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Chapter 1,142 Good luck all the time


Regarding that task, even the Shenhu System itself said that it had no idea that Cheng Yu would complete the task in a way that was completely outside the scope of its calculations.

Thinking about it now, Cheng Yu also felt that in that mission, not only was he deliberately creating "good luck", but his own luck was actually ridiculously good.

After that is the first additional task after the task system is upgraded to the intermediate stage.

Cheng Yu still didn't feel the difficulty of the task at that time. It seemed that the difficulty of executing the additional task was not even higher than the primary task three he went to Russia.

This was of course what he thought at the time, but now that Cheng Yu thought about it, there were actually many coincidences in the completion of that additional task.

Normally, in Mong Street, it is already a very difficult task for anyone to deal with Master Qi, not to mention that the content of the additional task is to find Master Qi and the Lafayette behind him. It can be said that Cheng Fu

The bonus that was coerced by Master Qi was the perfect entry point for Cheng Yu to complete that task. If it weren't for the intervention of another system, it would have been extremely difficult for Cheng Yu to complete that additional task.

Difficult. With Cheng Yu possessing both martial arts and firearms skills, it is really not that difficult to annihilate all Qi Ye’s forces in Mang Street. Considering Cheng Yu’s understanding of Qi Ye, even if Qi Ye dies, I’m afraid Cheng Yu will

It is difficult for Yu to get clues about Lafayette from him. Even if Master Qi spits it out, as long as Lafayette does not come to Mong Street, it can be said that Cheng Yu is almost like a dog biting a hedgehog. The Golden Triangle is close to 200,000 square kilometers.

Most of the area is mountainous and rainforest

, even if Cheng Yu had extraordinary abilities, there was no way he could find out Lafayette. But Cheng Fu's phone call threat made Qi Ye violate his own code of conduct and even issued a bonus to his guest. It seems that

It didn't seem to have any bad consequences, but it made Qi Ye and several others

Irreconcilable conflicts arose between the brothers.

Of course, Master Qi knew this, so he became more and more urgent. On one side was the strong pressure from Lafayette, and on the other hand was Li Wenshi, who was eyeing him. His brothers even had an attempt to drain the fire, even though Master Qi knew that Lafayette could not see it.

Even if it is Lao Thirteen, the Seventh Master must know that Lafayette actually wants Mong Street to be in chaos, just like it was more than ten years ago, because the Seventh Master has also been vaguely suspected of being a big deal in recent years, and the secret relationship between him and Li Wenshi

Fighting has already touched upon the fundamental interests of Lafayette.

——The two chess pieces that Lafayette placed on Mong Street actually played the trick of guarding and stealing. If it weren't for the hanging red, the conflict between the Seventh Master and Lao Shisan would not have broken out so quickly.

Naturally, there is nothing to do next. As long as the brothers still work together, even if Li Wenshi snatches one

But as long as Master Qi can get the goods out smoothly this time, all the troubles will be solved.

However, the brother's trick of fighting against the wall actually happened to Qi Ye, which forced him to make a desperate move and rush to open a breakthrough from Cheng Yu. And Cheng Yu happened to be the one person he could never offend. This was the personal nuclear weapon.

, so Afeng and his gang all fell into the hands of Cheng Yu, and this accelerated the madness of Li Wenshi and Lao Shisan, which eventually led to

Master Qi had no choice but to use his trump card in advance - the sniper whose existence even A Feng didn't know existed. Honestly speaking, if that sniper hadn't met Cheng Yu, he would have almost become Master Qi's comeback.

Capital, and even thinking about it now, Cheng Yu believed that Qi Ye’s purpose of raising the sniper was not at all like Mangjie.

He had reserved a little bit of territory to use the sniper to deal with Lafayette one day. Unfortunately, a series of changes made Qi Ye almost alone, and he had to expose the sniper in advance. Mong Street

It was a big chaos, but Mong Street shouldn’t have been in chaos. It looked like it was getting ready to go, but in fact, the root cause came from Cheng Fu’s threatening phone call. If it weren’t for systematic help, even if someone really wanted to escape,


When the disciples arrived at Mong Street, they were absolutely unable to coerce Master Qi to issue such a red offering.

Master Qi's "treachery" caused his opponents, his subordinates, and his brothers to follow suit, and Mong Street became chaotic. Lafayette hoped that Mong Street would be chaotic, but he never wanted Mong Street to be chaotic.

It ended, so he had to come to suppress the battle and supervise the battle. He hoped that this chaos could help him obtain a new "Seventh Master" like he did more than ten years ago.

Unexpectedly, even his men wanted to rebel against him. Of course, even if there was no Cheng Yu, no Cheng Fu, and no chaos in Mong Street, the conflict between Lafayette and Susan would break out sooner or later, but don’t forget

Well, it would never be that time. As long as Lafayette did not leave the Golden Triangle, or even Laos, Susan could do nothing to him. Only if Lafayette left the Golden Triangle, he had to enter Vietnam, and he did not bring enough people.

, Susan's men in Hanoi, those who passed by Colonel Nguyen and his

Only the subordinates who have been specially trained by the adjutant can really play a role. Otherwise, once they leave Hanoi, or even before they leave Vietnam, Lafayette must have discovered that there is something wrong with Susan.

