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Chapter 1,118 A night visit to Nensi Township (Part 2)


Just when Cheng Yu was scratching his head, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck from the sky, and the whole world turned into daylight almost instantly.

Cheng Yu was so frightened that he subconsciously jumped sideways and got into the low bushes nearby. It was not that Cheng Yu was timid and afraid of lightning, nor was it because Cheng Yu was afraid of the thunder that would arrive late after the lightning because the speed of sound is slower than the speed of light. Even if Cheng Yu

Not long after Yu threw himself into the bushes, there was indeed a burst of thunder in the sky.

It was as if someone had set off a huge two-kick in the sky, and the sound was so loud that it could almost explode the world.

The reason why Cheng Yu was startled was because it was too bright just now, as if it was daytime again. Cheng Yu was afraid that the people below would accidentally see him standing here.

Looking down in the bushes, Cheng Yu didn't find any signs of anyone wanting to go out. This meant that no one saw anyone on the top of the mountain. But this also reminded Cheng Yu that he should be careful and don't think he was there.

In this night where there are no stars and moon but only heavy rain, no one can see him. If someone accidentally looks at Cheng Yu during the lightning,

The direction, you can even see clearly whether there are moles on his face.

Just as he was about to come out of the bushes, another bolt of lightning passed by in the sky, and Cheng Yu had to shrink his head.

However, due to his current position and his low posture, he finally realized that there was something about the village below that seemed familiar to him.

It was not because he had been to Yao Village that he was familiar with the layout here, but because the layout of the houses in this village made Cheng Yu feel as if he had seen it before.

Unfortunately, it was too dark now, and Cheng Yu couldn't see anything at all. He could only continue to lie there, waiting for the next lightning to come.

Lying on his stomach was because Cheng Yu realized that only in this position and from this angle could he be closest to the pattern he had just seen, and could he more effectively see the reason why he felt inexplicably familiar.

The lightning didn't come for a long time, and Cheng Yu was running out of patience.

He was quite tired lying there. No matter how long he stayed in any posture, he would feel uncomfortable, especially when it was raining heavily and Cheng Yu was lying wet between the soil and shrubs.

Cheng Yu wanted to adjust his body and change his posture so that his already stiff body could feel more comfortable. As he stretched out his hands and legs, Cheng Yu seemed to have kicked something. At first, Cheng Yu thought it was a stone or a tree root.

Something like that, but Cheng Yu subconsciously tested it with his feet and found that the thing was angular and very hard. It was definitely not a rotten tree root, but more like a stone.

Pillars and stuff like that.

He simply stood up and turned around to look. Cheng Yu groped carefully in the darkness and finally found what he had just kicked with his toes.

When his hands touched the top, Cheng Yu immediately knew that this was definitely not a tree root or a stone, but an artificially carved stone bar.

This was a stone pillar with a square cross-section. It was inserted into the soil and was very solid. Cheng Yu couldn't see clearly and measured it with his hands. The side length was less than ten centimeters, but the length outside the soil was about twenty centimeters.

About centimeters, Cheng Yu didn’t know how long the part buried underground was. However, because

Because the soil here was not too strong, he shook the stone pillar vigorously, but it did not move at all. This at least meant that the part of the stone pillar buried in the soil was far greater than the part on the ground.

When measuring with his hands, Cheng Yu felt that there were traces of carvings on the stone pillars. He got closer and took a closer look. Cheng Yu felt that they looked like Chinese characters.

Cheng Yu's phone is said to be waterproof, or at least splash-proof, but I don't know if it can withstand such a heavy rain.

Cheng Yu took out his phone, turned on the screen, and then selected the flashlight function.

With the light from the flash of his mobile phone, Cheng Yu saw that the stone pillar was indeed carved with Chinese characters.

"The Fourth Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty..."

Only these five words can be seen on the 20 centimeters or so of the part that is exposed above the ground.

Cheng Yu only hesitated for a moment, then pulled out a thick branch from the nearby bush and started digging the soil near the stone pillar with the branch.

The mud here is not very strong, and with the erosion from the heavy rain, it is not difficult to dig. However, the tools Cheng Yu uses are not very good. If there is a small shovel, it will be much more efficient.

But no one was urging Cheng Yu at the moment. He just needed to keep working hard. Gradually, Cheng Yu gained insights and gained experience. He no longer used paper strips to dig into the soil, but kept poking it with paper strips.

Pushing the soil, it became looser and looser. Then, when he grabbed it with his hand, it was a big handful, a large piece.

, much more efficient than digging the soil directly with branches.

It was dug down for another thirty centimeters. Cheng Yu turned on his mobile phone to illuminate it and saw that the writing on the bottom was covered with mud. Cheng Yu poured some rainwater on it and wiped it a few times, and he could basically see the writing on it clearly.

The handwriting is up.

"At the end of the forty-sixth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Yao Ji took..."

Gone again.

Cheng Yu was helpless and continued to poke the soil with branches, trying to make it softer. Then he took out the soil with both hands, trying to figure out what was carved on the stone pillar. After digging for more than twenty centimeters, Cheng Yu

Yu felt that the stone pillar seemed to have become loose. He grabbed the head of the stone pillar and shook it back and forth a few times. Sure enough, the stone pillar was completely loose, which meant that there was not much underneath the soil. He then

Shake it a few times and pull it out with all your strength...

Cheng Yu sat down on the ground, but the stone pillar was finally pulled out of the hole like a carrot.

Ignoring the pain in his butt, Cheng Yu hurriedly washed the mud-covered stone pillar with rainwater.

