gone? But it doesn't matter, just snap back and make up for it.

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