Therefore, the reason why Lafayette can appear in Mangjie is still Fu Cheng. Cheng Yu was able to find out so smoothly that the mastermind behind Qiye was Lafayette, and the man who seeks benevolence and benevolence found his way to Mangjie in just a few days.

I met Lafayette himself on the street. It was completely Cheng Fu, the guy who got the system by accident.

As a matter of fact, this point cannot be calculated by the God Digging System.

To put it bluntly, it was Cheng Yu's luck.

Of course, the second half of the additional mission was not due to luck. In fact, if Cheng Yu had not arranged it properly, he would have missed out on Lafayette. The second half of the additional mission fully demonstrated Cheng Yu's step-by-step approach and layout ability.

Of course, if it was not to uproot Lafayette's power, but just to complete the task, Cheng Yu would not need to do it.

so much.

In the end, Lafayette was killed, Lafayette's lair was destroyed, and the forces he had worked so hard for twenty or thirty years were wiped out. This made Cheng Yu not realize the difficulty of this task at all.

Until Cheng Yu encountered that special task. Well, even if the difficulty of the special task is a special existence, then the intermediate task two finally made Cheng Yu realize the difficulty of the intermediate task stage, which is different from the novice task stage and the elementary task stage.

mission phase fundamentals

On the contrary, tasks in the intermediate task stage will obviously have an extremely difficult step to complete. This will even affect the additional tasks in the intermediate task stage. Intermediate task one, the most difficult step to complete the task is not the task

In itself, but in that task, Cheng Yu must not let anyone doubt that he has super abilities in any way. Once Xue Zhenghao gives birth to Cheng Yu,

With the thought of superpowers, this mission would be declared a failure. But Cheng Yu made everyone except Xue Zhenghao and Qi Ye think that Queen Xiaomuji's crown was taken away by him, thus making the danger that Xue Zhenghao originally faced no longer possible.

exists again, which completely avoids Xue Zhenghao’s

Having the opportunity to see Cheng Yu's extraordinary ability naturally bypasses the most difficult point in this task. As for the additional task three, the most difficult part is of course to find out the identity of Lafayette and get rid of him. If it weren't for Cheng Yu,

Fu's threat, if Lafayette had just stayed in his base camp in the Golden Triangle, Cheng Yu would not be able to do anything except face-to-face

Apart from killing everyone in and out of Lafayette's base camp, there is almost no better way to kill Lafayette. But it was Cheng Fu's method that made Lafayette, who could never shrink back, appear in Mang.

Street, this is equivalent to sending a sheep to the tiger's doorstep. If Cheng Yu hadn't taken it upon himself to uproot Lafayette's influence,

It is impossible for Lafayette to leave Mong Cai.

Therefore, Cheng Yu once again bypassed the most difficult part of this task. He still did not know that the difficulty of the intermediate task stage had reached such a level.

Now, Cheng Yu finally knew how difficult the intermediate task stage really was, and the more so, the more he dared not give up on this task.

It is difficult to do this in the intermediate mission stage, and in the high-level mission stage, people will not feel despair after accepting the mission and want to give up directly.

To be honest, mission punishment is nothing to Cheng Yu now. Even if the penalty for mission failure in the advanced mission stage is ten times the mission duration, Cheng Yu really doesn't care that much.

But that damn mission success rate is one of the decisive factors that determines whether Cheng Yu can get rid of the God's system. Cheng Yu doesn't want to live in this world cautiously with this damn system for the rest of his life. Cheng Yu has now

There is a failed mission, and if he can successfully survive the remaining two intermediate missions without triggering additional missions, then after he enters the advanced mission stage, he only needs to complete

For a high-level mission, his mission completion rate can reach the standard - of course, provided that additional missions and special missions are not triggered.

But if Cheng Yu is in a difficult position and unable to do anything at the intermediate task stage, then Cheng Yu really can't think of any chance for him to pass the advanced task stage.

Intermediate mission two, if it weren't for the prohibition of harming unrelated people, Cheng Yu could have completed the rest on the first day with Barrett in hand.

But now, everything is stuck on how to rescue "irrelevant people".

For this reason, Cheng Yu even wanted to cut off the electricity to the village first.

This is not difficult to do. As long as you figure out where the cable to the village is, Cheng Yu has many ways to prevent the cable from being repaired.

This means that sneaking into the village is not difficult in an absolute sense. Even if the village is as bright as day, even a mosquito flying in will immediately attract Ruan Qingzhu's attention. But what if you enter the village? Even if you use

Extreme means to kill any militants he encounters, but how can Cheng Yu gather the more than 20 people together and convince them to leave the village with him?

Although hypnosis works well, it is not a group skill. Even if Cheng Yu doesn't care about the points, he can't hypnotize more than 20 people collectively. Of course, if these 20 people are really concentrated

If he gets up and has enough operating time, Cheng Yu can knock these people unconscious. Even if he uses teleportation to transport them away two by two, it will only cost more than 200 yuan.

It's just points. As for Ruan Qingzhu and the more than 100 people under his command, they have more than 10,000 points. These more than 200 points are considered mosquito legs.

Moreover, Cheng Yu simply suspected that this was the system's intention. Otherwise, why was there no "not to reveal the secret of one's own superpowers in any way" in the content of this mission? This was clearly encouraging Cheng Yu to knock out the gang.

The person then used superpowers to take them away. As for whether they would think they were saved by gods after they woke up, Cheng Yu couldn't control that much.

This chapter has been completed!
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