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Chapter 1098: Once bitten by a snake


In fact, I had thought about this problem just now. At that time, Cheng Yu thought that it was because the system wanted him to use teleportation, so that he would have a chance to be seen by the locals and suspect that he had superpowers, so that he could clear all his information.

Some points. But now I think about it, is the purpose of the system too obvious? Moreover, Cheng Yu can see from the far vision that there is a natural place where the teleportation spell can be set to reach the destination. There is no way that the system can't do this.

You know? You know, everything Cheng Yu can see now is actually what the system allows him to see. This means that if the system really wants to force Cheng Yu to go somewhere to plan something, then the system must

to this

Have considerable knowledge of the place.

Then there are only two possibilities. First, this seemingly safe place is actually not safe. For example, although Cheng Yu sees that there is no one in the culvert now, if it is not safe, there will be people hiding in the culvert. And

Maybe it’s not someone hiding,

Basically, some people had to enter the culvert. Based on Cheng Yu's habits, the system judged that the time when he used the teleportation technique to go to Nensi Township was just right to bump into that person or those people.

But this is actually not difficult to avoid. If Cheng Yu wants to be safer, he can use ten points to exchange for a far-sighted spell before using the teleportation spell, and make sure that no one is in the culvert before setting off.

Or maybe Cheng Yu didn't choose to use the far-sighted technique just now, but waited until he wanted to set off tomorrow before using it. Then it would be almost difficult for the system to calculate him at this point.

Therefore, it should be the second possibility. The system does not expect that the hole it dug can really bury Cheng Yu. The reason why it wants Cheng Yu to go to Nensi Township is that it really hopes that Cheng Yu can go to Nensi Township.

Si Xiang. But the problem is that going to Nen Si Xiang is actually Cheng Yu's private work. It is a journey that may help Cheng Yu obtain a large amount of property. This kind of unexpected property can be purchased for 10,000 yuan in soft sister coins.

Redemption of points

The ratio eventually becomes Cheng Yu’s accumulated points.

The system is already troubled by the fact that Cheng Yu has an unreasonable amount of points. Now it is said that it wants Cheng Yu to collect points, which is somewhat unreasonable.

So why is it so pretentious? But no matter what, Cheng Yu doesn't think the system is really the first purpose. In this special mission, the matter of digging holes and designing the points in Cheng Yu's hand should come to an end.

, the system is not stupid enough to really think

In this way, Cheng Yu's points can be cleared. This matter, after Cheng Yu realized that the mission rewards and punishments were not real mission rewards and punishments, it actually came to an end, and there was no possibility of advancement. Compared with the "mission rewards and punishments"

In the gambling agreement, Cheng Yu believes that the section about superpowers is more like an insurance set up by the system to allow the gambling agreement to proceed smoothly. It is to prevent Cheng Yu from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Adopting unconventional means, the silence spell is really too powerful a tool for dealing with the aftermath. Therefore, today, the system took the initiative to talk to Cheng Yu uncharacteristically. In fact, it was hoping that Cheng Yu would notice that the section related to super powers in the mission content was also done by the system.

Ghost, Cheng Yu will ask to cancel this section

, so there are no longer any obstacles for Cheng Yu to go to Vietnam.

But what is the purpose of promoting this matter so actively? This has nothing to do with the system's mission.

Could it be that Cheng Fu is in Vietnam? And in Nensi Township, Beiguang County? Thinking of the recent period, the system has actually been trying to push Cheng Yu to find Cheng Fu's whereabouts, or it is actively pushing Cheng Yu to find another person.

A system that searches for the person who was once in the same distant place as it

Civilized, but a system of hostile forces. Now that the God System expects Cheng Yu to go to Nensi Township, it seems to mean that Cheng Fu is very likely to be there. What is Cheng Fu doing in Nensi Township?

Is Sun Tzu really going to be a drug lord? But he is so poor. Even if he has extraordinary ability to make money by relying on the system that once belonged to Cheng Guangnian, it is impossible.

Let those vicious drug lords listen to the words of a novice like him? However, if Cheng Fu is now in Nensi Township, and his target is those poppies, Cheng Yu can understand why he would choose to go far away and take a detour to Thailand.

A legal identity, then smuggling to the Golden Triangle, and finally from the Golden Triangle

Sanjiao went to Vietnam. This was to create a personality for himself, making it appear that he was Thai and hung out in the Golden Triangle all the year round. Perhaps the drug dealer in Nensi Township met Cheng Fu in the Golden Triangle.

. With the system at his side, Cheng Fu, even if he was nothing in the Golden Triangle, he could still pretend to be a local in front of the Vietnamese drug dealers who were also foreigners. Although Cheng Yu didn't know that his system could

What kind of help can be given to him in this regard, but Cheng Yu has reason to believe that this kind of help must exist. The Shenhu system can definitely do it, so the system in Cheng Fu must also be able to do it. Sometimes, Cheng Yu

I even thought that if one day I met Cheng Fu, Cheng Yu's first sentence would be to ask Cheng Fu if he had a system in his head. It wouldn't matter whether Cheng Fu was shocked or not. The key is that his system should also be able to do it.

There must be a prevention mechanism like the God Digging System, which does not allow the host to reveal the secret of owning the system in any way. Although Cheng Fu definitely did not leak it, Cheng Yu accurately stated this fact, and he did not know

Will Cheng Fu's system choose to kill him on the spot?