After the washing was almost done, he rubbed the stone pillar back and forth on his trouser legs, finally cleaning all the dirt.

Cheng Yu turned on his phone and illuminated the stone pillar, and finally read all the words on the stone pillar.

"At the end of the forty-sixth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, the Yao Ji took the good and brought the clan members to stand under the pillar as the souls of the dead."

This is all the writing on the stone pillar. Cheng Yu looked at it for a long time and was not sure what it meant. The forty-sixth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty is easy to say. Because Cheng Yu studied the treasure, he roughly remembered that it was around the beginning of the seventeenth century.

, it should be around 1610. At that time, Vietnam was just after Ruan Huang returned to the south after being tabooed by Zheng Song, and completely strangled Guangnan, the choke point. Although the confrontation between the north and the south had not yet truly formed,

But the era of the Nguyen Lord's regime has also appeared. During that time, the two regimes in the north and the south were actively operating their own separatist areas, especially Zheng Song in the north was actively stationing troops. The Vietnamese people were miserable. Not only did Vietnamese soldiers often harass the Chinese border,

Even ordinary people carrying hoes dared to come over to grab a vote and leave. In that era, there were frequent wars on the Sino-Vietnamese border. There were even remnants of the Mo Dynasty who had usurped the throne. They crossed the border to stir up trouble. The ancestors of Mr. Ji Manzi were never determined.

In what era did it come to Vietnam? Now it’s because this stone pillar can almost confirm

It’s settled. The end of the year is the end of the year. Yao naturally refers to his identity and clan. Ji Qushan and Cheng Yu estimate that he may be an ancestor of Mr. Ji Manzi. At least the surname Ji can be compared with Ji Manzi.

old gentleman's surname

It corresponds.

Of course, there is nothing much to say about carrying people to establish pillars. It is easy to understand. But the last six words are incomprehensible.

What does it mean to be a human being at the bottom and a dead soul at the top? The entire sentence can definitely be separated to the pillars, and the following six words are definitely not right to be connected together. So normally from the perspective of the confrontation, it should be a human being at the bottom and a dead soul at the top.

.But what does this mean?

? I will be a human in my next life? I was a dead soul in my previous life? This cannot be explained. Although he wanted to understand what the words on this stone pillar meant, Cheng Yu still carefully checked the stone pillar and did not see any writing or patterns.

, he thought for a while and inserted the stone pillar back again,

Then he filled back the soil he had dug out just now, and even brought some more soil from the side to cover up the exposed part of the stone pillar, which was equivalent to completely burying the stone pillar below the ground.

Yu will definitely not be able to take it away for the time being. It is really a bit heavy. Once he is sure whether the treasure exists or not and Cheng Yu has dealt with the poppy and the militants here, he will definitely take it away. If there is any possibility

Yes, he still wants to give this stone pillar to Mr. Ji Manzi, so that he can see the relics of his ancestors and leave a message to their clan. But at this stage, Cheng Yu can't do it yet.

arrived, but he was worried that if the stone pillar was still exposed like this, Cheng Fu was also hunting for treasure here. If he could find it, Cheng Fu might not find it, so he buried the stone pillar completely.

Come on, let Fu Cheng not have a chance to see it. This is the best policy.

After everything was ready, the lightning that Cheng Yu had been waiting for for a long time came again. Unfortunately, his back was turned to the bottom of the mountain at this time, so he could not see what was going on below.

When Cheng Yu returned to his previous position and posture, the lightning stopped coming again.

Damn it, what the hell are you kidding me about? Are you going to do me a favor by making lightning to take a look at the godly system?

While he continued to lie there and wait, and kept muttering words about being a human being and a dead soul above all, Cheng Yu looked at the village below, and suddenly seemed to think of something. Someone will have a village, and after having a village and settling down,

Naturally, one cannot escape birth, aging, illness and death. This stone pillar must not have been buried underground before. Judging from the length of the stone pillar, it is less than one and a half meters, and Cheng Yu saw that

The part that emerged from the soil was only about twenty centimeters. Judging from the writings engraved on it, it must not have been buried like this. The soil on that piece of land was relatively soft. Cheng Yu estimated that it might not have been that high before, and the stone pillars were inserted into it.

In the ground, it is probably the length of the part without inscriptions on the bottom, which is about twenty or thirty centimeters. And the part with inscriptions is

The writing part is about 1.2 meters long. Standing beside the road, it must have served as a memorial and guide. Looking down the mountain from the stone pillar, you can see that they are all houses, that is, places where people live. Four hundred years ago

When Qishan came here, there were definitely not that many clan members, and there weren't that many houses down there. He had left a lot of space.

Build a house for future generations. Then, the three words "be a human being" can be easily explained.

As for the souls of the dead, since people are subject to birth, old age, illness and death, and people in ancient times had to be buried in the ground after death, where should they be buried? On the mountain, so, the souls of the dead are here.

The part of this stone pillar that goes up the mountain is where the souls of the dead live.

Ji Qishan erected this stone pillar here, firstly, to separate the yin and yang, and secondly, he hoped that future generations would remember that people should be buried high after death, so that they can go to high places in their next life.

When Cheng Yu saw this stone pillar, only about 20 centimeters were exposed. This is because the mountain has always had some slight landslides over the past four hundred years. It is like being washed away by such heavy rain, and the rainwater mixed with the soil comes down. Here,

Everywhere you encounter stone pillars, they tend to pile up, and slowly, the parts of the stone pillars buried higher and higher in the ground become what they are today.

This chapter has been completed!
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