If possible, this is obviously not good news for the Shenxi system, but it does no harm to Cheng Yu. Of course, in that case, Cheng Yu would be equivalent to giving up on Cheng Guangnian. Cheng Yu obviously did not have him

He really didn't care about Cheng Guangnian's life or death as he said, so this was just a thought that flashed through his mind. Cheng Yu would definitely not do it. If Cheng Fu's system didn't

It's okay if he was wiped out, but if he was, Cheng Guangnian might not be able to wake up.

Master Cheng is in Nensi Township!

Once this idea appeared, it uncontrollably occupied Cheng Yu's entire brain.

To be honest, if the system hadn't been so abnormal, Cheng Yu would never have thought of this.

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that Cheng Yu's long trip to Bangkok was all in vain?

Well, it can’t be regarded as wasted effort. If Cheng Fu was really in Nensi Township, Cheng Yu went to Bangkok and at least saved a mother and son and changed their destiny. This is actually a truly meritorious thing, right?

Cheng Yu couldn't help but think of this four-character idiom that he had forbidden Sun Jiancheng to say again. In Cheng Yu's opinion, saving Chu Chu's life was really not that meritorious. Whether Chu Chu lived or died, it only affected her.

.Her parents may be affected for a period of time, but it is not that profound. Such changes may happen to any family, and it is not uncommon for a person with white hair to send someone with black hair. To put it bluntly,

Chu Chu's original fate was really to die. If there was no Divine Digging System in this world, it would be almost impossible for her to be rescued. Therefore, it was not Cheng Yu who saved Chu Chu, but the Divine Digging System. Even this incident is considered a great merit.

, that is also the merits of the god-picking system, or the writing of the god-picking system

The higher creature who controlled this process has infinite merits. But in the case of Qin Na and Qin Zheng, mother and son, Cheng Yu really changed their destiny. They had a chance not to live like that.

, but was harmed by a father who was not worthy of being a father at all, and fell into that situation. It was really a hell on earth. And Cheng Yu did meet them because of the God System and went to help them.

.But if Cheng Yu didn’t have a divine system, he would just be a

If a tourist in Thailand encounters something like this, will he really stand by and watch? The answer is not certain.

Therefore, in the end, Cheng Yu moved his heart of compassion and saved the mother and son, and arranged a better way out for them. This is the true sense of immeasurable merit. According to the time, Cheng Fu was about seven days ago

Taking a train from Bangkok to Chiang Rai, one day is enough for him to enter the Golden Triangle area from Chiang Rai. If his ultimate goal is to come to Nensi Township in Vietnam, then

It seems understandable why he stayed in Bangkok for as long as a week after obtaining legal status in Thailand.

He is just waiting for time. Of course, it doesn't matter whether he waits in Bangkok or Chiang Rai, but Cheng Fu will definitely not choose to wait in the Golden Triangle. It is too dangerous there. Even if Cheng Fu has systematic help, he will not wait there.

Put yourself in danger. That's not

Awesome and reckless. If it were Cheng Yu who had the choice, Cheng Yu would also choose to wait in Bangkok. First of all, Bangkok is the only city in Thailand where the living standard can almost catch up with developed countries. Living in Bangkok, as long as you have money, you will definitely live a good life.

It is more comfortable. And Cheng Fu obviously should not be short of money. Secondly, Bangkok is densely populated, and it is not easy to be discovered among more than 10 million people. In Chiang Rai, one million

People are scattered over more than 10,000 square kilometers

In this land, his appearance should look special no matter where he is.

Or maybe Cheng Fu has other purposes.

In short, if Cheng Fu made an appointment with the people in Nensi Township six or five days ago, then all his actions in Thailand will be based on it. As for Cheng Yu, in fact, it was almost five days ago.

I decided to go to Vietnam to explore before, but it happened that Du Xiaoyu went to drink and caused Chu Chu's incident, which directly led to Cheng Yu not being able to go to Vietnam as originally planned. Instead, he accompanied Du Xiaoyu to Jingmen, thus

A special mission was triggered, so from the perspective of the Shenzhen system, this trip was completely derailed. But because Cheng Yu triggered the special mission, the system could not prevent it.

To prevent Cheng Yu from completing the task, he can only wait for Cheng Yu to return to Wudong and Chu Chu's side to produce results. Now, although the special task has not yet ended, Chu Chu's side has come to an end, and Cheng Yu no longer needs to rush there.

, so the system responded immediately. It wanted to give Cheng Yu a push when he went to Nensi Township.


But the problem is that even if the system doesn't do this, Cheng Yu is still preparing to go there tomorrow. Is the system simply not trying to read Cheng Yu's thinking, or does it have other agendas? Cheng Yu found that he was simply confused now. Everything

As long as he has anything to do with the system, he will become extra cautious. It seems that this time, the gambling agreement of the system is really unforgettable for Cheng Yu, almost

All your efforts are wasted and your points are cleared. Is there anything more serious than this?

System, system, do you have any other purpose? You are making me not want to go to Nensi Township! If the system reads Cheng Yu's brain now, it will probably vomit blood all over the sky.

Yes, it probably never imagined that Cheng Yu would be bitten by a snake once and have been afraid of well ropes for ten years.

This chapter has been completed!
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